layout image

everytime i try to fly i fall
without my wings i feel so small
. everytime . britney spears

6:12 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Shackleton wasn't as bad as everyone said it was; I didn't mind the movie, though it was kinda slow through the beginning and the end. And the cat! But it wasn't bad really. Love how we didn't discuss it lol. S'all good.

5:25 p.m. // this is my reality \\


I love the weather right now... ^_^ It's so nice out, and despite the fact that that it meant we were playing in slowly melting snow yesterday, it was still a whole lot of fun. Happy belated Jason, thanks for getting us all together, it was a blast. Haven't been really *outside* in a very long time. And to everybody who took me bubbletea'ing, and then to Jelena, and her cat, because she let us crash her house for a while. Ah good times; it was worth getting up @ 8.30 to go to the mall!

I baked brownies for Shackleton, so now my house smells faintly of chocolate. ^_^ Tonight's Oscars, which I'm totally planning on watching, damn them for always having it on Sundays, make me stay up til 12. But s'all good. :)

[edit: 12.11] New wallpaper, and it's green and springy, and I even changed the XP style to match ^_^. Pre~tty. And also, even though you probably don't read this, happy leap year birthday Josh!

12:01 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Da~amn. XD Chicago's cool.

10:41 p.m. // this is my reality \\


I'm extremely tempted to take a nap right now... I'm so tired, and I don't know why. But I've got to study for French, at least a bit, or maybe write my essay type thing; I give up on doing the History and Comm Tech for now, maybe I'll get it done later this weekend. I do need to watch Chicago tonight though, or I'll never watch it. I rented it last weekend and it's due back Sunday... here's hoping it's really good. ^_^;; Like Shackleton will be... >_< Well, maybe it's not as bad as people say... *crosses fingers*

7:17 p.m. // this is my reality \\



the focal point is 'yes'
I like to use "airquotes"

Quicky break from much working because my weekend's booked, and there's no way I can do all this stuff during the nights; I still have the second History ad (which was actually really easy) and the game (which won't be quite so easy) to do. English is done, as is Careers, but I still need to clean up/finish my Comm Tech script.

Yesterday was canvassing Heart & Stroke; had yearbook afterschool, so I didn't go home, went to Tims for some pre-dinner soup dealy... mmm soup. Canvassing was much less cold this year, but there were a lot more weird people... on our last route, there was this old guy, just *sitting* on the porch of the house, watching tv through the window and drinking. He wouldn't answer when we called to him, but he mumbled something about strangling. At this point we left rather quickly. Scary crazy people. Only raised a bit over $100, but I won a cool MAC gift bag thingy with lipstick, eyeshadow and mascara in it. ^_^;; I was glee'd.

But now back to studying Science...

7:09 p.m. // this is my reality \\



style="filter:alpha(opacity=20);-moz-opacity:0.2" onMouseover="high(this)" onMouseout="low(this)" >

8:48 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Which [Smallville] Characters are you?

Which [Finding Nemo] characters are you?

Which [Charlie's Angels] characters are you?

Are you easily stressed?

Someone had a little time on their hands while avoiding that History editorial... ^_^;; Today was... well, wasn't bad. History was fun, Comm Tech made me cry, Careers, omg. No teacher, no lesson plan, and our subs wouldn't let us leave. >_< It's only fun while your sit in can tell you funny job application stories. Bah. Oh well... Heart & Stroke tomorrow, which is so un-hyped this year, it's kinda funny. Hope the turn out's not too bad anyways... we'll get such better prizes next year. I mean, plastic soap holder?!?!

6:35 p.m. // this is my reality \\



she's gonna step outside
uncover her eyes
who knew she could feel so alive
her m.o.'s changed
she doesn't wanna behave
ain't it good to be a brave girl tonight
. brave new girl . britney spears

I loved him more than I will ever love anything in this life. The rest of the quote is here; I always loved Angel and Buffy.

