layout image

This week's been so easy, but looking in May, I think I'm going to die. I'm away at Queen's the week before the due date of our Summative presentation, which is 3 days before Prom, and the Saturday I'm back I have volunteering. Gaaah! >_<

9:46 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Today was really easy; did our Science presentations all morning, took up stuff in French, and rushed through my Business presentation.

Wow I forgot about that post really soon. Cut myself today, on the corner of my desk, scratched up my back. Went to the mall too, and looked at jewellery and shoes... pretty. :) I need to pick an accent colour, for black. Anybody got suggestions?

9:36 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Though it's a bit early for it, in a fit of helpfulness, and realisation when I made the mistake, the format that our History essay bibliographies have to be in is MLA; Here's the MLA Bib. format; and other formats as well, hopefully people will catch this and not use the wrong form. :) Or maybe he'll give a note on it and I will have done this for nothing. ^_^;;

6:24 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Ugh finished all my homework, my Comm Tech, my Business project, just need to be ready to present it. I need to read Act 3 in a bit, but that's it. I was watching Road to El Doraldo, and I shall continue later.

8:08 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Grr the bandaid on my finger is bugging me.

12:24 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Finished my long day, not surrounded by germs anymore... I don't think. Mok came over today, to put together Iris's new computer (the case is prettier than mi~ine *pout*), and that took a pretty freaking long time. Mind, we weren't working for *all* of it, but we didn't leave my house til 7 hours later to take it to Iris's house, where it took another hour and a half to figure out the freakin' internet and stuff. And Mok was really sick by the time we were going home... and Iris was sick too. Poor sick people... that'll be me in two weeks. >_< Finished my French homework, and read my Business, just need to do a touch of Comm Tech, and then my entire Business project tomorrow. Fun stuff. I *really* hope I don't get sick. Wake-A-Thon's this Friday.

11:52 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Bah just came back from walking to No Frills; it actually isn't that far. I was supposed to pick up the juice boxes today @ 11 but my parents had a appointment so I couldn't go, so I had to walk out there and tell them I wouldn't be able to pick it up. I'm incredibly warm right now, and my ears are cold.

I stayed @ school til 8.30 last night, almost as late as Amnesty lol, 'working' on yearbook. For the first couple hours I was pretty much working, but at the end, I needed the computer Joyce was on, so I was just waiting for her to finish her personalised page. Before realising there wasn't anything I needed on that computer. >_< We finally left, Joyce and Kitty went home, and Mok, Diana, Grace and I met Terence @ FMP and had dinner (mm Vietnamese noodles, but my stomach hurt a lot last night to enjoy them) and then I was rather easily convinced to go to Ken's, where when we walked up to the house, there was blue light flashing from out his front door... they had a stobe light on and were spasming on the floor... so weird. I couldn't really walk lol. Oh boy. Went home @ 11.30 cause I had to be home by 12, and I just kinda fell asleep, cause I was tired, and my stomach ache was coming back. Woke up this morning @ 8.30ish and watched some cartoons, went out to No Frills with my dad, but the owner wasn't there so I couldn't pick up my juice, and now very soon I need a shower. ^_^;;

11:49 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Tired again... I was taking a nap until someone called the house. I was trying to study Science before that... pretty sad. Wednesday was my History test, which wasn't too bad, and my Business test, which went well enough. Yearbook afterschool, and I'm staying Friday night too.

Today I went on a field trip to St. Jacobs and the Mennonite community. It was pretty interesting, and a lot of fun, if a long, tiring day. We got at the school @ 7 and went straight down the St. Jacobs and stopped @ the Farmer's Market. My time sense was pretty disoriented because I thought it was about lunch time when it was only 8ish. I bought an apple turnover, mmm it was good, and shopped and there were such pretty wind chimes for so cheap I wanted to get one for somebody but I had no one to get things for. Heh. We went to the 'downtown' St. Jacobs after that, and watched a movie on Mennonites, and then spent a good while asking questions, it was pretty interesting, though it was cold. The rest of the time we had to wander the area, and the bakery there? Soo good. I ate my lunch, more apple pastries, and bought for my mum a cherry turnover. They had these mini cakes too. There was a broom store there, it was pretty neat, the floor planks were all knotted and bumpy.

