layout image

Was at volunteering meeting all afternoon today, stuffing the table prize bags (the mini optical mice are so cool! and the Lan Party caps XD) and then going through the actual meeting. The actual volunteering event's tomorrow, a mahjong tournament and dinner XD. Makes me laugh.

Rented Save The Last Dance last night and watched it; I love that movie, it's so cool. Rented Cowboy Bebop: The Movie too, which I'll watch tonight. Saw Tru Calling, with Eliza Deshku; I like the show, it's spiffy. Sad though.

I've still got to start that freaking investment essay, and hand wash my clothes. I swear, I'll do it this weekend. I'm promising myself; even if I have to wake up @ 10 tomorrow to do it before I wash my hair. I'm gonna be gone tomorrow from about 12.40 onwards til 11 probably.

6:58 p.m. // this is my reality \\



solar cars

9:16 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Free day and I went to the mall today... *annnd* I bought a pair of knee high boots!!! ^_^ Makes me so happy; 40$ @ Transit, black. I am glee'd. I'm not sure if I can walk an hour in them, but that's not the point. ^_^;;; Also saw a really cute pair of underwear @ La Senza, that had these little charms hung on the side with the letters l-o-v-e; hehe it was cool.

5:47 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Seth smiled in spite of himself, tripped over a water sprinkler, and sort of collided with the glass to alert Ryan to his presence, because he was smooth like that.

12:31 a.m. // this is my reality \\



OMG she's a vampire slayer. OMG OMG OMG. It's been a while... what happened to Faith?!

just thought I'd see what it was like to bounce on the pavement

OMG OMG OMG ANDREW'S a watcher.... and he quoted LotR... OMG. OMG he's doing the STORY THING. OMG THIS IS HILARIOUS. WHY AREN'T I TAPING THIS?!?!?! - now I am.

vam~pIre slayer

talky talk

you think this is a joke?
only if you're the punchline

Ooooh man Andrew's hilarious.

I am faster, stronger, and 82% more manly *trip* *girly scream*

Shit it's Spike....

Poor Spike... oh man Andrew's hair.... yikes... what'd she doooo... who fucked with her? I don't understand.

I've done my share of bad, but you're not one of'em.

*tranq'd* WTF she cut off his hands?!?!?!? Why did I miss this?!?!?! Gro~oss.

she's a slayer; that means she's ours

Bwahahahhaa the slayers are he~ere. Man does Buffy make a cameo in this?! Or... any of them?

as they say in Me-hi-co...

I've got 12 vampIre slayers behind me and not one of them has dated you

news flash, nobody in our camp trusts you anymore

Awwwww man, so many aww moments. Aaand... Angel/Spike action! XD

*Andrew* double crossed us?

she's an innocent victim
so were we, once upon a time
once upon a time

Da~amn. ^_^ That was fun.

10:15 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Yo! Eliza Deshku in Tru Calling. I didn't know this show had started... or rather, I didn't know anything about this show. But Eliza Deshku! ^_^;;

What happened to Angel?! *pout* It's supposed - oh wait nevermind. This *is* Angel. Weird intro.

10:03 p.m. // this is my reality \\


YES my exams are over!!! ^_^ Hell yeah baby. Today's Comm Tech exam seriously took me 15 minutes to complete. And dammit I had to wake up at 6.15 to get to school!! Oh well though, I got done. Hung out with Canny, Lisa, and Alisha(?) for a bit before the exams, playing with our cell phones. Hehehe. Afterwards I went to Jenn and Katie's, and watched Once Upon A Time In Mexico, which is a cool movie, even though plot for me didn't make that much sense. Mmm, hot people in it. ^_^ Oi, as my mom was driving me back, she told me that the power had gone out in our neighbourhood earlier, and just as we were driving in to the area, *all* the street lamps go out. XD It was funny, cause we could see two streets down from us they had power. It came on just as we drove up to the house, so we could use the garage opener. Heh. Ahh good times; and now I'm free for the weekend, *absolutely* nothing to do tomorrow. All I've got is a layout, and an essay to right for two weeks from now. Squee~!

