11:44 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Iyaaa... Pilot Candidate has such bad music!!! *wince wince* It's worse than Hamtaro; Hamtaro's just catchy. This is like, Space Balls music. It's sooooo bad. *wince* But the boys are cute. For that, I will endure (and then perhaps play Noir once more for its lovely music).11:12 p.m. // this is my reality \\
GT new layout tomorrow. March. One year anniv. Yay!10:43 p.m. // this is my reality \\
10:31 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Wee! Finished Noir today, and I have to say, it is one of my favourite animes. It really is extremely good. 26 eps. Wehee! ^_^ And all in, what, a week? Heh. Well, today wasn't so bad. I learned something new today. Hair pins are the coolest creation *ever*. ^_^ Also, Trix!And lastly. Chris, subtle. Subtle.
9:42 p.m. // this is my reality \\
27.2.03 AHHH!!! I totally forgot!!!! IP's been out since yesterday!! The final chapter! :P It was ahh... I don't want to spoil it. If you haven't read it yet and want to, ignore all words here.***spoiler***
OMG. It was such a sappy ending. :P I'm actually not too big on sap. I mean, it was depressing when 14 ended all, finally, but looking back, that ending was much more memorable than this. I guess I'm a sucker for angst. This ending was so simply perfect. It was. Ack. And it was kind of lacking in description/development. Maybe it's just me. The writing didn't seem to fit the rest of the story. But oh well. A couple weeks/months later, I'll re-read the whole thing and then see how it feels.
And that's all I have to say. Not going to discuss Heart and Stroke. Some not so great memories, and some better ones. Let's just say I'm a masochist at heart. I said I didn't want it to happen, but I did want to see. If only life turned out like my fantasies. Things wouldn't be so complicated.
10:09 p.m. // this is my reality \\
7:40 p.m. // this is my reality \\
My wallet is missing. This is the last strand of a bad week where small little incidents have just being piling up and piling up. I can't take this. I don't care about the money. The student and OHIP cards are important, but not unreplacable. But I *lost* my wallet. And I don't know if someone stole it, or if my idiocy finally got the better of me and I lost it. I cannot take this anymore. I have just had too much.6:02 p.m. // this is my reality \\
25.2.03 Weehee! prerecorded.net is up! And so's the layout, sans Chris's mouseover image. And as soon as Lisa tells me how to make subdomains/lets me into the control center, everything will be moved. Waa!Today I bunch (read 5) of us went to Elizabeth's house and worked on our dance for Gym. It's actually coming along really quite well. I'm happy; if sore. Although, today started out horrible, because I forgot my fabric for Family Studies, and had to call my dad for it; I was like, over-panicked to the extreme. And then it turns out we didn't need it today. So, not only did I make my dad late for work, stress out myself, but it all turned out useless too. Grrr. So thus, not happiness. Oh, that and I no longer have a partner for Heart and Stroke. Miscommunication. Distance. Crappy shit.
9:35 p.m. // this is my reality \\
24.2.03 http://br.yueonline.com/http://www.kyrn.org/studio/soul.html
9:54 p.m. // this is my reality \\
I have one thing to say. awwwwwwwwww! I'm so jealous. ^_^9:18 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Noir is the *coolest* anime ever. Seriously. It and Gravi are like, my all time favourites. Wee! Such a cool anime. And wicked music. Wee! And I have an english vocab test to study for. So many words, so many definitions!!7:21 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Well, I've got two layouts done for the portal page of prerecorded.net; I like the second one more. here's the first one, and here's the second.4:27 p.m. // this is my reality \\
23.2.03 Well. We bought a domain. :P prerecorded.net I can't really believe it. Still sort of in shock. :P7:36 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Awww!! I feel all warm and fuzzy!! ^_^ Corazon from GWA has linked CI, and wants to banner exchange with wwfr. ^_^ Wee! ...'cept that wwfr is still locked from me and Lisa. -_-;; Hmm; problem. Lesse... I can probably link him on CI for now, and once we've figured out/moved wwfr, we can link him from there. Dammit, why aren't you online Lisa?!!3:08 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Well, I ended up staying up til 2.30 last night, woke up at 11. Finished my French homework, and am now coding one of my Kenshin layouts. Took to forever to figure out one thing. :P But now it's working quite nicely. ... Cept that I can't get my text to center in my div tag. Arg. Sometimes this happens. And I don't know why. Grr.[edit:] wee! fixed it! ^_^
2:09 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Wee! Arcana's a cool web comic. Such pretty bishounen. ^_^ Waa, Dominick, and Holden, and Vincent. Heh. All so very pretty.2:17 a.m. // this is my reality \\
22.2.03 Rione could still remember his mother vividly. She was, he believed, the most beautiful woman he had ever known. Hair the colour of burnished gold, and eyes as dark as the night sky, she was always there to hold him and comfort him and make him feel loved. He could still remember the feel of her, wrapping her arms around him when he cried. She had a soft voice, and didn't speak up much, but when she did, Rione could still remember the warmth, and strength, in her words. She had been their anchor.Seriah felt incredibly lonely. It seemed as though, for the first time in her life, she felt that she was missing something. And she thought she knew what it was. She wanted to go find Ceres. Her father and her brother were still angry at each other, and the tension in the house grew and grew with every uncomfortable silence. She couldn't take much more of it. All Seriah wanted right now was to find her mysterious friend. She wanted to spend time with him, to know all about him. She knew, just knew, that he would be able to fill the void in her heart.
