layout image

*tired and achy*

11:57 a.m. // this is my reality \\



I could break you if i wanted to; I was broken all along
the softest whisper can be heard

2:47 p.m. // this is my reality \\


to read : sv : memorex recs, parhelion, shattered, home to roost; hp : draco trilogy, beneath you & windfallen >14, v recs; other : between stillness and the grove, naked empire, paragon lost

2:10 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Oooh hot water is a blessing... I just had the *nicest* hot shower, after spending a good 4-5 hours out @ the Santa Clause Parade. I woke up at 5.15 this morning!!! We got to the school at 7 but didn't start decorating our truck 'til Steph came @ 7.30. It was *so* cold in the morning, my parents made me wear my down jacket, but I'm glad now... cause trying to decorate the truck was so difficult. Damn tape wouldn't stick, and our banner was slowing being destroyed by the elements. But we managed to get it together, and it was so much fun piling up on the wagon and driving down to the parade start - we sang along to Christmas songs and everything! But then we got there and had to wait like... 45 minutes in the co~ld. And damn it was cold; I was stupid and wore running shoes so that my feet wouldn't hurt walking the parade - but they *totally* soaked through and my toes were in so much pain! But once the parade started, running around with a wheel barrow started warming the water in my shoes. It was actually kinda weird - after a while the water was just warm and shcooshy... and we got lots of donations for Free The Children, which was *so* great. ^_^ We ran out of candy canes by the time we got to Hwy 7 though. But it was all really fun - we sang and ran around with wheelbarrows and whee! ^_^ Ooh god, but I forgot my vaseline at home, and had no lip balm, I was so upset. But then Alison called her parents and they brought her boots and me vaseline. ^_^ Yay! And now I'm chilling in my leather chair, resting before going to Jocelyn's @ 4... my arms acheeeeee... wheelbarrows are heavy!

1:40 p.m. // this is my reality \\


756 words... half a page left to 3 pages... *dies* I need to wake up @ 6 tomorrow...

12:27 a.m. // this is my reality \\



I lied. TLC's having a 'What Not To Wear' marathon... XD

8:01 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Moue... I'm tired. And really don't want to do my History report - I already wrote my French but I just can't get the motivation to do History; you'd think listening to the PotC soundtrack would be helpful. Maybe after an episode of Angel... XD

[edit:] Swords Crossed . Klaus Badelt rocks. XD

Ah man, I get the shaft. It was an old episode. :\ History report it is...

7:28 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Need to go to school in about 20 minutes - woke up today @ 8 after staying up til 1.30, but took a nice shower so s'all good. Also got some good reading done, and today we'll be finishing decorations for the Parade. Here's hoping it's not rainy and ugly tomorrow like it is now. :S It would suck to have to walk in this.

10:35 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Oof... I feel so anti-productive, even though I *have* been doing things. Tomorrow's a PA Day, but it still feel to me as though I don't have enough time to get everything done - probably because I've got so much to do on Saturday it seems. But Saturday should actually be a lot of fun. I've still got a present to wrap! ^_^

9:51 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Ah school. Heh; wasn't *too* bad today, got perfect on my French dictee

Wow, I totally forgot I was posting. -_-;; I was looking at grad rings for a good while today, cause they're selling them for the grads @ school and there are posters everywhere.

There we go forgetting my post again... I'll just stop now. *wedding!*

9:28 p.m. // this is my reality \\



a star never hits the ground if it falls upside down - beneath you . cinnamon

8:48 p.m. // this is my reality \\


to read : sv : memorex recs; hp : draco trilogy, beneath you & windfallen >11, v recs; other : between stillness and the grove, naked empire, paragon lost
to do : bring nail polish, hair clips, etc to wake-a-thon

5:28 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Ooooh I just saw the commercial for the PotC DVD. ^_^ I so want a copy of that; even if it's a rip. Or else I wait a couple months and *then* buy it.

5:25 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Juli's right. Our giftie year is very touchy-feely. Mostly because of her, I'm thinking...

^.^ 'Long as it's not a bad thing Pui.

