layout image

Just saw Catch Me If You Can; good movie, a bit sad in the end. I liked it.

11:21 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Dennis : 705

6:28 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Bwehe! I got my sweater (for 30$; turns out the price tag was wrong at the one mall) and two shirts from stitches, one of which (red long sleeved tee) says 'i can only please one person a day; today is not your day' and it has a monkey on it. ^_^ The other is three quarter length, blue, and collared with cute little breast pockets and buttons down low; I have to leave all but one undone or else it stretches unattractively when I move my arms, but I like it. I'm happy.

4:47 p.m. // this is my reality \\


*dies laughing*

10:52 a.m. // this is my reality \\


Well I just spent the last hour totally getting ready for school, and now my binders are replenshed with paper, my pencil case is stocked, and everything I need for day one is in my bag. Aand I have my contacts in. We'll see if I can fare any better today. :S

I also slept @ 3 last night, to watch 5 eps. of Kenshin... 19 to go! That'll take me... oh... 6 1/2 hours. So I figure I can do it in three to four days. At best if, once school starts, I can watch some Kenshin Fridays *and* Saturdays, I'll have it all done in two weeks-ish. I dunno if I wanna watch some tonight; maybe.

10:32 a.m. // this is my reality \\




11:05 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Aw man, today kinda sucked. Went shopping, and the insane a/c killed my contacts; I was wondering around after about 4 hours, blinking insanely, stopping to close my eyes, and trying to make myself yawn. It was *bad*. I ended up taking them out, with 2 more hours to go of my schedule. :P I don't know if I'll be able to keep contacts up. If it's this bad... *sigh*. I don't know if I'll be able to take them at school; Tuesday's the last day of my week trial. I'll see how I do, but I don't know... at home it's no big but out... then again, I can read for hours with contacts in. Hopefully I'll be ok.

On a good note, I've got this great 'english toffee coffee cake' for breakfast. Mmmm...

8:46 p.m. // this is my reality \\


to read : hives, lasha lee's arc, type k, cold, naked empire, between the stillness and the grove

12:14 a.m. // this is my reality \\



whee big locker 23! o_O;;; says:

hhaa squeeze the cup

whee big locker 23! o_O;;; says:

so it comes up

whee big locker 23! o_O;;; says:

andlick it

Can you get any dirtier?! And we're talking about *yogurt*.

11:40 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Long. Painful. Death. That is what needs to happen to my Paint Shop Pro. Long. Painful. DEATH.

9:23 p.m. // this is my reality \\


I kinda wanna see Uptown Girls - *BEDROOM!* He's acting so fruity! One of the signs your refridgerator needs adjusting is when your milk transitions from a liquid to a solid; man Queer Eye *ROCKS* - I mean, it's not even a chick flick, it's totally a girly movie. ^_^

uhn uhn uhn uhn, no cher. put it down.

The Queer Eye tape's over, but I'm watching What Not To Wear tonight. Wee!

7:51 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Finished reading earlier than I thought I would, so I'm back on the net again, and watching Queer Eye. 'The moo moo chairs!'

6:54 p.m. // this is my reality \\


I promised I would read the 7 Habits book again, and I did; even if I did wake up at 12. Have been reading til four, with an hour break at two to run (forgot it was Friday) and take a shower. I've got half the book to go, but I wanted to take a break and give my head a bit of a rest, so I'm on the net for an hour. I'll be off again at 5; time management yo. ^_^;; School starts in like, three days!! Eeck.

4:22 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Finished one custom layout, was trying to work on another, but PSP kept dying on me. I'll see if it's better tomorrow.

1:25 a.m. // this is my reality \\



what are we, the fab five from IBM?

Man, just watched two eps of Queer Eye, and took my contacts out. Was bad today; took me a while. And they dried out my eyes muchly when I used the comp. Think if I do full-time contacts, I'm gonna need the glasses for the comp. :P

8:59 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Never ever rush through a shower again... razor bu~urn... owwww.

And that's how I started off my morning. Grr. Today was last day for my registration gig; got 17 hours out of it, which is pretty cool. Got my Kenshin discs too, and went over to Lisa's house after, to watch MTV Movie Awards, so I could get my tape back. Got my contacts in right now. So much to do only three more days til school!

to do: re-read LEAD book and make notes; watch Queer Eye tape; finish custom layouts; get packed for school

want to do: finish all my new books; watch Kenshin discs

5:13 p.m. // this is my reality \\


:P Waking up at 7 again to take a shower; wash my hair. Forgot to today. Grrr... ran this morning @ 7 too, saw the cutest little bunny.

12:35 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Eeeeh! New thing happening, am trying to show people right now, cept brother's camera *sucks* and so I can't get it to work...

Aaaah fuck it.

No, wait, I've got it mostly working now...

Ok! Got it!!! One, two, three! I got contacts!!! (and there are pictures of my awesome new miniskirt ^_^) It's so cool. *grin*

Today was registration for 10s and 11s so there were a ton more people that I knew; it was fun. 'Cept for the whole Mr. Shigeishi *hiding* our timetables!! :P We got free food again; Matt wrote on my arm, and him and Lisa *attacked* me!! Grrr... but it was good times. And I have contacts!!