After that we went to a nearby Mennonite community, and a farm, where they had dairy and beef cattle. We acted like such city kids, it's rather funny to think back on it. We went to a sugar shack as well, and saw maple syrup being made and had a bit, mmm. But by then we were pretty tired and the bus ride back was filled with talking about planning for Wake-A-Thon and getting food and breakfast.

Everybody come to Wake-A-Thon!!

[ETA:] omg Jersey Girl comes out this Friday, I'm so going to see that at some point... XD

6:54 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Ugh tired tired tired, and haven't blogged since the end of March Break. Damn school...

Saw Taking Lives with Angelina Jolie on Sunday @ Yorkdale, it was an interesting movie, has a couple good moments of suspense, but mostly it's just freaky. Got presents from Mok from Florida (thank you ^_^), including my crocodile and a bunch of other stuff. It's all very cool, saw pictures from the trip too.

Monday meant school, and I went to school early too, to help put up posters for Wake-A-Thon. Everybody come to Wake-A-Thon!!! School as normal mostly sucked, Science we learned a bit about the summative (ah god >_<) and Math was just painful. But not as bad as Business is... holy crap. I hate that course more and more everyday. Got my fishy from Diana! and it's so adorable and will stay at home so that it can be abused no more, people kept putting their finger into it's mouth.

And holy crap I've forgotten about the homework I have from today... >_< I've spent all afternoon studying for the History test I have tomorrow, because I'm going to be away Thursday. I have to type up English and Comm Tech, get to Pui about Science, and do some stuff for lead. And then get offline @ 9 for more hardcore studying, cause I've got a Business test tomorrow too. *cry* I want March Break back!

7:49 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Got I woke up at 6 freaking o'clock this morning, and couldn't get back to sleep for the next half hour. >_< Today's the last day of March Break, but it doesn't feel like it. Everybody's back, the 12s, Jelena and Celine, and I'm going out this afternoon. Don't want school to come...

8:26 a.m. // this is my reality \\



11:47 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Ahh, got all my rage out in this wallpaper, and now I'm feeling better again. Especially because this is my very first blend image (the two Kristin Kreuk images have been blended to make it look like the same scene), and I think it looks pretty good. ^_^ Took me a good long time, and a lot of shifting things around, but it's all done. A version @ 800x600 is here. Images from Lyrics are from Britney Spears's Early Mornin'. Took me forever to decide on lyrics.

8:23 p.m. // this is my reality \\


After going down to Scarborough three times, calling four, and waiting half an hour, I finally got Krispy Kreme's freaking donations. 5 dozen donuts. Somebody tell me it was worth it, because I still feel like crying from frustration. >_< Here's hoping nothing goes wrong when I go pick them up.

3:09 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Fuck you Krispy Kreme I give up.

11:26 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Ugh... just spent the last two or so hours doing this wallpaper that I was aiming to make as a layout, but it just didn't fit very well. Looked much better as a wallpaper. And the brushing's all mine. ^_^ Credited the links below. Heh. The song lyrics from Elvis Presley's Spring Fever.

10:20 p.m. // this is my reality \\


8:45 p.m. // this is my reality \\


a thousand words of silence

7:20 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Spent the entire afternoon playing with, and learning to make brushes; it's actually rather easy, and so pretty. Comemorated by making this Chobits layout, which is oh so pretty, using my own brushes as well as brushes from oblation brushes. Pretty~ And I love that image. Worked as In The Zone played in the background. It's an ok album, I think it'll grow on you.

6:19 p.m. // this is my reality \\


This makes me laugh.

3:21 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Arrgg calling Krispy Kreme so useless... works better when you're there in person. Poo.

Went to Pui's to do filming today, finished all pretty much, it's still kinda cold out there, despite the sun. Had pizza at her house, mmm. After I left I went to get my hair cut... I'm not used to it being short. It's not *short* per se, but it'll take a while to get used to.

2:26 p.m. // this is my reality \\


7:50 a.m. // this is my reality \\


Going to work on Science in a 1/2 h, and then hopefully to cut my hair too. It's *long* right now. I wanted to take a picture of it; but camera is in parents room, both of whom are sleeping. :P Ah well. The weather is *so* nice outside it's perfect for filming. Maybe I should go eat some breakfast...

