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Created by bart666

4:36 p.m. // this is my reality \\


I baked a cake yesterday. Two cakes to be precise. Yummy cakes at that. :) One of them shall be brought to Yvonne's for ye old New Year's festivities. Another year down, who knows how many more to go. Oh boy... so many ups and downs, and it never ends - look forward to another month long phase of writing the date wrong. XD

10:50 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Boxing Day Shopping

Day One - Rideau Center: Bluenotes sweater
Day Two - Markville Mall: Columbia jacket, Jacob Connexion loungepants & t-shirt, Old Navy windpants
Day Three - Vaughn Mills: three pairs of jeans, one shirt

XD Good times.

9:28 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Hey hey kiddos, I'm back. And I definitely thought today was a Sunday *pout* I want to go boxing day shopping XD

Trip was good though, all in all. Car ride was long and fairly uncomfortable, but mmm, dinners were great, steak, escargots, weird lobster appetisers lol. And my yummy raspberry tart.

Skiing was crazy, holy crap, skiing on a mountain really does make all the difference. The ski lift ride was a good 5+ minutes long, and the run itself took us almost an hour the first time. Though that may have been because my brother and I suck at it. But wow, it was cold up there. Fun though, although we only got four runs in >_< Last one was the best, because nobody fell -_-;

The suite-style rooms were awesome, I wish we could've brought food and stuff to actually cook in the kitchen, but there was a fireplace and we lit real fires and popped popcorn and watched The Sound of Music on Christmas day ^_^

9:11 a.m. // this is my reality \\



So I'm off to Quebec tomorrow, Mont Tremblant and Montreal, four days, though a good 20 hours or so of it will be driving. Hopefully the roads won't be awful.

But really what I wanted to say is Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everybody - I hope you have a wonderful time wherever you are, with family, friends, loved ones. Bless you all, and one last gift.

All it takes is faith and trust, oh, and something I forgot, dust. Add a happy thought, and you can fly. Just believe.

11:11 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Dammit. I definitely left Le Petit Prince at school. -_-;

11:24 a.m. // this is my reality \\


Merry early Christmas - almost half the break is over o.O Dammit. >_<

10:48 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Guh. I think next year I'll stay home from the office Christmas party. I'm too old to have adults coo over me, and too young to make any sort of small talk with them - not that my Chinese is good enough for it anyways.

Andrew's was good though; I am still Chinese enough for the Mahjong, had good times watching/playing X-Box games and eating enough chips to make the roof of my mouth hurt. Oh Christmas parties... we need to have more of those. Chris's yesterday was also good fun - why do I keep playing pool over there, when I most obviously suck? Some people spent all night playing Risk, which may or may not have been better than watching some other people play Halo all night - damn, that game gives me a headache. Ah well, all in good fun, happy belated to ya.

I am off to pump out some more wallpapers and maybe read some fanfic.

11:43 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Interesting to know that my blog comes up 11th on a google search for 'pics of sexiest women naked no blur outs'. -_-;;; WTH. It's understandable getting those kind of hits on wwfr, but arrg! Of course, now that I've made this post I will most likely get even more hits. *sweatdrop* Get out you perverts >_<

7:19 p.m. // this is my reality \\


9:31 a.m. // this is my reality \\



There is ice on the inside of my window. Ice!! It is -19 degrees - not including windchill. It made my Christmas cards wet >_< I think it's time to turn up the heat in my house. Bah.

9:38 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Oh, before I forget. If anyone is familiar with Microsoft Access (it would be a bonus if you knew MySQL too), please email me because there's an opportunity to make some money over the holidays, but I'm not familiar enough with either database program to be of any help. So let me know and I'll hook you up. XD

10:15 a.m. // this is my reality \\


Well, attempted snowboarding yesterday... got my ass owned. Literally and figuratively. Not to mention my shoulders, my knees and my confidence. Suffice to say that it wasn't the high point of the day. It was, however, somewhat redeemed by watching 50 first dates again, eating lots of good chinese food, and participating in some friendly house crashing. And I am still sore.

Oh Christmas break, so many things I need to do... but all I want to do is hang out and not do anything at all. Bah.

Finished a new wallpaper. Need to go finish making review sheets for my tutees now. >_<

9:52 a.m. // this is my reality \\



A cute Christmas riddle/joke:

What Christmas message is conveyed by these letters?:

[highlight the below passage to find out]

[ETA:6.35] Or not because that doesn't seem to be working -_-;

6:53 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Ugh today definitely didn't start out so brilliantly. But it got better - we got to make balloon animals XD (I popped mine rather spectacularily...), everybody had Christmas treats - cookies, cupcakes, chocolate - and I got Christmas cards! I didn't make Christmas cards this year :( I loved getting them though, thank you! Oh, and happy birthday Jodi :)

Only two more days til break, and really, we're not gonna be doing work for 'em anyways ('cept Math... damn quiz...). I'm looking forward to the assembly, it should be lots of fun. ^_^ And seriously, I'm looking forward to one December where something traumatizing doesn't happen :P

5:16 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Hell yes. I thought it would take me a lot longer, but through some strange but lucky flukes, I've got Illusoire working properly for Firefox users. Isn't identical to what you see in IE, there are a few small flaws, but other than that, it's good. Thank god. Because randomly, I've now got over 53% of Illusoire visiters using Firefox; so I figure it's probably for the best that you don't see a crap load of crap. So go ahead; Firefox users you can now see it properly! And to that, there's a new wallpaper up:

Images from the first movie, because I couldn't find enough good ones from the second. The first movie was better anyways - although Brad Pitt is incredibly hot in both. XD Enjoy.