4:29 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Awwww... the tale of the shining prince was so cute, if confusing.

4:08 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Wow, that was a productive day at school. *rolls eyes* Bus comes and drops us off @ the East Foyer, where all these teachers are standing outside, and they tell us, 'go into the caf, the power's out'. I was *so* thinking, omg it's like my being snowed in @ Chapters w/out power thing; except after a while it just sucked, and there were so many people leaving, so a good dozen of us left for Jelena's. 20 minutes walking with my History project! Naw, but it was fine; we got there @ maybe 9 and hung 'round her house for a good long while - watched music vids, and bad TV (Jerry Springer!!). I left 1.45 ish cause my mom got off work and I didn't want to have to have her go home and them come back out to pick me up; we ended up driving Pui, Chris Cooper, and Catherine Fletcher, who was sitting @ the gas station near Tim Hortins, back home - only reason why I'm home so relatively late. Man, and this is still the closest I've been to skipping; half of the teachers were like, go home. This week has been so unworky. ^_^;; Good times; I believe I have some good fanfic reading to catch up on.

3:09 p.m. // this is my reality \\



4 hours at Chapters later, I'm now back in the comfort of my own home. Fun times, had dinner @ FMP with Diana and Mok (his Protege's so much cooler than mine!), then spent a good 45 minutes hanging around Chapters before all the bands started showing up. Picked up that book for Chloe, as well as one for my own (even though I have two other new books I haven't started/finished yet). It was fun watching them play, Jazz bands are so cool. ^_^ But yeah, I had fun, running 'round with Yvonne's purse. OMG and then falling down out of nowhere. Jeez... I had been standing for too long, I swear. I just kinda... collapsed; my ankle bent to the side and then I was down on the ground laughing at myself. ^_^;;; Oh well, I had fun - and I have no homework to rush to do now that it's all over. I'm glad people convinced me to come out, even if I'm not a music student anymore.

[edit:] I still wish we had gotten snowed in. ^_^;;

10:09 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Only when he is alone he lets himself feel sorrow. - the tale of the shining prince

10:05 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Ah god, went off to take a shower, and then got so tired looking over French that I had to take a nap. Bah, staying up late has caught up with me.

6:23 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Hmm History went not too badly, just doing some finishing touches for Science right now, and I have to finish the History report. There's nothing else I *need* to do, other than take a shower and watch QAF.

3:43 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Oof, ended up staying up til 1.30? and I'm still tired, even though I didn't get up til 10.30. Karishma's coming over in half an hour to work on the damn History. :P Bah, hopefully we get a good amount of stuff done. I just finished the reading that I *had* to do; didn't get a whole lot of reading that I wanted to do done. I should probly get ready stuff.

12:37 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Ooh, SV was cool today. Very interesting - but I don't know if I can stay up and read, me so tired.

12:01 a.m. // this is my reality \\



to read : sv : better, identical snippet, memorex recs; hp : draco trilogy, beneath you & windfallen, v recs, the tale of the shining prince; other : between stillness and the grove, naked empire
to watch : sv, qaf, 6fu, angel

12:40 p.m. // this is my reality \\


any given day

Got up @ 9.30 planning to do homework, didn't really get started til 11. *sigh* I've not actually got too much physical homework to do, a whole whack load of reading, Science In The News, and some questions to answer in French. And I need to go out shopping today. My legs are still mostly dead, but that's ok. :P

11:46 a.m. // this is my reality \\


Wheee!! Back from Semi and my feet *kill* but I had *such* a blast! It was so cool - I was all whee!! and the music was good, I though, even though I'll pretty much dance to anything. Ah man, five inch heels, and I barely left the dance floor! ^_^!! But it was fun so I don't care - when I go to dances, I honestly don't like sitting out, because I'm there to dance, and I do love to dance with other people. Bwee I had fun. I'm glad it turned out so well, sometimes I go to these things and something happens and I get all upset but I'm so good this time. ^_^ Even with the soreness and the tiredness... man I wish I had brought my camera... I want pictures from everyone though!! ^_^ I'm gonna be up for a while tonight, just for the hell of it - maybe read some. Squee!

