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I just finished reading Havemercy by Jaida Jones & Danielle Bennett. My parents brought the book with me on their visit to Waterloo (my mother to be leaving the country in two weeks and I not going home in the time between!), it having been delivered two weeks ago and sitting all by its lonesome at home with no one to read it. I meant not to read it quite so soon, what with a half-dozen projects still to work on, and my normal readings to do on top of that.

Nevertheless, last night, I decided I'd just read for two hours before I slept (I ended up reading for three), and then this morning I came home from the gym, wanting to read just another chapter or two, and ended up finishing the entire book some three hours later. I'm rather enamored of it, most of all the characters, Rook especially.

That's not to say that I loved it unreservedly; it hasn't trumped my favourite books out of their place (and from here onward I will quite certainly be mentioning spoilery bits). I found it disconcertingly similar to Melusine by Sarah Monette, both in key plot devices and most certainly in writing style - I've always found first person harder to enjoy, all the more so when the reader is thrust into some event without any backstory. I did however, enjoy Havemercy more than Melusine, mostly having to do with the characters being more lovable and much less frustrating, and I suppose that the influence can't be so surprising, given as I read Melusine per the recommendation of Jaida Jones in the first place.

Another thing that bothered me was that as the story progressed, Hal's character became less self possessed, turning too much for my tastes, into something of a damsel in distress whose sole purpose was to pine over his beloved (which it assuredly was not, only once in a while it did feel that way). Which is why I suppose that Rook and Roy were my favourite, simply being of a stronger personality.

I did rather enjoy the plot twist revelation, despite it ringing similar to Melusine again - more simply because it meant more interaction with Rook, and seeing the subtle changes in his behaviour.

One thing I found was that the main portion of the plot moved a little too quickly for me, or perhaps simply with too little descriptive, or narrative from certain characters (such as more insight from Roy himself of the symptoms of the illness). Nevertheless, I wholeheartedly enjoyed the climax battle of the story, even though it broke my heart to see the girls go down, as little as we were introduced to them - especially Havemercy, whose snarky, foul-mouthed behaviour I immediately adored.

All in all, the ending of the book left me quite satisfied, and the book packed a most delicious sort of emotional punch - I think I would have had a better time getting into the story were there less of the narrative-switching, and I would certainly enjoy a story revolving solely around the Dragon Corps (if pressed to say, I would have argued that Roy and Hal were not entirely necessary for the story). But I am quite happy with the book and I'm looking much forward to the sequel - though perhaps I need a new bookcase first...

2:31 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Of no particular note, it's interesting to me, the statistics of my email usage. This past (work) week, I have averaged 4.6 emails sent out a day. Last (full) week was 3.7. My sent messages box, in which I have been keeping emails via Outlook since June 2006, has 4206 emails, averaging to roughly 2103 emails a year, 175 a month, 5.8 a week. Interesting (to me anyway).

[ETA:] Actually, that's not true. I specifically remember deleting certain sent emails (ie. reminder emails for the SBSA conference to attendees). But by and large, I tend not to clear out my sent messages folder, if only to make it easier to remember/proof certain discussions.

3:22 p.m. // this is my reality \\



So my Taxation 1 midterm was brutal - much harder than I was expecting. The one, small bright spot in the exam was the question three asked for us to calculate Virginia "Pepper" Potts's employment income from Stark Industries. AWESOME. Included in the background info we were given was the employee fringe benefit she received in the form of formal dresses and evening wear and a salary bonus for extenuating circumstances (being chased around by Obediah/Iron Monger anyone?)

Too bad the awesome-ness didn't make up for the exam being way too long, and having to write the Business Law midterm half an hour later.

9:18 p.m. // this is my reality \\



I had Ben Lee's "Gamble Everything for Love" song stuck in my head; solution? 21 wallpaper.

10:10 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Tetley's Iced Green Tea with Pomegranate is growing on me - its level of sweetness (very low) is an acquired taste, but I'm starting to enjoy it.

8:39 p.m. // this is my reality \\


The fire alarm in the building has now gone off 4 times in the last hour and a half. Either we have a malfunctioning fire alarm, or someone is trying to play a joke that is decidedly not funny.

At least I have cookies.

3:42 p.m. // this is my reality \\



My personality type: the determined realist. Take the free iPersonic personality test!

Apparently that's me, the "Determined Realist".

11:28 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Well, despite the fact that I really should have been studying, I finally made a new layout for Illusoire! I've only been trying for the last two days to make something that I liked. There are a handful of new wallpapers and blends, including the Iron Man wallpaper that wasn't (and it was my favourite of the new pieces too!), and another sitting on my computer I'll upload later. What a time to be getting back into graphics work.

Also, new layout, and I revamped my livejournal. Next/last: new layout for revelations.

9:23 p.m. // this is my reality \\



That just breaks my heart. I spent a good two hours working on a new wallpaper, saved the PSP file, then saved a copy as JPG. I noticed something I wanted fixing, but when I went to open the original PSP file, it was gone - like it had never fucking existed. All that work just disappeared into some crazy ether of my computer. I have absolutely no idea what happened, but I'm devestated.

6:35 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Three down, four more to go.

I really wish people outside would shut up.

12:21 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Somebody kill me please. For the last two hours I have had my huge-ass copy of the Income Tax Act open on my desk, in addition to:

a) soft-cover Intro to Fed. Income Tax textbook
b) course pack
c) class notes/problems

the latter three from which I was taking notes and compiling to annotate said huge-ass Income Tax Act, all so I can have an "effective" tool to use in midterms/exams. Not that, in the time constraints of said exams, I will be able to find a damn thing in the Act, what with it being the size it is, and my not knowing that the Standby Charge employment benefit is in paragraph 6(1)(e) as opposed to some other paragraph.

12:31 a.m. // this is my reality \\
