layout image

Crazy quick sketch of pinstripe pants outfit, that just called to me, distracting me from my english hw. *sigh* Image is super big because I don't resize until I colour. Will be coloured soon, probly in style of du monde.

Ahahah, Lisa has picture of Dennis in drag up on SYS. And more other pictures; I look pretty bad in most of them *sigh*. Ah well. Tangerine has Wake-A-Thon pictures too. ^_^ Those are fun.

Or as Yvonne calls it : Wake-a-Thong

10:07 p.m. // this is my reality \\



I just moved semblance onto prerecorded. Yay!

8:04 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Hahah, this is funny :

A woman takes a lover during the day while her husband is at work. Her 9 year old son comes home unexpectedly one day so she puts him in the closet and shuts the door. That day her husband also comes home unexpectedly, so she puts her lover in the closet with the little boy.
The little boy says, "Dark in here"
The Lover says, "Yes, it is."
Boy: "I have a baseball"
Lover: "That's nice"
Boy: "Want to buy it?"
Lover: "No, thanks."
Boy: "My dad's outside"
Lover: "OK, how much?"
Boy: "$25."
In the next few weeks, it happens again and the boy and the lover find themselves in the closet together again.
Boy: "Dark in here"
Lover: "Yes, it is"
Boy: "I have a baseball mitt."
Remembering the last time, he asks, "how much?"
Boy: "$75"
Lover: "Fine"
A few days later, the boy's father says to the boy, "Grab your glove. Let's go outside and toss the baseball around."
The boy says, "I can't, I sold them."
Father: "How much did you sell them for?"
Boy: "$100"
The father says, "That's terrible to overcharge your friends like that, that is way more than those two things cost. I'm going to take
you to church for confession."
They go to church and the father makes the little boy sit in the confessional and he closes the door.
The boy says, "Dark in here."
The Priest says, "Don't start that shit again!"

7:30 p.m. // this is my reality \\


When you're bored, you do things like this. I saw the 'tangerine dream' thing in a mag, cut it out, and was going to give it to Lisa, but she was sick. Ah well. I get really bored. And I'm also neglecting my English and Sci hw. :P Damn you family studies, have me flipping through magazines. Today was a Monday. *sigh* I got a really cute email from one of my HK cousins today; it was a picture of a chinese cartoon, with all these students, but it had been manip'ed to show them all wearing gas masks, a la SARS, and a little 'take care' message. ^_^;;

6:39 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Arg. Jesus my head hurts. Have been staring at screen for far too long. *wince* Need to go off soon. Take a shower. Install PS.

4:22 p.m. // this is my reality \\




9:03 p.m. // this is my reality \\


x.x < that was me 8 hours ago. Wake-a-Thon was... dead tiring. But fun. Eh. Sort of. I realised that it was actually 24 hours that I was awake for. Our plans to go the McDonalds were cancelled because we got (crappy) free breakfast, and I was dead, and after eating, felt vaguely sick. So I went home, changed out of the clothes that I spent 12 hours lying on the floor in, and crawled into bed; wherein I spent 5 hours, waking up and going back to bed. And then I got up and watched Devine Design on W Network. And had soup. But not chicken noodle, cause we had no more of that, which made me sad.