1:10 a.m. // this is my reality \\



OMG I just spent the last five minutes on the phone with Iris, we're both so hyped up for Semi. Actually, I've been like this all day, all psyched and excited and crazy. ^_^!!!!! Weeeeeeee!!! I went through my entire day so happy happy happy; only time I really calmed down was during my Civics test, which wasn't that bad - I'm pretty sure I did well. Bweee!!! Now I need to go wash my hair. ^_^

4:07 p.m. // this is my reality \\



I have got much on my plate, and I keep having these little mini stress attacks, but then I get home, get working, and it's not so bad. I'm just hoping I can get through everything that needs to be done. Right now the things that worry me are the History project, my Business test tomorrow, my Civics 'quest' friday, and a little bit the Holiday Run. But for my tests I can't do much more than study; Holiday Run isn't too bad, we'll get it together; and History - well, I've got more info now, some geographical stuff, and so I guess I shouldn't worry so much. It's due in two weeks. I just need to get a hold of James, and Mr Christoff. I'm *so* excited about Semi Friday, I've been looking forward to it all week. Seriously, I'm very eeeh! about it.

7:25 p.m. // this is my reality \\



to do this weekend : read like crazy

9:41 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Had the CLEW workshop today, which was actually a lot of fun, and the motivational speaker that came in was hilarious. We got to watch the tape of ystdy's MoD during our break too - wee! And I'm caught up on most of my homework, just got some stuff I need to print out / pick up. :) This week is going by alternately slowly and quickly - I mean, I've been having a great time all week, but it's only Tuesday! Semi on Friday!!! Everyone go! Last chance is tomorrow!!

[edit:] And this by the way is Kimberly's blog - she asked if she could link to Semblance, which blew me away; I'm always so surprised that people other than my friends read this blog, which isn't really always that interesting, but apparently it's interesting enough! ^_^

7:00 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Got back from MoD a little while ago; it was cool! But now I've got English homework to do. *sigh* And I need to wake up early (and earlier is like, 5.55 -_-;) for a workshop I have all day tomorrow. Maaah...

8:22 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Squee! Finally, a new GT layout! ^_^ Took me so long, and I still need to study civics, science, *and* read LOTF! Aaiya!

9:51 p.m. // this is my reality \\


to do : read cinnimon, ch. 14 for lead, ch. 1 for english, wash hair, study science, study civics

1:29 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Mmmm sausage, egg and english muffin for breakfast... yum. And I wrote my Science notes, which I weren't gonna do, but now I've got all the info on one page instead of five, so it's all good. I need to wash my hair today, and that's 'bout it.

11:40 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Aiye... four hours, too many outlet stores, and 50+ dollars later I've come home with: a super soft blue turtleneck sweater from Jacob Connexicon, a collared grey and black 3/4 length shirt from Smart Set, a blue collared polo shirt from Garage, and a miniskirt from Gap (which *was* 50 dollars, and I got it for 13! ^_^). I felt so bad though, for buying all this stuff... stupid outlet stores and really cheap clothes. I seriously was like, I have to leave this place before I spent any more money. But ooh it was nice... ^_^ And now I wanna get through my 3 more hours of taped TV, and maybe do some History.

9:50 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Feeling really lazy about blogging right now... I've kinda had a stomach ache all afternoon, and while it's mostly better, still kinda queasy. :\ Oh well. Commencement last night was fun, heh, stupid French story, could not write at all. Saw many OACs that I recognised but didn't really know outside of first name basis (or even names at all!) - it was cool. Today however was not so cool. I'm going to fail basic physics. I seriously need to sit down sometime and just slowly go over the math, and the equations, and *make sure* I understand it all. Aiye, and then the damn Math performance problem - I bet you it was the reason for my stomach ache. The French quiz didn't go *so* badly, and Business was nothing. After school was *more* Math because we totally did not have time to finish it in class, and I'm going to be away next Math period, so it's up to Chris to finish it up. Then a bunch of us took the bus to the triplets' house for their party which was very fun. I was having my laughing fits - ah jeez, I get drunk on these people, I swear. They watched a movie, but I didn't go down, because there was seriously 20+ people in that room. So a bunch of us just stayed and talked. And now I kinda just wanna go to sleep, but I don't wanna waste the night, and I've got maybe 4 hours to TV to get through... but I'm kinda not in the mood. I'll watch SV and then probly go to sleep.

