layout image

As instructed, I will now dedicate an entire blog entry to saying:

Happy belated birthday Alyssa (Chloe)! :)

5:36 p.m. // this is my reality \\


"I will hunt you down" Lex promises, taking a step toward the man and getting the gun pointed at him. Crap. Clark judges his chances of getting between Lex and the bullet pretty damn good. His chances of explaining it without a mitigating concussion aren't quite so hot. "I will find out your social security number and your residence and the name of your dog. I will *ruin* you. I will have you audited by the IRS for so many types of tax fraud you will be *buried* under paperwork for the next fifty years."

Clark realizes, about the same time as the gunman, that Lex has, in fact, gone off the deep end. Or maybe the man is thinking of his last tax return.

"You had better run," Lex says menacingly, taking another step forward until the barrel of the gun is against his chest. "No matter how far you go, they will *find* you. And they will audit you."

"Jesus," the man whispers, looking at Clark like he could possibly be any kind of defense against this.

Lex takes the gun from shell-shocked fingers, cocks it, and looks the man dead in the eye. "Start running. And tell your auditor that Lex Luthor sends his regards."
. when the sky falls down . jenn

12:35 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Bwa I had an awesome time yesterday; went to bbq with the 12s (I won't be able to call them that soon lol), late, so obviously we got the leftover food; ddr'd, played go fish with mahjong tiles, and then went out for bbt afterwards, playing spoons with our noses and sticky cards til 12. At least i didn't lose. XD Went to Wendy's after, grabbed a snack and then got home at around one. It was good times :)

8:10 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Goddamn kill me now and remove me from this slow and painful torture that is making the stupid yb cover image render. What I'd like is to have a whole other computer, that would just render, all day long, and nothing else. It'd be nice, actually, to have a seperate computer to do graphics stuff with. And I wouldn't have to die.

8:26 a.m. // this is my reality \\



New wallpaper, and this one's kind of dear to my heart, because it's a wallpaper of the episode I Will Remember You, from the Angel series. And it wrenches my heart, because it's so sad. For those of you who don't know, this is the episode where Angel becomes mortal and he and Buffy can be together again. It almost made me cry, and making the wallpaper pulled chords again. For the full effect, read from the bottom left corner and follow the faded black swirls.

12:06 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Why the fuck did my computer just restart?!?!

2:56 p.m. // this is my reality \\


This article makes me laugh, and also wince when I come across the grammar rules I break. XD

9:45 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Oh man, we made awesome cinnamon buns yesterday night, so good. Also, did a bunch more wallpapers in the last couple days.

7:39 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Well, been doing a whole lot of graphics stuff, layouts, and more recently (of tonight) wallpapers. This one in particular:

Finished two others, gotta wait for something before I can put 'em up though. So check that out for now.

10:06 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Just got my driver's licence, the picture's... eh. Not bad, but the smile looks pretty pained. Went out driving with my dad this morning, and again this afternoon. Gah. S'not bad I suppose, really slow, and some really nervous exclaimations whenever I do something wrong. Ah well. Once school starts I can do Driver's Ed, and it might be better.

6:12 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Phew, long day today, got a whole lot done. Got YB stuff yesterday, spent the morning organizing it all, last year's ads, planning out estimated pages, and I'll continue with the prelim. title pages soon. They're at such a high res it's hard to work with on my comp - takes so long to render.

Cleaned up my Favourites folder as well, and I'm pretty anal with that thing; deleted a lot of dead links and reorganized a bit.

Spent a lot of time reading fanfic and old comics while I was cleaning up links. :)

Also did some coding for layouts, it's crazy, I've got four active layout requests, two almost done, and another four on hiatus. But you know, I love it. I love creating graphics, coding them (even though I could be a lot better at that), and interacting with people (mostly). Could I love it for a living? Heh, unless I make some drastic changes, I'll probably never know. :)

There's still a lot left to do; finish the book report for lead, start the mission statement, finish my second french book (read through the little prince!), and, past Monday, probably some more work for the how-to manual. But I'm getting through it, bit by bit. :) It's less than it seemed a moment ago, just by writing it out. It helps sometimes; and other times, it's altogether overwhelming seeing how much you have to do, heh.

And congrats to Canada for the Silver medal in Trampoline ^_^

9:29 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Finished a blend I started long ago, of Love Actually, which is a good movie. :) The blend's @ Illusoire.

So, been watching the Olympics all week, I enjoy it, even though Canada's only won one medal. Also, we baked a pie last night, apple, it was good ^_^

On a last note, going out driving this afternoon with my mom, we'll see how shaky she comes back. XD

1:13 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Whoooo! First medal for Canada, bronze in women's synchro diving, beat out of silver by the Russians, gold to China. ^_^ Yaaay!

2:45 p.m. // this is my reality \\



For interest's sakes, this website has some awesome and addictive games. Personal favourites are floats, bumble bees, bungee bear, these little pigs and the amazing dare dozen. [I started this post @ 3.18; it's now 4.20; very addictive games]

Olympics tomorrow, I'm excited ^_^;; Cause I'm a big patriotic geek lol. Also, I have next to no cash, so if I've been passing on all the trips to the movies, that's why. :P Summer seems to be rolling along without pause, and I just hope that I get everything I wanted to get done during the summer, done. Heh. ^_^;; We'll see.

3:18 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Saw The Bourne Identity last night with a bunch of peoples, we were almost late, but we made it. I thought the movie wasn't bad, although Iris and Mok got headaches from the shaky camera work. And Dennis is so weird >P Went to dinner after cause Mok and I hadn't eaten yet, Vienamese noodles and stuff, was good. :) So, nothing much more of consequence. Need to get started on that damn book review. >_<

8:56 a.m. // this is my reality \\



New wallpaper up in Illusoire, shots from The Girl Next Door. :) Check it out.

[edit:] another new wallpaper, Tru Calling focus, featuring Eliza Dushku.

6:11 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, etc etc.

XD Sweet 16 today, and I've been reading the driver's handbook all morning. Ha. I'm gonna fail. Taking it sometime this week, wish me luck!

9:17 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Phew, I went to Nigara yesterday, all day. It was fun; we walked across the border, went to Niagara-on-the-Lake. Had dinner at Kelsey's for my birthday dinner. :) It was fun.

Oi, can someone tell me when Lisa's thing is?

9:30 a.m. // this is my reality \\
