layout image

No rest for the wicked.
...a very violent, at times inappropriately erotic dream.
Try not to die. You are not unpleasant to my eyes.

Aww baby! Cute.

I mean really, I crap better magic than this.

CONNOR!! Whaaa!! ^_^

I can't help. You'll be dead within moments.

*cry* So sad :(
Ha. Die bastard!
Connor! :(
Ha. Dumbass. You lose!
Shit, Angel told Lorne to do it. :(
:( Noooo Gunn can't die.

I'm feeling grief for him. I can't control it. I wish to do more violence.

Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh! What a bad ending!!!!

6:59 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Time for one of these again..

to do:
research for English debate + essay
make poster + edit scripts/storyboards for Comm Tech
make Science notes for Weather test
put together Science CD project
write Math reflection
study for Math exam
prepare for French presentation
make Business poster + presentation
study for Business quiz
compile Business notes for exam
fill in LEAD volunteer hours
write LEAD report
print out Yearbook pages
code more custom layouts


4:56 p.m. // this is my reality \\



I had the creepiest dream last night after having watched the SV finale. It doesn't have too much to do with the episode itself... but it was so real. For some reason Clark was on crutches, I can't remember. I don't know if our mysterious character was still there; but Lionel had somehow hidden away from the feds and was living across a cornfield away from the Kents, being all evil like. And our fed officer was all, I'm not on your side anymore, but I still have the satellite feeds for you, and he gives Lionel this big flatscreen monitor and there you can see Clark, trying to walk down the stairs from the house. All of a sudden you see him looking really hard, and you realise Clark can see Lionel, and Clark asks him if he wants him to come over there, and I'm sure there was more detail to the dream, but at the moment I can't remember and I'm not dying to. It was just weird. And very real. And now I need to go to school.

6:55 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Did our LEAD presentation today, wasn't that prepared for it to be honest, but we did it to a gifted class, Gr. 9s, most of whom knew us, so they were pretty receptive. It was a tad short, but it was still not too bad. :) Also had my History test, which didn't go *too* badly I think :) All in all I'm a little less pressured; now I just have my English debate and essay, my Science performance task and CD, my Business presentation and my various exams to do. Hurrah.

6:10 p.m. // this is my reality \\



There's two things I know for sure:
She was sent here from heaven and she's daddy's little girl.
As I drop to my knees by her bed at night
She talks to Jesus and I close my eyes and
I thank god for all the joy in my life
Oh, but most of all
For butterfly kisses after bedtime prayer;
sticking little white flowers all up in her hair;
"Walk beside the pony, Daddy, it's my first ride."
"I know the cake looks funny, Daddy, but I sure tried."

Oh, with all that I've done wrong
I must have done something right
To deserve a hug every morning
And butterfly kisses at night.

Sweet 16 today
She's looking like her mama a little more everyday
One part woman, the other part girl.
To perfume and make-up from ribbons and curls
Trying her wings out in a great big world.

But I remember.....
Butterfly kisses after bedtime prayer;
sticking little white flowers all up in her hair.
"You know how much I love you, Daddy, But if you don't mind
I'm only gonna kiss you on the cheek this time."

With all that I've done wrong I must have done
something right to deserve her love every morning
and butterfly kisses at night.

All the precious time
Like the wind, the years go by.
Precious butterfly.
Spread your wings and fly.

She'll change her name today.
She'll make a promise and I'll give her away.
Standing in the bride-room just staring at her.
She asked me what I'm thinking and I said "I'm not
sure-I just feel like I'm losing my baby girl."
She leaned over…gave me butterfly kisses with her mama there,
Sticking little white flowers all up in her hair
"Walk my down the aisle, Daddy-it's just about time."
"Does my wedding gown look pretty, Daddy? Daddy, don't cry"

Oh, with all that I've done wrong
I must have done something right.
To deserve her love every morning and butterfly kisses-
I couldn't ask God for more, man this is what love is.

I know I gotta let her go, but I'll always remember
every hug in the morning and butterfly kisses.
.. butterfly kisses . collin raye

On a September afternoon
in 1961
A baby girl's first cry rang out
a new life had begun

Her mother rocked her in her arms
and she kissed the tiny brow-and she said
"Darling I'm just as scared as you
But i promise you somehow."