But back to Wake-a-Thon itself... yeah, we got there on time, and it was funny, because the people were supposed to count our money at the door, but seeing as I had so freaking much change, they said they'd do it later, and hunt me down if there wasn't enough. Heh. A lot of people brought stuff, like blankets and food and it made me feel woefully unprepared. Next year. And they were all in comfortable clothes too. I had jeans on. It's cause my pink sweatpants are too long, and the black ones have no pockets. Psht. Anyways, us (read matt) kind of commendiered the area right in front of Tech Wing, where two tables blocked off access to the wing (it was kind of neat, because there's a set of stairs and a ramp that go down to the doors of Tech, and the two tables, one was in front of the stairs, and one was down the ramp, which was cool). So we're there, and there's a tv, so Matt's got the Matrix on, and no one's paying attention, because we're all high and hyper and there was one point where Courtney and Alyssa and some girls were pole dancing in the hot caf. -_-;; At about 10 we went into the gym and played some badminton, but we weren't very good. :P Jelena, Lisa, Iris and I btw. Of the gifteds, it was us, Doug, Matt, and Pui there. Yeah, the whole thing's kind of vague-ish for me, but we walked around some, and there was pizza, but you had to pay for it, so I didn't have any. I played Mahjong with Iris and Danny and Diana's MJ tiles. Twas fun, and then we taught our french teacher how to play. Heh. The gr. 11's had the area in the hall out to the portables, and they had mats from the gym and a tv and stuff. At around 4-5-ish, everyone was pretty much dead. I went and watched Urban Legends with the gr. 11s and Doug and Lisa, and there was one point where we were sprawled on the hall, practically asleep. I was just on the floor a lot; clothes so dirty. :P But all in all, it was pretty good. The breakfast made me vaguely sick, but that's ok. Am still tired. Eh. Naps do nothing for me; I either don't sleep, or I get a full 8 hours.

Definately doing it again, and next year, somebody's got to bring blankets. I'll bring a box of pop. ^_^

6:04 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Weehee! More of the Heero Worship doujinshi!!! So cute. Waa! And I need to get ready in about an hour. Eh.

5:18 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Wee, Wake-a-Thon tonight. My hip still hurts; I hit it a couple of days ago. *sigh* Iris is coming to pick me up for the thing. I'm just waiting for dinner and her.

4:40 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Eh, so warm now, it's nice. ^_^ And wearing all dark clothes while sitting in the sun? Not cool. Literally. Heh, was talking to Doug about how my hair heats up under the sun and he told me to bleach it all during the summer. Yeah; that'd be cool. :P I'd 'be like an elf'. Heh. But I'd rather not damage my hair more than I already do. I dye it pretty much twice or three times a year, which is probly already bad for it. Diana says it causes cancer. Eck.

OOOH!!!, our domain is finally up! Wooot! *grin* This weekend will be moving weekend. ^_^

4:24 p.m. // this is my reality \\



just because you're standing in a garage doesn't mean you're a car.
a better place than here, a better man than me
i see an open door only to watch it close

there are always limits. there have to be. otherwise i would lose control. and you make me want to lose control. so there have to be limits; at least with you.

atashi no kokoro
mi corozon
mon coeur
my heart

7:47 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Had a motivational speaker come in this morning; wasn't a bad presentation over all. Amusing at some points. In the afternoon, vocal class went to Music Alive, a music festival and sang and stuff. We weren't too bad. Unionville was there; Jaqueline, who used to go to my elementary school goes to UHS, but she was the only one I recognised. Overall, today was a pretty good day. I enjoy not being single. ^_^

6:09 p.m. // this is my reality \\



but all the glitter fades, and we are left with naught but our scarred hands and our troubled dreams
who lives on love lives on forever

9:58 p.m. // this is my reality \\


"No Ordinary Love" series
by Eruntalince
first fic

9:55 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Hey! I just found half a box of pocky that I had bought on the weekend and stashed in my drawer, forgotten! ^_^ So now I have pocky to eat. Makes me happy. Weehee!

I've got a vocal performance tomorrow, and a gym presentation, so I've got no work whatsoever, which is great. I did pretty good in science today, and finished sewing the two legs of my pants closed. Eh; I now have 2.76 worth of pennies from Brendan. :P

7:48 p.m. // this is my reality \\



OMFG. He is so *fucking* hot. *fannish squeal*

Yes rhysenn, long live subtext! ^_^ (although straight out slash is better ^_^)

And I now have that fucking hot picture of Orlando Bloom on my desktop. I used to think he was ugly outside of Legolas? I was wrong. Oh, I was so wrong. He is insane crazy hot in Pirates of the Carribean.