11:22 p.m. // this is my reality \\
I can't think of a good usnm:olad i can relate to, from teh title neway
Shinigami no Mitsukai says:
Shinigami no Mitsukai says:
that strangely amuses me
Shinigami no Mitsukai says:
you do realise that i very likely write slash right?
I can't think of a good usnm says:
I can't think of a good usnm says:
I can't think of a good usnm says:
do... o.o
Heh. Convo between me and Chris. olad is my short-form for Of Longing And Desire. Heh. It's not slash... yet. Heh. The direction I have it taking, there will probably be slash. A love triangle at the least. But no incest. So, kind of more like a Y.
10:02 p.m. // this is my reality \\
The most fiction I've ever written is the WIP of Ichiru, at 5114 words. The most finished was Love Knows No Boundaries at 4983. Hmm... it's actually not that much. Bleh. Maah. Damn French. I can't write it all in 250 words!9:36 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Friendship, Loyalty, and Lovehttp://www.marysia.com/marysia/personal/writing/marks1.html
9:08 p.m. // this is my reality \\
http://www.astronomytower.org/restrictedsection/fic.php?fic=at:/authors/penguin/Dragonweed05.html6:45 p.m. // this is my reality \\
4:23 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Arg. It's not done either. But, other hand, did finish my Kenshin eps last night. 2.30. Now I need to go get the rest from Diana and Mok. Arg. Want Kenshin Now. :P Tired. Woke up and was gonna do French, but then parents said we were going out. Now I'm back and in no mood to do French. Arg. Mornings are usually my productive time.Mwahahah! Found fountain of Kenshin/Sano fics! ^_^
3:12 p.m. // this is my reality \\
21.2.03 Maya's Underwater Light is pretty good. HP slash goodness. ^_^8:04 p.m. // this is my reality \\
I think I will cry if I never get back into wwfr. I have (count'em) 5 layouts sitting around in my harddrive, three that I made *just* today, and two more that have already been coded. The three new ones are all kenshin layouts. :P And two of them are purple. I use a lot of purple.7:02 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Well, Friday, *finally*, watched Buffy, Angel was super old, and Kenshin ep. 53 isn't workin' on my compu, so I gotta watch it tonight. There is much fanfiction I should read, but I am lazy. :P And so many layout ideas in my notebook, but I need pictures for them. *sigh* Damn you Fateback!5:03 p.m. // this is my reality \\
20.2.03 http://www.snitchfiction.net/cgi-bin/stories/story.cgi?id=7758:21 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Wee!! Lasha Lee's back to writing Street Of Dreams, and Ravenfyre's written a new part to Inferno's Touch. This weekend in thereby full. I wanna read IT again, and the new part's like, 29? So, yeah. Yearbook today. Was kinda bleh. Deadlines to meet, training of me to be done. There wasn't actually much trainage done. :P Also, we're doin' dance in Gym. It's ok. My legs ache. Up and down, up and down. :P7:58 p.m. // this is my reality \\
19.2.03 Ack. Been angsting about the future. University and all that. I don't know what I want to be, where I want to go. I only have vague outlines; business, computers, graphics design; I really have no idea. Was looking through Ontario U's today and their courses; Ryerson's ITM (Information Technology Management) seems interesting, or U of T's Computer Science Management, or maybe Guelph's Media Studies. Actually, OCAD sounds really neat, but I don't think I'm good enough at that sort of stuff for it. Yeah. Soo... more angsting. Today was... Pascal test. Was ok. :P And Sci, and English. Both were easy.On another note, the amazingly good art displayed outside Girl's Gym that we've all walked past and admired? Well, Serena of yearbook did the fire girl one, and Joyce Hui did the peacock girl. Yeah. Makes me depressed. Damn they're good.