5:46 p.m. // this is my reality \\



good thing we're hot chicks with super powers

8:45 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Did my registration gig today, have been convinced (it wasn't very hard) to do the rest of the week too. It's actually kinda fun; pretty easy, and Lisa and Matt are there, along with other people, like Yin Xia and Joey and Ryan and Dennis, so it's pretty cool. We're using a computer system, which is nice, except when Joey KILLED it. It was funny, cause I was at the very end of the table, so nobody would come over; I'd like, stand up and wave all the time. Joey suggested I flash them, said it would make people come. :P It was really hot, but we got free pizza, which was cool. And I got to check out my stuff; damn my locker's in third hall, and it's a freaking tiny locker. It's about the span of my hand; it's tiny! I will seriously *not* be able to put my winter coat in it. Urrg.

6:18 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Aaaw man, end to QaF; Michael and Brian, that juse made me go awww. Over and over again, I *love* Brian. Mmmm.

12:04 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Because I kept saying I'd show Dennis the pornstar hat.

And then, later made an icon of it. There are a couple other new icons too.

8:04 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Maan, Six Feet Under is so creepy. And I didn't catch the last couple minutes of it, Showcase shows always run over the hour time. :P QaF tonight.

7:51 p.m. // this is my reality \\


you're bitch.

What swear word are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

5:51 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Awww! This got such a girl response from me.

3:38 p.m. // this is my reality \\


DIE cgi script; DIE

3:13 p.m. // this is my reality \\


to read : beautiful world, hives, lasha lee's arc, type k, cold, naked empire, between the stillness and the grove, the tower at stony wood

1:49 p.m. // this is my reality \\


*whimper* and she let out a dragged, pitiful breath, eyes squinting from the pain; she breathed short and shallow, and didn't want to believe because it was supposed to be a happy ending and she wished that it was and she didn't want to see him die. Oh jeez; I wish it had been a happy ending, and it was such a fantastic story, and Draco and Harry, god, they made my heart ache, but they were so sweet when it lasted.

1:33 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Then again, he was a Malfoy, and Malfoys were supposed to think that Bad was Good and Good was Bad, black was white and white was black and Voldemort help the wizard who fancied gray.

Only Draco could talk that way without sounding like a complete prat.
Or, if he sounded like a prat, he did it so well and Harry was so used to it that it was some how above and beyond normal levels of pratness.

Being invited to smoke a cigarette with Harry Potter was something new and alien to Draco, and for a long, long while, he considered laughing and walking away.

"Excuse me?" Draco cried, but no one was paying attention. Sirius and Harry were arguing again, and no one was there to witness Draco's fury at having been told to shut up. By Harry sodding Potter of all people. It wasn't right!

"Blood enemies," Harry replied matter-of-factly.
"Who smoke together on the pier at all hours of the night?"

"So? Honestly, it's not like I haven't seen you naked before," Harry said, exasperated.
"What? Oh!" Harry's eyes widened. "Umm. Oops. Oh my god, is that the giant squid?"

A full out water fight, in the rain in the lake in the middle of the night, erupted then, and both boys were rather lucky that this had never happened before and the giant squid was rather afraid of new things. It stayed at the bottom of the lake, twitching nervously at every burst of laughter.

Ah god, I love Beautiful World; it's so sweet!

He used to wonder, as a child, if prayers would even matter. How would they get out of his closet and find their way up to God if he didn't have a window?

Shit, but that line was unbearably heart-wrenching. BW's taken a turn for the bitterly painful and angsty. *cry* It better work out in the end! And without either of them dying. :(

10:46 a.m. // this is my reality \\

divider Ah man, I need to read Beautiful World now. There's angst!

10:19 a.m. // this is my reality \\


Riyo - "Logical Change"

What would your Japanese name be? (female)
brought to you by Quizilla

10:15 a.m. // this is my reality \\


Once a month, I hate fucking being a girl.

Ah fuck. I *dreamed* doing that cgi code in my head. -_-;; Hell, it looked pretty easy; I'm going to get it done today. Urg.

Except that I can't figure it out. Mostly because the code is in Lisa's cgi bin, and I'm not sure how to route it there, or copy it into my own, or whatever. Can't do anything about that first thing either. x_x;; Going to watch Noir now. I'll ask Lisa about it later.

9:38 a.m. // this is my reality \\



offlien due to lightning lssonslearnttoday: cosmo is only for girls, laura t is good in the SAC ( says:

lol, i always move in my sleep. i'm afrad that when i get maried i'll wake up to find my wife with a sleeping bag on the couch


offlien due to lightning lssonslearnttoday: cosmo is only for girls, laura t is good in the SAC ( says:

one night, u shud sleep ontop of him (like rooll onto of him wehn hes asleep and sleep face down) so that when he wakes up all hes sees is your eyes open


offlien due to lightning lssonslearnttoday: cosmo is only for girls, laura t is good in the SAC ( says:

wow, i can't beleive we're already scheming against our spouses

~ Shinigami no Mitsukai ~ bad dirty game ~ says:

no, *you're* scheming against our spouses

~ Shinigami no Mitsukai ~ bad dirty game ~ says:

*i'm* not scheming against anyone

offlien due to lightning lssonslearnttoday: cosmo is only for girls, laura t is good in the SAC ( says:


11:00 p.m. // this is my reality \\


offlien due to lightning lssonslearnttoday: cosmo is only for girls, laura t is good in the SAC ( says:

i remember when i first used the net at crosby, i didn't kno u needed an account to send email, so got all frustrated when i tried entering an adress into the bar and it wouldn't do anything


licking >_< says:

but was so hard to get that yahoo account cuz i didnt no how an email address went


backkkkkkkkk o_O;;; says:

i never used the internet till grade 7

Man, I was never this computer illiterate!

10:15 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Man, me and Mok are discussing why a potato is a vegatable (he thinks it isn't); he's going on about how potatos can't have the same mineral content as other veggies!!

