layout image

Just finished up a wallpaper that I started eons ago and forgot about. Since I'm now working @ 1024x768 (I know, I know, no more 800x600 XP) I made the wallpaper for both res. Smaller, and larger, both linked. Lyrics from REM's Beach Ball; images of Jennifer Garner.

[ETA: 6.14] Just finished another wallpaper, which I'm mighty proud of ^_^;; Because I wanted to do something with Spiderman, what with the movie coming out Wednesday, so I made this blend/wp: small/big. The images are courtesy of this gallery, which has a bunch of nice screenshots for me to work with. ^_^ Lyrics are Foo Fighters' My Hero. I had fun with this indeed.

[ETA: 8.32] Troy wp. Small.

2:42 p.m. // this is my reality \\


I had a good time yesterday. Went to IKEA again, which, as always, is awesome. Saw some movies, watched some OC, had KFC for dinner XD It was an interesting day.

10:27 a.m. // this is my reality \\



So you see, I had this neat idea, that I would wake up at nine today, right? It *sounded* like a good idea; I was even worrying that I wouldn't wake up in time for nine. Well look at that, I shouldn't have worried. Because I woke up at FIVE IN THE MORNING. Which is why I've been online since SIX THIRTY. >_< I'm going to go and find some good HP-epic to pass the TWO MORE HOURS I have until I can even begin to get ready to go out.

7:04 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Picked up my report card yesterday; I keep thinking today's Friday, yesterday was Thursday, and so on and so forth. Saw Monsters, Inc for the first time last night too, it was very awwwww.

I had the most fucked up dream last night, and it started off kinda Monsters, Inc, but then it turned into Harry Potter on fucking crack. Did not like. :P I wanna do things this and next week, cause after that it's summer school, gross. So if anybody has plans, feel free to call me ^_^

10:35 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Aah first day of real, true, free from school-ness. ^_^ Yesterday was the last day, stupid 10 periods, mostly pretty useless. I didn't go to most of my classes. Went to Tims for lunch, chilled @ the library for a bit, had a LEAD meeting, but classes? Pft. The weather was a bit chilly today, but better for walking to Mok's house than the stiffling heat of the last couple days. Stayed there til his mom came home then we trapzed off to Frankie Tomatto's for dinner; Gifteefest failed, but a bunch of us still went out to eat, and it was a lot of fun. I haven't been there since the Triplets' birthday party. ^_^ Watched Cheaper By The Dozen last night too, cute movie. And today I'm out this afternoon, and for dinner as well. Gotta party it up before summer school starts yo. XD

11:52 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Last day of school and I'm tired. Woke up at 6 to have a shower because I went to sleep after Doug's pool party. Nobody's awake in my house and it's a bit unnerving. Dun wanna go to schoo~ool.

6:44 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Bwah went shopping today, loads of fun. IKEA is my hero. It rocks my socks ^_^ If I had that much money, I'd outfit my entire house in IKEA merchandise. Bweee so nifty it all is. ^_^

4:50 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Went out to STC and bought some presents today; Father's Day, mom's birthday, stuff like that. Yves Rocher was having this awesome sale and ahh I was all in girly glee ^_^ Mmm so good smelling and so on sale and wheee! Even though my mum's birthday's not for another two weeks, I don't get great chances to go out shopping, so s'all good. :) Mmmm su~ummer. I loves.

7:42 p.m. // this is my reality \\


DONE. Completely and absolutely done for an entire year. One down, only two more to go. Bwahah no more exams. None of it was hard, but I didn't pull perfects either. But I don't care; done done done.

Until summer school that is. >_<

But ignoring that, I intend to enjoy this summer. Wheeeee.

Also, I am far too early, and am far too warm. But all is good. ;)

7:34 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Waah exams.. I was all yay! study on the weekend, but now I can't study without falling asleep or being bored out of my mi~ind.

Today was so useless; went the most of my classes for attendance then left; business was the only one I skipped. Last layout meeting for the team, wah yearbook makes me :S for next year. :P

I dun wanna do exa~ams.

8:04 p.m. // this is my reality \\



~ *Juli* ~ please don't be afraid when the darkness falls away ~ the imprint is always there ~ says:

*poke poke*

alyssa says:

*squirms around because am ticklish*


Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator

9:12 p.m. // this is my reality \\


*poke poke* Exams in two days... I hate Business. It's the most boring, useless course ever. I have learned nothing. It's so painful trying to study for it.

On the plus side, I did really well on my Math exam. :)

On the ...not-plus side, exams suck. With sticks. >P

9:01 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Nifty. Gmail gives me a gig of email space. XD Not that I think I'd ever need that much... but it does give me some options. (Sadly these options mostly revolve around YB storage >_<)

Today wasn't all that interesting. I think I nearly died in Comm Tech; you did miss the extra mark that Mr. Lorde gave us though Lisa, for just being there. >P Nikhil came to talk to us about the time he spent in Napal, which was quite interesting, *and* there was free pizza, but other than that, my day was pretty blah. Classes so boring. Don't want to study for exams; therefore going to fail.

That's a lie. *goes back to study*

8:05 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Malfoy shuddered.

4:00 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Everytime I try to study Science, I always get so tired I have to close my eyes after a unit. Obviously I don't have enough sleep. Or the Science is too tiring. >_<

4:48 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Music Banq last night was a lot of fun, although I'm never a fan of Crystal Fountain's food. The music was good, better than Prom's; I believe we owe that one to Andrew. The slideshow was a lot less ... well boring I guess this year; I guess because I could actually pay attention to what was happening, as I knew a lot more people in the shots. Everyone looked all spiffy-like, it was very much fun. Afterwards we wanted to go bbt'ing but it was way too full for the group of us, and I had to be home by one, so no bbt for me. Ah wells, it was still a lot of fun; and now I have to study for exams >_< Guh.

12:29 p.m. // this is my reality \\



I'm *fast*. XD

Fuck. Stupid idiots calling me long distance for a freaking wrong number, *in class*. *glare*

Careers is boring. I haven't blogged in a very long time. :P Math exam tomorrow dammit, ruin my Friday. Although, Music Banquet tomorrow night too.

PDA: Gifteefest: Wed. 23rd 5-7 OR 5.30-7.30 @ Frankie Tomatto's; get $19.03 to me, Yvonne, or Iris by the 16th (last day before exams) if you want to come. >P And you *know* you want to come. >P Money includes 2 hour buffet, drinks, tax and gratuity.

2:19 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Type your username with your:
nose: km9i65wu8ikaqi9
elbow: mitsukai
tongue: mitsukai
chin: mitsukai
feet: miitsuukai
eyes closed and one finger: mitsulai
back of my hand: mitsukaipo
palm: mity5swukijaqi
mouse: mki96tu8kiwi
wrist: m itsuykai

Looks like my palm and my nose suck a lot. Heh. Way to waste my time today. XD Been spending all time this week doing homework or else cutting down on the 7-8 custom layouts I've been recieving. I refuse to take time out of my afternoon/evening which is for homework, for layouts, which means I've been staying up til 12-12.30 every night without fail to get all those layouts done. I think I'm done to two. Going to Unionville Festival this afternoon, should be fun stuff; lots of free stuff. If I remember correctly, last year around this time was so much warmer! Ah well.

11:33 a.m. // this is my reality \\