7:35 p.m. // this is my reality \\
18.2.03 Awwww... poor Chloe. I feel so bad for her. If I wasn't a sworn Lex/Clark shipper, I'd soo root for Clark/Chloe.9:10 p.m. // this is my reality \\
and the stakes are not without value8:59 p.m. // this is my reality \\
it's cruel, the beauty of musicthe beauty of disappointment and never-satisfied love
4:47 p.m. // this is my reality \\
-_-;; Diana told Serena. He doesn't know yet. But lunch today, there was much laughing at me from Diana and Serena, me looking embaressed, and him vagely confused. -_-;; Hmph.On another note, CI's anniversary today. Second year. And Devin's birthday as well. I hadn't realised they were the same day. Need to upload Lisa's anni gift. And that's all I have to say. Because I have math hw to do.
4:08 p.m. // this is my reality \\
17.2.03You are a dark writer. A fierce and loyal follower
of Poe and the other gothic authors, you LOVE
to instill a sense of revulsion and somewhat
fear in your readers. You love to poke their
brains with logic dealing with the darker side
of the human mind and character. Truly
surprising and a true individual, you'll do
ANYTHING to create a scene. :)
What's YOUR Writing Style?
brought to you by Quizilla
Emotional Wreck. You are extremely emotional. You
feel contentment moreso than happiness and your
emotional lows are to the extreme. You need to
cheer up and start enjoying your life. Where
there is rain there is a rainbow and you need
to see it more than others. Do something that
makes you happy.
How Emotional Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
5:54 p.m. // this is my reality \\
His name's Tom, he's in gr. 12, and he's dating Serena from yearbook. That's all I have to say about ATI guy, otherwise I'll be depressed. That and, 'but he was a sexy fish!'. -_-;;Bad day today. At least, after lunch. And I lost my first post. Goddamnit. But, 99 members to GT, and CI's anniversary is tomorrow. I've been writing again. Of Longing And Desire. And drawing. Will probly finish for anniversary. Gonna watch kenshin. And Joe Millionaire tonight. That's all.
5:36 p.m. // this is my reality \\
16.2.03 Aha! So it was Mok. And Iris was right. -_-;; Meh.I went shopping today. Bought pink sweatpants. ^_^ They're cute. From Jacob Annex, so, not hideous bright pink, just a muted, faded pink. They're really cute. I like 'em. I want another pair. ^_^
Oh, and I finished Winter Rose. Was confusing. :P
8:39 p.m. // this is my reality \\
!!!!! Cute ATI guy was there last year too! I was just flipping through the pictures from last year, in the program, he's in the picture of the Lucky Draw Winner - 1st prize. His team got lucky draw prizes this year too. He's cuter this year than last year. Then again, might be the picture. :P ^_^Nope, definately prettier this year. This was last year's picture. The guy second from the right.
11:56 a.m. // this is my reality \\
what color are you?
