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Today's the Gr. 9 Retreat day; I'm excited for them ^_^ Wish we could've done something like that in our year, but then again, we weren't a great class for our peer mentors to begin with. Sometimes I feel old lol. One more year and I'll have to be deciding universities, yikes. >_< But for now, enjoying my days, one at a time. And this one should be a blast; outside all day having fun :)

6:40 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Gah; so, 'net's finally back up for me. Three days seems a whole lot longer when you've got next to nothing to entertain yourself with. But downtown was a lot of fun, even though, damn, walking to and from campus is tiring. It was nice to spend the day with Stephen though, we went to University fair - which was far less exciting than I had imagined - walked back from the metro center and had dinner @ res before subwaying home. The subway can be a very comfortable place for a nap when you're dead tired.

Saturday was spent fixing Iris's computer (again XD), she's online now, and with cable faster than me >P We played Scrabble and devoured the junk food in her house, it was all good fun. Watched Shakespeare in Love that night with Stephen, I love that movie ^_^ Sad ending and all >P

And then yesterday (Sunday), I had turkey eggs for breakfast; they don't really taste any different. Look weird though, thicker yolk texture. Went to tutoring, then went to KBBQ and BBT'ing, all of which was good fun. I liked the part where the small asian girls ate more meat then most of the people at the table. And no more cooking meat Celine. :P

6:39 a.m. // this is my reality \\



So, not having internet sucks. -_-; I've been checking my mail @ the frigging school library. Downtown right now, Mok's @ class so I'm abusing Chris's internet. I'll be going to Univ Fair later today, but first hopefully some hardcore Eaton center shopping XD Don't look for me online, it'll be a while. >_<

10:23 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Waking up in the middle of the night to muscle pain in my leg. Fun stuff. :P In other news, it's Friday already, I finished all my homework, all I've got today is Physics, a LEAD workshop, and a Chem quiz. And hopefully little homework from those. I'll be pleased. Frees me up for doing other, more fun things. Like playing around with YB more. Heh.

6:45 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Because we were doing quotes in english, and because I liked a bunch of them:

love is just a word unless you can find someone to give it meaning.
fun is fun and done is done.
from day to day to the last syllable of recorded time
signifying nothing

The last two being from Macbeth.

7:48 p.m. // this is my reality \\



For those of you from the UK or the US who are reading my blog; I'd like to extend a welcome :) even though I don't know who you are and how you came across this little abode of mine. Drop me a line, say hello, just, welcome.

As for everybody who frequents my blog, also, hello, and I apologise to everyone for not being very interesting when I blog. ^_^;; To be quite honest, I don't blog for the entertainment of my readers, but if you are entertained, all the better, and I'm glad for it. So, enjoy.

Onto today. Being the smart person that I am, I put these gigantic dangling earrings on this morning that Matt got me for my birthday. And, lovely that they are, when I combed my hair, the brush got caught in the earring, yanking it out of the plastic backing and flinging it out of my ear. Ouch.

Class was class as usually, Howard is hilarious, and I especially enjoyed hearing Chris's impromptu ancient civs lesson. Yes, it was interesting that one of Rome's emperors adopted a son, made him go through a sex change and then married his son turned girl turned wife. Oh, enlightenment. As apposed to Law, which is just so painful.

So goes my life. Yearbook, despite the fact that no one in the school wants us, seems to have found a home. I'm off to the Grade 9 Retreat as a leader, so that'll be oodles of fun; and I'm going to be late for the first Chemistry quiz of the year for LEAD. Brilliant.

7:04 p.m. // this is my reality \\



And also, new wallpaper.

10:30 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Phew! So, first week of school's all over, I did tutoring this afternoon, and now I'm free!! And Stephen's coming back for the weekend, and I already (practically) finished my french homework, so all is good ^_^ Hehe!

9:11 p.m. // this is my reality \\



It's pretty to see the sun rise and reflect off the clouds, they give off such nice colours.

6:40 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Well, I'm now officially tutoring 3.30-4.30 Tuesdays and Fridays every week. I'm going to see, if I do Key Club, if I can move the Tuesday to like, 4 or something, but we'll see. I hope it's okay, and I hope I can handle it, but it's nice to know I'll be making some money or volunteer hours. First day of school wasn't too shady, got Nowikow first period for physics, and he's awesome. Howard for anthro's a riot, the lightbulb dance, ah man; law's, well, I had no expectations for law, so whatever, and chemistry doesn't seem too bad so far, Ms. Hubbell acts nice enough.

I definitely forgot to bring a lock today to school, so I wasn't using my locker, but I'll have it next day when I'm not such an idiot. I'm looking forward to the enriched's, just 'cause I'll know more people. I barely know anyone in my chem class.

5:11 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Well my post just got owned. -_-; Pretty much it consisted of:

I look like a different person with contacts and make-up on.

Have fun at all your respective schools/Universities.


6:43 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Just bit my cheek and I can taste blood with my Reese's Pieces. Mmm.

My binders are all full of paper and I've set out which binder's for which course. Just need to do some packing for my backpack and I should be set. I wish the summer didn't have to end.

5:08 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Oh how I'll miss sleeping in til 8 when starting tomorrow I'll have to wake up at 6.

8:30 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Went downtown today with Mok to help him (and his friends) move in. His residence is pretty nice, all considering, it being University res; the room's not tiny, and at least it seems like the air con works. Bought textbooks too, and damn, those things are expensive. Phew! I'm not relishing the costs of me going to Univ. But res life is going to be fun you can tell, even though their 'adjoining rooms' are 'adjoined' by a two walls and a staircase in between. XD It'll be fun times, I definitely look forward to going down to visit. And, am not looking forward to start of school. :( Not ready!

1:17 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Well I finally got my timetable, this is what it looks like:

Day One
Physics - Nowikow
Anthro - Howard
Law - Zajdner
Chemistry - Hubbell

Day Two
Enriched Math - Provvisionato
Enriched English - Tunnicliff
French - Thomas
Biology - Bulmer

Helping out with registration was fun again even though I kept screwing up, went to the Triplets afterwards and kind-of watched Taking Lives. School starts in less than a week, gross; going to the EX today, and Mok's moving in on the 4th.

8:57 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Going back to school again for the first time in forever; today's registration and I'm helping out, so I'll get to see everyone again. ^_^ Kinda wish I had done registration all week, but I have too much crap this week anyways. Gah, school.

8:29 a.m. // this is my reality \\