8:27 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Ah jeez, I make the weirdest sounds.

7:51 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Just washed my hair, my hand-wash only clothes, and had a chocolate chip eggo waffle. Yum. Pasta tonight for dinner, my dad's out at a banquet for a baby; first month anniversary since birth; it's a chinese thing. It's called the baby's full moon? Something like that.

6:59 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Drink more coffee. Do stupid things faster, and with more energy!

5:13 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Ah, the gay memories. - Yvonne

2:53 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Yo shit! My parents just told me that I sleep with my eyes slit open! Man that's so disturbing; they said I've done it since I was a kid and it's really creepy. I have *never* known this! I'm an insanely still sleeper, but I forced myself into that habit, the eye thing, I don't know where that came from. Jeez.

Also, Matt's photos from Friday are here [word is link; email me if doesn't work]

On another note, my parents are so cool. Despite the once in a while spats and stuff, they're so free with a lot of things. Their philosophy is that they can't stop me from doing stuff, so they won't say a definite no, but they make sure I think about all the circumstances and things first. I mean, after everything we talked about last night [parties, alcohol, clubbing], this morning I went out to dimsum with my parents, and the tea always makes me hyper and conversive (sp?) - must be the caffeine -, so I was asking them if they would let me go clubbing with friends. Because I was talking about it with Jelena yesterday on the phone right? And her parents said no. But my dad was like, well, it's not a no, but it's not a yes. It's more like if it ever comes up; we know we can't stop you from going, but it is a dangerous scene. And mind, I'm talking about all ages clubs. So we were talking about it, and my dad was like, you know that even closed cans of pop can be drugged, by putting the stuff on the rim, and I hadn't even thought of that. But still, my parents were willing to discuss me going and stuff; which is, I think, pretty cool. Also talked about driving, which isn't really a big deal. Mostly this started because I wanted to ask them about alcohol. Because of Iris, and our discussion of what would come next, when they got tired of things like the violation game, and she brought up alcohol. Which, in my mind, is a Very bad idea; but still, I brought it up with my parents, and they weren't as appalled and stuff as I thought they would be. Like, my dad agreed with me, bad idea and all, and my mom was like, 'isn't that illegal' and I was like, yup, totally. But my dad understood that if we got access to alcohol, it would happen and stuff. He wasn't shocked, and it wasn't a, 'don't ever drink or we'll kill you' thing, which is what I was expecting. Although, the fact that he lets me drink - just sips - when I'm with my family should have been an indication. I know that my dad doesn't worry about my friends really, because I had asked, 1) would you let me go clubbing with Iris and Lisa and my aged friends; and then 2) if you would let me go clubbing with people older than me, like Diana and stuff; and he said, it wasn't my friends he was worried about, but the other people at this kinda scene. The alcohol was actually brought up when my dad noted that I talk a lot every time we go out for dimsum, and I said it was the tea, and my dad said it'll be even worse when I drink. I didn't actually know how to bring it up. But now I have some insight on what my parents think, and it's really not too bad. I still think alcohol at our age is a bad idea though. My parents may not kill me, but they still wouldn't be happy. I mean, I do complain about my parents, especially on the topic of them and my brother, but really, most of the times, they're a lot better that a lot of parents.

2:48 p.m. // this is my reality \\



~ Shinigami no Mitsukai ~ noisy hum of silence between my ears ~ says:

it'll be one big honking contest until the cops come

backkkkkkkkk o_O;;; says:


~ Shinigami no Mitsukai ~ noisy hum of silence between my ears ~ says:

and we get arrested for noise pollution

backkkkkkkkk o_O;;; says:


backkkkkkkkk o_O;;; says:

then we can speed fomr te cops...

~ Shinigami no Mitsukai ~ noisy hum of silence between my ears ~ says:

yeah; cept then i'd crash into something and die

backkkkkkkkk o_O;;; says:

..thats not

backkkkkkkkk o_O;;; says:

well u can put along at 40

~ Shinigami no Mitsukai ~ noisy hum of silence between my ears ~ says:

and one more coming... *photojournalphotojournalphotojournal*

even angels would be homesick says:

all in good time

~ Shinigami no Mitsukai ~ noisy hum of silence between my ears ~ says:

*prod* is it time yet?

even angels would be homesick says:


~ Shinigami no Mitsukai ~ noisy hum of silence between my ears ~ says:


~ Shinigami no Mitsukai ~ noisy hum of silence between my ears ~ says:

is it time yet?

even angels would be homesick says:

~ Shinigami no Mitsukai ~ noisy hum of silence between my ears ~ says:


even angels would be homesick says:

you're far too good at this annoying thing.

even angels would be homesick says:

ugh, why does my internet suck so hard?

11:27 p.m. // this is my reality \\


This is my arm. Jon drew it, but the ones I drew were cooler. :P They were all the designs on Den's shirt; it was cool. There was more dirty games today, the 'violation game', which was fucking funny. And the turtles were a hit. We played a bit of strip poker too; but it wasn't that fun. And Halo, but I suck at that game. The cake was good though. ^_^ Lotsa fun all in all.

And for the hell of it, this is the pattern on my pjs.