11:46 a.m. // this is my reality \\
Well, volunteering was yesterday, and I was in a pretty good mood, until this morning. My little brother pissed my mom off royally, and I've just escaped his bawling at the breakfast table to the sanctuary of my own room. I've all my Family Studies, as well as my Math to do.But the volunteering was really good. Started @ 9.30 @ club 300, and set up and registration went by really quick. It seemed to go faster/easier this year. ATI Tech had ten teams, and there was some confusion there, but it was all good. There was this one guy, on the ATI team. Really, really sexy looking. He was there pretty early, and for a while, he was just standing like, right in front of the registration desk, and I'm just like *mmm*. ^_^ Tall, blond, studious kind of look with glasses. Successful, as Yvonne calls it. The same kinda look Taylor of student council has. ^_^ He was so nice to look at. And we were debating what age he was, and he just seemed really familiar to me. It might've just been that he had caught my eye last year too, or at some other function, but he looked more like I had seen him around school. Which of course, is crazy, except that I was talking to my dad, and ATI does a lot of co-op work and stuff, so for all I know, sexy ATI guy could very well be 18, 19 ish, and I may have seen him around school. Or not. But one can hope! Jon Lam's eyebrow thing! (or he could've just been humoring me when giving me that look -_-;) Anyways, things pretty much went off without a hitch. Vanessa did come, so, we were talking about school and stuff. Lunch was kind of confusing, but we just all ended up eating snack bar food. Which isn't that great. But oh well. Then the scores came and stuff, and, it was mad hectic rush. We had mistakes and problems and stuff, and calculation always takes so much time. Even though there were more of us... I think. Last year it was me, James, Clement, and Fred. This year Fred came late, but Yvonne was there. So, when we *finally* got that done, we had to get to Century Palace, so one of the guys gave us a lift. I believe they're all in U by now. I don't know how James and Clement come to be there, but Fred and his brother Alex are sons of the CCCA president I believe. Mou... so, Century was pretty much set up by the time we got there. I had less to do, or at least, less stress this year. We had dinner there, and it was good. ^_^ Basically, the whole day went by where we were either working frantically, or waiting with nothing to do. Although, I was sad, because ATI guy didn't come to dinner. At reception time, I had to pin the corsages on the CCCA directors as they came in. Needless to say, I stabbed myself with one of them. Deep too. I hurt myself so much yesterday. I have a giant gash of a papercut on my finger, and it stings to type, and I scratched myself with the tape despenser. Damn, I'm so accident prone. :P Vanessa and I had to light the candles for the cake, which was somewhat stressful. We practiced with the lighter so much, there wasn't much fluid left by the time we had to light the cake. But it went by ok. And then the auction table. It was the same hectic rush to claim prizes and pay money, but there were less prizes this year, so it was ok. The cake was good. The whole thing ended at like, 11. But it was good. The golf tournament this year will probly have less people. I might not be able to bring people. I seem to remember last year it was just me, Vanessa, and Fred. *shrug* Oh well. Now off to my homework. Bleh. And no Kenshin either. *sigh*
10:58 a.m. // this is my reality \\
14.2.03-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
9:58 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Well, Valentine's Day today. And I got a rose. And a balloon. I was so shocked! I got the rose during gym, so it was kind of funny. Neither of them have names on them, but they're from the same person, I know. Eek! I had assumptions on who they were from, but now, I really don't know. Otherwise, today was cool. Geo and Math were easy.The volunteer meeting was fine, we did some menial work, then got onto the orientation. Gonna be a busy day tomorrow. 9am-11pm ish. Woop. Rose talks like, superfast. It's crazy trying to follow her instructions. I'll probly just re-read the plan sheet (there's a name for schedule sheets) over. It'll be fun. I'm debating whether or not to watch Kenshin tonight. Probly not. *sigh* Oh well.
Oh, speaking of gym. Our TA, hmph. He said I couldn't read, just because I read the wrong station; instead of below, I read the one above. So I was a little preoccupied, with the rose and stuff, jeez!
7:29 p.m. // this is my reality \\
13.2.03 Hmm. Finished that FFVIII layout. Not superbly happy with it, but it isn't bad.9:11 p.m. // this is my reality \\
And that was a quizzy thing from Lisa. I have the ccca meeting tomorrow, and the thing on saterday. so I can't stay up very late this weekend. Yearbook was today. It was good. I actually, really like being in yearbook. I'm very seriously contemplating working up to editor. I'd be really happy with me. I love how the yearbook works. It's good fun. ^_^ I think Iris thinks it's boring. But I'm a nerd. I can't help it. I need to figure out that FFVII layout. And line that picature. :P8:22 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Five details about you[x] I write, when I'm not procastinating
[x] I also draw, semi-badly
[x] I live in my fantasies
[x] I am a control freak/perfectionist/
[x] I am emotional
Five details about your appearance right now
[x] black sweat pants
[x] grey shirt
[x] pretty watch
[x] glasses
[x] eyeshadow, that I should be washing off
Five things you did today
[x] the school thing
[x] watched rent a date
[x] went to yearbook (was fun)
[x] had course selection assembly (freak out time)
[x] ate chips
Five memorable things you did in the last year
[x] grew up
[x] realised more things about myself
[x] helped friends
[x] did the CCCA thing
[x] various marathons and OLP
Five things that everyone should know about you
[x] I'm a perfectionist
[x] and paranoid
[x] I like to think of myself as creative
[x] I have strange hobbies/interests
[x] I'm a flirt, and I can't commit
Five favorite groups
[x] our lady peace
[x] jimmy eat world
[x] hoobastank
[x] westlife :P
[x] more random sappy pop
Five favorite songs
[x] jimmy eat world - praise chorus
[x] savage garden - two beds and a coffee machine
[x] avril lavigne - alone (?)