7:27 p.m. // this is my reality \\


i hope you find the place and the people that you need
i don't want to be the one who always waits for you to wait and see
- autumn walker

7:12 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Arg. Am so fucking tired. Damn you Oscar!!! *grr* Went home and actually took a nap. *sigh* I hate naps. We know our summative groups now; I'm with Jenn, Cat, Jeff, Dom, Jon S, Alan, Nick, and Zaheer. Not too bad, not the greatest either. Wake-a-thon Friday. Yay.

6:41 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Ooh, Jennifer Garner looks gorgeous. Oscar stuff, red carpet. It's all so pretty. I like Hallie Berry's dress.

7:06 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Bought a new shirt, it's pink. ^_^;; And I'm about to paint my nails. Purple, I think.

5:17 p.m. // this is my reality \\


jenn's SV work; it's so hard to take it all in sometimes. You can't try to understand it, because you won't. You just have to let it wash over you. Because her writing is so deep, there's so much hidden there, just beneath the surface, and you want to touch it, but you don't know how to. And maybe she sees it all clear cut like diamonds, but the rest of us are left in the dark following the glitter of light.

10:10 a.m. // this is my reality \\


he stumbled and fell, knees hitting the carpetted floor with a thud. He stared at the softly swirling designs under his hands, seeing too close for it to be pure anymore. He felt sick to his stomach; he couldn't seem to get up. Out of the room, away from what could only have been a slimly averted disaster, and now he didn't know what to do. Didn't know where to go. Only knew he couldn't go back. Tomorrow, they would smile at each other and act like nothing had happened. But the incident would be there. And they would start finding reasons to avoid each other. Until they could stop seeing each other's face, stop remember what could have happened, if only they hadn't been too afraid. If only he hadn't run away. He told, would continue to tell himself that it was for the best, but he would still remember the feel of skin beneath his fingers, lips warm under his own. It didn't matter what had been said, what would be said. Flesh remembered. It knew what it wanted. And for a moment, he had wanted to give in, before he had run.

^ written at about 1.30 in the morning. Got into bed and the lines just wouldn't let me go. It's always when I don't want to have to write shit down that I get ideas. Something about being in the shower, and in bed, and not thinking about anything makes inspiration leap up and jump on my back, forcing me to repeat it over and over in my head, lest I forget. -_-;

Oh, and simply irresistible should be added to that list.

Oscars tonight; wee. Wasn't going to stay up last night because I'll be staying tonight too. Damn. Will be dead Monday morning. It's gym. Doesn't matter. Bah. I'm up way too early, and I don't know why.

8:44 a.m. // this is my reality \\


movies to see (re-see) : the rules of attraction, cruel intentions, lost and delirious, unfaithful

12:39 a.m. // this is my reality \\


His boyfriend's more aroused by tax law than by blowjobs.

12:23 a.m. // this is my reality \\


I just finished Somewhere I Have Never Travelled. It's complete now. And it's good.

My typing's so loud. Jeez. I need to get silent keys. -_-;;

12:16 a.m. // this is my reality \\



there's snow in the air
so sing me a lullaby
my winter come hither to me
there's dark nights to come, so kiss me for goodbye
that place for the good land is near to you
show me the flowers imbeatable
sing me the hime it's immovable
the will it's my voice
the music's my heart
come find me and, oh let me hear some peace
until (all your love oh so valuable)
am i your release
there's snow in the air
then sing me a lullaby
the angel amid us is here
so let go your hand sweet within the hushaby
the place for the dark land
let go the good land
lets go the good land
it's near
so close to you

And that would be my attempt at trying to figure out the lyrics to the Noir song, Lullaby. Arg. So difficult.

9:13 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Just finished dinner; my parents are out at this banquet thing. Been doodling, none of it's any good. *sigh* The Oscars tomorrow; whee! Finished all my Sci notes, just need to study from them now. :P All my hw's finished, and I have practiced sufficiently on a sewing machine; I'm pretty sure I can sew straight. ^_^;; There isn't much for me to do; just read and like, watch tv I guess. Everyone's still @ jenn and katie's. Ah well. I've been meaning to read all that new Indulgence stuff anyways.