10:59 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Man I'm gonna cry I'm so bored. I finished The Tower At Stony Wood this morning (confusing as hell, but man, it's like the ultimate fairy tale); I just got off the phone with Jelena [note to self: call her next week] and seriously no one's online. Lisa went off a couple minutes ago, and Mok's still at the hospital :'( so I can't talk to him, of all the people whom I can count on for constant conversation. *sigh* Maybe I'll just get ready for Jason's; I haven't been able to reach Iris all day, so I don't know when she's coming to pick me up. And I don't really feel like play strip poker today. :P I'm in a sort of melancholy mood, and I think it's because Mok's at the hospital. I mean, I kind of forgot that he was sick over the summer, sort of at least, and now he's gone for two days and I worry. Iye...

2:34 p.m. // this is my reality \\


“Lex, I don’t think-”

“Not thinking is good,” said Lex, cutting him off. “Keep doing that.”
More Roomies!

9:49 a.m. // this is my reality \\


Hmm... parents and brother leaving for Wonderland and I feel like a little DDR later. ^_^

9:41 a.m. // this is my reality \\


Will's Sword Fetish
You are....

Will's sword fetish! Spending hours at a time in a
hot confined room with sharp pointy objects
really makes you happy. Maybe you should listen
to Jack and get a girl. Or just...get out more.
I don't think all that sweat is from working at
the forge, mate.

Which Pirates of the Caribbean Character's Unhealthy Fetish are YOU?
brought to you by Quizilla

9:37 a.m. // this is my reality \\


to read : the rest of strings of fate

8:39 a.m. // this is my reality \\


Jason's birthday party's today; and I don't really have 'nething to worry bout; except to show up ^_^.

8:23 a.m. // this is my reality \\


Urg... my body aches in several different places...

Man, just came home from Yvonne's and had a bath. 'I feel dirty...' No, but seriously, they were all playing the licking game, and because I wasn't playing, I became the lickee. I got fucking licked all over. :P We were staying 'til 5.30 at first, but then it kinda got extended til 10. I felt sort of bad; there was one point where it might've extended to a sleepover but that was post-poned.

Yeah; but the Joe part of it all was pretty good; we got our sketchbook finished and filled in with all sorts of our signature crap, and the cover looked remarkably good with those markers. We didn't end up watching any movies, which is sad, but that's ok. We also totally ate Yvonne out of house and home, it's a wonder she lets us back there. :\ We totally need to pay her back for dinner.

8:08 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Finally. Done. Now to go run, shower, and bake Iris's stupid peanut butter cookies. :\

7:23 a.m. // this is my reality \\


Hello; thanks to the lightening that killed my computer, I'm now up at 6.00am to try to finish that picture. -_-;;

6:00 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Holy crap; the power just went out for a second. I thought it was just me and my comp I was like O.O

10:23 p.m. // this is my reality \\


plan tomorrow :
7.00 - wake up; run/shower
8.15 - bake peanut butter cookies
9.00 - get ready to go
10.00 - leave house

Urg... seems like a lot of time to get ready doesn't it? But I don't want to get up at 8.00 cause I don't think 2 hours is enough time. Maybe 7.30.

4:36 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Urg. It's hot and gross and I've been running around outside. -_-;; Except not literally; I've been doing errands and stuff. Bah. Stupid office supply stores. Urg.

4:11 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Arg. 3.00, Lisa, Mok, and Hui have all left, so I'm gonna go to sleep. Tomorrow's my only free day this week. :P

3:14 a.m. // this is my reality \\


i'm sorry juli ....was suppsoed to give u kenshin wasn't i??? o_O;;; says:

lol woah long scann hehe...gwunn games till lik 2 every day at schoola dn does his homework till 4 then sleeps until 6 hes lika a damn machineee

~ Shinigami no Mitsukai ~ you hate her and you love her and you can't live without her ~ says:

...hearing you discribe him as a machine puts dirty images in my head

And this is why I am creator of Gutter Trash. Friends and internet are very bad influences.

~ Shinigami no Mitsukai ~ you hate her and you love her and you can't live without her ~ says:

why is there a w in answer

~ Shinigami no Mitsukai ~ you hate her and you love her and you can't live without her ~ says:

and why do 'ello

~ Shinigami no Mitsukai ~ you hate her and you love her and you can't live without her ~ says:

'ello' commercials always say 'she' or 'her'

~ Shinigami no Mitsukai ~ you hate her and you love her and you can't live without her ~ says:

why can't guys play with ello?

even angels would be homesick says:

I don't know...

even angels would be homesick says:

are you drunk chicky?

12:11 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Urg. I don't like ICQ. MSN's beeeettter. Grr.

8:56 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Just came back from yearbook meeting (that makes me sound like such a nerd) and dinner. Am slightly less stressed about it now, a little less worried. I was so terrified of the stress this year, what with yearbook and LEAD. :P But I feel better now. Meeting was good, fun, they're nice people - except for the whole, recap of ATI fiasco. -_-;; Although, Diana did promise to bring me back free things from CNAnime. Which I'm not going to, cause, 40$, one, also, Friday - Joe's thing, Saturday - Jason's thing, Sunday - they're going to CNE. Thus, not with the goingness. I have my Windows style set to olive green right now (so ugly), to match my desktop (which is uploaded).

One thing about the meeting. Mok had said he would come, and bring me Kenshin, and he showed up - except I haven't seen him for maybe half a year, and he looked totally different; so, when him, Diana, and Joyce were leaving, I was to Iris : 'was that stephen?' Cause I didn't know, for the whole meeting. I mean, the voice kind of sounded like him, but I wasn't sure, and it was just really *bad*. And I didn't get my Kenshin discs. -_-;;

I actually found this while going through my notebook.
noisy hum of silence between my ears, and it's so loud. the room's dark, not pitch, but my eyes are closed anyways, so it doesn't matter. can't hear anything but the silence; can't see anything but the dark and it's an enviable kind of solitude, a stillness in the early hours. not sleep, not yet, too preoccupied with the senses in my head.

