It's interesting to note that this particular dream had a soundtrack, and I woke up when Are You Sad? was playing. And now it's stuck in my head.
[ETA:3.40] Yeah, so the server was down this morning and this wasn't posted on time.
6:50 a.m. // this is my reality \\
And now I have my friggin Economics test, Bio quiz, and Calc quiz to study for. Craptacular.
5:52 p.m. // this is my reality \\
4:28 p.m. // this is my reality \\
You put your playlist on shuffle, use the random songs that come up to answer the following questions, blahdiddyblah.
How does the world see me?
And there are voices
That want to be heard
So much to mention
But you can't find the words
The scent of magic
The beauty that's been
When love was wilder than the wind
Listen To Your Heart - DHT
Will I have a happy life?
All I know is when you find it
Even Earth can feel like you're in Heaven, uh oh
Tell me know, unlock the secret
Help us all to find that hidden treasure, uh oh
Why Is Love So Hard To Find? - Jesse McCartney
What do my friends really think of me?
You know my thoughts
Before I open up my mouth and try to speak
You know my dreams
Must be listenin' when I'm talkin' in my sleep
Thankful - Kelly Clarkson
Do people secretly lust after me?
Walk on broken glass make my way through fire
These are the things I would do for love
Farewell peace of mind kiss goodbye to reason
Up is down the impossible occurs each day
This intoxication thrills me
I only pray it doesn't kill me
The Best Thing - Savage Garden
How can I make myself happy?
Happiness is no mystery
It's here and now, it's you and me
What Dreams Are Made Of - Hilary Duff
What should I do with my life?
Hey chick, what these doctas know anyway?
Let me see the X-Rays, I ain't no expert, just hurt
Roses - Kanye West
Will I ever have children?
Might not make it home
Al Genina (Leave The Light On) - Our Lady Peace
How will I be remembered?
I will not break the way you did
You fell so hard
I've learned the hard way, to never let it get that far
Because Of You - Kelly Clarkson
What is my signature dancing song?
Looking back at sunsets on the Eastside
We lost track of the time
Dreams aren't what they used to be
Some things slide by so carelessly
Smile Like You Mean It - The Killers
What do I think my current theme song is? (this one's for you Joce XD)
You’re beside me on the seat
Got your hand between my knees
And you control how fast we go by just how hard you wanna squeeze
It’s hard to steer when you’re breathing in my ear
But I got both hands on the wheel while you got both hands on my gears
By now, no doubt that we were heading south
I guess nobody ever taught her not to speak with a full mouth
‘Cause this was it, like flicking on a switch
It felt so good I almost drove into the ditch
Animals - Nickelback
What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
Can you picture me and you none of ya friends no crew
We gonna do whatever you wanna do
I'll take your mind off whatever you goin through
Ride With You - Joe ft. 50 Cent
What song will play at my funeral?
I felt this girl spin and crash
The end of the world shouldn’t come so fast
Don't Stop - Our Lady Peace
What type of women do I like?
Pushing forward and arching back
Bring me closer to heart attack
Say goodbye and just fly away
Sweetest Goodbye - Maroon 5
What is my day going to be like?
She sings the revolution
the dawning of our lives
she brings the liberation
that I just cant define
nothing comes to mind
She's A Rebel - Green Day
9:17 a.m. // this is my reality \\
I'm going there again
And it's not my fault
Are you sick of pretending?
That all this trouble is really endin'
The way things break
Every step you take
Is not my fault
Your love's like salt
The aftertaste is gunna break my heart
Feels like its over before it starts .. aftertaste . ben lee
well sooner of later this cold
it's gonna break
so our hands will be warm again,
but all I want is not to need you now .. turpintine chaser . dashboard confessional
7:25 p.m. // this is my reality \\
6:58 p.m. // this is my reality \\
5:21 p.m. // this is my reality \\
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you. .. you're beautiful . james blunt
I will sell my soul for something pure and true
Someone like you
See your face every place that I walk in
Hear your voice every time that I'm talking .. #1 crush . garbage
9:08 p.m. // this is my reality \\
8:48 p.m. // this is my reality \\
8:07 p.m. // this is my reality \\
That morning we got on the bus, leaving Orlando for good. The bus ride was pretty boring, and we had been up pretty damn late, so we all slept a lot. Watched some movies and lazed about, we went to Coca Cola World in the afternoon and got to try all sorts of drinks. Beverly was terrible, Fanta (again) just isn't that exciting, but there were some interesting things. That evening was the infamous Chicken or Go game, and more crowding three to a seat. We got to the hotel fairly early that night, and quite a nice hotel it was. We ate dinner and sat around chatting again. The boys fell asleep in our room, and Joyce and Pui ran off to the other room, so Iris, Joce, Yvonne and I ended up lying about in one bed until 3:00 when we decided we should probably sleep, since we were getting up at 4:45 in the morning. In retrospect, we should've just stayed up all night. We did get to watch some hilarious 101 Celebrity Slim Downs. There was a lot of MTV watching that week, including that terrible Bachelor-like show with Flav, the incredibly disturbing 'catch'.