[x] our lady peace - 3am
[x] gravitation - super drive
Five favorite movies
[x] girl, interrupted
[x] broken hearts club
[x] ever after
[x] save the last dance
[x] O
Five things that make you happy
[x] day offs, without having to worry about anything
[x] my friends
[x] chocolate and coffee
[x] being able to read/write/draw whatever, whenever, however, and well
[x] pretty people
Five people who mean a lot to you
[x] my mom
[x] lisa
[x] iris
[x] and them
[x] .
Five things that disgust you
[x] homophobics
[x] smokers/druggies
[x] incompetence
[x] close-minded people
[x] spiders
Five things that impress you
[x] good writing skills
[x] writers in general
[x] people who know what they want
[x] people with mad skills ^_^
[x] better artists than me
Five things that dont impress you
[x] stupidity
[x] smokers/druggies
[x] internet slang
[x] people who don't know when to stop
[x] myself
Five things you cant live without
[x] my computer
[x] the internet
[x] my friends
[x] the ability to write/read/draw
[x] food
Five things you'll do when you complete this
[x] write more blog stuff
[x] possibly watch tv
[x] take a shower
[x] turn up the heat (brrr)
[x] sleep
Five things you feel right now
[x] sore throat
[x] lonely
[x] terrified
[x] oddly apathetic
[x] pain in my ankle from sitting on it
8:19 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Well, today was amusing, to say the least. Fam studs was boring, French was alright, and then lunch. Heh. Rent-a-date. So funny. One guy went for *serious* $69. Iya! ^_^ So amusing. Although, then was the course selection assembly. And again, I'm freaked. I'm so terrified, because I have no idea what I want to do with my life. And I'm terrified I'll make the wrongs choices. Iyck. But I did watch Alias, Buffy, and Angel. Eep. Alias was uber-cool. Buffy was amusing too, although the girl they had playing the Asian *sucked*. Her chinese was... sooo bad. Angel however, jeez, plot twists. Friends was just funny.7:59 p.m. // this is my reality \\
12.2.03 Hahah, this is amusing.9:00 p.m. // this is my reality \\
You are Harry/Draco. You're the favorite of all
slash ships. You probably write some damn good
slash of your own, you know? And when people
send you flames, they probably amuse you.
Which HP slash ship are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
8:59 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Why are you wasting your time here? You could be having sex with . . .
Which Weiß Kreuz guy could you be having sex with? @ @ Weiß Versa
Your secret lover is Harry! I guess I can see
that. He's brave and has a sort of naive
Ummm.. Congrats?
Who is your secret Hogwarts Lover?
brought to you by Quizilla
Total Yaoi Fan
How much of a Yaoi fangirl are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Gravi!! ^_^ Pretty picture.
8:58 p.m. // this is my reality \\
mirror me [not to be confused with marry me]8:33 p.m. // this is my reality \\
dammit lisa! where are you! pants can't take that long to get!8:33 p.m. // this is my reality \\
webcam has now become a verb.8:25 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Waa, forgot to mention it before, but don't worry, I'm not clueless. The moment Lex showed up @ the Kents, I thought, dear god. Lanning Cook. Identical. As did everyone else who've read the fanfic, I assure you. ^_^ Waa! There was no evil!Lex, nor any cricket references, but let me ask you, you never found out where Lex slept, did you? And what's with all the big ass smiles in the morning from Lex and Clark? 'I trust Lex' ha! ^_^ Sexy Lex doing manual work, and looking oh so sexy while doing so. *grin*Heh. And jenn from indulgence's commentary is truly amusing.
