In another lifetime, he might have been a hacker, or a programmer; in this one, he just abused Google
That amuses me. (re)Reading some of
Hope's stuff. Mmm.
7:50 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Science. is. driving. me. mad. Why is it so hard to understand? Damn electricity. I'm fine with taking it for granted thank you very much.
6:05 p.m.
// this
reality \\

just because you stopped trusting doesn't mean I stopped caring
What I considered to be the most beautiful line in
The Wasteland, by
jenn, who's writing I could never stop loving, even if I don't always understand.
3:25 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Mmm... Instant Ramen, one of the only proper meals I can cook. Although, it probably wasn't very good for me; when I first made it, it didn't have enough flavour, so I rooted around our fridge, looking for old packets of instant noodle/ramen seasonings. I ended up dumping in another packet of the powder, and the oil, defrosted against the pot. Heh. MSG food poisoning, here I come!
And now I should get back to my homework. I actually don't have tons, just need to memorise my song for vocal, study for Science, and (the one I'm having most trouble with), get ready my Family Studies presentation. I don't really know what I'm doing for that.
2:54 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Am better now.
Just finished a new layout, featuring Allison Mack, for
wwfr, needs to be coded, but is very cute so far. *grin* We're gonna have to play with iframes, but that's alright.
1:45 p.m.
// this
reality \\

placeholder to touch : 06.30.03
11:32 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Why isn't it ever easy.
11:26 p.m.
// this
reality \\

I hate being alone right now. I feel so vulnerable, so useless and so scared. I don't like this.
11:23 p.m.
// this
reality \\

You were supposed to come back Christopher.
10:19 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Why is no one on? I can't rant *or* get better if there's no one around. Lisa! Devin! Bah.
7:44 p.m.
// this
reality \\

I'm pissed off.
At least it's the weekend.
6:46 p.m.
// this
reality \\

A Thousand Churches has adorable fics. Especially the Bradsbury Titles. So cute.
9:38 p.m.
// this
reality \\

it's what he wants
not all roads lead back to you; even when they do
exactly what it seems
six degrees of seperation
there's nothing worse than being caught in a lie
second best is never enough
as soon as you meet someone, you know the reasons why you will leave them
everything ends
Indulgence and
dysFUNctional summary quotables.
are we even yet?
7:56 p.m.
// this
reality \\

If you can't be a good example, you'll just have to serve as a horrible warning.
6:20 p.m.
// this
reality \\

After University or whatever, we should all get together and tour Europe. That would be cool.
5:41 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Aaaarg. Worst supply teacher in the world. She just kept talking and talking, and nobody really cared, and we started out with Shakespeare, then moved on the languages, and their origins, and I was kind of tuned out, but at one point, she said something about there not being enough words, and I just quipped in, 'to describe my *pain* right now'. I *could* not stop laughing, like, maybe half an hour into the period; seriously, everything made me laugh. Chris would make a face, or say something and I would just start over again. It made my throat hurt.
And right now my legs ache. I've started running after school, because we have our 12 minute run test soon, and I'm feeling terribly out of shape, so I started running yesterday, have been upping the ante every day; but I don't think I've been stretching enough after, because my calves really ache. Eh, will probably get better as I run more.
5:11 p.m.
// this
reality \\

i would die for
placeholder to touch : 06.30.03
9:57 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Whoa. Xavier's School in the X-Men movies was the Luthor castle! *grin* Mmm... and Bobby (Shawn Ashmore) was on Smallville, but I missed that episode. *sigh*
he's so hot.
Clark prepares to tell Lex not to marry Helen, and to run off with him to Krypton instead. Ah, I love
Kryptonsite. *grin*
7:29 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Bah. I am out of shape. And this fact is not going to change. And gym in the morning and soccer on a grass field? Ew. My shoes were disgusting. *And* the pinnies? Guys need to stop wearing them. Because they smell so damn bad. Bah. I've got my solo in a week, and I still need to finish my
Geo thing. Also need to edit my Gym summative, and get ready my Family Studies presentation, and print out my French essay. Need to understand the Science concepts, and read some more Shakespeare. Bah. Weekend.
5:42 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Mm, new
wallpaper. Spent an hour (+?) photo-manipulating to make
this. ^_^ It's fun. Alexis Bledel, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Anne Hathaway, and Katie Holmes, btw. I did work really hard on Geo, and typed up the French, I just need to study Math.
And I've just put up the
new pr.net layout, so check it out.
9:39 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Aarg. Damn layout!! I just missed the first 20 minutes of Smallville!! Someone please tape Friday's for me?
Wait. Oh, it's not the season finale. -_-;
8:23 p.m.
// this
reality \\

