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I dreamt of the most beautiful apartment this morning - I wish I could describe it, but what I saw in my mind I couldn't put to words with enough justice. I remember thinking, in my dream, what a lovely home - I could never design something like this. And waking up and realising that somehow, it was my mind that created it. Is it silly to fall in love with a place that doesn't exist?

10:11 a.m. // this is my reality \\



You want to know how two chemicals interact, do you ask them? No, they're going to lie through their lying little chemical teeth.

I <3 House ^_^

8:20 p.m. // this is my reality \\



So after work today I drove to Yvonne's to meet up with the girls. We played some lame Go Fish, chatted a bunch, then drove off the Commerce Gate to get our long-awaited photobooth card photo (it cost us 27 whole loonies!). It was all pretty hilarious, in a, we're crammed in a small, sweaty space, sort of way. Then we went to Demetri's for "dinner" and proceeded to overdose on chocolate and other sweetness. We were so hilariously rowdy; did you know you could get a headrush from too much sugar? Yup - we definitely got that. But mmm so good; cheesecake and waffles and strawberry and brownie. Afterwards we decided to go to Unionville Main Street, but my gas light was on, so I drove with Jocelyn to the gas station on Woodbine and Hwy 7. It was cheap, but hell if there was a line-up. We finally get to the pump, and we both get out; I tell Jocelyn to open the gas door thing while I go to lock the door because I'm retardedly paranoid. But I didn't shut the door properly, so I search my purse for my keys to unlock the door - lo and behold, I had left them in the car - fuck. So, I've got no less than two cars behind me, a tank full of gas, and no where to go. And this is a ghetto gas station too, with a tiny pay station, so I have to go in, whereupon the guy asks if we're having fun, because Joce and I have been making several loud statements and gesturing - I end up having to borrow his phone, because I conveniently locked my cell in my car too, and have to wait for my parents to come unlock the door, while directing cars away from my pump.

What an eventful day. I should never get gas again haha. On the plus side, it'll make for good memories!

10:51 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Good weekend - spent Friday night at Jocelyn's marathon-ing House (or at least 8 episodes, because Joce was a sleepy head), and then going to Joyce's for her birthday pool party and spontaneous bubble tea. Good times, just spent an hour playing DDR with Mok, and therefore very tired.

10:29 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Work today, then the Hunter-Wells' party after. It always feels like there are so few hours left in the day when I get home from work. Thank goodness I get Fridays off.

7:44 a.m. // this is my reality \\