8:33 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Science exam today was disgustingly easy and short; I spent the last 45? minutes sitting there, writing down every single chemical formula I could remember; in order of the textbook or worksheet... >_< And *then* I decided to design layouts for each of the Science subjects. Uh... yeah. ^_^;;; And *then* I made this little multiple monitor set thingy. Yeah. I had a lotta time. Then was lunch, where I ...didn't study. Heh. I did get flipped over, and almost shoved into a *garbage can* DOUG. >_< Hit my funny bone so hard it burned, and I couldn't uncurl my pinky. I'd try to push it back and it'd just curl back on me. >_< 10 minutes before my French exam! Which by the way... kinda sucked. There was a lot of stuff I honestly did not know. That a lot of people in my class didn't know. Yikes. Aarrg... oh well.

I wanna go to the Queens thing. ^_^

I should be studying Comm Tech right now... lol. Watching American Idol instead. Hehe. I'll study after. :) And then I'm freeeee! Going to Jenn and Katie's tomorrow too. ^_^

8:50 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Math exam today, which went well until a good two minutes before the end I realised my diagram was horribly drawn and I debated whether to lose all diagram marks or to redraw and lose some for horrible diagrams... I redrew... After that Iris, Yvonne (and Jason lol) went to Tim Hortins for lunch, and then I came home... to study Science and French!! I've actually read them over a good many times; especially Science. I hope I'm ready. :) Only two more days of exams! I'm excited.

We got snow today, and are supposed to get more snow tomorrow... I don't know if I like snow. I like looking at it, because snow makes some of the most beautiful scenes in nature, I think. It's so clean... lol. But it's also hell to walk/drive in, and to have to shovel. Not that I shovel snow...

8:36 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Whee! Instead of more Math studying, I went and started/mostly finished the Febuary layout. Not pink, but cloyingly romantic anyways... ^_^

10:19 p.m. // this is my reality \\


9:08 p.m. // this is my reality \\


not by half

8:50 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Kau is a cool word too. Not that it's an actual word...

7:29 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Liebestod. The love-death. Death for love.

I'm supposed to be studying french right now... but, along the same vein of lovely words is raison d'ĂȘtre. :)

5:06 p.m. // this is my reality \\


You know, going over my saponification (soap making!) notes reminds me of Inquiring Minds, and that one question about shampoos, and how tear-free shampoos work. ^_^;;; Also, it reminded me of Fight Club, but that's something else entirely. =D

[edit: 4.28] Physics is so entertaining... XD

3:36 p.m. // this is my reality \\


*note to self: Febuary layout!!!

3:11 p.m. // this is my reality \\



a thousand words
have never been spoken...
a thousand words
one thousand confessions
.. 1000 words . jade (koda kumi)

10:22 p.m. // this is my reality \\


In silence we met
In silence I grieve
That thy heart could forget
Thy spirit decieve
If I should meet thee after long years
How should I greet thee,
With silence and tears?


8:22 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Urrk... tried to go study, my head started pounding, I think it was SWAT. >_< Forced myself through the sheets and then just closed my eyes for another 30 minutes. When I got up it still hurt, but I think trying to take those disgusting easy swallow Tylenol made my gag reflex override the pain. Urrgg... there should not be that much sugar coating on medicine. It just doesn't work that way.

The guy in Final Fantasy XII is hot by the way. So's the chick actually.

Crap! Hand wash sweaters... need to be handwashed... >_<

5:42 p.m. // this is my reality \\


SWAT's one of those movies that ya really gotta watch in the theatres; it's hard to sit through a black screen quarter of the time in a two hour movie. Oh well; back to studying French for another hour.

3:53 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Ella Enchanted, on bigscreen? Don't know how good it'll be, but I know I loved the book. ^_^

[edit:] Ok, from the trailer (which is kinda tacky) it looks like they tried to modernise the entire novel. *pout* Although, Anne Hathaway is really pretty in the role.

7:14 p.m. // this is my reality \\


I thought you'd be relieved Clark.
Why's that?
Because at least this way I managed to keep you out of it.

12:44 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Things You'd Love To Say (But Don't Dare) Part I

I can see your point, but I still think you're full of crap.

I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce.

How about never? Is never good for you?

I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public.

I'm really easy to get along with once you people learn to worship me.

I'll try being nicer if you'll try being smarter.

I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message.

I don't work here. I'm a consultant.

It sounds like English, but I can't understand a word you're saying.

Ahhh...I see the screw-up fairy has visited us again...

I like you. You remind me of when I was young and stupid.

You are validating my inherent mistrust of strangers.