it's all a matter of control
smile, it makes people wonder what you're up to
but still i watch
full knowing that
i cannot have.
i can't stop seeing
despite a distance
i cannot cross.
though i try
to erase what longing
i should not want.
should i desire
i would not
get away.
Hmm, quotes from today, poem from yesterday night. I have this cute layout idea in my head, I've already grabbed graphics for it, but I really need to work on my Geo proj, and the Smallville finale is tonight. Daaamit. And Katie Holmes is such a cutie. And Alexis Bledel has *no* pictures of her smiling while sitting down. Arg. She doesn't smile enough.
I have a new desktop up, of the adorable Kaworu. And GT needs a new layout, I'm thinking Shawn Ashmore. Cause he's a cutie.
7:31 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Wee! Mmm, my RK
slashy boys. *grin*
9:19 p.m.
// this
reality \\

New pr.net layout can be previewed
here. Took me maybe 40 minutes to make the layout, but more like 75 to code it. Damn mouseovers!! :P But I think they look really good now, so it was worth the time that could've been spent on my Geo summative. Arg. And the ache in my shoulder from all that work. Jeez.
9:14 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Hmm, have been reminded we need a new layout for pr.net, right now, lisa has a page holder up, so I spent the last maybe 40 minutes making
this, which will be the new layout. I'm pretty happy with it, 'cept for the fact that saving as gif makes Chantal go all shiny. :P It hasn't been coded yet, not with links and such. Need to do that, but not tonight. It doesn't need to go up until the 28th.
10:11 p.m.
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reality \\

http://www.chantalonline.com/index2.html < Chantal pr.net layout
9:53 p.m.
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reality \\

I really need to see the two ending DVDs for NGE. :P
I've finished my magazine for FS, my reading log for English (Machiavelli is really quite fascinating); all I need to do now is Geo. Which I don't quite understand. *sigh* Oh well. Damn school tomorrow.
8:12 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Aaarg. Well, date was a null. -_-;; Somehow, we both missed each other at the theatre. Thankfully, Lisa and Jon and some other ppls were at the theatre too, so when I had waited to almost the start of the movie, I just hung out with them. Thank god. Ok, single date thing? Not doing that again any time soon. Am disapointed, but at least I wasn't stood up. Would've dumped him so quick if he had. *sigh* Anyways, Matrix Reloaded rocked. Very cool, Keanu Reeves super hot. But his shirts; I'm sorry, but does he *have* no new shirts? Why do they all have holes in them? And do him and Trinity share clothes or something? Or does she have moths in her closet too?
10:33 p.m.
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reality \\

I'm having a discussion about *porn* with Nick and Chris. I take back what I said about not having enough conversations with guy-guys. It's really disturbing. And not my tasteful porn which I will not admit to be porn because it honestly isn't. They seperate erotica for a reason. It usually has a plot.
Yup. Definitely taking it back. At least with guys like Nick. Public places, fine. Some restriction going on. Otherwise there is no good. No good at all.
12:11 a.m.
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reality \\

You know, we don't have enough guy friends. No offense to like, Chris and stuff, but our guys are such girly guys. The fact that our group of friends is more girls than guys. Maybe it's our influence. But, you know, talking to Devin and Nick today, and it's such a different kind of conversation. Very, guy-like. It's not like Nick'll watch what he says just because he's a guy; nope, still the talk about masterbation and guys being always horny, and other topics with decidedly sexual tones. Heh. If we even suggested such things to Chris M, he'd be beat red in the face.
Ahh, amusing day it was in English class. Speed reading Shakespeare outloud with Devin, pausing only to repeat funny words or laugh at sexual innuendos, scribbling down response questions, and then spending the rest of the class listening to Jon Chan (dumbass) try to convince Carl to let him sell pot, or some other such drug, and Carl discussing dimes and ounces and other measurements, off the top of his head no less. I want to be just like him when I grow up. No, not a drug dealer, a 'street pharmacist', yes, that's it. Jon's such a dumbass. He just didn't get it. Even me and Claire got it, she doesn't touch the stuff, and I picked it up just from their conversation. Chan would get beaten up and robbed, minute people found out he had a store. He figures he can make some cash, but he doesn't get it. Nobody respects him. I mean, few people in our crowd *like* Carl, but the crowd he sells to, they do. And even if they didn't, they either respect him or fear him, or a little bit of both. He has a reputation, a threat, and he can back it up. Jon Chan? Nothing. Nobody repects him, not even us. He'd be beaten for the stuff. Dumbass. 'Least Carl didn't end up agreeing to it (I think), even he knows how stupid it would be. *He'd* go and rob Jon. -_-;; Jeez. And it's not like he needs the cash, he gets 35 bucks a week. God.
8:59 p.m.
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reality \\

