Went out today to Starbucks on Main Street with Mok, Jay and Grace - it was good times, or G.T.s as Jay likes to say. Except for the part where I left early and found out my car wheel was locked and I couldn't turn the key in the ignition. I ended up calling them and having them come down from Starbucks to help me. I didn't know what else to do, and it was 11:30 at night. Damn wheel locking.
11:52 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Alyssa, who has always allowed me to call her Chloe
talking to Catherine about relationships and futures, still being able to call her Cat-tie with that exact inflection of voice
Chris Barless, who once upon a time gave me those looks, but now treats me as a friend and always sounds happy to speak to me
the best hugs from Chris Dodds
Danny, who introduced me to Wired, and whom I can always count on for company, a good laugh, and a hug
lunches with Dave, who could always be counted on for cookies
Dennis, taller than me now, but still as silly
conversations with Devin, who always makes me feel
talking to Elizabeth, who is always able to bring a smile to my face because of her beauty
the smell of Farshad's cologne in Chemistry class, conversations on MSN complete with diagrams
hours of phone conversations with Iris; our conversations still sound the same, no matter how long it has been since we talked
Jelena, always there to hug me or to hold me, to listen to my darkest secrets or my silliest jokes
swapping books with Jenn, who will always share my tastes
sending countless emails back and forth with Jocelyn; Physics classes, where she was my support and my muse
watching John blush on cue - he is the consummate gentleman
fire drill in the middle of winter, and Josh's sheepskin coat; LEAD retreat and his unfailing strength even when blindfolded - it was my inspiration
Joyce, who humbled me with her courage, surprised me with her openness, and who promises to be my clubbing buddy
Katie's effortless energy and enthusiasm
Biology classes and spares with Lindsay and her infectious smile
Lisa, who was my partner in crime and who always ran commentary with me in a movie
Matt, walking me around the school and lending a shoulder to cry on
summerschool, and getting to know Melissa for the first time
Nick, for mischief, music, insanity and thoughtful words
discussions with Pui, about literature, fanfiction, Physics, the internet, and anything else that caught her fancy
talking to Seema in the LEAD office about everything and nothing - painting the Heart & Stroke banner after exams and just being there for me
Steph Whitt's brilliance, her sweater - with the hole - and her amusement at my hair chopsticks
Tamara's honesty and incredible kindness, hilarious memories from as LEAD III's at Bark Lake
a late night phone conversation with Yvonne, sleepovers at her house, Physics arguments
You are my beloved, each and every one of you. I have always been terrible at keeping in touch, but I will not forget you. I may not remember your face, but I will remember the way you hugged me when I felt like falling apart, the way you smiled because you were happy to see me, the way you listened and let me listen. Wherever the winds may take you, I wish you everything you want and everything you need. Do not be a stranger. I shall always have a hug, a smile, an ear and a story for you.
Leave me a kind word.
Write me a message.
Send me a postcard.
Drop me a line.
Think of me fondly.
10:20 p.m. // this is my reality \\
So I propose this. From now until the very end of school (can you imagine, only five more official school days?), when I see you, I shall give you the choice of five different colours of Post-It notes. You may take any one you choose - but, there is a catch. You must write me something. Write me a smile or a memory, promise me we shall never lose touch, or promise me that you will think of me from time to time, though we may never see one another again. I don't ask for much, just enough to fill a 0.73cm by 0.73cm square. Leave me some way to contact you, an email, a phone number, an address or even just where you will be next year, so that when I long for your company, I will find it.
And if you would like, I will return the favour; I will write you a note, a memory, a promise.
I haven't decided where I will ultimately keep these messages, perhaps on a board, perhaps in a book, but they will be kept sacred, as my friendships with you will as well. Find me before we part, and impart to me something of you.
9:32 p.m. // this is my reality \\
- do a mock-up pamphlet for OBA
Not break down.
11:08 p.m. // this is my reality \\
When I get to Finch, I contemplate turning right and going to McCowan, because I can probably drive faster than on Brimley. But nah, that requires me changing directions, and I'm lazy. But wouldn't you know it, like, 100 meters past Finch, I notice that there's a buildup of cars in my lane. So I switch lanes, and as I move forward, I notice that there's a cop car. At first I thought it was another frigging ride-check (it would be just my luck). But no - there's a cop car, and then an unmarked car, and then a *police bus*, about a dozen more unmarked cars, and then another cop car to top it all off, all stopped in the right lane. What the hell?! Did I miss something on the news? What is going on? Obviously, everyone in my lane's moving less than 60 because of the cops, and to try to figure out what's happening.
A couple more red lights later, I finally get home, and park in my garage. I'm pretty much pooped, and stagger up the stairs to get into my house. I think I can finally go to sleep, but when I press to garage door opener (closer?) - the door doesn't come down. The sensor thinks there's something blocking the opening. Okay, fine, whatever. Our garage door opener's old, this happens sometimes. I go to adjust the sensor, go back to press the button (which is right beside the door into my house) - again, the garage door won't open. Back to the sensor, another adjustment. Back to the button - nothing. Back to the sensor, this time I make sure the stupid green light is on that means the two sensors are reading each other. Back to the door - still, nothing! I frigging do this 10 times, before I get tired of walking back and forth and pull out the portable door opener from inside my car. It still requires a couple more jabs at the sensor before the garage door finally agrees to close.
Goddamnit. I just wanted to go visit my boyfriend at the hospital, and then come home and sleep. Is that too much to ask?
11:22 p.m. // this is my reality \\
9:06 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Your Personality Is Like Alcohol |
![]() You're the life of the party, a total flirt, and probably a pretty big jokester. Sometimes your behavior gets you in trouble, but you still remain socially acceptable. You're a pretty bad driver, and you're dancing could also use a little work! |
Ouch, my driving and my dancing?
7:21 a.m. // this is my reality \\
10:34 a.m. // this is my reality \\
10:56 p.m. // this is my reality \\