7:48 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Weehee! Weekend, finally. And I finished my English hw already. Am happy. Did some doodling too, have coloured a new picture, named 'Du Monde', which literally means 'of/to the world', but my french-english dictionary tells me means (a lot of) people. *shrug* I helped cook dinner tonight too, cause I was feeling domestic. Oil scares me. Heat. Bouncing oil. Was sewing again in FS, wasn't too bad this time, ppls kept calling me to help them. Made me feel special; also made me panic when I couldn't help them. :P We're sewing *on* our fabric next class. Am terrified, will need to practice with sewing machine at home. Eck. *sigh* I love weekends. Do some more drawing/colouring and stuff. Ohh, for Wake-a-Thon, I have raised (read mooched) so much money. Makes me happy. I now have like, 16-7? I need a min. pledge of 25 dollars. Heh. I have such great friends/acquaintances.

8:45 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Shinji GT layout :

9:17 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Aand just finished coding the new GT layout, and making an entrance image. I have nothing planned for next layout, I'll have to get started on that soon. Guy this time... anime most probly... eh... let me think... it was Aya, Michael, Christina, Jennifer... yeah, next one should be an anime guy. Or even a group. Hmm... ooh, Shinji? Heh. That'd be cool. Or maybe Aoshi... he's pretty. *grin* We'll see.

8:52 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Well, just finished a picture, and made a wallpaper of it. ^_^ My third ever wallpaper. Wee. It's actually quite simple, little more than pasting the original image in and giving it some spiffy text. Maa.

7:55 p.m. // this is my reality \\


#6E0F1F < is a lovely colour

7:40 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Iye, I feel like such a failure. Damn yearbook page. Grr... my style is never quite what the editors want. *sigh* Ah well. Am consoling myself with the last green apple jolly rancher. Er... last jolly rancher period really. :P Joe gave me burned copies of PSP and PS 7 a while ago, I haven't gotten 'round to installing PS 7 yet. Will do so soon though. Boo. I read Protective Bonds by Sadie Dragonfire or whatever. Pretty good. ^_^ Was also up last night watching the news about the Iraq business. Arg. I don't think US should be doing it, but, it's a matter of opinion. I don't believe they actually fear terrorist attacks from Iraq. Eh. Whatever.

5:36 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Ah. Legolas. He's so beautiful. ^_^

9:30 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Then I'll be, whatever. Dust in the wind. Candle in the wind. There'll be a general wind theme.

*grin* Angel was good last night; Willow guest star, and Faith's goin' back to Sunnydale. Weehee! Angel's back, and Cordy's still evil. I suck with a sewing machine. Boo. I'm better by hand, but I'd rather not do an entire pair of pants by hand. Eck. My head's throbbing; I think it's the dye. Ack. This happened last time too; something about washing it makes it sting. I've got English hw, but it's not due til Tuesday, so I'll do it on the weekend. I need to return Kenshin to Mok. He's back from HK. Iye... head... hurting...

6:39 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Things you don't want to hear during surgery
• FIRE! FIRE! Everyone get out now!!
• Don't worry. I think it is sharp enough.
• Oops
• I don't know where that came from! Just put it over there.
• I don't think that was supposed to come off.
• Gonna have to stop here, his insurance won't pay for the rest.
• Well, it's five o'clock! Let's finish up tomorrow.
• Hey....maybe the janitor knows what this is.
• Cool! These colors are giving me flashbacks

*grin* That's hilarious; gott'em in my email. School was today, not too bad. Saw Gattica, it was a good movie. Am reading The Lunatic Cafe again. *grin* And that's pretty much it. School's school. I don't hate it, don't love it either. My room's really warm right now. It's uncomfortable. Weather around here's been warming up, which is nice, but it also means that soon it will be summer, when turning on my computer turns my room into an oven. *sigh* The prices I pay to be a computer geek. :P

7:28 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Windor Blue's archive, where the hilarious GW fic 'Most Eligible Bachelor' can be found. ^_^

8:27 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Aaah. Finally. Just finished reading the new Bridlewood episode. So Relena at least finally knows. Ignorance pisses me off, a lot. Read the new Identical chapter too. Heh. Was good. ^_^

8:18 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Wee! Cerulean Sins chapter previews. *grin* What fun.