I have plenty of talent and vision, I just don't give a damn.

Visualizing? I'm already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth.

I will always cherish the initial misconceptions I had about you being competent.

Thank you. We're all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view.

The fact that no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist.

Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental.

What am I?... Flypaper for freaks!

And your cry-baby whiny-ass opinion would be...?

Do I look like a people person?

I started out with nothing & still have most of it left.

Sarcasm is just one more service we offer.

If I throw a stick, will you leave?

Errors have been made. Others will be blamed.

Whatever kind of look you were going for, you missed.

I'm trying to imagine you with a personality.

A cubicle is just a padded cell without a door.

Can I trade this job for what's behind door #1?

Nice perfume. Must you marinate in it?

CHAOS, PANIC, & DISORDER - my work here is done.

How do I set a laser printer to stun?

I thought I wanted a career, turns out I just wanted paychecks.

10:23 p.m. // this is my reality \\


you see the best as you close your eyes

cause I've got friends who love me

8:27 p.m. // this is my reality \\


>_< Urrrgg... today was a good day, but then I came home and lay in bed for too long, waking up to the phone and decided to (finally) drag my ass outta bed and finish the last page of math review. I need to stop taking naps.

In other news, today was completely useless, but kinda fun anyways. Woke up this morning, and my dad's like, don't go to school! >_< But I went, and English was a joke, where we were *supposed* to study, but none of us really did. Got about 5 minutes worth of Math discussion in, figured we couldn't do it, and gave up. I went to Science, sat around on desks, watching them pile desks up on top of each other and sit in chairs elevated from the ground until Ms. Webb made them put it all down, then trekked down to Math room where the other 6ish gifteds were. Got the Math stuff explained, hung 'round til the end of *that* period, went to History, where Mr. P was in his office, didn't even bother to come out, just told us to put a video on and study. Obviously, we left, opting to hang out under the stairwell with Nick's speakers. It was cold in there, and my mushy ball of comfort (aka Iris) got not so comfortable. We had to go back to Math, which was pretty useless; I ate lunch and contemplated my mascara from the corner of my eye. Comm Tech was nice, because I went in, handed in my project and Mr. Lorde said I could leave, giving me the attendance to take down with me. XD Loitered with Nick, Devin and Mok, then went to harass Iris in her Food class. Mmm, rice crispy squares and smarties. Then we (Iris, Yv, Bryan, Mok) walked our cold asses to Tim Hortins, where I learned to my chagrin, that 20 pack Timbits were now $2.25!! *sniff* What happened to the good old days where you could buy them for a toonie?! Therefore I did *not* buy strawberry filled Timbits, though I was sorely tempted. Walking back Mok scared the crap outta me running in front of a *car* >_< Jeez. Mlle. Howard actually made us stay in French, and I got that sheet corrected and talked to Chloe while they watched some movie or another. *Iris* decided to go to Comp. Sci. while I skipped Civics, the only class I really skipped. Then I went to Business, watched a presentation, asked Mr. Pownall to take down the attendance and walked out with my backpack. Though I didn't get to see my presentation mark. XP The day kinda went downhill from there, cause I really didn't wanna go on the bus, but did anyways. And now I'm feeling horribly lathargic, though I'm planning to make quasi-math notes for exam later. And watch SV tonight. ^_^

6:14 p.m. // this is my reality \\



History exam was so much easier than English! I finished a good 20 minutes early >_< sat around staring at people and picking at the tape on my desk. My arm's tired now, but not from the exam, from doing stupid Math review sheets. Tonight my family's having a special dinner, because tomorrow's Chinese New Year. There's a name for today, in Chinese, I just don't happen to recall it. I'm not very Asian... lol.

Way to forget about my post... lol I went down for dinner. Twas very good; my dad's trying to call our relatives in HK now, with minimal luck. I'm debating going to school tomorrow. My dad told me to stay home and study, cause it's gonna be a useless 10 period day, however I kinda need to go to Comm Tech, and I wanted to go to French. I don't know whether I would benefit or not from going to Math and Science, but I guess I wouldn't mind. Iris wants to -

Dad got through to HK. My Chinese is disgusting... >_< Iris wants to skip last two periods, which for me are Business and Civics, really incredibly useless. Maybe I will. XP

8:26 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Mmm I love late exams... don't have to be in school for another... well, 50 minutes technically, but Iris is coming to pick me up @ 12. History today, and then nothing more til next Monday, but some major studying for Math, Science and French. I don't need to study for Comm Tech. Seriously.