I will take care of you
the very best that I can
With all of the love here in my heart
and all of the strength in my hands
Your every joy I'll share
for every tear I'll be there
my whole life through
I will take care of you

On a September afternoon
in 1985
that little girl had grown into
a beautiful young bride
She turned to the man who held her hand
in front of the waiting crowd
They smiled at each other as they spoke
and this was their wedding vow

I will take care of you
the very best that I can
With all of the love here in my heart
and all of the strength in my hands
Your every joy I'll share
for every tear I'll be there
my whole life through
I will take care of you

On a September afternoon
In 1989
The girl waited by a hospital bed
Never leaving her mother's side
And she said "Mama why don't you close your eyes
try to get some rest
It's my turn to take care of you and I learned from the best
I will take care of you"

On a September afternoon
In 1991
A baby girl's first cry rang out
A new life has begun...
.. i will take care of you . sky amy

8:32 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Went downtown with Mok, Diana, Grace and Michelle today, subway, went and saw Troy, 3 hour movie, Orlando Bloom's character kinda sucked in it, wanted to go shopping after but realised everything closed at seven, stupid Toronto night life. So we went back to Markham, was raining so damn hard we got soaked, went to Wendy's/Tim Hortins and had dinner, and then came back. And I got prom pics up! Right here. :)

11:20 p.m. // this is my reality \\


It's the morning (almost afternoon) of prom, which was a lot of fun. Everybody looked absolutely beautiful. I left school Friday after writing my French summative (which I couldn't skip >_< I alternated between rushing to get it done on time and just hoping the period would end) and went home, spending my full two hours getting ready before Mok picked me up to go to Grace's. Her house was all decorated, and I felt bad because at first no one was eating any food. For some reason, sushi always gets devoured first lol. We took a slew of pictures at Grace's house, and some really nice group ones, waiting for the limos to come. Which were late, but that's ok. I was pretty impressed by the limo, being easily amused by shiny things and the like. We got downtown @ 6.45, only 15 minutes after we were supposed to arrive, and that was just for reception/mingling anyways. Everybody looked so nice all dressed up. We got to take a professionally done picture, and then soon it was dinner time. There was non-weed salad, which is always good for me, and hard bread/soggy croutons XD The chicken was alright, and I ate surprisingly a lot lol. I was pretty hungry. The dance dissapointed most people I think, just because the music wasn't so great. We left at 12 back to Grace's to pick up cars and the like, then off to Lo's for the afterparty. Prom did come with some pretty nifty souvenirs, like a nice picture frame and a gel candle. We had some champagne at Lo's, and watched Serena turn red XD Although, I could feel the blood rushing to my ears too; it's a funny sensation. There was a lot of food eating after that, Mok's bacon wrapped shrimp, Kitty's chocolate fondue and somebody's brownies with whipped cream and sauce. Mmm good. Lots of hanging around and not-sleeping and just talking, and then we started watching Finding Nemo. But then I had to leave :( Very upsetting, as Marvin had just lost Nemo. But I told my dad four, so I left at four. Home, make-up off, and sleep. And now it's the next morning and I'm happy. It was an amazing time, thank you for taking me to prom Mok. :)

11:53 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Ah today went by pretty quickly, and I'm glad, cause it's prom tomorrow!! ^_^ Excited. Today was Gr. 9 summatives, which we watched a bit of, and then I did Gr. 8 tours with kids from Berczy, which was interesting. I think I've been recruited into Key Club. *sweatdrop*

9:23 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Ah Careers. I was gone for a week and didn't miss much at all. Did our summatives presentations today during first two periods, the five minute oral and then the History Heritage Moment. Wasn't too bad I guess, there was food and fun and stuff. Started filming in Comm Tech, I love the new camera, it's so much easier to use than the old ones. XD During lunch we had a LEAD meeting, we were doing out two minute presentations, and I got to go first. Fun stuff. Mind, it was kind of nice going first, because I got it over with and didn't have to worry about it during lunch at all. I could relax and listen to everybody else's presentation. Definitely I spoke too fast, but I really wanted to get all my information across, so I'm not too worried about it. I slow down, mostly, when I do longer presentations. ^_^ Ortho appointment tonight, and at some point I've definitely got to try on my prom dress with my shoes. Gah. So much to do; study for Math and French test, second period and lunch. *crosses fingers* Hopefully I'll get it all done. There's some coding work I'd *really* like to get started on too, because I think it'll be fun. Phew!

2:28 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Ok... so I studied Business... sort of, and I'm starting on Comm Tech, while I wait for my Queen's pics to be uploaded. Don't have space for 'em on, so I'm just gonna put 'em on a photoalbum host because I'm too lazy to resize them to a smaller file. They'll be done in a couple shakes.

[ETA: 7.16] Pictures up! Right here, and for some more, check Lisa's blog ^_^

5:51 p.m. // this is my reality \\


I have no work related motivation right now. >_< I woke up, forced myself to do some French, some Lead stuff, went out for lunch, came back and couldn't do a thing. Ended up making a custom layout. Now I'm going to get some chocolate and attempt to make myself study Business. And hopefully some more French, even though I don't have the vocab sheet. Studying at lunch it is.