The morning after, breakfast was a mad rush, and we had to be on the bus again. We watched some more movies, including Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants, and The Myth with Jackie Chan (so many discrepancies and weird bits in the end!). We visited an airplane museum, and the weather got colder and colder as we moved north :( We watched Rice Rhapsody, which was hilarious and endearing, a Chinese story about a family in Singapore with two gay sons and a mother hoping her last son didn't follow the trend. We also had a very interesting conversation during the last two hour stretch of the bus ride; one that we really should have had in a hotel room - it would've kept us more entertained than anime. But regardless, many things were learned and it really put us all in a good mood at the end of the trip, everybody laughing and together.
All in all the trip was absolutely amazing. There were other things that I remember, like Danny's word of the day, immitating planetary orbitals in the parking lot during one lunch break, having a 'moment', moment arms, engineered awkward moments, Dennis's obsession with digital zoom, deleting the flashing photo and boob shots, frequency, more stories from Danny in Universal Studios - there's too much to recount, but we'll never forget the trip. It was the experience of a lifetime, and I'm so glad I got to have these eight days with these wonderful people.
9:36 p.m. // this is my reality \\
There was so much more that happened on the first few days that I forgot about - there was so much walking up flights of stairs with our luggage, because the elevators in the hotels took too long. Puiyan and Joyce were so irritated with Joce and I, because I woke up at 4:30 or so and didn't go back to sleep - Joce decided cocooning in the blankets was a good idea, and we woke them all up. Disney and its use of fingerprint technology with its tickets. Joce, Joyce and I lined up a good forty minutes to take photos with the Disney princesses; coming out, we tried to name the seven dwarfs and Iris was convinced one was called Sleazy. Joce and Dennis had disgustingly massive turkey legs for lunch, and it made Dennis sick. Danny dropped the last of his Mickey Mouse ice cream bar on the ground, but picked it up and ate it anyways. We were loud and rowdy absolutely everywhere. We learned that Chinese people spin dishes on top of thin poles, courtesy of 'it's a small world'. There was an absolutely adorable little boy in line with us for Splash Mountain (a freaking two hour line up, in which Yvonne and Pui decided to sing 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall, loudly and annoyingly), but he always shied away from us. Danny taught us the bottle game, and we taught them 'it's not hard' and 'black and white'. We tried to play 'it's not hard' up-side down but it didn't work so well. Disney was just amazing.