10:26 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Because we didn't ever end up typing this up. An image of the original poster can be seen here. Written by Pui, Jelena, Vanessa, Jenn, Alyssa and I. And as entertaining the innuendoes, it is actually a little deeper than it seems.

The Memory Tree of the Heart

Orange you just a little curious?
Kissing strange men...
Admit it,
Dirty Glancing, Mr. Clean, lip service
feels good.
Feeling a little testy?
Get the sneakiest postman
It takes more than a kiss...

Gather around the table, I'll give you a treat.
Okay, I give
Fire up this
Extreme leisure
Three reasons,
One unforgettable meal
My favourite mix.
Thick, rich, and ready in no time!
Getting there in the path of a train
Looking up your old flame.

Let's get physical!
May we suggest a crisp chardonnay with your stud-muffin?
It's good, it's French
The hard part
Keeping score
No baby on board
Who will you be in the next 24 hours?

Jane Doe
Her secret sorrow
Diagnose Dr. Happy
Into the surpassing lane.
How fast are you going
Analyze this! A little jab will do ya

Paradise in a bottle
Damage control
A lifetime of bondage?
Me, the problem bride
Won't that hurt your eyes?

A death-defying act
Get it off
Your back
Banish the stereotype!
Save the world.
Do you have 250 years?
When you're standing still?

10:25 p.m. // this is my reality \\


I'm rather dissapointed. If only I lived in the states, I could get a free iPod, flat screen, or game console. As it is, I don't live in the states, meaning I can't get these things. >_< But if you do, or randomly have an address down there, feel free to go get your free things. I can assure you, it's not a scam. And it's easier than the Pepsi-Ipod Per Hour thing.

[ETA:11.22] And really, it is a lot of work, because I've been attempting it for the last half hour or so and already I'm tired of it. >_<

10:21 a.m. // this is my reality \\



First off, if you're using Opera, I know the sidebar isn't aligned properly, and I don't care. It works in three out of the four browsers that I spend the last week coding and testing this layout for, and I'm tired of finding fixes.

Secondly, if you're using Firefox or Netscape, I'm sorry that a) the left and right borders stop about 800px down the page, but I don't know why, nor do I have any idea where to even start looking for a fix; and b) the sidebar does the same thing - however I've forced it to height:1250px, so unless you're working at unreasonably large font sizes, the blog content should not overlap the sidebar content.

I have been trying and trying, and I would rant about how much I hate the box model (which shouldn't even be a problem seeing as I run IE6!), and how stupid it is that browsers don't all work the same, but I figured out how to fudge it so that it would work in everything but Opera, so I won't complain. My only serious issue now is the height problems with my divs, which wouldn't be a big deal except that I need want my divs and my borders to reach the bottom of the page properly.

But moving away from the various problems of this layout, it's a major overhaul of Semblance, going from the tiny iframe layouts (which, agrivatingly enough, worked perfectly in all browsers!) to something that won't strain eyes for people using resolutions higher than 800x600 - myself included. The decision for the remake came when I happened across this image, which shared my name. It was such a nice photo that I decided I had to use it, and too many hours later, this is what resulted of it. Serious issues aside, I like it. I think it is pretty, and that is all that matters, period. XD

1:17 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Made a new wallpaper today, because I'm conspiciously free of work (it'll probably come back to me at a later date in time >_<). I like it a lot, so I'm linking it; feel free to check it out (is it just me or is Ashlee prettier than her sister? At least as a brunette...).

I am also attempting to code a brand-spanking new layout, but it seems the more work I put into coding, the more frustration I come across. Why do Firefox and Netscape hate me?

6:27 p.m. // this is my reality \\



To do:
Bio - notes
LEAD - read Part III & answer questions
Math - finalize assignment
Law - print out assignment & draw court room
YB - create staff mugs
English - read Act IV
Chem - look over notes

5:34 p.m. // this is my reality \\



You know, I was thinking (while at the same time trying to review for the English test I have Wednesday); maybe the reason why the word 'like' is so entrenched into this generation's vocabulary is because of a general loss of vocabulary itself. Because instead of describing something with the adjectives and descriptive words we should have in our vocabulary, we, in not having that vocabulary at our disposal, attempt to describe a subject or object by comparing it to something else instead. And that is where our use of 'like' comes in, except that instead of using a descriptive simile to enhance what we were trying to say, it has replaced the description altogether. And in not being able to find something to compare our subject to, 'like' has become a hanging verb that we add on to a sentence when we're not sure what to say. But that's like, just my grammatical introspective.

6:12 p.m. // this is my reality \\



^_^ Went shopping for myself for the first time in months yesterday (probably spent more than I should've); but! I now have my outfit for my dad's Christmas party, and I don't care if it's too summery. I love it ^_^ A heavy fabric lavender knee length skirt, white corderoy blazer (eee!) and a dark red-purple sequined tank top. I'm excited XD

9:17 a.m. // this is my reality \\