Chocolate is a many splendoured thing.

I still wanna see Honey. *pout* And also, Mona Lisa Smile.

11:48 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Oooh jeez... English exam. lol and I thought I was doing so well, until it was 10 minutes til the end of the exam and I had barely started my second essay. >_< I need to learn to be more consise I think. I had to scribble out my conclusion paragraph while the supervising teacher came around with the stapler - it ended up being a sentence. I thought I had good points for most of it, just that last essay was scrambled and badly planned out because I had no time. Bwa. Oh well, at least it's over. History tomorrow, and Iris is coming to pick me up cause I don't need to be at school until 12.40... technically. ^_^;; Exam starts at 12.45. I'll be okk...

7:07 p.m. // this is my reality \\



>_< *so irritated with self right now* I thought I had left my Comm Tech folder at home today, because I couldn't find it in my bag or my locker, I came home, couldn't find it, and was all panicked because I thought I had lost it, a week before my exam. And now I *just* found it. AAaaaaarrrggggggg. *bangs head against desk*

5:17 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Urk! English test tomorrow! And then History Wed, which I need to study for, because, eww, maps... >_< I'm taking a break from studying for now, cause I've got to fix up some coding stuff because this is too big for anything smaller than 1024x864(?)...

4:27 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Ooooh man Alias ending... XD Sexual tension, I told you! o.O < Jack

9:56 p.m. // this is my reality \\


After 3ish hours at the mall, I've come home with this (which rocks my socks ^_^), and this. I gots myself coloured mascara! ^_^ Despite the fact that it took me a good 1/2 to first of all, decide even if I were going to buy it (damn you 2 for $8!), and then, I was so torn between the two blues, and the two lipgloss colours. Jeez... I'm such a girl... ^_^;; But now I own two very snazzy looking test tubes of eye and lip makeup. ^_^ I tried on the mascara, and thankfully, it does show up on black lashes, you just kinda have to... layer it on... heh. S'aaall good.

5:20 p.m. // this is my reality \\


>_< I can't read late into the night anymore... I'm dissapointed. I started re-reading LotF @ 12 last night, telling myself I'd read to ch. 5 or 1.00; ended up doing both, but for the first couple chapters everything was just blurring on me. I used to be able to read hours into the morning... *sigh* Need to get back into the book reading grove. ^_^;; I finished it this morning, and today will be all Hist and Eng studying. And hopefully a bit of coding... Yikes~!

11:43 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Juli (06:23 PM) :

can i tyupe w/ m,y toewws?

Juli (06:23 PM) :

itvry sl;.ow gojngf

I got skillz yo. :P

6:29 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Urrrggg... serves me right, started my homework at 11 last night and studied Chem til 2 am, only to be woken up by my dad @ 8.30, even though our dentist appoint. was @ 10. >_< Came home and took a nap for a good 45 minutes, studied French for maybe 20 and now I'm watching my long neglected Angel tapes. I can't tell if they're old or not... :P

[edit:] 4.19 the first one was old, the second one was new. :) You win some you lose some... I have Hist/Eng to study for. >_<

3:22 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Some people are just so old...

Damn I haven't had time to be online for so long... tgif baby. ^_^ Last weekend before Exams, and I need to start studying. Definitely need to re-read LotF, and just constantly re-read my notes. I'm a tad worried about Science, she makes it seem like there'll be so much more on the test than I have in my notes... >_< I did well on the Physics test though, just one wrong... stupid question. And my Business presentation went over well. Now I've just got Comm Tech and a layout to do. :) But I'm really not in the mood to work right now; and I've got SV to watch tonight!!!! Been so long... *nuzzles CD*

Dark magician. You love the dark because of it's
beauty and just the life that no-one else sees.
Mysterious, calm, quiet... But that doesn't
mean you're not friendly!

Please rate ^^

What kind of dark person are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

6:01 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Just to let everyone know.... I hate this phrase: 'what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger'. >_< With a passion.

10:44 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Mrow... exams soon! Science test was good; Business presentation tomorrow. x_x

9:44 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Quick post before I go review my neglected Science: new custom layout made. Methinks it's rather cool.