The next day was Yvonne's birthday, and we slept in (Pui almost tried to kill us when Joce and I got up at 7ish). When Yvonne came down for breakfast we had a muffin for her, with an orange peel stuck in the middle and a fruit loop on top. There was singing, and Yvonne trying to eat the orange peel, thinking it was a carrot - good times XD Having decided that going to the beach was too expensive ($69 for the bus and lunch), we opted to wander around International Drive and go out for dinner that night. But first we went to the hotel pool and lounged about - everybody kept talking about lifeguarding and working at the pool -_-;; Danny is apparently very good at carrying people around in the water. There was a really buff guy that Joce and I watched, as he carried around lawn chairs for his girlfriend XD After swimming we dried off and lounged about in our hotel room, having instant noodles for lunch. I was convinced I could carry Danny and Dennis on piggy back - I held up Dennis, but not so much Danny. There was a lot of random carrying that went on that day. Our shuttle to Downtown Disney wasn't until 4:50, but we didn't do much that day. Iris, Joce, Joyce and I went to International Drive for a walk, and proceeded to get several more cat calls, and some grapes from a nearby supermarket. Coming back, we got all dressed up to go to dinner - the boys cleaned up rather well. We wandered a bit, and made Yvonne pick a restaurant - Fulton's Crab House. Yvonne and Iris shared this massive 'Lobster Experience for Two' - it was hilarious to watch two girls scarf down that much seafood. We even got Yvonne a cake and sang for her again! The bill for that dinner came out to a good $400 US between the eight of us, and it was so worth it. After dinner, we went shopping again, in the World of Disney, marvelling at the hilarious housewares and other random Disney items. We got drinks at a cool soda and chocolate place and sat outside as the night got dark, drinking and relaxing. We finally took a taxi back to our hotel, shoving all eight of us into the van. We learned that night that taxis in Orlando are awesomely convenient. The time stamp on my photos tell me we stayed up at least until 2:30 that night XD
The next day we got up early again, to go to Universal Studios Islands of Adventure. The boys were pumped for that one, because there would be so many more roller coasters. We got in fairly early with the hotel shuttle, and I had a conversation with the man I sat beside, who came from Nova Scotia (there wasn't room for us all to sit together). We raced down the movators to get to City Walk and got to the gates early. Our first ride was Dueling Dragons, but before that we owned the park, racing through it with no one there. The marketplace atmosphere of the Lost Continent was amazing, as was the biometric technology on the lockers (remembering what thumb you used to open the locker!). The line to Dueling Dragons was ridiculous, a maze in the dark that took us a good five or more minutes to walk through. We got straight on a coaster, and did both 'dragons' in the space of ten minutes. After that we walked our way towards the Hulk, getting on rides on the way. Jurassic Park, and the unexpectedly steep drop; getting absolutely soaked on the Popeye's ride (it was so worth it), Dr. Doom being a bit of a let down (it didn't drop far enough!). We got Iris on the Hulk despite her protestations, and it was awesome - even though I had to take off my glasses. We had lunch in a tavern-like environment and then went on the Flying Unicorn, where Dennis perfected his gross spit drooling in line. We watched Sinbad, which was funny and a nice rest, before getting in line for Posiedon's Fury - Yvonne was getting so burned. That was pretty much our last ride - after that we opted to wander around the Dr. Seuss area, taking a bunch of pictures. We did go on a carousel, and The Cat in the Hat ride, before settling down again by a pond with spitting fish. We spent a good long time trying to figure out what it was that made the fish spurt water, but we never really figured it out. We had funnel cake and spent some time in Jurassic Park as it got dark, playing tag and running around on the ropes, generally getting in the way of the smaller children. We got home early that night because the park closed at 8, and Joce and I stayed in the boys' room trying to get them to stay up, but we just watched bad movies and anime. Sleep came pretty quickly for them and we wandered back to our own room.
Photos are still available here - Hello seems to have a 100 photo maximum per day, so I'll upload the other photos tomorrow.
5:28 p.m. // this is my reality \\
[ETA:11.44] Time for Florida recount! I can't remember everything - I wish I could, but I'll live with just bits and pieces of memories:
Woke up so friggin early for the first day, picked up Danny and Iris and went to FMP to meet the bus at 6:30. It was damn cold, and the bus ride started out pretty boring - lots of sleeping and some movie watching, and a whole bunch of snacking. We crossed the border fine, even Danny with his complete lack of valid photo ID - so glad we didn't have to leave him at the border (trip just wouldn't have been the same XD). We played some funny games on stops, trying to fit as many people on a bench as possible, tag, marco polo. During the last stretch of the bus ride we decided to sit three to a seat so everyone was contained in three pairs of seats - had some interesting conversations about school and people, learned some interesting new things. First hotel was a Holiday Inn Express, nice rooms, pretty comfortable, and most of us pulled out the cup noodles, first in many late nights of the same. We had Danny, Dennis, Yvonne, and Iris in the one room and Joyce, Joce, me and Pui in the other (that's pretty much how the room arrangements went most nights).