5:54 p.m. // this is my reality \\


1:44 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Eck. Was at Chris's house yesterday, played pool (am so bad), tried to pay attention to 'About A Boy' (Hugh Grant ^_^), that was about it. Am tired. I went to sleep early last night, but woke up at 2 am, with the muscles in my right calf shot to hell, tensed to the point of insane pain; I made high pitched keening noises that I now realise that I cannot normally make without extreme pain. God it hurt. And yet I didn't wake anybody else up. Which worries me. Either I wasn't as loud as I thought I was, or else everybody sleeps too deeply in this house. I don't even know why it happened, probably a lack of regular exorcise and/or stretching. Ack. Anyways, I've reviewed everything I need for school, and have been on Amazon for the last hour, adding various animes to my wishlist. Anybody want to buy me things?

1:25 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Ah well, finished Kenshin last night; and was sketching while doin' so. Watching anime does wonders for inspiration. ^_^ Went to Square One today, bought a pair of jeans. My little brother's having his birthday party as I write. I don't like the way he acts with his family when he's around friends. It's extremely rude. Pisses me off. Eh. Well, need to scan in my drawing now.

2:10 p.m. // this is my reality \\



I hate Katerie's name right now. I think I will change it. Again. I'm fine with Dyna, but I think Katerie shall be changed to Rika, and if I do another, she'll be named Teri. ...or not. Eck. Hmm... Teris? Peris. Paris. Heh. Ack. Am dead. Entoxicated on hair dye fumes. Aah. But if I change Katerie to Rika all of the layer names will have to be changed. Screw that. Next char. if there is one can be Rika. Would Katerie be better without the e? Kateri. Eh. I'm so braindead.

9:22 p.m. // this is my reality \\


8:10 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Gravi fics abound and baby-pen's site, which has gorgeous artwork.

Many shounen ai/yaoi comics here.

7:09 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Aah, I love Arcana. Seriously, it just has the most gorgeous art. *sigh* Wish I could art that like. Ah well. Was up watchin Kenshin last night, only four more eps. to go, which I will get to tonight. Woke up late and was dragged out of bed to go buy a cake for my little brother's birthday tomorrow. Came home, died my hair, and drew. Two pictures, one to go with the one I had before, and the other a companion to it. It's still in the works, depends whether not I add more characters to the scene. My head hurts right now. Tomorrow's my brother's birthday, he's taking some friends to Playdium and I'm goin' the Square One with my mum while they're there. Then I've got Chris M's thing at 5. Eeh. Will need to wake up early tomorrow; hopefully Kenshin won't take too long. 4 eps, should only take an hour and a half.

6:48 p.m. // this is my reality \\



This is such an adorable HP fic. *grin*

I cheat.

10:18 p.m. // this is my reality \\


baby, i always knew you were bad news

love that we cannot have
is the one that lasts the longest,
hurts the deepest
and feels the strongest.

7:18 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Which Teen Movie Queen Are You?
Which Teen Movie Queen Are You?

Heh. Went shopping today, the pants that I wanted from UB were on sale, but they had not my size. :P Boo. Although, Spring's comin' long. I want a pair of lighter pants, like khakis or cargos or something. *sigh* Ah well. Got my eyes checked again. I'm up. Eh.

3:59 p.m. // this is my reality \\



I wanna see Bubblegum Crisis. It looks cool. And Sakura Wars, which I've always wanted to see. Of course, I also want to finish NGE, and Kenshin. And see Earthian, and Angel Sanctuary, and Yami no Matsuei (sp?). Yes, there is much to be seen. :P

7:46 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Wahahaha! Je win! XD I rented the first two discs of NGE from Rogers. *grin* Would've rented more, but they didn't have 0:3 so I couldn't. But I've now seen the first 8 eps. of Evangelion. S'very cool s'far. Misato amuses me greatly. Weehee! Anime for me. Still need to watch Kenshin. Was reading Inferno's Touch over again last night, have about 10 eps. left. If I'm still awake after that, I'll watch some Kenshin too. Weehee! NGE! ^_^

6:47 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Ooh, Angel was new. And Faith's being so, squicky. :P Jeez, where's the rage, girl? And it's evil!Cordy. Tsk tsk, why can no one else see it? And a baby? Eww... Connor... eck.