7:37 p.m. // this is my reality \\
http://joobly.sentai.org/art/sof_poster.jpg5:33 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Phones suck. I can't talk on them.5:14 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Geo today. Presentation, wasn't too bad. Math test was alright, 'cept for that damned last question. -_-;; Tomorrow is nothing important, but I need to finish my English. Friday is the CCCA meeting thing, and Saterday the actual volunteering. Fun. Maa... need to watch tv. Just washed my hair, all soft and nice. ^_^5:09 p.m. // this is my reality \\
11.2.03 New desktop, for Valentine's day. S'gravi. ^_^9:43 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Wee! GT is @ 94. I'll reach 100 by the time the anniversary comes along (March). Yay. And Smallville was good today. But I need to do my English. Damn English.9:08 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Ahh, today was a Clark/Lex ep. ^_^8:55 p.m. // this is my reality \\
'so I was wondering, if I could, uh, stay with you for a while?' *skittery, embarassed look* XD Lex!8:20 p.m. // this is my reality \\
http://stringsoffate.com/comic/7_1.jpgMaa... I need to do my English! And study for Math as well. Damn. I'm such a slacker. Iya...
7:50 p.m. // this is my reality \\
do you believe in fate?the ribbon that binds me to you bleeds crimson
5:52 p.m. // this is my reality \\
http://stringsoffate.com/this beast called chaos
does your incompetence know no bounds?!
Well, Sunday was interesting. In a fun way of course. Went over to Jason's @ 1, we (sort of) worked on the project, like, got work done on the boards, and printed out pictures and all that. And then Lisa gave us a ride to the theatre, where we watched Shanghai Knights, which was... interesting. Funny, but slapstick, which isn't my favourite. Den-nii was there too. ^_^ He was late (fool). Then me, Iris, Jason and Den walked to Subway (sooo cold), and had dinner, and then his mom drove us back to his house, and we finished mine and Iris's parts of the display board. We ended up leaving @ like, 8.30. It was fun though. Yesterday. Arg. Kwanis, for music. Our vocal class went downtown to be part of a music competition. But my day was really really bad. I forgot my music shirt, and had to have my dad leave a meeting early to bring it to me, then Katie spilled diet pop on my pants, and then I forgot to bring the music up to the stage, and had to run down and grab it (-_-). Jeez. Not happy. And then the bus ride back was an hour too long. *sigh* And our presentation @ the school sucked. But, we got free pizza, so, that's one good thing. Today was alright, we're cooking next week in FS, and we worked on the Geo @ lunch, and we bought sour candies (such a jip). Now I just have to study for math (I forgot my math binder!!), do my English, and my Science. The family studies can wait. :P Phew.
Yin-goh goh! ^_^
5:33 p.m. // this is my reality \\
9.2.03 Well, watched Kenshin last night, til 'bout 3. When I couldn't concentrate on the captions no more. Ahh, Kenshin/Sano. ^_^ Maaa, anyways, woke up today at 9.30, realised I still hadn't made the pointform notes for Jason, and had to do all of that. Now it's finally done, the bibliography also. I uploaded them here, in case I need them @ Jason's. Hmm... yes. That should be it. Only 10 eps of Kenshin to go, before I need to hound Diana for the other ten. ^_^ Maa... need to do Family Studies. Eesh. And look over the Hobbit. And bring a dollar to Math. And paper, blank and lined for various binders. Maa... should be it. Oro...10:34 a.m. // this is my reality \\
8.2.03 You know what pisses me off? When I come home from school with make up on, and am too lazy to wash it off, and then, right as I go to shower before bed, I realise it's still there, and I have to wash it all off. Grr. So much work. That happened yesterday. I also teared up yesterday, cause PSP died on me while I was working on Geo. Was so angry/upset. And then all my mascara ended under my eye. Not pretty.6:23 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Happy (early) Valentine's Day! That's my quazi-valentiney card thing. It was just gonna be a picture, but the dress was this gorgeous cranberry colour, and very Valentine's Dayey, so I figured, what the hell, and added the text, font name Heartbreaker. Cute, ne? Been working on it most afternoon. After I'd finished the Geo that is. 'Bout the time of my last post. Ahem. Anyways. Yes. Am *still* listening to Westlife. I put PSP through a lot. It can't take much of it. Kind of dies a lot. :P Damn. Ah well. Am tired. But gonna watch Kenshin tonight. Swear.5:57 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Ack! I've got the Oompa Loompa song stuck in my head! *screams, turns on Westlife*3:43 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Maa, new day. Was creeped out by lain last night. Went and read some LotR:RotK. Still haven't finished that. *sigh* Finished my Geo report, just need to make point form notes and email them to Jason.Waa! Skids so so adorable without his hat, in today's BMB. Wee!
