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On the subject of pet peeves (which, incidentally, I have introduced, just now!), for the love of the English language, please, I don't care if you're some thirteen year old lamenting on your brand new Livejournal about whether "Susie rilly likes Bobby, becuz u rilly rilly like Bobby, but u dont want 2 hurt Susies feelings" - keep the Internet slang and short-forms to a minimum! One (of a somewhat good-sized number) of the problems with the Internet is that push-button publishing has no quality check. Anyone can write a 200 word post CoNsIsTiNg EnTiReLy Of WrItInG lIkE tHiS - there are no red and green squiggles telling you that hey, this makes entirely no sense, please change it (or the paperclip will come after you)!

Somehow, typing a paragraph on the computer allows the writer to be infinitely more "creative" with the presentation of the letters and words. Not only painful to read, this degradation of language has lasting effects on the overall literacy rate of the Internet raised generation. Children's ability to write proper sentences - not even reports or essays! - are harmed by their lack of practice in using the English language correctly. We have moved from errors like writing "alot" instead of "a lot," and mixing up our homophones (there, their, they're), to having to remove short-forms like b/c and btw out of formal assignments. Short-forms were created to speed up note-taking - there's a reason why you don't use acronyms in formal writing, unless the full name has been previously established.

The English language consists not only of a vocabulary, but also a grammar - as in a set of rules to be followed. The excessive use of slang, short-forms, and the ridiculous, purposeful misspelling of words will only lead to an irreversible degradation of your own ability to write, or even speak, with any tone of formality; furthermore, you will lose the ability to command any sort of respect through mature communication. So please, make some effort to sound like you know what you're talking about, even if you really don't.

And now back to our regularly planned programming.

10:12 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Complete: 2699 words.

6:35 p.m. // this is my reality \\



I have got a wicked headache. And not wicked in the good way :( 11 more days til Florida!

5:42 p.m. // this is my reality \\



On the plus side, Florida is a go! We're officially going to be in Orlando for March Break, after all the mess and drama.

The down side is that I have been rejected by yet another scholarship. The most dissapointing thing is that I applied to so frigging many scholarships, only to have them all turn me down.

5:50 p.m. // this is my reality \\



I am apparently a dynamic director. I like the "how you relate to others" section - a lot of interesting, and pretty accurate points are made.

Also, I want to change my layout :) Winter's almost over!

4:50 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Go check out my johari window - I want to know what you think of me!

10:43 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Damn. U of T offered me a good amount of money.

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. .. Dr. Seuss

4:28 p.m. // this is my reality \\



3639 including quotations. There will need to be a great deal of editing, but that can wait until after my Physics test. Thank god.

10:37 p.m. // this is my reality \\



I'm feeling loved :)

8:09 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Valentine's gift!


Lindsay promises me it's an awful movie, but the images are rather lovely :)

8:51 p.m. // this is my reality \\



The SAC Dance was awesome, music was pretty good, and I had a great time. Man, but do I feel old - what happened to being able to dance the night away? I thought we were in our prime! My calves and my feet are aching -_-;;

I taped the Olympics, but I don't really think I'll be rewatching it... it's just too long haha. What a shame.

Anybody want MSN Messenger 8.0 Beta invitations?

[ETA:10.27] I love watching the Canadians at Olympics - especially Canadian hockey. There's so much excitement, and so much pride.

9:14 a.m. // this is my reality \\



How did I go from loving Physics to dreading it?

Is it still a rhetorical question if I already know the answer? I can name my every fault; nothing's changed. That's the problem.

4:25 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Girly Meme:

[x] During the summer, I pretty much wear only flip-flops.
[] The only reason I go to school is for the boys!! Duhh!
[] My favorite toy as a child were Barbies and dolls
[] My favorite color is purple
[x] When I was young I danced ballet - or even as I got older.
[x] I love skirts.
[] Hollister is one of my favorite places to shop.
[x] Tight jeans are the only jeans I'll wear.
[x] I love chocolate.
[] I've never had a real job
[] My hair is straightened or scrunched and worn down almost everyday.
[] I am on AIM or Yahoo Messenger at least 5 hours a day.
[] I have at least 8 myspace pictures.
[] I usually go shopping at least once a week
[] I love to hang out at the mall with friends
[] I have a real diamond ring
[x] I've had at least 10 boy friends
[] I've gone to a tanning salon
[] I go to the beach to tan - not to swim
[] I have at least 10 pairs of shoes - not including flip flops
[x] I watch either the OC or Laguna Beach obsessively.
[] I flirt. A LOT.
[x] I change my icon weekly.
[] I would NEVER step foot into Hot Topic. Unless you gave me money for it!
[] My cell phone might as well become a part of me.
[] I wear eye liner, mascara, or cover up everyday
[] I've been or am on a diet.
[x] Bathing suits are adorable! That's why I have 3 of them!
[] I don't know the difference between a sheep and a goat.
[] Big sunglasses are hot.
[x] I have gotten my nails done.
[] I own over 10 handbags.
[] MTV is my favorite channel.
[] All I want to do at sleepovers is talk about boys, boys and more boys!
[x] I love to have other girls do my hair and make-up.
[] I don't understand how people can like Fall Out Boy, From First to Last, System of A down, and all of those other crazy bands!
[x] I hate bugs!
[] Carnivals are very fun.
[] Summer is THE best season.
[x] I don't do sports.
[x] I HATE to run. Unless I'm trying to get away for someone or something.
[] I squeal when I am surprised or angry.
[x] I dance ALL of the time
[x] I usually spend over an hour to get ready to leave my house.
[] I only have like 5 billion hair products.
[x] I love dresses and dressing up for no reason.
[x] Every part of my outfit needs to match.
[] I talk on the phone at least 4 times a day with my friends.
[] I would love to have a photo shoot of myself.
[] One of my myspace pictures is of me making a kissy face.
[] Price on clothes hardly matters.
[] I apply lip gloss 200 times a day
[] I wish I was a model.
[] I wish I could meet Paris Hilton.
[] I wore something that was semi-slutty on Halloween.
[] I own Uggs.
[] I pop my collar.
[] I LOVE to be the center of attention.
[] Guys with mohawks ROCK!!
[] Horses are beautiful, and fun to ride.
[x] Cats are adorable.
[] Old Navy is like a K-mart
[] I write poems or my own music
[x] I can get VERY jealous.
[x] I would love to visit or have already visited Hawaii.
[] Valentine's Day is so cute! It's definitely not just a way to make money!
[] White clothing, accessories, and shoes are totally better than black.
[] I wouldn't be caught DEAD in all black. Unless it was either my or someone else's funeral.
[] My closet is STOCK-FULL of clothing.
[] I HATE the grungy feeling of a beard. Every guy that I date MUST be clean-cut.
[x] I LOVE to read gossip magazines.
[x] I LOVE to gossip!
[] I kiss and tell!
[] Old ladies are adorable!
[] I LOOOVE kids.
[] I'm ALL about being vegetarian.
[] I REFUSE to eat at McDonalds!
[] I check my myspace everyday.
[] I LOVE life! Well, most of the time.
[] I have A LOT of jewelery!
[] My screen names have x's in them.
[] One of my myspace screen names contain <3's.>
[] I would NEVER want to be a guy! Well, almost never.

Wow. That was actually kind of painful.

9:13 p.m. // this is my reality \\


I hurt. All over, but mostly concentrated in my left calf. I don't know *why* all my body aches are radiating out of my leg, but I want nothing more than to lie in bed and drink juice and watch tv and not do anything of any importance. And I CAN'T. I fucking hate being sick.

7:17 a.m. // this is my reality \\



You'd think with all the water I've been drinking my throat would get better, not worse. -_-;;

7:04 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Well that was an eventful weekend. CCCA Charity Dinner volunteering was fun, kept me on my feet; was 45 minutes late to late-night Jack Astor's, went to Laser Quest for the first time ever, and got kind of owned, but that's alright. Went to Jack Astor's again, still can't tell if Scott really did hate us. Watched Wimbledon (the movie, not the tournament this time lol), and generally had fun. But I kind of have a sore throat, and I'd better not get sick, because I will be very, very sad.

Send in your grad blurbs bitches.

9:32 p.m. // this is my reality \\



should've been born on the milky way .. life's a bitch . shooter

11:25 a.m. // this is my reality \\



can you feel it, can you feel it
rushing through your hair, rushing through your hair
.. rush . aly & aj

11:40 p.m. // this is my reality \\



no woman is required to build the world by destroying herself .. rabbi sofer

7:02 a.m. // this is my reality \\