7:44 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Fuck this.

12:05 p.m. // this is my reality \\



He chose love over immortality, when the choice was offered.
She wishes, sometimes, that she could have done the same.
- arcadia

11:21 p.m. // this is my reality \\


to read : beautiful world, hives, lasha lee's arc, type k, cold, naked empire, between the stillness and the grove, the tower at stony wood

9:45 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Holy. Crap. I am such a loser. I just spent the last 15? minutes doing this. And that's just my fandom folder.

9:21 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Just came back from Jenn and Katie's, which means I can attack that to read list. But I do want to see if Smallville's on tonight, and what ep. it is.

Actually, we saw Edward Scissorhands at the triplets' house, it made me sad! Poor Edward. :(

7:35 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Aha. Done coding that layout. 33! Je win.

2:09 p.m. // this is my reality \\


to read : being friends with boys, beautiful world, hives, esctasy, il dolente sangue, lasha lee's arc, type k, damaged, cold, naked empire, between the stillness and the grove, the tower at stony wood

12:43 p.m. // this is my reality \\


I have this big list of to read things I left before going on vacation, which I will get to, as soon as I code that last premade layout. Was up late last night, woke up at 10 today. I'm pretty good still. Going to Jenn & Katie's later today, and the YB meeting tomorrow, nothing on Thursday, Friday is Joe's thing, and Saturday is Jason's. Eek. And then Registration next Wednesday. Bah.

10:53 a.m. // this is my reality \\


3:48 a.m. // this is my reality \\


For some strange reason I can smell... sweet... orange and chocolate. Like the candy, and I don't know why.

3:38 a.m. // this is my reality \\


Ehehe. I found Ashura's DiR slash. So, not sleeping quite yet.

2:56 a.m. // this is my reality \\


Arg! Today's QaF was so... hopeless. :( And short... urg. Must, see next episode. Da~aamit. I want to own it. Not that I ever could, what with my parents, but hey, girl can dream. I loved Brian again in this episode, caring in his own, cynical way. Hell, I love Brian in every episode.

Did finish my two custom layouts; just need to code one of my premades, and then I'm fairly free. Now I'm gonna go get some sleep.

2:20 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Urg; two layouts to code, one to create.

11:12 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Weeeee!!!! I bought my mini skirt!!!!!! ^_^ I am glee-d. And now I have to wait for my QaF tape to finish taping, so that I can watch it. I watched last week's tape last night, 3 hours of Trading Spaces, and then QaF. I was up til 2. It was a good QaF ep. though.

10:47 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Have scanned through pirategasmn, am currently addicted to puppet theatre.

9:36 p.m. // this is my reality \\


busy next two weeks : tuesday - jenn & katie's wedensday/thursday - yearbook saturday : jason's nxt thursday : registration

8:12 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Just finished two new premades using pics from my trip, and am going to see what progress I can make on the customs.

3:55 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Just finished 'The Grey King', am starting 'Silver On The Tree' as cannot work on layouts right now.

6:46 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Bring Me To Life

*What Song by Evanescence are You?*
brought to you by Quizilla

Yet I still have time for a quick quiz. ^_^;;

4:26 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Have just caught up on all web comics and friends' blogs; I don't even want to think about lj communities; arg. I have so much to do; I still haven't started either custom layout; I will do that tonight, willing.

to do: custom layouts (2); books (5 3); ljs (countless only communities left); tv shows (4 hours worth); back to school stuff (yearbook meeting, registration, shopping, panic attack); movie (for HK relatives of photos from trip); premade layouts (using scenery shots from trip)

Iya... *facevault* I'm going to be up late tonight and trying to catch up on everything so I can start fairly clean slate tomorrow.

4:25 p.m. // this is my reality \\


1:56 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Well, am finally back, it's the morning after, and I've just finished my vacation log. There's a lot of pictures on here, some thumbnailed, some linked. I've a lot to do still, pull my brother's pictures off his camera, and get started on the custom layouts that have backlogged while I was gone. And I've a yearbook meeting sometime this week. Jeez; school seems so close from this side of my vacation. Here's the log:

vacation to east coast

12:38 p.m. // this is my reality \\



In New Brunswick! On free computer! Miss you all tons, will have pictures and vacation log, promise!

4:57 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Urg. Must get up at 6 tomorrow morning/today. Why am I still up?

12:07 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Sun Ripened Raspberry
Sun Ripened Rasberry -You are bold and don't follow
the crowd, you don't worry about getting the
newest in-fashion pants, or the coolest looking
handbag. You are who you are and you are happy
with it. You don't let people push you around,
good for you!

Which Bath & Body Works scent are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

11:50 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Iye, cut myself on the drawer of my desk; it's horrible. Horrible cut on my knee, bloody. And no commercial break in What Not To Wear yet, so I can't wash it yet.

10:30 p.m. // this is my reality \\


I really should get off the computer, and go do 'getting ready for vacation' stuff. :P My mom's been in and out of my room, and in my nail polish stash. I should go paint mine...

[edit:] toenails done; debating fingernails

[edit:] fingernails done in silver glitter

8:50 p.m. // this is my reality \\


You are Jiko. You're a mostly happy, confiedent person, who cares deeply about those around him. You often try to on more than you can handle in an attempt to proove yourself, and because others depend on you. As a result, you sometimes get discrouraged, but you've got plently of support to help you when needed.
Schism quiz by Sol.