Anyways, finished lining that picture I drew during French. Looks nice. Can't wait to colour it. Will be good fun. And I need to watch Kenshin. Will do so tonight. Might bring blanket down. ^_^ Need to watch Alias tomorrow. Should set to tape it, as I don't know when I'll be back from Jason's. So now I'm taking a break. And possibly CG'ing some more.
2:52 p.m. // this is my reality \\
iya... just finished lain. soooo confusing! i think it probly makes more sense seen more than once.2:23 a.m. // this is my reality \\
7.2.03 why is it that parts of lain seem strangely familiar. dream-like familiar. like i've seen it in a dream.11:19 p.m. // this is my reality \\
1.Do you like having your picture taken? maybe2.Have you ever done a photo shoot, professional or non? no
3.If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and why? europe
4.Who would you take with you on this little adventure? lisa
5.What would you say is the most daring thing to do in a lifetime? to do what you want and fuck the consequences. seriously. love who you want.
6.Would you ever do that? ... maybe
7.Have you ever done crossword puzzles? yeah
8.Ever actually completed one? yes
9.Pick up the closest book and write a sentence at random from it. a hollow in a wall to place a statue, vase, etc (it was a dictionary)
10.Do the same with a lyric from either a cd or the radio. i can change i can change, i can change i can change, but i'm here in my mold yeah i'm here in my mold
11.Have you ever tried to analyze your own dreams? psht, no
12.Would you put up posters in your room? yeah
13.Can you sing? i'd like to think so.
14.Do you ever sing to yourself while doing everyday tasks? yes
15.What's your favorite color of post-it note? hot pink
16.How many cassette tapes do you own? three?
17.How many cd's do you own? 10ish?
18.Ever bought a cd for just one song? no, that's what dear lisa's for
19.What would your perfect day consist of? waking up next to someone i love, having a really good breakfast, including gormet coffees, spending time with said loved one, and friends, without getting upset, and watching a movie with said loved one til i fall asleep in their arms (sigh)
20.Have you ever lied to get off the phone or out of talking to someone on line? yeah
21.Have you ever written a survey? no
22.How about a song? If so share it. if i had, i wouldn't share it.
23.Or maybe a poem? i already do. many.
24.Is your vcr flashing 12:00 all the time? -_-;; i'm not an idiot. i do know how to set the time.
25.Do you read your horoscope? sometimes
26.If so, do you base your day on it? no
27.Would you rather chew gum or use mouthwash and why? gum. tastes (marginally) better
28.Do you floss? i should.
29.Are you addicted to napster like me? no
30.How many times a year about are you sick? not much
31.Ever been in an airplane? yes
32.If so where were you flying to? um... last? hk?
33.What radio station to you listen to most? energy 93.1
34.What color are your shoes? i gotz two black boots, one tan boots, black sneakers and blue sneakers
35.Was fuzzy wuzzy a bear? yeah
36.Do you know how to play dominos? um no.
37.Or do you think I just mean pizza by that? -_-; am not stupid.
38.Speaking of pizza, what's your favorite kind? (toppings and/or place to get it from) hawaiian or meat lovers, from pizza pizza or pizza hut
39.What color are your eyes? dark brown
40.How many surveys have you filled out this lifetime? many
41.Describe your bedroom, include all details. -_-; bed in center, L shaped desk (which I love, thank you dad) on which resides my mon. printer, compu cds, phone, my lovely notebook, and random other things, by bedside table, my two shelves, my book shelf and my other, random books on floor beside bed, sailor moon puzzles framed and hung ^_^, clothes, tv ^_^, heater (ah warm), and... binders too.
42.Name one person your life is made better by. ...lisa?
43.Would you or have you ever shaven your head? no
44.How about someone else's? heh, naw
45.Can you do math with ease? yeah
46.What size is your computer screen? 17
47.If you could only talk to one person online who would that be? lisa
48.Name your favorite type of music and why. :P sap. cause i'm a sap. ballads and stuff.
49.Are you a vegetarian? nope
50.How about an aspiring actor/actress? haha, no.