9:59 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Mmmm done early my homework. Did my Civics and Eng presentations today, so there's two done, one pres. and one test to go. I'm so cheerful today, I think it was because of Civics, which is yes, weird, but I had the presentation, where I was playing Unbelievable, and it was stuck in my head for the rest of the day, making me cheerful. ^_^;;

8:20 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Well, I was mostly productive yesterday; I reviewed all of my Chem stuff, for the exam, finished my Physics study notes, typed up my Comm Tech notes, and finished two versions of the layout I needed to make. I actually rather like it... :) It's spiffy. I need to do Civics stuff today, for the presentation; notes and the like. And possibly some more stuff on the Business; I'm not prepared for that. >_< I went out for dinner last night though; for my dad's birthday (which everybody kind of forgot until the day before; we didn't even go out and get cake -_-;;). We went for Japanese buffet, which is *sooo* good. ^_^

10:59 a.m. // this is my reality \\



x_X I'm glad I set my alarm to 8.30 today... because I've been in *no* mood to work; it's taken me this long just to get my Comm Tech stuff accomplished, and the notes to my Business presentation written. >_< I'll make Civics presentation notes later, but this weekend marks the beginning of my Exam prep. I've got to finish my Science notes, for the exam and for the open book test; there are a lot of other notes I should finish as well, hopefully as soon as this weekend. I have it all written out. And I need to at some point go to the mall for Business. I need to find some time tonight to draft out a layout; I was stupid and kept forgetting to check Outlook for my wwfr account; so I've had emails sitting there from since late December. >_< Way to be a retard. The best I can do to make up for it is to get a layout idea sent out as soon as possible.

1:00 p.m. // this is my reality \\



OMG I'm going to be away all night, doing click the XD So addictive, so stupid. ROTK was cool today, even though I didn't pay much attention to the movie, second time 'round, it was all finding innuendos. I had my first (quasi) bubble tea today (I'm so unasian)! Hehehe...

9:22 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Wow too quick for me...I can barely tie my shoes that fast...

Why is it that everyone takes this phrase as dirty?! XP Funny, but also, what do you people think of me?!

10:27 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Squee!!! ^_^ I'm so insanely excited for LOTR:ROTK tomorrow; even though I've already seen it, it's gonna be so much fun with all four grades. Well, not so much the niners, because I've got that weird syndrome that makes me dislike gr nines the moment I get out of the grade (excluding select few), heheh. But no, it'll be a blast. I was so excited all day; I haven't blogged in a while, but nothing spectacular's happened; just the same old same old school. There was my stunt as a vampire, and the donkey thing (*Iriis* XP), but yeah, that's where entertainment ends. There is my annoyance at the bus system; our regular bus driver's left our route (he was awesome btw) and instead of giving us a new permenant bus driver, we've been getting new bus drivers every day or so; which means me being late/almost late to school every day for the last week. -_-;; Oh well! Going to school with mom tomorrow; 45 minutes early, or 5 minutes late... XD

9:57 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Entertained XD

9:17 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Jay - NEW CELL --> 416--------- (call this instead of my house...) says: was cool when you came over and uh...went through my stuff

XD Heheh, sounds so funny

9:50 p.m. // this is my reality \\



You are ELMO.

You are cute, and everyone loves you. You are a best friend that no one takes the chance of losing. You never hurt feelings and seldom have your own feelings hurt. Life is a breeze. You are witty and calm most of the time. Just keep clear of backstabbers, and you are worry free.

^_^ Seema sent me a cute quiz; I'm Elmo! Hehe, he was always my favourite. Went to the Eaton Center today, even though I wasn't planning to. Ended up buying a new pair of black jeans, and hey, it came with a belt! I like it, it's spiffy. Even though it doesn't have back pockets. I was in Gap Kids today, and seriously, everything was on sale. I'm going to turn into one of those sisters that buy all their brother's clothes. I was so tempted to buy him a new sweater. They were so pretty! Speaking of pretty... damn boots, so expensive... but, so ni~ice. *pout* Oh well.

Last day today, back to school tomorrow... *cry*. Dun wanna go, but I have to. *sigh* Exams soon too; yikes. Mrow...

7:05 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Nande sabishii koto yuuna you. Don't say such lonely things.

Woke up early this morning to wash my hair and then went out; just came home recently. The quote above's pretty, from this website.

