layout image

Okay, that's it. Someone looked up 'juliana sex wallpaper' and got my blog. WTF. You know, the other random searches have been amusing. But this is just too weird.

11:15 p.m. // this is my reality \\


1. your full name: Juliana
2. Your nickname: Juli, Jules, Ju
3. Birthday: August 2
4. Place of Birth: HK
5. Zodiac Sign: Leo
6. Male or female: female
7. Occupation: student
8. Screen Name: ~*Juli*~

__Your Appearence___

12. Hair Color: black
13. Hair Length: past shoulders
16. Height: 5'3-4"
17. Have/Had Braces?: yes
18. Have/Had Glasses?: yes
19. Have/Had Piercings: earrings
20. Have Tattoos: no
21. Righty or Lefty: right

___Your 'Firsts'___

22. First best friend: Jenny
23. First Award: I can't remember, but I do remember going to my principal in gr. 1 or 2 and he read my work and gave me a sticker - it was this great tradition my school had; your teacher would send you down if you did good work, and he would read it and stuff
24. First Sport You Joined: ballet?
25. first pet: real fish? Moushuu, my betafish
26. First Real Vacation: hong kong
27. First Concert: OLP
28. First Love: still loving

___ Favorites___

29. Movie: too many
30. TV Show: the oc, sv, csi (acronyms are so cool)
31. Colors: Red.
32. Band: The Decemberists
33. Song At this moment: haven't been listening to much
36. Candy: mm I could use some chocolate right now
37. Sport To Play: volleyball
38. Sport To Watch: basketball
39. Favorite brand to wear: at the moment? stuff from Garage
40. Store: Garage, Jacob Annexe
41. School Subject: Bio
42. Animal: cat
43. Book: hmm
44. Magazine: not really into 'zines anymore either


49. Eating: nothing
50. Drinking: i was drinking milk
51. Typing: uhh
52. Online?: yes
53. Listening To: nothing
54. Thinking About: too much
55. Wanting To: sleep
56. Watching: comp
57. Wearing: sweater

___Your Future___

58. Want Kids?: maybe
59. Want to be Married?: yeah
60. Careers in Mind: accounting, or something science related, or both

__Which is Better With The Opposite Sex___

67. Cute or Sexy: cute
68. Lips or Eyes: eyes
69. Hugs or Kisses: both
70. Short or Tall: taller
71. Easy-going or serious: both
72. Romantic or Spontaneous: romantic
73. Fatty or Skinny: somewhere healthily in between?
74. Sensitive or Loud: sensitive
75. Hook-up or Relationship: relationship
76. Sweet or Caring: both
77. Trouble Maker or Hesitant One: hesitant

___Have you ever______

78. Kissed a Stranger: no
79. had Alcohol: yes
80. smoked weed: ew no
81. Ran Away From Home: no
82. broken a Bone: nope
83. Got an X-ray: i don't think so
84. Broken Someones Heart: probably not
85. Broke Up With Someone: yes
86. Turned Someone Down: several times
87. Cried When Someone Died: no
88. Cried At School: only because of stress - i hate stress

___Do You Believe In___

89. God: no
90. Miracles: no
91. Love At First sight: maybe
92. Ghosts: no
93. Aliens: no
94. Soul Mates: no
95. Heaven: no
96. hell: no
98. Kissing on The First Date: maybe
99. Horoscopes: no, but i'll read'em

___Answer Truthfully___

100. Is There Someone You Want But You Know You Can't Have?
not really

10:29 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Wow, this stress journal for Anthro's sure getting a lot of action this week.

8:46 p.m. // this is my reality \\


I was watching the news during dinner today, and this was just so heartwrenching to hear. The transcript is just so sad, and hearing it in audio is worse. The poor girl. :(

7:26 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Lots to do and no will to do it... du du duuuu...

6:52 a.m. // this is my reality \\



I am so... worn out I guess, I just can't do anything. And I wasn't even doing *that* much at yearbook. Just some stress I had was relieved, and now I feel like a sac of potatos, unable to do anything. -_-;; *dies* Bah humbug.