4:54 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Whoa new blogger template.... weird. It's like the Netscape one actually... I dun like it haha. Back from Queen's yesterday, it was an amazing trip; I've been working since I got home >_< But while we were there it was like one stress free weekend, the weather was gorgeous, the classes were fun, the activities and the people we met were amazing. I'm dead tired right now, still, so maybe a better recount at another time. For now I just wanted to say that if anyone wanted to see my Queen's pics, they're here: in a zip file. Some of them really need to be lightened, but I'll do it later. :) Pics won't fit fix them later. >_<

11:56 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Bwah! In an hour and a half, I shall be gone from here, going on a bus for four hours to Kingston and staying in Queen's until Friday! Wish me luck y'all, miss you tons! ^_^

10:33 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Feeling better now, and pysched to go to Queen's. Whee ^_^ Gone Sunday, boarding the bus @ 12, so msg me before if you need/want anything! Summatives are next week, but honestly I'm not too crazy worried 'bout them. Should probably be more so... but you know. I'll deal. :)

10:54 a.m. // this is my reality \\



My body obviously refuses to let me stick to my plan, as these stupid allergies have got me feeling like shit. I left school after lunch today and skipped Careers to go home and sleep until 7. Now I have to figure out something to write for the ending of Armaggedon. >_< And being the idiot I am I forgot to bring the USB key to school so I'll need to upload pictures for yb tomorrow.

7:26 p.m. // this is my reality \\



By the end of this month I will have learned:
Flash [alternatively] designed the layout for the Science presentation

By the end of this week I will have done:
History essay rough copy
Careers labs 89-10
all research for Business poster
all research for History video
a broad outline for Science slideshow
brainstorm of ideas for five minute introduction presentation
an outline of French unit project
all research for French summative
an outline and thesis for both LEAD presentations

By the end of the next two days I will have done:
Comm Tech video proposal and business card

This is my plan and I will stick to it. I am working out any and all angry or frustration constructively. The decision is that as I have no tests or presentations this week, I need far less sleep. I will have these things done if I must stay up until three in the morning.

4:43 p.m. // this is my reality \\


You know what pisses me off? Teachers. All throughout high school, you're told that you should manage your time, and not procastinate, and it will make you better off in life. But the conflict comes when you're prepared to not procastinate, to be organised and prepared, ready to work on things on time, before time even, but your teachers aren't on the same wavelength. When you'd like to do the work, but they've decided not to give you the neccessary information until a week, two days before it's due, so that you're forced to procastinate, through no fault of your own. When teachers give you something that is to be due, but don't give you the outline, so you can either do it early and do it wrong, or be forced to cram it all in the days before. How do they think you're supposed to manage time if you're given no time in which to manage it? Procastination is not always a lazy habit, but one that is forced. I'm tired of people being rewarded for procastinating, and those who falter because they chose to try to be organised and on top of things, only to find out that everything they've done is a waste of time. I understand this may be a naive, selfish request, that teachers give you enough notice to do proper, correct work, but I just wasted an entire day, writing over 1000 words for my 1250 word history essay on the weekend, after we got out essay outline proposals back, marked, the Friday before, only to be given the required essay outline today, and realise I have to rewrite or modify half of my essay. After learning that we need embedded refences for all our bibliographical references, when we did not know this, doing the research. It makes me so angry, because it is the people who for one reason or another, chose not to start their essay early, which is no fault of their own, except that maybe I wanted more than five days to work on writing the essay, and so I gave myself that extra time, only to realise it was all a waste and I now need to spend countless more hours fixing it, going and spending hours in the library finding things to embedd and I'll do it, but at the moment I'm incredibly tired and put out and feeling more than a little betrayed. What's the point of managing your time and trying not to procastinate when everything else in your life is going at a different pace? What are you striving for then, if it's all useless? I'm so very tired.

11:15 a.m. // this is my reality \\




9:56 p.m. // this is my reality \\


7.45 also a nice time to be up... >_< it's drizzling outside. :( I got so much work done in the last two days... finished my Careers display board, finished as much as I could for the English summative, wrote three out of five pages of my History essay, *and* bought a pair of black strappy stiletto heel sandals. :) Good weekend so far, and it's still Sunday.

7:47 a.m. // this is my reality \\


Mmm 4am what a nice time to be up... -_-;;

4:12 a.m. // this is my reality \\



April showers bring May flowers; hopefully it's true, because I'd love for some nicer, non-rainy days.

9:43 a.m. // this is my reality \\