6:20 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Just finished new layout. Again. ^_^;; That's 30. Much experimenting with newly learned link attributes.

5:34 p.m. // this is my reality \\


which pleasure are you?

which smilie are you?

which groupmember are you?

2:45 p.m. // this is my reality \\


MAYA: (wildly amused by the rhyming of God and Todd) You're persistent.
TODD: Yeah. A little kid tried to run me down in his tiny racing car.
MAYA: My fiance.
TODD: Uh? (Maya gives him bright smile. Todd looks Suitably Horrified, and then regroups) Um, so look, there's this pamphlet 'Believe In Jesus and Be Saved'-
MAYA: OK, I don't mean to be rude, but we really just wanted to clear out our garage, and I'm an atheist, and I don't say things like 'Don't Believe In Jesus and Be Cynical.' (I am icy cool when uninterested in a man. When interested, I am freakish bundle of screaming nerves. Typical.)
TODD: This is an interesting theological debate we're having.
MAYA: It is?
TODD: Do you want to continue it over dinner?
MAYA: *stares as hysterical laughter rings out in her head* Er. Look, Todd. I write gay porn. (Look, I do. I will one day!)
TODD: So... is that a no?

From Maya's [darling, darling Maya] lj; so funny! ^_^

1:25 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Awwww! ^_^ The new UL part was so cute! Wee! I'm so happy.

1:08 p.m. // this is my reality \\


to read : underwater light, beautiful world, hives, esctasy, il dolente sangue, t.h.o.r., lasha lee's arc, the dark is rising series, type k, damaged, cold

Arg. Yeah. I need to get these read. *sigh* Ran this morning, it's really fucking hot out there, and now I'm sitting in my room with my gym shorts on cause all my other shorts are either packed or in the wash.

12:31 p.m. // this is my reality \\


I'm tired, and it's a sad thing that I used to spend nights up til 3 reading fanfic, and now it's only 1.30. What a disapointment.

1:33 a.m. // this is my reality \\


I'm done thing. It was a good fanfic, if confusing. Notquitesweet but still good.

1:05 a.m. // this is my reality \\


just couldn't not

12:37 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Hmm, that turned out worse than I had hoped, but reading thing and I can almost feel Christmas creeping in through the window and wrapped up around me like a scarf. I had to get it out.

11:57 p.m. // this is my reality \\


He remembers his Christmases better than anything else. Not because they are all good memories, that would be a lie. But Christmases stand out like nothing else, vivid and sharp in his mind. He likes to pick through them sometimes, in a fit of nostalgia, or for remembrance; a reminder of better times, or worse.
He was five, and his mother holds him close, smelling of sweet cinnamon and oranges.
Seven and sitting under the tree when his father was asleep, crying as softly as he could, for a mother who wasn't strong enough to stay.
At ten, standing awkwardly outside a church he'd never ventured into, and never would've but for the will of his stepmother.
A kinder Christmas at fourteen, one spent at the home of a friend, the first he could call truly that. He likes to remember this; a gift, the invitation to spend the holiday away from where he least wanted to be. There was a closeness, from the beginning of their friendship, one that he relied on time and time again, when life got too hard. They both knew what it meant for him to spend Christmas together; it was a kindness, never forgotten.
Seventeen, a Christmas of parties and no remorse. But still, a Christmas not spent alone. He has not had a Christmas alone since fourteen, and will not have it any other way.
The first Christmas truly free, he's nineteen and moved out, free from bad memories and bad people; it's exhilarating.

But the best memories are to come, he knows, unquestionably. Because he has everything he has had since he was fourteen, a kindness and a freedom, a friend who knows him better than anyone ever will; all of that by his side. Laying in bed, serene and so beautiful to look at, and he knows he has forever to look; he has forevers and Christmases to spend together with him, and he's happy.

11:46 p.m. // this is my reality \\


a thick Sirius-smell composed of boy and sweat and the sleep on his pillow
Some hand motions which communicated absolutely nothing were accompanied by a very earnest look.

thing . cimorene

9:23 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Eh, I made one more layout, the idea just wouldn't get out of my head, all through dinner; so here's Colin Farrell in his very own layout.

8:29 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Two more layouts are up, and I've made a wallpaper of that first layout. Really simple, it's just the image again, with the text raised up some so that the toolbar can fit underneath.

6:55 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Finished that layout. Didn't really figure it out, but I just went another direction. That's Mischa Barton from 'Lost And Delirious', but not in the image. I was hoping I'd be able to find a screen cap from L&D but I couldn't. *sigh* Ah well, this isn't too bad.

5:19 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Back from the mall, was hoping to exchange my flip flops, but they didn't have my size; that's alright. Was working on coding before, need to continue now, I'm having some problems that I'm trying to figure out.

4:28 p.m. // this is my reality \\


I have two layouts to code, and another that I've got in my mind and need to find the pictures for. I hope I can code them before I'm off on vacation, I'll probably be good. I'm not gone til the 9th, and then it's a week before I'm back. I spent a lot of last night downloading wallpapers, I have a sexy Collin Farrell one up right now, and some BtVS and Alias ones as well.

12:21 p.m. // this is my reality \\



something wicked this way comes
you can't have forever
miss me when i'm gone again
if time was on our side we'd have plenty of second chances
when you have nothing to lose and everything to gain, the stakes will not be too high

they say it's always darkest right before the dawn
they say that i must be strong just to carry on
but they don't know that i would wait my whole lifetime through
because you know, my love, that i'd be waiting just for you

10:10 p.m. // this is my reality \\



9:13 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Iya.... 5 hours download just to watch something I'm almost positive I've seen before. -_-;; The OVA must have been part of the discs Diana lent to me, and I just didn't know it. Gre~at. *sigh*

5:10 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Mm, just put up the new GT layout.