Aaand I have a date this Saturday. ^_^ I think. Guess it'll depend on whether or not I'm paying.
9:28 p.m.
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reality \\

Clark had some preferences on what he had to listen to, and Mr. Granger was beating out Lex with a seriously big stick.
9:19 p.m.
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reality \\

Just finished Geo slide show presentation, but I need to work on the case file. It's actually going pretty well, I think. ... Ok, no. I have two and a half of my biography reading logs done, and next to no more progress on my Family Studies. Will need to do that all this weekend. And possibly see Matrix Reloaded and X2. *sigh* So much to do, so little time.
8:39 p.m.
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reality \\

Was going to bitch, but thought better of it. See, I'm learning. Really I am.
English Toffee Crunch from Chapmans, not as good as Laura Secord's Apple Toffee Crunch. Just saying. And you know, very cool to be compared to Trinity. And tube tops? Fun. Would've been nice if we could've gotten outside today, such nice weather. Ah well. Had a weird dream today. Something about going down to the basement; it was like a party. With music and everything. And Iris was singing in chinese. And Doug was dressed in black. And there were chairs... ok. Should probably stop now.
6:43 p.m.
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reality \\

Ok, how did the First try to convince Angel to kill himself already/before?
Ok, still not happy with Angel characterization.
Cookies! Maybe someday when I want someone to ea- I mean...
Don't look at me! This is a Summers' thing, it's all very violent.
Sometimes I shouldn't say words.
I used my inhanced vampire eyeballs to *see* you kissing him
Hahah! Angel and Spike in a room. With oil! *grin*
You plan on giving it to Andrew?
Oh my god. So we're going to just forgive and forget the whole Angel thing? Psht. That's so lame.
And not in a wholesome, girlfriend has a pierced tongue kind of way!
9:24 p.m.
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reality \\

Well. Just saw Smallville. Wasn't ... bad ... I did have some complaints about it. Although, after that ending, I can't really remember them. LEX!!!! Eep. Hmm... complaints... Helen. I for one wouldn't have gone back. Lex. What are you doing telling her the truth? Or rather, why did you take it and then not analysis it fool! Chloe pissed me off, I felt bad for Clark, even if it was his fault. He was going to tell her eventually. Lana pissed me off in the end. 'You can't leave! *I* need you!!' For goodness sake. Although, it is Clark we're talking about. It probably would've worked. Lionel and Chloe. Chloe did evil and sophisticated so extremely well in that end bit. Helen totally did it by the way. Lex. And I think Clark's gonna find him, and save him. Would be super cool, super slashy. ^_^ Am now waiting for my Buffy tape to re-wind, need to watch.
9:04 p.m.
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reality \\

If at first you don't succeed, bungee jumping is not for you.
because boys are pretty and I like pretty things
to be feared is much safer than to be loved [machiavelli]
because slashy sexual innuendo cannot be ignored
boys + eyeliner = smoldering looks
because girls are pretty too.
above = random quotes/one-liners = stress reliever
6:24 p.m.
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reality \\

Well, last day before core summative presentation. I'm pretty much all better from my cold (I hope) and our group's pretty ready. Cat just needs to remember to do the profiles, and Nick needs to bring the briefcase. Eep. And everyone needs their clothes. I'll be pissed off if they forget.
Finished my Gym summative, to a point, and am working on the English biography proj. we got years ago, but never worked on cause of summatives. The Geo one I will work on soon, and the Family Studies I only have an article and a survey to write left. Woo! *grin* I do need to get a French information source about Seals though. Bleh.
Tonight's the series finale of Buffy, which is, on the one hand sad, that it's ending, but on the other, I can't wait, cause I want to find out what happens.
[edit] And I read Cerulean Sins, which basically? Had no plot other than her having sex and figuring out her relationships. Seriously. Like, the supernatural parts of the plot were badly developed and were like, introduced in the beginning, and then totally ignored til the last couple chapters. It was really sad.
5:35 p.m.
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reality \\

pretty! *grin*
7:41 p.m.
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reality \\