4:54 p.m. // this is my reality \\



First new desktop of the year.

11:42 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Huh... my hand hurts. I dunno why; right in between the pointer and the thumb. Boo. It's like... a constant cramp.

9:09 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Arrg, went to sleep *far* too late last night, was so tired this morning. Had the alarm set to 9.30 but I couldn't make myself get up until 9.50. I watched Finding Nemo though, cute, though I liked Ice Age better. I finally got down and finished the book that I was reading, Between Stillness And The Grove. I was bored with it at first, but it wasn't a bad book. It was a good story. Though I never was a fan of historical fiction. There was a lot in the book that didn't really, click for me, a lot of history, story that I just couldn't keep track of, but nevertheless I enjoyed it. Now I've only two physical books left to read, and no more space on my bookshelf to put the second book. ^_^;; I think I've still got money on a Chapters card that I'll have to spend at some point. I've given up on my homework I think, I've done a lot to be honest, and there's only two (!!) days left til we're back in school. I don't want to be working for them all. If I feel like it, I'll do some Civics, but Business, I mean, I've done the poster, the presentation's in two weeks. =P I think I might watch Kill Bill tonight; I keep forgetting about it.

I wanted to post this last night, but Blogger was dead; from Seema:

1. Describe the best feeling you've ever had: being happy, worryless and loved
2. Were you named after anyone: lol princess diana
3. Do you wish on stars: nope
4. Which finger is your favourite: pinky!
5. When did you last cry: stupid fucking history project >_<
6. Do you like your handwriting: s'ok when I try
7. What is your favorite lunch meat: roast beef
8. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow: naw
9. Do fish have feelings?: (and I haven't watched finding nemo yet)
10. Are you trendy: lol probably... or preppy, you know lol
11. How do you release anger: ranting, writing, both at the same time
12. Where is your second home: uh... don't really have one
13. Do you trust others easily: depends on who it is
14. What was your favorite toy as a child: uhm... barbies or my kitchen set XD
15. What class in school do you think is totally useless: -_-;; civics
16. Do you like sappy love songs: *yes*, and I sing along too
17. Have you ever been on radio or television: yup
18. Do you have a journal: still do
19. Do you use sarcasm a lot: sometimes
20.Have you ever been in a mosh pit: nope
21. What are your nicknames: juli, jules, mom
22. Would you ever bunjee jump: I don't know... maybe
23.Do you untie your shoes when you take them off: haha no
24. What are you worried about right now: nothing *right* now, but business and civics
25. Do you ever wear overalls: when I was a kid
26. Do you think that you are strong: nope lol
27. What's your favorite ice cream flavor: mmm french crisp from laura secord?
28.What's your favourite thing in the world: computer and everything it implies :)
29. What is your least favorite thing in the world: close mindedness, hate
30. How many wisdom teeth do you have: ...haven't had them out yet... how many are you supposed to have?
31. Do you have a crush on someone?: nope
32. How many people have a crush on you right now? dunno :P
33. What do you miss most right now: being worry free
34.Do you want everyone you sent this to to send it back to you: ...>blog
35. What are your fears: that I'll be alone, that I fail (life), that I grow old and senile and nobody likes me
36. Do you talk to your laundry?: wtf...
37. At what point do your clothes become laundry?: too long lol

And lastly, from said book:
to dream is to forget
everything is deliberate

7:31 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Happy New Year's everyone!!! ^_^ Went to Jelena's yesterday/today, which was very cool, even though we didn't do much more than hang. Thanks to her for putting up with the lot of us. New Year's (Christmas?) crackers and everything! Ended up going home at 2, with Iris driving me home. Glad that it wasn't her dad who came first XD.

Ooh man, I went out and bought five shirts and a pair of jeans today. XD There's this one street in North York where all the stores are outlets, and you know those shirts @ Stitches, the 2 for $20 ones? Yeah, I bought three of those for ten bucks. XD Damn I had to leave after two stores, cause I would've spent so much money. I need to stop shopping at outlet malls. Or alternatively, shop exclusively at outlet malls. The latter might actually be better for my wallet. ^_^;;; Ah but the shirts are so cute. ^_^ I now have... 9? shirts from three days of shopping, and a pair of pants. Jeez, way to start off the year. Anyways, have a good 2004 everyone!

8:42 p.m. // this is my reality \\