6:50 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Business essay contest

5:23 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Everything that was glitching has now been fixed, and we've successfully moved servers. Yay! Watched one episode of Angel, and the other episode... wasn't there. I'm not sure why. Rented Chicago, I'll watch it... sometime. Heh.

I'm feeling kinda... lathargic. Just, not so well. Like there are things I should be doing and I'm not. Mind, some of that's real, like the test tomorrow I haven't studied for, and projects I haven't started, but more than that I'm just feeling out of the moment. Meh.

3:45 p.m. // this is my reality \\



XD I'm good at Solitare. Bwaha.

Watched SV last night, and she's not *that* hot. It was an interesting episode, seemed kinda short though; and Chloe and Pete... man lol they were so useless in the plot.

Finally watched The O.C. I had taped today too. Man so much sex. Aaah and Seth makes me laugh. XD It's pure blind luck and hot stupidity that he gets girls. Heh.

6:20 p.m. // this is my reality \\


12:48 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Did my Business test, was easy as hell. I love Fridays XD. Macbeth in English is going... kinda slow, but that's ok. Went back to Musicfest for some good old taking apart of music stands and stuffing them into boxes >_< and then found out I wasn't needed @ the Social so I went with Bryan to the mall. And now I'm home, with SV, two episodes of Angel, and 45 minutes of The O.C. to watch this weekend.

9:39 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Arrg the last couple days have been... hectic. Wednesday was the Cayley math contest, which I did ok on, but not that great. That night was spent entirely on Science Olympics, and on our freaking back up car. I was up til 12.45 last night working on Science. The competition itself was fun, but we didn't place, which was too bad. We also didn't have to use the back up car, which was good, but also, a waste of too many people's time. >_< I think we could've done so well on Chem, but damn, oh well. I think I had a good time. I'm so tired though, I only got 5 1/2 hours of sleep. And I've got my freaking Business test, which I should be more worried about... I also need to do a lab for Careers, and a layout to code, and I wanna do that. *pout* Dammit.

6:30 p.m. // this is my reality \\



OMG volunteering for Musicfest is one of those tiring volunteering opportunities I've ever experienced, and that's more than my first CCCA thing. Of the 13 hours I volunteered, a good 10 of those were done standing, and there was at least an hour or two of heavy lifting. >_< Damn that dance floor!! Oh well, but I did go out and get Tim Hortins (running across Hwy. 7 XD). It wasn't a bad event, just insanely tiring. I came home and tried to sleep and woke up @ 2.30 crying because one of my legs hurt so much, I thought I had sprained something. >_< But I'm mostly better now. This week's crazy; I've got Science Olympics Thursday, and it's really coming down to the wire, which worries me... :P And I've still got a Business test to study for Friday, and a couple projects to start... >_< Ah well...

9:30 p.m. // this is my reality \\



where angels fear to tread

12:28 p.m. // this is my reality \\



...Ok, weirded out. My printer just turned on by itself...

Today was a pretty good day and I've never been a superstitious person. A bunch of people were away in my first two period classes because of the second Hist. trip, so there wasn't much to do at all. Sitting at home now with a bunch of balloons by my window, and a rose downstairs, and thank you, happy Valentine's Day all. =)

I think I'm pretty set on next year's course selections... enriched English, Math, three Sciences, Gr. 12 Accounting, French, and one more course. Possibly Gr. 12 Economics, Marketing, or else something entirely different. I've got SV to watch tonight, and a good 13 episodes of .hack//SIGN to get through too. ^_^;;

10:29 p.m. // this is my reality \\



that thing you do
going in circles
we can do this crazy dance all over again

9:39 p.m. // this is my reality \\


~ Shinigami no Mitsukai ~ take you for a ride ~ says:

triplets are doing something fri

Lock says:

maybe i can come in a bubble

Aah Dennis, our poor chicken pox'd friend.

