7:22 p.m. // this is my reality \\
26.2.05 Almost all rested up and on antibiotics - yay aiding the human immune system! I am really happy with the phenomenal results we got with Heart & Stroke, but my being sick kinda put a damper on things. Still, over $6800 raised! Markham should be proud :) Now all I gotta do is catch up on the crapload of homework left over from my two days away from school (booooo). By the way, we're finishing the last 40 some routes tomorrow afternoon, so if anyone's up for some good old canvassing fun, Blue Zone, 1.30; be there or be nice and cosy in your houses and feel my spite.8:43 p.m. // this is my reality \\
23.2.05 Coming home to take a nap on the other hand, did help. :) I feel muchly better, though still not 100%; but good enough to last through H&S and maybe(!) even Thursday.12:48 p.m. // this is my reality \\
I like how I've woken up every one to two hours since I went to sleep at 9.30. There goes trying to sleep off my cold.Better to get up now than to continue having my freaky ass dream about failing at being co-chair for Heart & Stroke.
Cross your fingers that we get 100 people for tomorrow.
Gotta last through the Thursday for the English test and Yearbook too.
5:31 a.m. // this is my reality \\
22.2.05 Random acts of kindness are sweet :) I will get through this week, and the jitters will not get me down.6:26 a.m. // this is my reality \\
21.2.05 (elevated levels of stress+ lack of sleep
+ the beginnings of a sore throat)
x running around the school for five minutes looking for my purse
= chest congestion, a headache & other cold symptoms
remedy: inordinate amounts of medication, water and sleep just to get me through this Wednesday
+ cream of mushroom soup and stale crackers just for kicks
Seriously, I felt like I was going to faint running through the school - I was wheezing like a mofo. >_< Sign up/bring your form back for the Heart & Stroke Campaign before I DIE.
3:55 p.m. // this is my reality \\
20.2.05 Is there anything better than watching the OC, eating fudge that my boyfriend got me, and not worrying about how only 46 people have signed up for Heart & Stroke, or that course selections are due Friday? I think not.7:42 p.m. // this is my reality \\
So many movies coming out that I want to seeee XDSin City - have you seen the casting list for this one? big names and pretty people
Kingdom of Heaven by now I can't see Orlando Bloom in anything but big epics
Hitch - I know this one's already out, but I haven't seen it yet and I hear it's funny
Mr. & Mrs. Smith - I'd watch this one soley for the fact that the main cast is so hot
Batman Begins - who doesn't want to see this?
A Scanner Darkly - from the trailer, the entire thing's a cartoon, so maybe they'll give Keanu Reeves some more expression
Good stuff ^_^
9:19 a.m. // this is my reality \\
17.2.05 Frigg so tired, have Math quest, Bio quiz, French quest, all tomorrow must study tonight - my instep(?), my calves and my knees hurt; my shoes have no good support. ObA volunteering was hectic as usually, started out kind of CRAPPY but got better once I was less bitter haha and it was fun at the end of the night when everyone was just talking - haha tapeworms and pap smears and various doctoral professions XD Good times, mentally relaxing if not at all physically. Need to study Bio and then I can sleep - hope I can remember how to derive sine and cosine law over a night of sleep on top of futur simple, proverbs and the lymphatic system.10:58 p.m. // this is my reality \\
16.2.05 There is a long list of items on my to-do list that must be accomplished in the immediate future, but I must be honest, I spent the last 20 minutes watching the deleted scenes from The Notebook dvd that Mok bought me for Valentine's Day ^_^;; I don't know if I can say I loved the movie yet, because it was so very sad - it made me cry, for a very long time - but I must say it was one of the more memorable movies I will be seeing in a long time.7:39 p.m. // this is my reality \\
14.2.05 For Lisa: disturbing picture #1. Can you guess who that is?6:24 p.m. // this is my reality \\
6:35 a.m. // this is my reality \\
13.2.05 Well, I quite foolheartedly forgot my Law binder at school this weekend (and took home Anthro >_<) so I won't be able to study for it until tomorrow. >_<7:13 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Illusoire is still down so that it doesn't wreck havoc on our bandwidth, but I can host my graphics elsewhere for now XD I loved this movie. Happy early Valentine's Day - again.9:44 a.m. // this is my reality \\
10.2.05 Well, at least the OC's got the month right - February for Heart Disease & Stroke awareness lol. Though I can't say Caleb's that much less of an asshole from his near death experience.8:31 p.m. // this is my reality \\
It's almost the weekend - phew! This week has been super busy, especially because of the Heart & Stroke Campaign; sign up!! Three hours out of your busy schedule won't kill you, and you'll have a lot of fun, I promise :)Almost Valentine's Day which I am definitely looking forward to - even though I'm not sure what's planned ^_^; I'm even looking forward to dissection in Bio, be it as it may the period where hearts & balloons are being handed out - hopefully it won't be too messy XD
Oh, and lastly, the OC tonight, and CSI, my weekly tv indulgences; teenage drama and a good mystery (of sorts anyway). I can't wait.
5:55 p.m. // this is my reality \\
7.2.05 Exams going well as of yet :)6:13 p.m. // this is my reality \\
6.2.05 I can smell coconut from a foot away *mischievous smile*7:13 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Hmm, so I saw The Aviator tonight - it wasn't what I expected, though I wasn't really expecting anything, but I did find it rather interesting. Also, I finished Da Vinci Code - quite an adventure of a book, twists and turns everywhere. Lots of fun. And finally, I solved that goddamn puzzle linked @ Lisa's.1:44 a.m. // this is my reality \\
3.2.05 First really free day in a while! For everyone who still has exams, I'm sending you smart molecules by long range diffusion ^_^Lots to do today though:
write up a list of awards, honours, distinctions for a scholarship application (I've never really gotten any awards :P)
write a 1000 word 'biographical sketch' for said application (what is there to say about me?)
write a better resumé (long overdue -_-)
research Universities (also long overdue)
brainstorm ideas
9:54 a.m. // this is my reality \\
2.2.05 I'm done, done, done!! ^_^ My goodness - I'm so relaxed now. Still have tons of things to do, as always, but at least no more exam stress! Finished my Law exam @ 11.30, but didn't leave the school til 5.00 haha - painting! The Heart & Stroke banner's all done :) Now just miscellaneous things to do hehe. But remember, sign up on Monday!6:19 p.m. // this is my reality \\
1.2.05 I've gotta stop looking at my computer screen... it's making my head hurt. Or, continue to hurt, since this headache started halfway into my Chem exam. -_-;; Ouch.8:12 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Only one more left - thank god. ^_^3:43 p.m. // this is my reality \\
I feel sick.and all the stupid things I do
have absolutely no reflection on
how I feel about you .. the stupid things . jesse mccartney