Damn, I hate being sick. I've been out since Friday, sleeping and coughing and generally feeling sorry for myself. Missed Anime North, because I was too sick, feel really bad cause Lisa missed it too. Next year, promise! I'm finally feeling a little better, but I've got a pile-up of summative homework to get to now. I'm still kind of stuffy, and my head feels like cotton, but at least it's not pounding a marching beat at me. I'll be ok soon. :P
3:01 p.m.
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reality \\

Danny? I've known her for years! Nothing's going to happen. She's not even my type!
Please, she's everyone's type. I'd do her.
Wait, wait, let me just picture that for a moment. - Will and Grace. And she was hot. Heheh. That was great. Wait... did it end with Will and Jack in bed?
10:56 p.m.
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reality \\

should I use my invisibility to fight crime or do evil...
Watching Friends still. And I have my hair pinned up, with chopsticks! *grin* - hahah,
you will have to catch us first! My hair's so cool. *grin* Chopsticks!!
9:01 p.m.
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reality \\

The visual of Eliza Dushku is from Wendi, who first introduced the actress as Lois Lane in the Opposites and Choices series
OMG. Eliza Dushku (aka Faith, BtVS) was Lois Lane?!
Aand I'm an idiot. It's just a
fanfic, Wendi's. And I need to finish
this fic. Cause right now I'm trying to watch the Friends season finale. And Te's Past Grief.
6:22 p.m.
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reality \\

6:05 p.m.
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reality \\

Lisa! It's
her! My
legolas-look-a-like. Seriously, she totally looks like him.
5:20 p.m.
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reality \\

Note to self: read prepschoolpaint; and gladly beyond
This is not a threesome! This is two twosomes that happen to overlap.
4:48 p.m.
// this
reality \\

it's so hard to hide how
will you ever
do you remember me?
do you remember how we were...
when I talk to you I feel
why do I feel so lost?
do you know...
4:36 p.m.
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reality \\

Haven't blogged in a while, Summative stuff taken up too much of my time, but I've got some free time right now, before I go eat and get ready for Spring Concert. Most nights I've been up, working, and then reading/watching TV that I couldn't while I was working. The last couple days have been afternoon joint periods working on core-summs; my parents were pissed at me Tuesday, and I was kinda down too. Ran into Rebecca in Gym class, we both hit the ground; cept I got up and she didn't. Landed on her wrist. Otherwise, things are actually ok. Today was cool, it was warm, so we spent time outside. Core-summs are goin' so-so, I need to work on the other summs though. Went to try and get a job interview @ Rogers on the Saturday, but was too young. Although, they said I looked older. So, meh. And Cat just broke up with Kelvin. Hmmph. She says now I'm the only one dating, and they can go scouting without me. *pout* ^_^;; Me'n Lisa are goin' to Anime North Saturday, goin' to her house @ 10.30. And I still need to pay her 2 bucks. Keep forgetting. :P Ah well. No problem. So, I'm pretty good. OMG. Buffy yesterday. Eep. I can't wait to see the series finale. I'm so pissed off about that Angel thing though. First of all, I *watch* Angel, and he should have been dealing with his own crap down in LA, not down in Sunnydale. And even if that BtVS ep was s'posed to happen after the Angel series finale, I hated their characterization of him. The woman he loves (even though I can't stand Angel/Cordy; I'm a total Buffy/Angel 'shipper) is still in a coma, his son's been magically moved to another family, and nobody remembers Connor except for Angel himself, so if he *had* come down to Sunnydale, he would not have been that happy, and he would not have kissed Buffy. I'm thinking it's not Angel. But still, on Buffy's part, the fact that she kissed him, real Angel or no, that would still hurt Spike. So, no complaints there. But, still, Arg.
5:12 p.m.
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reality \\

Happy Mother's Day! I'd have done a picture, 'cept that summatives are killing me. Work work work work work. Although, did spend all yesterday out, went downtown, ate @ the CN Tower, totally cool, although that glass floor terrified me. I have a very vivid imagination, and it was supplying me with various scenarios where the glass floor would break and send me tumbling down to a long, long, drop followed by painful death. -_-; But otherwise, was cool. Need to try a shirley temple sometime. And then we walked to the Princess of Wales Theatre, which wasn't far, and saw the Lion King, which I've seen before, but is still tres cool. Young Simba pissed me off, but grown up Simba had a sexy voice. *grin* 'Can You Feel The Love Tonight' was very pretty. Got home at around 12, went straight to bed. And now I'm working again, on sums. Finished my FS homework, - crap! I'm out of paper. Will be back, need to go grab some for my printer.
I have, paper. *smiles* I really need to work on my Gym and my Geo summs. *sigh* And I have Narcissus In Chains just sitting there on the floor, waiting to be read. *sigh*
3:53 p.m.
// this
reality \\