10:12 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Aiye need to help out with commencement tonight, which means I've had to cram all my studying in, plus dinner, before 5.45 tonight. I've got an hour; not bad. I've got a French quiz tomorrow, but there's a lot of material. I've got a performance problem tomorrow in Math, but I should be ok on that; we get to look @ our notes. Merp!

4:38 p.m. // this is my reality \\



we tell lies when we are afraid

Aah, I'm tired. :P Spent the last 1/2 hour studying for *Civics*. *sigh* And thank you Jon, for the email. :) I've been working all day, and that was nice to get. I did finish all of my homework though, just need to make my French story and research History. Not studying for French til tomorrow, and that's when I'll look over my math too. Otherwise I'm pretty good; I'll leave about 1/2 early today to study some more. I came to school with crimped hair, it was pretty cool. ^_^;; It's still a little wavy, but it won't be by tomorrow. This week/next week will be more crazy weeks, but semi's on next Friday, and the triplets' birthday party is this Friday, so things to look forward to. :)

8:07 p.m. // this is my reality \\



we try to take it slow
but we're still losing control
and we try to make it work
but this feeling's the worse
and I'm crazy
trying to be your lady
- shut up . black eyed peas

Damn that's a cool song. ^_^

I've got a crane to burn.

8:12 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Bwahaha, I'm amused at the image I make, in braids and a baseball cap. ^_^;; In an attempt to crimp my hair, I braided it after my shower, and am planning to sleep with them in. But anways... I need to update CI with Remembrance Day stuff, before it's too late. :)

7:16 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Yes, it's been a long week, and yes, I know it's Tuesday.

Baaah, damn English homework, so confusing. What the hell's the underlining theme here? School's getting stress-y again, what with the sci, and hist, projects, and the civics quest. And aaah crap, I'm going to be missing the sci quiz next week. *bangs head on desk*

5:17 p.m. // this is my reality \\



I don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna fall asleep
cause I'd miss you babe
and I don't wanna miss a thing
even when I dream of you
the sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you babe
and I don't wanna miss a thing - aerosmith

when the last one falls
when it's all said and done - three days grace

what would you think of me now
so lucky so strong so proud
i never said thank you for that
now i'll never have a chance
may angels lead you in
hear you me my friend
on sleepless roads
the sleepless go
may angels lead you in - jimmy eat world

8:34 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Mmmm fries...

5:02 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Ah jeez, someone just called my house, telling me to vote for some candidate or another - my mom's not even home. I was kinda like, uhh, and they said, oh have you already voted? Why yes, yes I have... Aiye...

4:29 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Wow, today was interesting, lol. Dennis and Pui came over around 11.00 today, it took us maybe an hour to do the Science, the rest was spent online (Dennis was on my ICQ and I was on his MSN, fighting to send stupid messages to people) and eating pizza. Then we went to FMP, and went to Chapters - that place has so many neat nicknacks. ^_^;; And then we went back to the theatre, and saw Matrix, which was very cool, if somewhat confusing. Also saw many good trailers : RotK (squee!!), Troy (mmmm), Torque (which I might just see cause it looks cool - or more probably rent), The Last Samurai (which is very wtf), possibly one more, but it was a comedy that I don't want to see. But it was good fun all around; except for the fucktard that was smoking in the freaking theatre. It was during one part when the Oracle was smoking, and a bunch of us were like... wtf... that's really weird - but then we realised it was someone in the theatre. It was bad. But ah well; after I had dinner with my parents; for their anniversary, which is this Tuesday (Remembrance Day). Ooh, and I came home to a YM magazine sitting on my bed, and I don't know why I have it... I might've signed up for a free subscription online somewhere... but I can't remember. ^_^;;; Ah well, free stuff.