9:17 p.m. // this is my reality \\


I almost beat my personal record of hours spent afterschool for Yearbook today... Mimi and I were at school until 7.30 - only one hour less than last year; ugggggggggghh I am so braindead and wiped out right now. I don't want to do anything *dies*

[ETA:8.51] Blogger refuses to show my ASCII image of YEARBOOK DEVOURING MY SOUL.

8:06 p.m. // this is my reality \\



I am doing absolutely everything to avoid my French homework... *sigh* time to get cracking then.

8:07 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Bold the ones that apply to you:

01. My hair is still its natural color.
02. I have yet to lose my virginity.
03. I get annoyed when I don't get to finish telling a story.
04. I like to wear pink.
05. Sometimes I wish I could do something really, really amazingly well.

06. I drink a lot of water.
07. I've never taken a hit of a cigarette.
08. I like music boys.
09. I'm a sucker for sweet talkers
10. I love taking pictures.
11. I have really tiny wrists.
12. I can identify some close friends by smell.
13. I'm far too nice.
14. I hate when people confuse "your" and "you're".
15. I think dorkiness is attractive.

16. I've never had a fake screen name.
17. I wish I had a pug.
18. I miss someone.
19. I have pretty good eating habits.
20. I have a hard time making up my mind sometimes.
21. I wish my hair naturally curled.
22. I can't live without chapstick.
23. I wish I could sing.

24. I like classical music.
25. Striped pants are hot.
26. I think Schylar is a really cool name.
27. I usually don't get sarcasm.
28. I wish I could look in a mirror and constantly be satisfied with myself.
29. I shift between being sleepy and awake when I'm really tired.
30. I hardly ever vacuum.
31. I hate racism.
32. I want someone to hold me.
33. I like watermelon flavored things.
34. I'm a snob about grammar.
35. I am a terrible liar.

36. Axe deodorant smells.
37. I wish I knew how to speak in Italian.
38. This "100 things about myself" list is harder than it looks.
39. I am learning to be happy wherever I am.
40. I have no idea what my school musical is about.
41. I appreciate honesty.
42. I need a manicure.

43. I love Dr. Pepper.
44. I twirl my hair.
45. I wish my hair was straight.
46. I don't own a cell phone.
47. I want to learn to play harp.
48. I'm not old enough to vote.
49. I live in the past far too much.

50. I need to remember to be a teenager sometimes.
51. I want to see most of the world.
52. Sometimes I wonder what's going on over in London.
53. I hate being lied to unnecessarily.
54. I believe in love.

55. I go shopping usually once a week.
56. Today is Wednesday.
57. I've read more than 100 books.
58. I hate hearing songs that sacrifice meaning for the sake of being able to rhyme.

59. I like feet.
60. I like getting compliments.
61. I want the world to see me.
62. I think it's funny when girls wear so much makeup that their faces become incandescent.

63. I hate seeing kids that think they're different because they like Slipknot and shop at Hot Topic.
64. I have a fear of wearing too much perfume
65. I wear pants more than I wear shorts.
66. I am tactful most of the time.

67. I had to look "tactful" up. (only cause I wanted to make sure and now I'm not sure)
68. I'm afraid of spiders.
69. I get too attached to some people.
70. I'm usually on time.
71. I forgive but I don't forget.
72. I think way too darn much for my own good.
73. My current relationship is teaching me a lot.

74. I like salads from McDonalds.
75. I read for at least two hours every night before bed
76. I talk to a lot of people I don't like because I hate being rude.
77. I sing in the shower.
78. Laughing turns me on.
79. I wish I were asleep.
80. I love reeses cups.

81. I never have enough energy to do what I'm doing.
82. I have a friend who has an outtie bellybutton.
83. I have driven a car.
84. There is no nailpolish on my nails.
85. I am unafraid to change.
86. I wear brown, thin-rimmed glasses.
87. Goodbyes make me sad.
88. comes after
89. I love cuddling.