3:33 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Oh, but do I ache all over. I can feel it in my left shoulder especially. Wonderland yesterday, a blast, even if Jelena ended up not being able to come; went on a ton of rides, did Top Gun and Vortex and a few other rides I've never been on before. Coerced Chris onto the Fly, Jon as well; poor guys, they need to get on more roller coasters. Both 3-D movie rides were kinda crappy in my eyes, but they liked the Spongebob one; to each their own. We went to Splash Works for about half an hour, before lightning hit really close to the wave pool and everyone was shoed out. I got on one ride before that and the rain came down. Wasn't too bad, still had a lot of fun; the park's really pretty at night, with the lights on, riding the Vortex above it all. ^_^ Didn't get on Drop Zone, which is too bad; Nick got me on Top Gun, I would've forced him and Dennis onto Drop Zone, the fools. [edit:] We also went on White Water Canyon[?], was a ton of fun, Dennis and Nick got the waterfall, so funny. It was a tiring day though; came home and kinda dropped into bed. Woke up late this morning too; was going to go out and run, but it was drizzling, so I stayed in and read instead; finished my 'Hour of Judgement' novel. Ran after lunch, took a hot shower, and now the aches and pains are complaining, mostly in my arms because I'm typing.

I'm about to watch the Pilot Candidate OVA, which I downloaded the night before Wonderland; took near 5 hours it did, better be worth it. Was going to watch it after I woke up @ 6.30 the morning of, but decided to watch my Queer As Folk tape instead. Much fun, I don't like the intro theme though. All in all, pretty good day.

3:00 p.m. // this is my reality \\



He kisses like the devil, trying to steal your soul through your mouth, and you would never seem to mind at all. - lovely line

9:45 p.m. // this is my reality \\


to read : hives, full site

8:19 p.m. // this is my reality \\


took my chances, i was mistaken
didn't take the roads that i should have taken

8:16 p.m. // this is my reality \\



7:30 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Mm, I have a light headache. Might be from watching the entire first disc of Noir and then playing ddr for an hour plus. Urg. Although, going to Wonderland tomorrow, shall be fun; hoping weather will be like today, or slightly warmer. That'll be nice.

You know what's pretty neat? Rosaly Hammond from the fourth noir ep. has the same birthday as me! Heh, yeah.

You know what else? It's kinda freaky when I watch things with dark backgrounds, cause I can just see Legolas's face reflected in the monitor; creeped me out the first time.

5:45 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Humble snack
Tell-tale sound
Movement sinister
Repeat, return
Message. found

That makes no sense to me whatsoever. It's the 'secret message' on my Noir disc. I don't get it. And the second one makes just as much sense.

You know, I think I have issues. Yes. I woke up this morning, early, crying into my pillow because I was lost and I couldn't find my way back to school, and this cop was after me. -_-;; I have the weirdest dreams. *sigh*

12:13 p.m. // this is my reality \\



I think I shall read Type K tonight, because I can't start my new books, because 'Hour Of Judgement's at the library, but I can't pick it up until Wedensday because the library's closed tomorrow, and I'm going to Wonderland Tuesday.

9:19 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Spent two hours driving in the rain out to Oshawa to watch a friend of my dad race his Porche, got there, where he told us he wasn't racing today. -_-;;

I've pretty much put away all my gifts, my Legolas poster's on the wall [it's too low, but I can't get it back out without damaging the poster; the staples are in really deep]. 'Naked Empire' is such a big book, it barely fits in my bookshelf. It's too tall at the far corners, it has to be put right dab in the center of the shelf. ^_^;;

I have been uploading new icons, just a couple, I believe I have 71 now.

8:00 p.m. // this is my reality \\


I said I'd put up pictures of my gifts + commentary, so here it is.

12:05 p.m. // this is my reality \\


I've noticed that my parents make me cry more than my friends do.

11:30 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Weeee!!! Birthday party was a blast! ^_^ [studiously ignoring the whole pizza deal -_-;;] We had a ton of fun, even though it was raining pretty hard for a while, at about 4 we went out and got to swim for an hour or so. Otherwise we hung out playing DDR [Jon Lam brought his pad! so we had two goin'] and talking, and cramming into spaces entirely too small for us. There were about 19 of us all together, and Lisa's basement is decided not as big as it seems with that many people. ^_^ I had a blast, and got a ton of presents, which I will be elaborating about afterwards; I took pictures, yes. ^_^ In the comfort of my own room, about 15 pictures of my presents. *grin* But, no, it was great, anyways; thank you all of you! I love my friends. We ended up watching 'Sleepy Hollow' [Johnny Depp didn't look like Johnny Depp IMO], which Lisa got as a present. Fun stuff. It was all brilliant; most everybody ended up staying til 10, though the party was planned for 3-9. But yeah, it was wonderful. I haven't had a birthday party since two years ago, and this was a great one. Thanks especially to my chica, and her lovely family for having us, and putting up with us for seven hours. Oh, and dear, poor Dennis. I think I've perminately scarred him. ^_^;; Sorry Den-nii!

By the way, we went to Mandarin for lunch [my family and I]; I think dinner there would've been cooler, but it was nice all the same. I love my family. And right now I'm watching the remnants of Animania on YTV; it's the last ep. of GW; they're going to show EW after, but I probly won't watch it.