7:55 p.m. // this is my reality \\



I saw A Beautiful Mind; I really liked it. Also spent about half an hour on the phone with Yvonne, bitching. Bah.

11:52 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Ah we went and did much stuff today, my family and I. Dimsum was very good, and then we went to FMP and I got stuff, from Jacob and some other stuff, and then we went to Moonlight Banquet Hall, to see where it is - much driving occurred today. Now my master plan may be put into action! ^_^

7:14 p.m. // this is my reality \\


GT -

12:05 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Hmm... woke up @ 9.00ish, thought, hey, I've had 8 hours of sleep! went back to bed, woke up @ 10.00ish to Catherine on the phone, was groggy, decided to actually get up. Now it is 11.00ish and I've had breakfast, even though my parents are planning on going out for dimsum. I just realised that I do have some Sci homework, and I didn't bring the binder home. Urg. I also need to speak with : Jason, Dennis, and Pui. I believe you guys are coming @ 11 now, unless you think we need more than 2 + 1/2 hours to work on the Sci. And if you could please bring your Sci binders and/or the unit one guideline sheet + sci in the news sheet, that would be great. I left mine @ school. ^_^;; Thankee muchly!

11:12 a.m. // this is my reality \\


Oh jeez, the Kenshin OVA's ... so sad!!! *cries* Mouwwww... now I need to go to sleep though...

1:02 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Holy Shit. My mom walked in on me as I was watching QaF, when Lindsey and Melanie were onscreen... yeah. I was hyper-scrambling to stop the damn tape. I swear, if my mom had caught that... I would've been freaking kicked out of the house. *is pained*

Aaanyways, today was actually pretty good. Marc Keilberger from Free The Children came in and did assemblies, which, dispite total disorganisation, ended up working pretty well. Comm Tech, besides the still crappy camera, was pretty good today - didn't get bitchy. ^_^ It's an accomplishment for me; we finished it and except for the mix part, it's not too bad. Heh. Oh my god - History. The Battle of Somme (WWI) is the WORST BATTLE EVER. First of all, ok, lets send the first wave over - they get shot down by German machine guns in minutes. Alright then, lets send a *SECOND* wave across, again, STRAIGHT into machine gun fire. Wait, lets do this for FIVE MONTHS! They had a 1.25 MILLION casualty/death count, and the Allies advanced maybe 12 km. *in more pain* What were they thinking?! Finally, last story was @ lunch, where I managed to spill the remainder of Diana's juice *all* over my left side. I was drinking, and Joyce was talking about something, and all of a sudden, the juice wasn't going in my mouth anymore, but *all* over my face. I ended up shifting it to my left, splashing my arm and hitting the chair beside me. Ah jeez. But at least it was funny... lol.

5:51 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Whee! I tried on my grad dress today, and it still fits, which makes me happy. Mind, I haven't grown any taller in the last 1 1/2 years, which is kinda sad. Semi's gonna be fun! I am ticket'd and everything. Mmm I made peanut butter cookies yesterday, but the roof of my mouth is hurting, so I've been trying not to eat any sort of candy or cookies or stuff. Bleh.

5:04 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Lord Of The Flies - I have never hated a book like I hate that book. I've never hated a book, period. I've thought books were boring (parts of LotR), underdeveloped (The Watcher), undesirable characters (The Golden Compass), whatever. But I've never hated a book like I hate Lord Of The Flies. I finished it earlier today, and I can honestly say that I felt slightly sick after it. Nobody else I've spoken to has reacted quite so extremely as I have, but maybe it struck a chord, because I finished that book and the only thing running through my head was that I didn't think I could read the book again for the novel study. It honestly disgusts me, and if you haven't read the book, spoilers ahead. I have a very serious issue with the fact that those boys killed two of their own. It was revolting; maybe I'm reading too much into it, but it was almost like they ate Simon. I couldn't take that. Even from before, with Simon and the pig's head - that bothered me. I don't usually get squicked out; I can take a whole lot of written gore, violence, horror, whatever. But children - there's something about children, and realistic situations that I *cannot* take. I lied before, because I just remembered. There was one other book that I couldn't take. One other book, that I simply stopped reading because I couldn't take it. The only reason I don't hate that book is that I chose to stop reading. It was called The Absence Of Nectar, and I stopped reading when the girl was hit in the face with a hot frying pan by her stepfather. I couldn't take anymore. These things hit a real chord in me, because it's not like Sci Fi or Fantasy I guess, where I can take it; in novels like Lord Of The Flies and The Absense Of Nectar, everything's more real to me - it makes me feel sick, something like that. :/