90. I run when I'm bored.
91. I wish I were more attractive to others.
92. I worry too much sometimes about what people think.

93. Compliments annoy me.
94. I like long car rides with certain people.
95. I drink a lot of orange juice in the morning.
96. I wonder a lot who I'm going to end up marrying.
97. I listen to the things no one else cares about.
98. I can't draw from imagination.
99. TyPiNg LIeK diS anNoyes mEeeh.
100. At the moment, I have a crush.

6:57 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Bah! I just broke one of my blue chopsticks into three pieces :(

6:39 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Had dimsum with my family today - my dad came and spent his lunch break with us. Then I went shopping with my mum, and hey! I bought the tank top that inspired this layout XD It's so cute - I love Garage's stretch tanks. If I could, I would buy one in every colour ^_^ And they've got the cutest little bags.

4:16 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Bill Nye, the rubber-faced engineer whose television series for kids was equal parts lesson and stand-up comedy, returns to the small screen April 3.

He is a scientist! They lied to me - he isn't an actor!

11:34 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Just got back from bbt with the 12s, I think the waitresses at Tea Shop 168 officially hate us - mind, I don't care that much, seeing as they were bitchy to us (I swear that one drink a person policy was instated *just* for us). Had a good time though, nice and loud and rowdy XD Saw The Incredibles today, it was so cute hehe I like cartoons lol. Two more days of Easter weekend, woot!

11:40 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Just for you Chloe, a John Mayer wallpaper :)

John Mayer

1:49 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Yes! Semblance validates! I had to change every amperstand in my current posts to & amp ; but it validates!

Valid HTML 4.01!

8:34 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Woot this week went by nice and quickly ^_^ All I've got is a Physics test tomorrow (ahhhhh) and then it's Easter weekend! Layout has been tweeked so there shouldn't be any flaws left (in IE6 & Firefox1.0 at least - peculiarily enough... the content part of the layout doesn't show up at all in Opera or Netscape >.< all you get is the header and tiling background). I may or may not be going to Ottawa this weekend, depends on whether my dad's in a travelling mood.

8:13 p.m. // this is my reality \\



So, you may have noticed lol; new layout! :) And hey, it almost validates! The layout itself at least lol. If you check the validation of the site with blog entries in it, there are a painful lot of errors. Not that anyone but Simmon cares XD

[ETA:8.03 - layout fixed] Oh, and yes, the layout breaks a couple 100px down the page for Firefox - it happened in the old layout too, and I don't know why. I'll fix it later with a background image cheat I suppose, but for now, highlight it all if you're so intent on reading past entries.

10:58 p.m. // this is my reality \\


'A sleeping senior at a B.C. extended care facility was sent to a hospital morgue on Saturday, after being mistaken for her dead roommate...'

That would suck a lot lol.

7:23 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Best invention ever. XD Except that it's kind of ugly lol. I think we need to get Yvonne one.

6:21 p.m. // this is my reality \\


You know what's funny? I could've sworn I made a post between 4:32 PM yesterday and 6:34 AM this morning. Where the hell did it go.

6:44 a.m. // this is my reality \\


You know what's fun? Waking up @ 5.15 in the morning to a round of seemingly never ending sneezes. Yeah. Fun.

6:34 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Ah, so back to school again. Not too bad actually, I missed everyone lol good to see friends again, talk to them (not over msn or through sporadic blog comments *Pui*), and class wasn't too bad. I'm kind of looking forward to essay writing in English - I'm such a nerd XD I actually didn't have too much homework today, finished it already, I just need to study for Chem and Anthro, which I was (sort of) doing all March Break anyways (and yet, none of that Anthro seems to absorb in my brain, no matter how many times I read it -_-;). The weather was *so* nice today, sunny and warm :)

4:32 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Oh Monday morning, how I have not been looking forward to you all week :(

6:47 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Haven't done one of these in a while lol.