7:42 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Ugh in my big Science note writing frenzy I forgot that I actually left the house today; went to Krispy Kreme, forgot the freaking extra letters and they couldn't find theirs so it was kind of useless; faxed them a copy I'll call them tomorrow. Went home, then to the triplets after that, and watched the Virgin Suicides, which was ok; played a lot of Hearts (damn you Bryan!) and ate really good ice cream cones. Going to Pui's @ 9 tomorrow to work on Science, and then hopefully go get my hair cut a couple inches. I've got One Man Army stuck in my head.

9:38 p.m. // this is my reality \\


My custom layout's done, and I'm happy with it. Didn't take me too long to code, and I think it looks pretty good. The premade's up too. Whee!

9:19 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Aaah, forced myself not to get distracted and finished writing up my Science notes. Ugh shoulders hurt. But now am done, can code that custom layout and start playing with brushes. ^_^; All is happy.

8:04 p.m. // this is my reality \\


People don't post enough early in the morning. I shall post early in the morning. This isn't actually very early... but I need to be out of the house by 10.30 and so why waste time in bed? Because I couldn't get back to sleep. >_< Sent a text msg to Jelena though; hope it works. :)

9:24 a.m. // this is my reality \\


Bwa, finished .hack//SIGN, made yet another layout, because the other two didn't really work, coding one of the first ones because I loved it anyways and will turn it into a premade. It takes me faster and faster to make/code layouts now. :) This glees me. Mok also called (mind, half way through my last ep. of .hack//SIGN), which resulted in more glee. And now I'm going to be a loser and sleep my March Break away. :P

12:02 a.m. // this is my reality \\



*Finally*. Finished typing up my History notes; now I just need to finish my Science notes at some point over the break. >_< Going over to the triplets' tomorrow; and possibly to Krispy Kreme tomorrow morning if I can't get a hold of their manager tonight... wanna get my hair cut over the break, Friday after Science probably. Gonna watch .hack//SIGN tonight hopefully. Have I been missing tv lately? I'll check and see if Angel's on tonight.

7:26 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Damn History'll never get done... but I did update wwfr a bit.

6:13 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Well that was one helluva break.... managed to eat lunch, make two layouts, and organise my inbox again. Heh. Back to History......

2:29 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Ugh break from Hist. to post. Bowie's was fun yesterday, heh, besides the fact that I rang the doorbell twice, nobody answered, and I had to call someone else for Bowie's number before I could call her to let me in. She has the most awesome house; I want to steal it. :) Not a lot of people came, but that's ok. It was still fun. Matt had his music, and Bowie's bar looks extremely tempting, and I don't even drink outside of the house. But that bottle of Strawberry Daq.... dammit. ^_^;; We watched PotC but I didn't pay that much attention, other than to call out various subtext. Break for dinner and I wandered around her house some more because it's just too cool. After the movie Matt got me playing pool, but he got horribly tired of me failing spectacularily; I can't even be *taught* how to play pool apparently, cause they tried. The game ended when Matt hit the 8 ball in, I still don't believe it was an accident. :P Sprite got spilled on my purse, which made me very sad, but otherwise it was a good time.

This morning forced myself out of bed because No Frills had told me to come back 9-11ish and it was already 9.30; but it was worth it because I got over 300 juice boxes from them; and $20 to Food Basics too; both for Wake-A-Thon. ^_^ Am glee'd. But now I'm doing History study notes, which are so not as fun, and I've got to wash my hair at some point. Brother has a friend over.

11:42 a.m. // this is my reality \\



4:12 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Aaah, crazy go random XD I wake up to a phone call at 10.15 and it's Andrew, 'cept I couldn't tell it was him til I heard Kitty and James in the background, and it's them telling me to get ready to go out while I'm busy protesting that I have an eye appoint. @ 1. I'm rushing around brushing my teeth and washing my face, and when the phone rings again I don't even have my glasses on and they're already outside. Good thing I changed first, crazy people. My mom's like, what about your eye appointment and I have no idea, but I'm in the car anyways. We ended up going to breakfast (mm asian style macaroni) and sitting for hell long time before we go to pmall and wander trying to find a place for Andrew to 'rice up his phone' XD Saw Katherine, and I'm *completely* blind because I was two feet in front of her before I realised she was saying hi to me >_< That's why we went to my eye appointment. Stupid people didn't let me go early, so I left again and wandered Smart Maple with them, haha fat zebras, and when I got back my mom and my brother were there (oops forgot he had an appointment too ^_^;;) rushed through the thing and left with my friends again. They decided to go to FMP (better choice than us alternating picking a direction to turn XD) and Andrew finally got his phone plate thingy; we went to the sticker/card thingig and got cards bwahah. Second time in a week, so asian XD Kitty dumped us home cause she had to go, so I'm just waiting til I leave the house to go to Bowie's now. XD It was a good morning/afternoon, sanku crazy people! ^_^

2:57 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Brilliant, I now have call display. :) No more missed calls for me.