Moving on from that, today was kinda of blehy; we did our English presentation, and I thought it was actually done pretty well, very smooth. History was more Remembrance Day stuff. Comm Tech I'm not going to go into, only that it was hell frustrating - through no real fault of the people in my group, though that camera should die, a long painful death. And then Civics - aiye... if I grow up with carpol tunnel syndrome (sp?), I'll know who to blame. Jeez; after my second page of *insanity* I could no longer write at any real speed. - Oh dear god. For some reason, YTV's showing this crazy warped (old?) version of DBZ, and the theme song's so ugly I could cry. I don't even watch DBZ, but I was channel surfing, and now my ears are *bleeding*. Erm... yeah. Still need to finalize my Business report, and print that out; otherwise I should be all good. Smallville tonight!!

8:15 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Wow... probably should've blogged earlier today... I was too pissed off at the bus. Mah; whatever. Got all my homework done, made this, and yeah; I'm pretty sure I'm good. :) Less stress is always good. Mind, I keep feeling like I haven't done something important, which is *really* bugging me. But, pah. Whatever.

9:10 p.m. // this is my reality \\



To everybody, sorry for being bitchy, sullen, whatever today. I was a little upset this morning, but hey, I'll get over it. :) And I shall try to keep a little more control - try mind you... try. Heh.

Anyways, did most of my homework today, only that damn Business report left now; had a yearbook meeting, fun with stickers! Went to the mall, the Jacob there doesn't have what I was looking for. *sigh* Ah well.

7:49 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Lisa says:

I'm gonna start calling you harry potter

~ Shinigami no Mitsukai ~ open your eyes don't let it fade ~ let the sun shine through the rain ~ says:


Lisa says:

hey harry

Lisa says:

how's it going harry

Lisa says:

had any sex with draco lately there harry?

Aah, good times. ^_^

9:49 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Went and saw School of Rock, which was a much better movie than I gave it credit for. Sooo cute!!! And I'm *not* just talking about that Tom Felton look-a-like drummer. XD Though he rocked, hard. ^_^ Anyways, I'm off on a printing spree, of homework.

8:01 p.m. // this is my reality \\


i wanna believe you
when you tell me that it's ok
i try to believe you
but i don't

2:48 p.m. // this is my reality \\


I woke up... an hour ago? and have been up since pouring over my YB planner. I'm such a nerd. ^_^;; Stickers! Going out to see House Of Rock with my chica later, whom by the way, needs to put up many many picatures! :) Also, Iris wants to remind you to bring music for english class tomorrow. All I have left homework wize is the Business report, due Thursday, so I can afford to slack a bit. Right now I'm just being lazy - haven't changed out of pjs, haven't eaten breakfast... actually, stomach's starting to protest this... ^_^;

10:24 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Mmm... Pizza Hut pizza and breadsticks. Yu~mmy. Haha, except that we were going to just go out to the plaza near my house, so I was just in sweatpants and a shirt, and then we saw Josh going to Boston Pizza, and Sandra working in there, and my parents were teasing me about being lazily dressed. ^_^;; Oh well! Went to Alison's @ 12, was told that apparently, it had been moved to 2 (-_-;;), but oh well, I got to drive the van. ^_^ I'm very proud of myself! Now it's time to tackle that math homework, and the French, lead, and Business, not to mention Civics. *sigh*

8:04 p.m. // this is my reality \\
