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Mmm Cat you're right, this Calgon hand cream stuff is addictive. Smells so goood...

6:22 p.m. // this is my reality \\


^_^ So yesterday I went out to dinner with a bunch of friends for my birthday - which is actually Aug. 2 but Iris is picky. We went to Mongolian Grill, which I like a lot. :) Had a lot of fun, made so much noise, and there was singing to - and Happy Birthday playing over their speakers. Ah, good times. I got some awesome presents - thank you everyone! - and Iris/Yvonne/Joce's present was very cute. There was a bunch of awesome stuff, earrings, a spa day g/c, so much candy XD, make-up, good smelling creams, this cool La Senza on the go thing, and Jelena's luuuv petals XD, stuffed animals and an awesome pink bikini, and a big toblerone! ^_^ Ah good times. Thank you again everyone! :)

I'm in the midst of putting pictures up on freeze frame.

6:53 a.m. // this is my reality \\



So, I had an adventure filled day today. Today was the Accounting exam, which all in all, went well for me. I finished the exam about 45 minutes early and drew on the back of the paper; it's kinda nice, I haven't drawn in a while, but in the last two/three days I've drawn two things I'm pretty happy with. Anyways, the exam ends, and my teacher had previously asked me, Mel and Chloe to stay after a bit to go over the exam, make sure there are no wonky questions that were marked wrong (believe me, there were a lot of those on the previous tests). So, me and Mel were gonna bus to Main Street Unionville, because Chloe had left early with her mom and her cousins - we were gonna meet her there. We get out of the classroom at 10 to 11, having already missed the 10 o'clock bus, and hey, I have 7 missed messages on my phone. It's my mom, telling me she was waiting outside the school. Cept by the time I called her back, she was already on the way home, tired of waiting. >_< I felt pretty bad, but she picked us up and dropped us off at Starbucks to meet Chlo and her two cousins. We chilled there for a while, walked back down Main Street to Highway 7.

We were planning to go to Sushi on 7 for lunch, which didn't open til 11.30, and Chloe's mom was gonna pick her and her cousins up and drop them off, but hey, it's like, a five minute walk, and Mel and I would've had to walk anyways, so off we go; we get there 10 minutes early, but they let us in anyways, and mm air conditioning. The sushi wasn't bad there, and not very expensive at all, which was good. They forgot to bring us the salads though, and it was at the very end when we were all done that we remembered 'bout it, and I went up to ask for it.

So, paying for the sushi. Since we all had different stuff, we decided to ask for a seperate bill. Well, lo and behold, everybody who had something around 5 bucks? had no 5s. No 10s. All we had were 20s. >_< We had to give them three seperate 20s and ask for three seperate trays of change. We felt so bad. >_< We ended up giving them almost 20% worth of tip.

Anyways, we leave Sushi on 7, and I wanted to go to the mall. But Chloe's mom wanted her and her cousins to wait @ the restaurant, so me and Mel go off to the mall. It's only about a 20 minute walk, but a lot of Hwy 7 on the north side has no sidewalk, which isn't so great. This truck drives past right in the lane beside us, and damn it was pretty creepy. Great big woosh of air. So we get to the mall, and Mel goes to Licks to get some ice cream while I wander myself off to the mall. Spent about an hour there shopping for stuff, and I get out at about 10 to 2, on the hopes that the McCowan bus comes every hour or so. Well, this one bus passes me, and a woman gets off, and I'm about to get on, but the guy's like, bus is out of service. Okay. I can wait. The bus that stops for me was there @ 2 to the dot, and I get on and grab a transfer, thinking I'll get off at Denison and ride that down to Middlefield.

Keep in mind that I've taken the bus about a total of 5 times, and never on my own. I can't remember whether you have to pull the bell or if the bus stops at every stop. So this guy gets on with his little daughter, and they both has bus passes, like, the monthly kind. So I figure they know what they're doing; after some deliberation, I turn and ask the guy the question. He tells me I have to pull the bell, and asks where I want to go. So I tell him I need to get off at Denison; but he tells me that there is no stop at Denison - crap. He tells me instead to get off at Steeles - it's only a block's walk back up. Okay, I figure, whatever. So, we pass 14th, and I think, I could get off, but it's already too late, I'll get off at Steeles. But then, one lady and her son get off on Highglen. Well, that's closer to my house than Denison. I'll get off here.

So I'm on Highglen thinking, I could walk down Highglen, or I could continue walking to Denison. Denison it is, it only took me about 5 minutes. I see a bus stop on Denison along McCowan, and I think, what the hell, does the bus stop here or not? Whatever, I cross the street and get ready to wait for the Denison bus. But it's just past 2, and I'm thinking, what if it only comes every hour, and I've missed it? Screw that, I'll just walk along Denison and see if I can catch the bus. However, I forgot, reading the back of my transfer, you're only supposed to transfer at the intersection you got off at. But no matter, I'm walking down Denison, and I'm almost to Middlefield anyways.