t h e | s t a r t e r s
name: Juliana
single or taken: taken :)
sex: female
birthdate: Aug 2
sign: (since birthdate's given, shouldn't you hafta figure this one out yourself?) leo
siblings: younger brother
hair color: black
eye color: brown
shoe size: 7
height: 5'3"

r e l a t i o n s h i p s
who are your good friends?: random sample: 1 2 3 4 5
do you have a crush?: I don't think you'd count it as a crush

f a s h i o n | s t u f f
where is your favorite place to shop: jacob annexe, garage
any tattoos or piercing: ear piercings

s p e c i f i c s
do you do drugs?: eww no
what kind of shampoo do you use?: garnier fructus
what are you most scared of?: bugs
what are you listening to right now? nothing; my loud computer
who is the last person that called you?: :( no one
where do you want to get married?: in a chapel
how many buddies are online right now?: 55
what would you change about yourself?: my lack of memory

f a v o u r i t e s
colour: blue, pink, black (yes yes, not a colour)
food: chocolate mmm
subjects in school: bio

h a v e | y o u | e v e r
given anyone a bath?: i don't think so
smoked?: nope
bungee jumped?: maybe one day
made yourself throw up?: gross
skinny dipped?: no
made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: yeah :P
cried when someone died?: no
lied: yeah :P
used someone?: probably :P
done something you regret?: all the time

c u r r e n t
clothes: grey lounge pants, oba tshirt XD
music: /

r a n d o m
favorite band: i'll listen to anything
desktop picture: ats - angel & spike XD
book you're reading: just finished the invisible ring again

a r e | y o u
understanding: mostly
open-minded: yeah
arrogant: sometimes
insecure: sometimes
hungry: lol unfortunately
smart: i guess
moody: yup
organized: well i can say my computer and my agenda are XD
healthy: ugh
shy: not so much anymore
difficult: sometimes :P
attractive: :P
bored easily: i can amuse myself
responsible: usually
obsessed: sometimes
angry: not at the moment
sad: same here
happy: yes
hyper: not really
trusting: sometimes
talkative: with my friends

w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a
kill: no one at the moment
slap: i haven't done that since grade 9
look like: a prettier version of myself
talk to offline: mok
talk to online: diana
do: :P

m o r e | r a n d o m | s t u f f
in the morning I am: tired
all i need is: freedom
love is: :)

w h i c h | i s | b e t t e r
coke or pepsi: coke
tall or short: tall

o p p o s i t e | s e x
what do you notice first: face
makes you laugh the most: mok
who do you have a crush on: -_-; stop asking this

d o | y o u
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?: no
save conversations: it auto saves
wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: haha nope
wish you were younger: naw
cried because someone said something to you?: -_-;

n u m b e r
of times I have had my heart broken: none really...
of tight friends: i don't know
of cds I own: less than a dozen?
of scars on my body: a couple
of things that i regret: lol *sigh*

F i n a l | q u e s t i o n s
gold or silver: silver
what was the last film you saw at the movies?: hitch
what did you have for breakfast this morning?: french toast and milk
could you live without your computer?: :( no
would you colour your hair?: mhmm
could you ever get off the computer?: haha no
habla espanol? no
how many people are on your buddy list? oh god... over 100?
drink alcohol? yeah
what hurts the most? :(

8:09 p.m. // this is my reality \\


You know I've almost hit 2000 posts? In fact, this is number 1953. Just thought I'd share. I wonder what post 1000 was...

10:46 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Bah March Break almost over :( Staying up until forever tonight - I refuse to waste away my last night of freedom haha.

Welcome back Italy people ^_^ Hope you all had fun!

9:51 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Whee new Illusoire layout! ^_^ Nice and springy, even though it's not haha.

12:50 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Stephen took me to see Mamma Mia last night ^_^ so much fun, I haven't been to a musical in a long time - it was so hilarious and so cute, and Donna had the most beautiful voice. Good times hehe ^_^

9:48 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Ciao Alice! That is about all the Spanish [ETA:I'm dumb] Italian I could ever write so instead I'll cheat and use a translator.