10:38 p.m. // this is my reality \\


The more you listen, the more you realise the similarity between the music of .hack//SIGN and that of Noir. Because it's by the same artist; Yuki Kajuira does some amazing, emotional work.

5:19 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Ugh I give up on homework for now; I just want to slack off.

1:55 p.m. // this is my reality \\


1:53 p.m. // this is my reality \\


His smile was still a beacon in the darkness.

11:49 a.m. // this is my reality \\


The post last... well, early this morning was a little incoherent, but I haven't been up that late for a long time, and it's a little bit of pride that had me posting that last message. Gave brother his birthday present, it went over well. Don't have much planned for today, if nothing happens I'll have to do homework. >_<

11:29 a.m. // this is my reality \\


4.13 !!

4:13 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Cutest thing ever!

10:24 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Heh, just watched School Of Rock again with my family, but unfortunately, I didn't realise that tonight's Alias was new, so I missed the first 30 minutes. And it looks really interesting, so I'm watching it now. Was so freaking tired @ Pui's today, we were so hysterical - whoa Marshall just fell down; oooh fuck >_< - it was insane. But we did get pretty much what we planned to get done so all's good. Went out for dinner with my family for my brother's birthday, which is tomorrow. And so far - fuck you backstabbing jerk! - I have no plans for tomorrow, but I do for Tuesday. This break hasn't been bad so far :) But I do need some serious sleep, which I may or may not get tonight, cause I kinda feel like reading. Heh.

Awww Vaughn...

9:54 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Ugh crap I'm tired lol. Spent the night @ Yvonne's for her birthday, got about 4 hours of sleep. It was fun though; got there @ about 2 after picking Bryan up from his house, watched them play Halo, played some Mahjong (we're so asian ^_^;;), just did a whole bunch of nothingness. Watched Thirteen, the movie, which kinda made me feel crappy, but I got over it, as Yv opened her presents. Whee I totally stole her shirt. XD And Bryan Jr. was so adorable. After that we spent a good amount of time in various degrees of darkness in her basement, heh. And then the guys had to leave, so the girls all trapized back upstairs and did a whole lot of sitting around and talking. Chloe left, and it was just Yv, Iris, Jenn, Katie, Lisa, and I left, so we basically got settled in for the night. At one point Lisa decided it would be funny to get a video of me with my eyes closed on the bed... I was totally still awake, I could hear you guys >_< I ended up going to sleep a little before 4 and we all wake up 8ish and after some serious prodding, got Yvonne off her lazy butt and downstairs for some serious sugary breakfast, in the form of cinnamon buns. Mmm good, but also kinda gross. We didn't anything after those. Too lazy and too full on sugar, we just vegetated in front of the TV and Lisa's Moist DVD until one by one our parents came to pick us up. Went home, napped for a good 1 1/2, took a shower (my hair's straight again ^_^;) and now I'm dreading having to go work on the Science proj. @ Pui's. >_< I miss you.

2:28 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Good times yesterday; Andrew's b-day was a blast even though I didn't stay for very long, got to get my ass kicked in various games on the X-Box, and watched Steph and Lindsey play pool, ah hilarity... that's why I didn't even *touch* the pool cues. ^_^;; Missed the present opening though, cause (the other) Mok came to pick me up @ 6.30. We went out to dinner, which was good fun... mm carbonated fruit punch XD Then we went to FMP, and I got mistaken for Yin Xia by Mimi and Sam, jeez. Wandered there for a good 1/2h, went to the theatre early cause FMP was closing; we saw Hidalgo, which was alright, but I didn't think it was as awesome as the trailers made it out to be. Hmmph. Got home before 12.30 just as I promised my parents, but they were asleep anyways lol. And now I'm just killing some time before heading off to pick up Bryan and go to Yvvy's. Whee! Happy early Birthday Andrew, and Yvonne. ^_^

12:28 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Mmmm so yummy [left side scroll down: orlando + johnny].

Also, pretty, pretty, and so strong.