So I'm looking at my tranfer ticket while I'm walking, trying to figure it out, and I see it said Middlefield. What? McCowan doesn't meet Middlefield. But then I remember taking the school bus home that hey, the Highglen bus turns onto Middlefield. Crap. Does that mean I could've gotten on the bus there? So by now I'm feeling pretty stupid, and really warm. But I'm this far, no way I'm going to call my mom, especially cause she wasn't too happy with me this morning, and I'm only like, 10 minutes away from home anyways.

So, end of the story is, I walked a good grand total of probably an hour or more, *and* I took the bus all by myself. It's a proud moment for me, shut up. :P

3:11 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Well, I had Iris and Mok over on Tuesday, because they wanted to dye their hair (at my house -_-;) and I took all these pictures. I wanted to put them somewhere. So in the precious hours of the morning, I put together this, Freeze Frame. Have a look.

[edit:7.53] Moved Freeze Frame to blogspot so that it wouldn't take up space on

7:20 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Three weeks have gone by already, and today's the beginning of the last week of summer school. I, for one, am excited. Finished that damn ass project that shouldn't be given to summer school students gdmit - 20 pages. But, had a good weekend, over all, a lot of relief, and a fun time picnicing @ edward gardens. 'cept you're not supposed to picnic at edward gardens. Nor are you supposed to feel assorted wildlife. They had really cute chipmunks who refuse to eat pretzels from cute small children. Cooked bacon for picnic, and baked cookies which were forgotten about. Did some shopping too, and watched Dirty Dancing, Havana Nights, which was... well, a chick flick; and not a very good one. More chick than flick, and the chick in it wasn't that good of an actor. But the dancing, now that was cool. Watched Snatch last night, good movie, but not a good one to decide to watch with whole family, as every other word out of a character's mouth was fuck. Finally, watched Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen on... Friday? It wasn't that bad, though I can't get over my dislike of Lindsey Lohan; the bitchy chick looked like Eliza Deshku though. Heh. My summer of movies has just begun. XD

7:42 a.m. // this is my reality \\



I recieved this today when I got home from Yaa's; from Melanie, a girl whom I did this layout for. It's awesome ^_^

In other news, I have been all non-updating. There's not that much to say. Birthday sleepover was fun yesterday/today; I got owned by Pac-Man. ^_^;; Also, Gia, interesting movie. Althought I kept falling in and out of sleep of it. So really, my opinion doesn't count. The weather better keep staying nice. :)

10:41 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Finished this wallpaper a couple days ago, because I kept listening to the song and wanted to make it.  :)  I loves this song, it reminds me of being little and singing it in the car. 

We made garlic bread yesterday; it was yummy.  ^_^

7:38 a.m. // this is my reality \\



I definitely woke up this morning at 6.15, looked at my alarm clock and thought, crap, I only have half an hour, I was supposed to wake up half an hour ago.  Ran around doing morning stuff and feeling crappy about waking up late, go downstairs for breakfast, mom is down there so I'm about to make my own, when she comes down, asking why I'm up so early.  "Wait, what time do I leave the house?"  8.50.  >_<  So I didn't wake up too early, and instead, I made my mom wake up too early.  Way to be stupid. 

6:45 a.m. // this is my reality \\



I like how long it's been since I posted lol.  Like someone said, the more time you have, the less you feel the need to post.  Summer school hasn't been bad, we watched Catch Me If You Can on Friday; I had a Tiamo for the first time on Tuesday from Second Cup.  Joyce's birthday party was Friday as well, we watched a bit of 50 First Dates; Mok and I watched I, Robot with some of the 12's after.  It was a good movie, but I suck, so it scared me some.  I've got my third accounting test to study for today, but I'll do it later.  ^_^;;

8:43 a.m. // this is my reality \\



This weekend was lotsa fun ^_^ Went downtown with my family and stayed at the Marriot, cause my dad had a conference. We checked out the street festival, which was awesome. The best were the acromaninicats show, cause it was funny. There was also lots of good food, and much subwaying. I like the dt subway system. It's so convenient. The hotel was nice too. ^_^ I had a good time.

And now it's back to summer school.