10:14 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Boo; Smallville and Buffy are old today. But I watched last week's Angel a little while back. It had Faith!!! *grin* 'Twas cool. And I've been writing. Four chapters? I'll see where it goes.

8:07 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Well, I finished that picture. It's here. I like the bg, and I'm pretty happy with her face, and her hair's cool. But her hands bug me. They aren't done well. It's ok, otherwise.

10:14 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Need to read : Inferno's Touch up to 14, Bridlewood, Mark It Down To Learning, check HP stuff, Indulgence's SV stuff

9:01 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Have been drawing again. Dun like it as much. But the head/hair bit it nice. She's about to stab herself. :P

8:56 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Well, went and applied for job. Had first interview. Am ** this certain I didn't get the job. Which depresses me. But what can I do? I tried. It didn't pan out. Took a nap today. Don't know why. I shouldn't take naps. Make me feel all useless and tired. :P Boo.

6:02 p.m. // this is my reality \\



I watched Infernal Affairs, (chinese movie) today. It was really quite good. Sad though. *sniff* And then I went out and went shopping with Lisa. Did not buy a thing, although did make her try on an entire pink outfit. Was extremely amusing. Also tried on Grad/Prom dresses. Heh. Am really full right now. Going tomorrow to apply for a job. Yay. I really, really hope I get it. I want a job. So I can buy things. Like NGE. And Angel Sanctuary. And pants. ^_^

7:39 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Ah, finally. Just finished cg'ing a picture that I drew a couple hours ago. I spent a whole lot of time on it, as can be shown by the original sketch version of the image. It's a large file, but you can see all the side notes and sketches for clothes, accessories. Heh. I got to use my new three-in-one printer! ^_^ And here is the final product. I'm really, really happy with this picture/drawing. I love how it looks, and the tats are awesome. For once, I don't really have any complaints on shaping and stuff either. The pose is just something I was playing around with. I think it's cute. And the hair was a lot of fun to do, very Arcana inspired. Reading webcomics inspires me to draw. ^_^ And I'll update CI with this later. And now to go to sleep. I'm goin' shopping with Lisa tomo-... eh, later today. :P

2:12 a.m. // this is my reality \\



9:12 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Iye... so bored. I'm talking to myself again.

8:45 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Which Saturnalia Character are you?

7:54 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Well, finally back from Yvonne's; have been there for almost 24 hours. *grin* Well, we ended up watching only 8 eps. of Buffy, but we did play a lot of Mahjong, which is always fun. ^_^ Not a fob, really. Didn't do a whole lot of other stuff. Was there from 11 til 10-30. Got probly 6 hours of sleep, which isn't bad at all, so, yay. Breakfast was shorter this time. After my parents picked me up, we went to Mazda and picked up our MPV. It's cooler than the Protege we got. :P The girl who did the contracts with my dad, heh, she amused me. She was really young, and it showed, the way she interacted with people. It isn't a bad thing; refreshing actually. So now we've got two new cars. After that, we had lunch, and I came home, and took a three hour nap. I greeted Jeff with a 'morning', at 6 o'clock. Heh. Ooh! New Arcana. Soo pretty. Am listening to my new anime music. Heh. So much fun. I've got Kenshin stuff, as well as new Gravi, and a whole whopping bunch of Noir music (mostly backgrounds :P).

6:15 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Mwaahahaha!! has so much music to download. *grin* I have so many Kenshin songs now !! And has Noir!! I have like, 30 Noir mp3s now. Ehehehe.