It's now 1.30 ish, and I've stopped working on summs. I've got one page, and like, half and article done for FS, nothing for Gym, because it's too late, my brain is not working, nothing on Geo, cause I'm not starting that yet, at least not today, done the Math, as pointed out before, did some of my FS hw, and edited the French. Need to memorize that. I'm tired. Goin' to see the Lion King tomorrow, so goin' to end up singing along with the harmony. -_-;;
BTW, seems like keenspace is totally down right now. Can't see a thing. *sigh*
1:42 a.m.
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reality \\

God. I can't stand the summative. I'm goin' to die of stress before I hand it in. -_-;; Just finished part of the Math after spending 4 hours at Jenn's. Did get to play with her rats though. Am working on Family Studies now. Cra~ap. And we got the rest of our Geo today. OMG. It's so ... ARG.
1:15 a.m.
// this
reality \\

10:06 p.m.
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reality \\

Hmm... today was painful. Damn sandals can't handle more than like, 3 hours walking. And work, running around for the summative. And Family Studies; need to work on that this weekend. As well as summ. definitely. *sigh* Yearbook was cancelled 'gain, had to call my mum after school. *sigh* Hung 'round with Selene a bit.
Ooh, also picked up my replacement mouse. I've got my IntelliMouse Optical again, with it's back/forward extra buttons. *grin* Tis so pretty. Although, would've been cool if someome had bought me things. *grin*
9:36 p.m.
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reality \\

Arg. Damn FS. Stupid stuff won't all fit on one page. Fine! Two pages it is. :P
10:15 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Iye... summative... :P was working on FS and Sci. summs. I have a math test Friday; cra~ap. And I need to work on French, although that's goin' pretty well. If anyone's so freakish that they want to hear my short descript. of how I cg in French, it's here :
Aujourd'hui je voudrai expliquer comment je colorie mes dessins sur l'ordinateur.
D'abord, je commence avec un croquis dessiné. Quelquefois, comme ce croquis, j'ai les détails des vêtements et autres choses aussi. Ce croquis est balayé dans mon ordinateur, et ouvert dans mon programme graphique : Paint Shop Pro. Je dois changer la taille du croquis. Apres, je crée les couches différentes ; trois en début: une couche pour la ligne, une couche pour le croquis l'original, et une couche pour l'arrière-plan. Sur la couche s'appelle 'ligne', je crée les lignes avec cet outil : il crée les lignes courbe. Quand je les finis, je peux cacher le croquis original. Maintenant, je colorie. J'utilise cet outil et crée une sélection ici, pour la chemise, montré par la ligne parsemée. Emploi cette sélection, je peux le remplir avec une couleur de mon choix. Je fais ca pour le dessin entier. Je mette cette couleur sur une couche différente. Quand je finis les couleurs, je dois ajouter les ombres et les reflets, sur nouvelles couches. Ces couches doivent être translucides.
Finalement, je nettoie l'image, et ajoute un arrière-plan approprié. En tout, une image comme ca prends-moi environ quatre heures pour achever. Ici sont quelques-unes mes autres images.
Anyways, boyfriend's back from Classics Con. Diana was telling me all these stories; twas amusing. Apparently he actually *stole* some other guy's stalker. *grin* She asks why I'm not jealous; it's funny, cause it pisses me off when my friends' guys are flirting with other girls, but this doesn't bug me. Might just be I wasn't there first-hand. That probly would've pissed me off. *shrug* Anyways, Geo kind of boring today, but good thing : proj. moved til after summs. Excellent. Now I only have to worry about that, Family Studies, and the stupid Gym proj. Which I need to work on this weekend if possible. Otherwise I should be alright. Anime North's on the 17th; I don't know if me'n
her are still goin'. Maybe, maybe not. It's a bad time cause'a summs, but I want to. It'll be fun.
8:19 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Bruce has always made Clark want to do really stupid, alpha-male things, like grunt and ask how much he bench-presses, but Bruce, he knows, can pretty much bench-press the average cow. Clark's seen Bruce's home gym. In other words, Clark's officially out of his league in human terms these days.
Cassius this time, curled up in a far seat, looking a little better. Exposure to Bruce's almost violent good health probably restored him somewhat. Clark doesn't know of any illness that would dare come near the man.
- rereadin' bits of Jenn's 'Somewhere I Have Never Travelled', started 'Gladly Beyond', but can't finish tonight, as I need to pack and study. Fun fun. -_-;;
8:30 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Arg. I took a nap today. Thus feel extremely groggy. :P I hate taking naps, I really shouldn't. Today's math hw was driving me crazy; if only Iris and Nick had let me do it in class. :P And our summative's due way too quickly. I need red yarn. Damn you Yvonne!! *glare*
[edit] and I need to read all the new
Jenn stuff.
6:49 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Went over to Lisa's yesterday; was a ton of fun. I watched them play PS games, and then we watched 8 Mile. It was just really fun. It was me, Lisa, Yvonne, Jenn, Katie, John, Jon Lam, Doug, Dennis, & Chris M. 4-9 At the end of it, they ended up playin' "Darling If You Love Me". It was amusing. Lisa has pictures of Doug and Jon hitting on each other. Earlier, I went downtown, (we're watchin' the Lion King on the 10th; those promo tickets, with dinner), and went to Eaton Center, saw these cool capris @ Jacob Annex; 40 bucks though. Bought nothing though. :P Today went to the mall again, lookin' @ shoes, the Bay had these cute ones, those backless sneakers for 20 bucks, but I didn't get those either. I think I'll just get ankle socks to wear with sneakers and a skirt.
10:16 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Well, just coded and am uploadin' new
GT layout; it's the Shinji & Kaworu one (btw, they're so my NGE OTP). S'not a great layout, my NGE ones tend not be. :P I'm not sure why. *sigh* Ah well. I'm up to 120 members; time for a new members page. I should think about throwin' them all onto less pages...
Well, didn't put them on less pages, but did put an index list for each of the pages. Makes things a touch easier. Now just need to upload all of that.
8:46 a.m.
// this
reality \\