Next day started to get nice and warm, t-shirts and capri weather. Another early morning and long bus ride, but this time the seat rotations put us at the back of the bus, beside each other, so conversations went so much easier. We mostly didn't let people sleep, and this day there were a lot of seat rotations. We played cards on the bus, using Jocelyn as a table (there are some pretty funny pictures of that). Lots of stretching out in the back, sitting randomly across one another, more snacking and random photo taking. This was the day of the first cat calls, as we crossed the road in some random US state to get to Taco Bell, and some guys at the intersection called out to Iris, Pui, Joyce and I. Discussed yellow fever and clothing colour labelling over lunch. We never did do our pyramid, but we took some photos in the sun - the weather was great that day. Sitting down properly on the bus got kind of optional. We reached Florida this day, and took a photo under a Florida sign. That night we went to a Chinese buffet, which was alright - pretty much our last Chinese meal all week. Also went to a supermarket and picked up muffins for next day's lunch, and Danny picked up cold cuts and a head of lettuce to make sandwiches. His sandwiches faired really well. We got to our sort of-sketch hotel that night, where we would stay for the next 5 nights. Got ourselves cleaned up and stayed up chatting and watching tv again. Us girls had fun doing timer photos, setting the camera on the tv then rushing to get in the photo. I can't remember how late we stayed up that night, but not too late I believe.
Next day was Disney World Magic Kingdom! Got up at 6:30 or so to eat breakfast and catch the 7:50 shuttle to Magic Kingdom - this was the first of our four days, not following the tour schedule. These four days we were completely on our own - it was excellent! Weather was so beautiful in Disney, t-shirts and shorts all the way. They really have a point when they call Disney "the happiest celebration in the world" - we had such an amazing time. Everything was beautiful and exciting - and we were in Disney World together! Took the Monorail to Magic Kingdom from the parking lot, we were there early so we got to see the welcoming act before we ran in and raced to Space Mountain. There was barely any line up - it was perfect. Rode on almost all the rides in Tomorrowland - Space Mountain, Buzz Lightyear, Space Orbiter, Stitch, all the good stuff. We checked out so many things in Magic Kingdom - we went to Mickey and Minnie's houses, we saw Pluto, we had pictures with Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and Cinderella. It really was magical. We went on a bunch of story book rides, which Dennis complained about, but I found cute: Winnie the Pooh, Peter Pan, Snow White's Scary Adventures. We got some really great group shots this day. We even went on 'it's a small world', which was kind of hilarious, especially Dennis's response to it. We definitely had Physics moments on the trip, discussing so many funny things. There was a whole lot of souvenir shopping - we could barely leave the store. Danny performed for us on stage, poetry and Othello and other Shakespeare bits - that boy is just amazing with words. Finally, we saw the parade and the fireworks, and we were all so very tired by the end of it.
[ETA:12.40] I almost forgot! Speaking of Danny's awesomeness - while we were in line for Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, Danny graced us with a brilliant story. We were tired out of our minds, but when Danny started to talk, you just sort of forgot about the tiredness. He told the story while in line, and there was this adorable little boy a couple lines down that kept straining to hear him speak - Danny told us the Tinderbox story as we waited, but he didn't finish it in time for the ride, so we made him wait until we had another line to wait in. It was pretty damn awesome.
Hello won't let me post any more photos today, but for now, some photos are here. I'll finish recounting tomorrow, and uploading some more of my 360 photos XD. Go from bottom to top for the photos.
10:47 p.m. // this is my reality \\
11:14 p.m. // this is my reality \\
We're going to Florida!
10:17 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Napoli says most abortions are performed for what he calls "convenience." He insists that exceptions can be made for rape or incest under the provision that protects the mother's life. I asked him for a scenario in which an exception may be invoked.
"A real-life description to me would be a rape victim, brutally raped, savaged. The girl was a virgin. She was religious. She planned on saving her virginity until she was married. She was brutalized and raped, sodomized as bad as you can possibly make it, and is impregnated. I mean, that girl could be so messed up, physically and psychologically, that carrying that child could very well threaten her life."
Oh, but hey, if you aren't "religious" enough, if it wasn't brutal enough, then being raped just won't mess you up bad enough - so you know what? you get to keep that baby. Fucker.
11:57 p.m. // this is my reality \\
4:13 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Staff - 2
Graduates - 21
Events - 5
Clubs - 4
Artwork - 1
8:52 p.m. // this is my reality \\
[ETA:11.08] Wow integration sucks - or rather, I'm terrible at integration :( The calc homework was so hard :(
[ETA:12.20] Does anyone have/can find the following songs?
The Walls And The Windows - Aceyalone
Everything Goes - Natalie Imbruglia
Something Better - Natalie Imbruglia
Will There Be A Morning - Regine Velasquez
8:10 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Thankfully, I do have a rather healthy, non-abusive relationship - which, on this day's mark, has lasted a whole two years - with my boyfriend, Stephen. Hey there: love you.
5:24 p.m. // this is my reality \\