10:10 a.m. // this is my reality \\



1. Enter your first name only into Google
2. Then click the "Images" tab
3. Pick your favorite and post it in your journal

And with that done, MARCH BREAK!! ^_^ I'm happy; no more school for a good week. It's been so busy lately, I hope this break is actually restful lol. Bets I'll be running around doing work too. Aaah well. I'll enjoy it while I can, here in *Markham* (I hope it hurricanes in Italy, and there's a giant storm on the way to Florida XD).

5:13 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Arrrg today was the most frustrating Business class on the face of the earth. >_< God, our teacher either hates accounting, or us; maybe a healthy mixture of both. I've resolved myself to learning acct from the textbook. Dammit. I'm actually pretty free tonight, just the History, and re-reading Acts I and II of Macbeth; the History's the biggest thing, but there's nothing I can do until Cat sends me stuffs, and everything's pretty much done anyways. So I'm pretty good. Angel tonight, and I might watch Birthday Girl. Saw some of Dr. Doolittle for the first time today in French, it's so cute.

6:17 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Bah haven't blogged all weekend, and it's Tuesday Wednesday already. And I'm normally not even online this freaking late on school days, but I figured if I finish as much as I can on the History tonight, I won't have to stay up this late tomorrow night (which means Catherine, you'd better not be sending your stuff to me at 10.00 at night >_<). 12 pages dammit! -_-;; And at least five hours of compilation work so far.

Saturday was Chris's, which was fun, because I got to see people I don't see all the time. They watched Lost In Translation, but I didn't pay attention... lol. Just watched some of the guys play pool.

Sunday I saw Eurotrip, which had a whole lot of nudity in it (girl and guy; old male guy... >_<), but was pretty funny. And the girls in the movie are cute. Went shopping and bought a bunch of presents too, including a t-shirt and a visor for my brother. I love buying my brother clothes lol. Bought myself a pair of pants/jeans/sweatpant things. They were cool - and cheap. ^_^;;

Monday, eww, school. Went out for lunch though, which was really nice. And then yearbook, which I found out today/yesterday was the reason why all the breadsticks were eaten, and none by me. -_-;; Hmmph. Ordered the annual reports for Business, which was frustrating, but ultimately kind of entertaining. I shall hopefully within the next two weeks recieve 16 glossy annual reports which I shall have to skim over.

So tired; I've been working all evening on History, little bit on English, and studying for Business. I'd say I can't wait for March Break, but I'm pretty busy then too... >_< Bah.

12:39 a.m. // this is my reality \\



I before E except after C or when it sounds like an A as in "neighbour" and "weigh", right? So what's wrong with Science?!

8:46 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Just watched The Sweetest Thing; a lot more inappropriate than I thought it was gonna be, but really funny, and pretty cute. And now I'm really sleepy... my day ones are really just so easy... it's nice. And I'm so glad it's Friday; even though my weekend's pretty full. I don't have a ton of homework, so I'm pretty much set. ^_^;; I rented Birthday Girl too, so at some point this weekend I'll make time to watch it.

10:01 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Spike: Strategy?
Angel: Just hold my hand.
Spike: St. Petersburg?
Angel: I thought you'd forgotten.

XD Brilliant. Can you *get* any more slashy?

7:03 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Wheee it was the zoo today! And it didn't rain, which rocks. We thought we had to change our animal, which was too bad, and then there was all the trouble with the animals we changed to, but in the end we found out that the zoo *did* have Matschie's Tree Kangeroo after all, so all was good. ^_^ It's so cute! Though, we spent a good 1/2 hour in it's habitat, trying to irritate it enough for it to move for us, so we could get some footage. I got a killer headache in the back of my head 'cause of that... -_-;;; We saw the orangatans and gorillas, which were by far the most energetic of the animals, most everything was pretty lazy. It was a pretty fun trip though; then we came back, and found out there had been a fire in the girl's washroom at school, and everyone was sent outside for a good hour and a half. Damn, to miss that :P Ah well; got home and washed my hair, haven't been home til late most of this week, was at yearbook til almost 6 last night, deadline! But it's only a day left til the weekend, and I just found out I already did the careers homework, so I just need to do history now. :) Crossword!

4:48 p.m. // this is my reality \\



New wallpaper ^

9:13 p.m. // this is my reality \\


2.3.04 < most disgustingly addictive game. Ever. And it's not done. OMG this game... aaah!

9:42 p.m. // this is my reality \\