10:05 p.m.
// this
reality \\

recklessness for She Who Can Kill With A Touch was probably a whole new and unexciting level of Bad Things
Ninety degree turns should only be attempted by mutants with healing factors, not boys who under stress might accidentally ice the road.
that was it, he was talking to Kitty and Jubes about their possible relationship, because Bobby had to be getting his example from somewhere
They'd just so thoroughly left ambiguous territory and into sexual innuendo
Nothing wrong with naked at all. Good things happened when naked.
Oh, moved into Dangerous Territory. In Which Logan's Honor Is Questioned.
Jenn just has the most tasty XMen-movieverse slash. Mmm, Pyro/Iceman goodness.
Love and Lust at Mutant High is tasty.
heh, iris sounds like a small child on the phone - and muh
kit who I've been neglectin' cause'a all this fanficcy goodness.
8:12 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Aaarg! Damn you Aoi! YWAM had a 6 page update today, all bad, and the next update might take *two* months this time. *sigh* So painful. Handed in the Summative stuff today, load off my chest. I was feeling totally dead this morning, woke up at 3 and 5 last night because of my allergies. They're the worst at night. Which is weird. They may not be allergies after all. Or else they're allergies to my stuffed animals. Anyways, still aching, but at least it's the weekend, which is good. I can sleep. And rest, and stuff.
4:01 p.m.
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reality \\

Today was an alright day. Vocal was really long and fairly boring; the afternoon was a frenzy of summative work. We did the Geo part of it, at least, some of it. We started the stitching, I took it home and finished the web and the letters. My arms are tired; my shoulders ache. :P I haven't done embroidery in years, and this was just like that, except with giant fabric and yarn. :P That's all of been doing, all afternoon. *sigh* Now I need to wait for Jeff to edit the chapters, so I can put it together and print it out.
9:50 p.m.
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reality \\

You are Elizabeth Bathory. (The bloodcountess)
Legend tells us that you, this very rich,
beautiful and high born woman tortured and
murdered some 650 young women and bathed in
their warm blood to keep yourself beautiful.
In some stories, it is said you have drank thier
blood as well. You were a sexual sadist on a
grand scale.
Ah vanity is your downfall. For shame!
Which Imfamous criminal are you? brought to you by Quizilla
7:37 p.m.
// this
reality \\