6:02 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Well, looks like I have a cold... >_< I've been sneezing since I got home from our Science Olympics meeting, which didn't actually flop, even though Mr. Novikow wasn't there; we attempted to test out our solar panels (which suck so much it's not funny), and started playing with borax. Steph drove me home, which I thank of her, because my mom cut her fingers last night making dinner, and my dad didn't want her driving out. She's still feeling pretty crappy. And look, so'm I! >_< If you see me sitting in class shaking, it means I probably should go home... or something.

Yesterday was the History trip, which I really didn't find that interesting. I mean, I enjoy looking at art, but the way we did our tour really was kinda boring to me. Meh. It was a day outta school, and lunch was fun. Mmm fresh pizza.

Today we got our course selection sheets.... aah, course selection. >_< I have a good plan of what I'm going to do next year, but still, it makes me a little worried. The assembly today was pretty much useless, I thought. And we learn all this in Careers anyways. We did get to watch Simpsons in History though. Good learning there. ^_^ Finished October Sky in Careers, which I liked, and now I'm studying for our apparent Math quiz tomorrow, and hoping I don't get sick over the weekend. I hate being sick on weekends. And I need to volunteer on Monday. Blah. >_<

5:49 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Today was mostly very easy, watched LotF (the 90's remake) movie in English - it made us *CRY*. It was so awful it wasn't even funny. It was like they couldn't afford to purchase the rights of the book (they spent all the money on the wind machine >_<) so they didn't put *any* of the key points of the book into the movie. I mean, I didn't love the book, but I was at least expecting an acurate, if not entertaining movie.

In History it was a work period, but I had already finished my two articles so I wasn't doing much at all. XD I did, however, decide to take summer school, mostly because now I know someone else will be taking it with me (namely Jeff).

Comm Tech came with a presentation from the Art Institutes, which was pretty nifty. It took up the entire period.

Careers was more watching of October Sky, which I really like. Spiffy movie. And tomorrow's the History trip! So this week's been really good to me. :)

and I do, in fact, talk to myself

8:54 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Urk trying to force that second History assignment out, but it's hard lol. I think I'm on 150 words, but only started the second newspaper column. The thing's not due til Friday, but I wanna hand it in Thursday, which means I need to get it done pronto. Yearbook today, didn't do much other than check the pages for consistancy and fixy uppy things.

Went virtual shopping today, and by that I mean I was on the phone with Iris and Yv who were at the mall. It was entertaining... hehehe.

8:57 p.m. // this is my reality \\



my weakness caused you pain

9:06 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Finished reading Paragon Lost (Dave Duncan, A Chronicle of the King's Blades), which I enjoyed. Read all through the morning/afternoon. It's been a good while since I've held a book, outside of class. It's a good story, though the characters in this one aren't as endearing as some others. I still love the premise, even though there is less of Ironhall in this novel, and more mission. Apparently a new Chronicle novel came out in 2003, and I've yet to seen it. Nor have I read The King's Daggers series. I've never liked the Kings in these novel. The Blades are the ones to love.

School tomorrow and I haven't finished the second History article, but that's ok. I want some stuff for it that I don't have on me right now anyways. I've been listening to Kelly Clarkson all day lol. And I still didn't watch .hack//SIGN (sorry Lisa!). I will soooooon. :) Hopefully they'll be Alias tonight.

5:24 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Just finished watching X-2, which I thought was pretty cool. Heheh... Bobby and St. John, mmm. Anyways, I'm off for some long awaited for reading. ^_^

9:52 p.m. // this is my reality \\


I have Something Like Forgetting to read... in addition to all those books lol. And .hack//sign. ^_^;;;

[edit: 4.46:] started on Paragon Lost.

12:50 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Bwa I got much things done last night; the Business essay, one of two History articles, and two possible layouts. Also watched SV, which was pretty interesting. Adam... hmm... lol. The kid annoyed me though, Jordan? Oh well. And I bet I know what the cliffhanger's about... because I cheat and read spoilers. A lot. :)

But the best thing about yesterday, was that I found out I get to go to Queen's after all. :) I am glee'd.