11:49 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Ah well, two hours later, I have accomplished this. Not too shabby eh? For some reason, I decided, well, Joe's colouring it, I feel like colouring it too. ^_^;; Not to compare talent, but to compare style; colours and details and the like. For one, I know he took a dark background approach. But either way, Lisa gets two presents.

And now Crimson Ink's been updated with the image too.

10:27 a.m. // this is my reality \\


Ah, it's still my birthday. ^_^ Party later; in... 5 hours. Squee!

9:36 a.m. // this is my reality \\


jack and eliz on island
You are "Welcome to the Caribbean, love."
You're more than a little world-weary, but also
intelligent and you keep your head when things
get dodgy. You're everybody's favorite
drinking buddy, but your stubbornness does get
in the way sometimes.

Which one of Captain Jack Sparrow's bizarre sayings from Pirates of the Caribbean are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

12:26 a.m. // this is my reality \\


Wee!!!! It's my birthday!!!!!! ^_^ And darling Chris and Mok have both wished me a happy birthday, to the minute of the day. I'm so happy; birthday party tomorrow Lisa!! Squee!!

The boys have left me to go to sleep, but I'm still up watching the second episode of 'While You Were Out'.

And my chica as well, happy belated to you my dear!

12:04 a.m. // this is my reality \\



I love the new Arby's commercial, with the glove. ^_^

Carmindy's the coolest name. And I need to put up my new poster. Legolas!!

10:35 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Oh holly, I love you!
I hope you do, cause I'm gonna kill you later!
- What Not To Wear

10:10 p.m. // this is my reality \\


You know, I don't understand why there's so much crap on the 'net about 10K. I personally really like the comic, I think the art's great. I've never seen this much [read any] hate over other webcomics; though it may just be that their authors don't publizise it. :P I feel bad for the author, I guess it's part of having a well known site. I know 10K really shot up, probably since MacHall and other sites linked to it. Ah well...

9:00 p.m. // this is my reality \\


to do : read esctasy, il dolente sangue, t.h.o.r. [from before] lasha lee's arc, thing, the dark is rising series, type k

8:16 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Hmm, I forgot to put it up before, but Lisa made me a lovely wallpaper for my birthday! and it's up on the desktop link.

7:35 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Well, in a fit of... not quite boredom, as I am still reading Lucid Figment - but anyways, I scanned this: the latest page in my notebook, with some numbers referring to notes I'm about to make. Yes, I am rather strange.

1. First of the layouts sketched onto the page; why yes, that is what they are. I often jot ideas down on the page before going to psp. This one is the origin of feels like summer.
2. A very crappy sketch of what became pixelated in grey-scale. I didn't do much sketching of this one, because most all of it was designed on psp and based somewhat on windows xp browsers.
   2.1. Looks like a funny triangular blob, but was actually me in the midst of designing the layout, and trying to figure out what the back button was to look like. I ended up using psp shape presets.
3. The very rough sketch that led to :
   3.1. Which of course is break of day. This one was pretty much ready in my mind before I went to psp. Just needed to find an appropriate image. The text, if you can't read my sandscript printing, says 'forest glade'
4. Not a very good sketch, but I rarely put any time into the subject graphic of my layout sketches. If you can read the tiny note, it says 't.o. skyline'; this is the origin of glow.
5. This is the first sketch that I made of a custom layout I finished today, which led to :
   5.1. The second sketch of the layout, including a title and links at the bottom. This is the first layout concept for the bayou, a layout done for kira maxwell.
6. A very simple [stark] sketch, that turned to :
   6.1. A more detailed sketch of the second concept layout for the bayou, title and links.
     6.2. A reprisal of the same layout and :
       6.3. The text part of the layout, because the way it was to work was that 6/6.1/6.2 was to be the index page, and the links would open up in 6.3, a pop up. This idea was afterwards scraped, as you can see, but the index page was kept as a splash idea.
The text at the top of the page can be ignored, I write a lot of ideas in my notebook, just like in this blog, but I scrapped the idea soon after I started writing it.
The three layout sketches around 5 were other ideas for the layout that never came through.
The various sketches of criss-crossing lines over two parallel tracks are an idea of a future layout.
The same of the sketch on the far right, with the notes 'text' and 'plaid stripes'; 'theories in plaid' was the title I came up with last night while laying in bed.
Lastly, the scribble of curves and loops is actually 'B0282' a hex colour code that I needed to remember.

And that would be it. I just thought the page looked pretty interesting, which is why I did this; I'm such a weirdo... ^_^;;;

7:25 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Ooh ooh! Lucid Figment is back in business! Going to go re-read entire comic, because I like it. ^_^

[edit] so pretty...

5:33 p.m. // this is my reality \\


I still need to put my poster up, but that means getting a stapler and I'm lazy. I also need to figure out how to use the cgi-bin to do my own feedback forms, however, being lazy, I'll learn that later. :P

5:23 p.m. // this is my reality \\


!! Mok dropped off a card and a poster off at my door sometime today for my birthday! Eeee! It's Legolas!! ^_^ And it's so big!!! It's my first birthday present; thank you!!

3:23 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Wow, 1.30 already; spent the morning running, and then working on a custom layout, and then some work for my dad, and boom, it's lunch. And I've only just started my daily web-comic/blog check. :P

What Not To Wear/While You Were Out are on tonight, and it's my birthday tomorrow. Guess how I'm going to be spending the first few hours of my birthday doing?

1:39 p.m. // this is my reality \\
