Q. Why don't they have Christmas at Western?
A. They can't find a virgin and three wise men.
Q. What do you get when you drive quickly through the Laurier campus?
A. An undergraduate degree.
Q. What's the first thing a York girl does when she wakes up in the morning?
A. Walks home.
Q. What does a U of T student call a Waterloo student after graduation?
A. Boss.
Q. Did you hear that the library at Ryerson burned down?
A. Naturally, the students were very upset....some of the books weren't colored-in yet.
Q. Why do York graduates put a copy of their diploma in the window of their vehicles?
A. So they can park in handicap spaces.
Q. How do you get a Western grad off your front porch?
A. Pay him for the pizza.
Q. Who does the Waterloo Engineering Society fear the most?
A. Immigration.
7:36 p.m.
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reality \\

I wish this weekend had never ended. Completely free from work and stress and obligations, I just spent the weekend with Mok, doing absolutely nothing at all. We went out for dinner at Panorama, which was a fascinating experience to say the least. We went grocery shopping, we walked around Bloor St. and we watched movies at home. It was comfortable and natural and just like home.
11:07 p.m.
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reality \\

Midterms are done!
10:33 p.m.
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reality \\

I love zucchini - just thought you all should know.
4:27 p.m.
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reality \\

Course registration sucks when they change the code to your program so that classes that are reserved for you don't allow you to enroll because you do not meet "reserve requirements." Gdmt. Nonetheless, schedule created, and it is not terrible, except for the fact that Wednesday nights I have half an hour for dinner between my Calculus tutorial and my Microbiology lab (why why why do I still have to take Microbiology labs?!)
3:47 p.m.
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reality \\

So uh, I love baking. And eating the products of my baking - I especially like that. I also like how whenever I need to study or generally do work, but I have lots of time to do it - I bake. Baking is my procastination method of choice. At least it produces sweet, sweet baked goods.
I'm going to be so chubby by the time this year ends.
9:19 p.m.
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reality \\

So, this Management midterm is going to be a crapshoot. And by crapshoot, I mean it is CRAP. The sample midterm is ridiculous!
3:40 p.m.
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reality \\

One of the most peculiar things about living in res and in suite style is having to buy your own groceries. At home, my mom bought all our groceries, and she checked out what was on sale, and shopped accordingly. Now the task has fallen to me, and you may be sure I am as spendthrifty as my mother. But the problem is, at home, we checked flyers from various different grocery stores, and made the necessary trips out. Here, I don't really have any choice: the grocery shuttle either takes me to Valuemart (the Waterloo equivalent to Loblaws) or Sobeys, regardless of where the sales are at - which means I constantly have purchasing dilemmas, as I mull over whether to spend money and eat, or not.
11:24 p.m.
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reality \\

So I was feeling pretty crappy an hour or so ago, having done two whole hours of taking Chemistry notes, and still having a pile of work staring me in the face. But a couple things made me feel better: talking to Danny and Derek and Phil, coming back to find Mok had come home, Cory bringing me home-made chocolate cake, and remembering I have no Cell Biology lecture tomorrow, which means no class until 2.30!
I enjoy the little pleasures in life.
11:47 p.m.
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reality \\

I did laundry by myself for the very first time today, and I didn't turn anything pink! I feel a strong sense of personal satisfaction.
12:59 p.m.
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reality \\

Ooh Cell Biology, why must you teach me so many new and alternate terms? Why can't we just keep calling triglycerides triglycerides? Why this new triacylglycerol? If all phosphoglycerides are phospholipids, are all phospholipids phosphoglycerides?
1:23 p.m.
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reality \\

Mmmm Tim Hortins chili is very good. Also, I think they undercharged me for it... mmm.
12:55 p.m.
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reality \\

Leftover turkey dinner = delicious. Mmmmmmm my goodness gravy is the best invention in the world. Going home was nice, but leaving's tough. And I didn't really get to see people as much as I'd hoped. Midterms are coming up so I'll be holed up in my room for a while.
7:08 p.m.
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reality \\

Commencement was wonderful; seeing everybody was wonderful. It's so different when it's your own Commencement. I've been to every MDSH Commencement since Gr. 9, but it's so very different when it is you and your friends that are the ones going up and being spoken about, when you're the one walking across the stage, when you give a standing ovation because these are the people you're grown up with for the last four years, and you are so proud of their accomplishments. Everything goes so much faster - you think you'll have time to talk and reminisce about life, and catch up with friends, but there really isn't. The minutes flow into hours, and before you know it people are straggling out of the graduate reception; people are lining up to proceed into the banquet hall, we're getting ready to receive our diplomas and we're taking one last picture beside the fountain. I miss high school, I miss the people I've grown to love, but there's no doubt that there's no way back - we must move forward.
6:23 p.m.
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reality \\

So of course the fire alarm goes off at three in the morning, the one night I go to sleep at 1:00.
7:10 a.m.
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reality \\

It is a bitch to get things temporarily moved to different days and different sections - but damn hopefully the five day weekend will be worth it. I've been working like a fiend this week trying to get everything done early so I don't have anything hanging over my head when I come home. Although knowing me I'll still be stressing all weekend.
I went to Knocking Down Silos tonight, the networking event put on by Science and Business Students Assoc. It was actually a lot of fun, really interesting, Dave Howlett was a great speaker (tangent: I'm sad I missed the Stephen Lewis keynote at Homecoming!); I learned a lot of good networking tips and met some new people, so all in all, good times.
Can't wait to see (almost) all of you at Commencement! If you say mean things about the yearbook you'll make me cry! And then I'll have to beat you :)
1:04 a.m.
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reality \\

Note to self: I am bad at learning and replicating dance routines. Why am I still going to hiphop club?
1:01 a.m.
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Some guy (and I use such a friendly term very lightly) in the suite right beside mine left his alarm clock set, locked his door, and went home for the weekend. His alarm has been going off at six in the fucking morning, every morning, for 45 fucking minutes before it shuts the hell up. I finally got up this morning to figure out what was going on. I feel bad for the guy's roommate - dear god.
7:06 a.m.
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reality \\

So I wake up in the middle of the night to this incessant beeping. I have no idea what it is, but it's this low, low beeping that sounds like an alarm someone didn't turn off. I thought it was in my roommates' rooms, but when I went outside to investigate, I realised it was louder in my room than anywhere else. Obviously it was in the suite next to mine, and I couldn't go over there and tell them to shut it up. Damn thin walls.
9:54 a.m.
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reality \\