11:38 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Wheee!! Just finished putting up the new layout, plus the new 404 error page. :) Tis spiffy!!

10:10 p.m. // this is my reality \\


tell me honey, what's it gonna take
for you to leave me alone today
just when I think you're gone
you're in the mirror looking back at me
what's up lonely

so come on, sleep darling
why don't you pretend we were just a dream
it's cool baby, it doesn't matter anyway
. kelly clarkson

Today was full of substitutes lol ... why does that word look like prostitutes? Erm anyways heheh...looks like no Queens for me... XP Oh well, s'all good. Got my French exam mark, the average of the class was 64%... ewwwww. I got an 84% I think. Something around there, so not too bad, and my average is still in the 90s. I'm doing well this term; I usually do. And then I drop again in third term lol. Aaah well. I'm trying to figure out some stupid Math stuff right now... and I've got those History articles and the Business essay to write... but I'm honestly so not in the mood for them. I can't be creative. I'll upload the new layout in two shakes.

7:15 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Bwaha! I finally got my outgoing emails to work... daaaaamn you Bell...

I was extremely productive today... got a bunch of stuff for YB done, and then cleaned up a bunch of stuff at home. And I'm all set and planned out for other stuffs. Yay!

9:02 p.m. // this is my reality \\



I am Anna's Jaunty Cap, but the picture's too big to show here. :) was being a bitch to the server (btw that reminds me I need to upload the new layout at some point), but now I'm on. We've been getting our exam marks back, and I'm pretty happy with all of them, especially English and Science. Most of my marks have remained the same, or gone up.

They did the drawing for the Queen's thing today, and I didn't get in the 8, but I'm 9th, so... we'll see...

Finished coding Jelena's new layout, so that'll be up whenever she sees fit. Otherwise I've just been chilling all day. Practically no homework. Science Olympics meeting today after school kinda... flopped lol. Got cancelled but we went to speak to Mr. Novikow anyways. ^_^ Oh well. S'all good.

[edit:] in other news, I bit Dennis. :)

[edit: 9.50] (I forgot) because Michelle's cool, I now have this memorised and written in my agenda (and translated in French because I was bored) beside a picture of a jellyfish:

I shall name you Squishy,
And you shall be mine,
And you shall be my Squishy!
[Je vais t'appeler Squishy,
Et tu vas ĂȘtre le mien,
Et tu vas ĂȘtre mon Squishy!]

8:06 p.m. // this is my reality \\



a life is to be lived

9:52 p.m. // this is my reality \\




10:22 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Bwa I found out that investment essay I thought was due in two weeks is due in one. Plus side, I've started it; downside, on my third paragraph of a proposed three and I'm about 100 words away from the limit. At least it's started. I dunnn wanna go to school tomorrow. *pout* I don't even know where my careers class is gonna be. Which annoys me. Grr arg. On the other hand, report cards on Friday, and exam marks hopefully before then. I want to know. :)

Went for dim sum today with my family and some friends of my dad, then went to the mall ($20 jeans @ UB again!), and then came home and SV was on my doorstep! ^_^ Just finished watching it, was pretty interesting. Alias tonight! Hopefully...

8:34 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Watched Cowboy Bebop, The Movie [Knockin' On Heaven's Door]. Was very good. ^_^

still feeling pretty with a pistol in hand
what is the bond that ties us together
only death cures stupidity

Went through my jewellery box and found a necklace I forgot I had!

Came back home about an hour ago from volunteering, working for a good 10 hours. It was fun though. Less work than bowling, cause the Mahjong tournament was @ the restaurant. Mmm sour hamburger candies are good. But yeah, I like doing these events. :)

12:53 a.m. // this is my reality \\