4:15 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Today was a good day. It was fun, spend the late evening playing games with my family and stuff. :) Going downtown for the weekend, my dad has a conference, and the rest of us are going for Street Festival. It should be fun, but you won't be able to reach me til Sunday night. ^_^ Saw 13 Going on 30 last night, it was cute. Now I really should sleep, cause I'm waking at like, 6.30 tomorrow... >_<

11:12 p.m. // this is my reality \\



I saw King Arthur yesterday after summerschool with some of the 12s after Mok picked me up from summer school; it was good, although you have to remember that it's pretty much a totally different story than the one you've probably grown up with. There's also a lot less Kiera Knightly then I thought there would be. The actors in the movie you start off not thinking attractive, but they kind of grow on you. And Arthur and Lancelot definitely had a thing going on. :)

Accounting was a little more interesting today, I think because I was learning new things and the like. I was less bored at least. And I finished my book, Who Will Cry When You Die, the one I had to read for LEAD. I have to say, it's not a bad book at all, if a little repetitive. There are a lot of good quotes in it, I just have a habit of not remembering them. I wrote two of them down though, that I thought I liked.

fake it til you make it
You are as old as your doubt, your fear, your despair. The way to keep young is to keep your faith young. Keep your self confidence young. Keep your hope young.

And that was that. :) I started my French book too, and it's pretty sad, because I've decided to write down every word I don't know, and look it up and keep a bit of a glossary, and it's so far been a very long glossary, and I'm just reading the introduction to the story. ^_^;; Oh wells. I'm feeling productive today.

5:32 p.m. // this is my reality \\



First day of summer school today; wasn't hard or anything, but it sure was hella boring. The teacher's nice and all, but he's not that great a teacher. And of course there's the fact that I already learned the very basics in Business, so right now it's all very tedious review for me. Hopefully it'll get more interesting once I start learning things. :P

Also, found this looking through my agenda. Dun know if I ever typed it up.

"We're meant to be together. It's our destiny."
He scoffed. "I don't believe in destiny."
She took his hand, raising it between them. "Believe in this."

And also this, which I can't remember anymore if it's supposed to go together with the other.

She ran, smoke filling her lungs and making her stumble. Someone grabbed her arm and dragged her back up. She turned to see who had helped her, but the crowd had already carried them away.

5:47 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Oh summer school, I wasn't ready for you yet. Heh. First day today, and I didn't even remember yesterday. And fuck if my allergies aren't acting up. Gotta get out of this room. >_<

7:22 a.m. // this is my reality \\





1. Take five books off your bookshelf.

2. Book #1 -- first sentence
"You knew they were there, didn't you?"

3. Book #2 -- last sentence on page fifty
There just had to be a joke in here someplace.

4. Book #3 -- second sentence on page one hundred
He turned to look at her, and she pulled his fingers impatiently out of his ears.

5. Book #4 -- next to the last sentence on page one hundred fifty
"Witchcraft? Why 'witches'?"

6. Book #5 -- final sentence of the book
So, come.

7. Make the five sentences into a paragraph.
He turned to look at her, and she pulled his fingers impatiently out of his ears.
"Witchcraft? Why 'witches'?" "You knew they were there, didn't you?"
So, come. There just had to be a joke in here someplace.

8. Feel free to "cheat" to make a better paragraph.

He turned to look at her, and she pulled his fingers impatiently out of his ears. "Witchcraft? Why witches? You knew they were there, didn't you." So here it came; there just had to be a joke in here someplace. He was not amused.

9. Name your sources
Book 5- Between the Stillness and the Grove . Erika da Vasconcelos
Book 4- Paragon Lost . Dave Duncan
Book 3- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire . J.K. Rowling
Book 2- An Exchange of Hostages . Susan R. Matthews
Book 1- Naked Empire . Terry Goodkind

10:49 a.m. // this is my reality \\



These last couple days have been jam packed. Strawberry picking and lunch at East Side's, all they way in Stouffville. Downtown to watch Fireworks on Canada day, took hella long getting back to Markham, had midnight dinner at Tims. Yesterday was Kitty's bbq, so much food, kite flying and duck feeding. They're cute when they eat out of your hand. Out in the sun so much I'm definitely shades darker.

But this is something I've been doing for probably the last 3 or 4 days. Inspired by this amazing image, Chloe's Secret, I put together a blend of my own. Seth Cohen, because he's more than the comic relief. It's a very big, very long image, but if you have the patience for it, I think you'll like it, if you watch the OC at all, if you like his character at all. And I think he deserves the recognition. :)

11:20 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Bweee saw Spiderman 2 yesterday, opening night. I thought it was really good, regardless of the fact that it didn't follow the cartoon at least. It was all, awwwww, and stuff. ^_^ And so I'm gonna put up my Spiderman2 wallpaper again, on my own desktop too. :) Here.

11:32 a.m. // this is my reality \\