10:13 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Finally! March Break! *grin* Exeelent. And I'm goin' over to Yv's tomorrow. And I've got more Kenshin. Weehee! *grin* And I need to read Inferno's Touch, more Bridlewood, ehm... what else? Mou. Dunno; will figure out. Will work on revelations. Hope to death is properly working. And my back hurts. Hahah, and Iris mistook her boyfriend for me. Makes me laugh. She says it's because I'm so touchy. Oops. XD Heh; basement. *grin* Ooh, we performed our dance today. Got co-erced into doing it on the stage, with a whole crowd of people (the entire drama class let out to watch the gr. 10s dance, and we had to do it b4 them), but once we were there, it was awesome. All dark, with stage lights and fog. *grin* I get such an adrenaline rush from performing. It's queer. Heh. ^_^ And I want to dance now. I have Spice Girls stuck in my head.

6:12 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Ehehehe. *grin* Saw LotR again today. Was much fun. Even though the bus was delayed *an hour*. Heh. Was so bad, me and Lisa sitting in the middle of the Imax theatre, and we needed to go to the washroom. Had to walk past *so* many people. Heh. 'Why won't the door close?!' (it was because I was leaning on the handicap button :P oops) And of course the breasts scene. Was great. *grin* And we made crepes. I only got one, but that's ok. They were good. ^_^

6:31 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Paint is the bane of my existance. I don't know how people could possibly make layouts with it. It blows my mind. And not in a good way. :P

9:39 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Smallville was a rerun today, but that's ok, because I've never seen all of the ep. It was a good Clark/Lex ep. *grin*

clark : 'if there's anyone who can choose what they want to be, it's you lex' *wishful tone*
*lex walking to limo; looks back with sad, wistful face*

heh. I notice these things.

9:03 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Iyaa! Word Perfect has died on me. *sniff* It won't open; every time I've tried (count of 4), it's crashed the system, giving me blue screen and memory dump. Grr. Makes me mad. I have a lot of stuff on WP that's mucho important. Will cry if I can't open. Might have to install a newer version of WP. 2002 or something. Goin' to see LotR:TTT again tomorrow; with my English class. Fun. *And* we're making crepes in French. Heh. It's so much fun when there's no work to do in school. Goin' over to Yv's on Friday for a sleepover. Weehee! ^_^

[edit] and I want more street of dreams!

6:21 p.m. // this is my reality \\



This amuses me. 'He looks like this... >.<'. And this is gorgeous.

6:56 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Maybe I should learn to, ya know, talk properly. Yes, that would probably be a good idea. -_-;;

5:59 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Meh. Today was pinning fabric day. And so cold. I was cold. Matt's sweater is uber-big. I looked so funny. But was cold, so boo. Yes. That is all I have to say.

5:08 p.m. // this is my reality \\



[refreshing myself of links I have yet to get to]

12:45 a.m. // this is my reality \\


OMG. O.o I just got to reading Street Of Dreams, and all the new stuff in it. OMFG. You're kidding me. Jesus. Ahh! Lasha, you are ... iya! A genius. A fucking genius.

12:05 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Weehee! New Underwater Light.

9:21 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Maaa, woke up at ten today, lazed in bed til eleven. Damn you Pilot Candidate!! *grr* On plus side, went out and bought new mascara *and* blue eyeliner. Will be so pretty. Have been lazy lately and not using make-up. Must resume. Heh. Much fun. Blue eyeliner. Weehee! *And* bought more gormet coffee!! Yes! Tasty Hazelnut Cream goodness. Mwahahaha. Many things bought. Payless has pretty shoes. Soo pretty. Ooh! Transit had these gorgeous knee high boots, so pretty, only 30-something. But I don't wear skirts enough for knee-highs. Lisa says I'm a coffee addict. Well, pffft to her. ^_^;;

8:34 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Maa!! So imcomplete!! Iyaa! What a horrible ending! And where's that shounen ai you promised me Diana! Maa!! Nothing! Nothing! You build me up for pretty slash boys, and all there is was between Ernest and Gare, which was nothing! Everything else was subtext! Maaa! *sniff* I want to watch Earthian. And Descendants of the Dark. Maa... And the Gravi OVA. *cry*

3:41 a.m. // this is my reality \\