La traduzione italiana probabilmente sarà abbastanza terribile, ma è tutta che possa fare - l'unico l'altra lingua che posso scrivere è comunque ^_^;; francese, poiché avete desiderato sapere, io vive vicino a Toronto, Canada e ho sedici anni. Ho trovato il vostro blog dal profilo a buffymaniac forum e deciso lascerei un commento. Se gradiste, lascimi un commento per pure :) Ma in qualsiasi caso, desideri del pozzo e buona notte!

9:36 p.m. // this is my reality \\


You know, it's funny - but mostly kind of weird - that the only website that comes up for a Yahoo! search of 'carbaminoglobin' is mine. Wtf? I thought it was an actual biology term... (hemoglobin bonded to carbon dioxide?) Also, Semblance lands 10th in a search for encore lottery number 20 12 2005. Me'thinks Yahoo! search is crazy. Or people don't know how to put quotations around their key phrases to find more accurate returns.

Also, a lot of people searching for song lyrics land this blog. Well, if it's any help, is a great lyrics search engine. Just watch out for the popups.

9:24 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Why does Paint Shop Pro hate red? Why why why... :( And why does PSP colourize differently from PS? Forces me to leave icky jpeg artifacts on my wallpaper :(

7:36 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Finally changed my desktop, not that I didn't like it - but I just made this, so I figured I'd endulge:

2:11 p.m. // this is my reality \\



I can't tell if this is serious or not. The article's so sarcastic, but the rest of the site is so... scary... *runs away*

11:52 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Well, as I expected, job shadowing wasn't thrilling - I spent 7 hours sorting invoices and consolidating bank statements, but I wasn't actually too bored with it. Or maybe that was just first day novelty, but hey, I'm not planning on being an office hand for the entirety of my career, so I can handle a little of it now. It was basically pretty solitary, everyone basically worked on their own in front of the computer (I didn't even get to use to computer!) except for the accounting manager, who had was on the phone a lot. It was kinda interesting, there was this fiasco with some guy who's credit wouldn't clear XD Anyways, that's done - now I just have to write a report about it. But definitely not tonight ^_^;; Tonight I'm rewriting my Bio note and vegging some more - maybe starting on my Butterfly 208 entry.

5:58 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Oh March Break how I love you :) This weekend was good - Mok and I baked cinnamon buns again, except we ran out of all-purpose flour so we had to use bread flour. You couldn't tell when they were fresh out the oven, but the next morning the buns were definitely kind of tough ^_^;;; Today we went to FMP and got one of those photocards hehe, I'm such a sucker for silly cute things like that. And I've still got 7 days of freedom to go! Whee :) Tonight I shall finish Digital Fortress finally, because I have it at my house now lol. Tomorrow I've got to job shadow, but that's okay. :) I love March Break ^_^

8:26 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Jay made me do it XP

Describe yourself using one band and song titles from that band

Created by naw5689 and taken 21655 times on bzoink!

Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band:backstreet boys
Are you male or female:darlin'
Describe yourself:we've got it goin' on
How do some people feel about you:like a child
How do you feel about yourself:all i have to give
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend:not for me
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend:no one else comes close
Describe where you want to be:set adrift on memory bliss
Describe what you want to be:shining star
Describe how you live:that's the way i like it
Describe how you love:anywhere for you
Share a few words of wisdomwhat makes you different (makes you beautiful)

Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink!

10:22 p.m. // this is my reality \\



So... very... tired... it has been a long day.

be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle

5:23 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Today is International Women's Day. :)

6:40 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Part One

6:30 a.m. // this is my reality \\




You scored 93% Beginner, 100% Intermediate, 87% Advanced, and 61% Expert!

You have an extremely good understanding of beginner, intermediate, and advanced level commonly confused English words, getting at least 75% of each of these three levels' questions correct. This is an exceptional score. Remember, these are commonly confused English words, which means most people don't use them properly. You got an extremely respectable score.

Okay, so I should've been finishing my law homework, but I was doing this test instead.

4:04 p.m. // this is my reality \\