51.What famous person dead or alive would you interview if you had the chance? em... michael rosenbaum. cause he's fucking hot.
52.Which movie can you watch and say the lines along with the actors? heh. none
53.Name one your passions in life. reading
54.What's your least favorite time of day? umm... school time.
55.Who's your favorite member in a band, singer, guiter, bass, drummer, and why? uh... guitarist. he/she's usually hot.
56.Do you use hairspray or gel? niether.
57.Describe your favorite meal. umm... pizza, or mom food.
58.What color is the inside of your head when you close your eyes? a flashy kind of bright thing; pink black mix.
59.Ever listen to classical music? sometimes
60.Have you ever said lol in real life without thinking about it? yes. :p
61.Do you find you use internet language when writing notes irl? not really
62.What songs would be on your ideal cd? (unlimited) um... i dunno.
63.Say one thing you've learned today. french - future simple
64.What is the best present you've ever given someone else? em..
65.What is the best present someone else has ever given to you? a hug. a proper one. and the line, 'doesn't she look so huggable?'
66.So hey, what's your full name? Juliana
67.Describe yourself while drunk. *shrug*
68.How big are the windows in your house? not so big
69.Do you wear a watch? usually
70.What's the kinkiest thing you've ever done with someone else? :P
71.What's the largest age difference between you and someone you've dated? -_-;
72.How many mirrors do you have? a couple
73.Write one sentence stating what you want people to say about you after you've passed on. Juliana was a good friend.
74.Have you ever sailed? no
75.How fast can you run? not very.
76.What do you believe in? myself. sometimes
77.How long does it take you to get ready to go out? meh, 5-15min
78.Do you shower daily? yes
79.What one thing would you change in your life if you had the power to do so? him.
80.Describe the ideal superpower and what you would do if you had it. fly. i could fly.
81.Are candles romantic or a fire hazard? romantic
82.Name something you've done in the last 24hrs no matter how big or small. baked cookies
83.Do you wear necklaces, bracelets, anklets, earrings. rings? yes
84.What colors are you wearing right now? grey, black, blue
85.How often do you change the sheets on your bed? em... i dunno.
86.Have you ever gotten lost? If so explain. yes. and no.
87.What's on your computer desk? mon. cds. dictionary, thesaurus. mouses. speakers.
88.How many folders are on your desktop at the present moment? five. i have an encredibly organised desktop.
89.When your talking do you ever use your hands to do quotation marks in the air when saying certain words? rarely
90.Which landmark would you climb if you could? uh...
91.Do you own or have you read, or thought of reading any self-help books? no
92.Ever seriously questioned your sanity? yeah
93.Can you breakdance? no
94.What's in your fridge right now? milk. milk is good.
95.How many people do you live with? 3
96.Have you or would you ever do anything more than kiss in a public area? maybe
97.What is the strangest thing you've ever done? hmm.. dunno
98.Name an instrument you've never played but would like to. keyboard?
99.Have you ever been on tv or the radio? yeah
100.What is the worst thing anyone could ever do to you? destroy/loose all files of my writing/computer
101.Are you a fast typer? pretty good
102.How high have you counted before getting bored? not too high
103.Describe how you sleep. (ie. your position and/or how you fall asleep) flat on my back.
104.Are you straight, bi, gay? mm... not sure. how bout on the line?
105.Do you ever do something else while on the computer? If so what? eat. watch tv. sing.
106.What is the most expensive item you own? hmm... dunno.
107.How about the least expensive? *shrug*
108.What's your favorite card game to play? big2
109.What do you do online? talk. read. write. surf.
110.Name some stores you've bought clothes in before. UB, Smart Set, Jacob (Annex), Le Chateau.
111.Have you ever read a book and not understood it? If so which one? umm... fanfics count?
112.Have you ever watched a movie and not understood it? If so which one? I don't remember.
113.Do people pick up your slang language more than you pick up theres? em... no
114.Are you easily influenced by other people, or currant trends? yes
115.What makes you unique in your own opinion? um... well... i'm just... me.
116.Name your worst quality. my temper. and my inability to speak my mind at the time.
117.Name your best. i'm true. if i really care about you, i care.
118.What would you like to do with your life? be successful and happy, and in love.
119.Do you blowdry your hair? yes
120.How many clocks are in your house? many
121.Are they all set on the same time? no
122.Have you ever intentionally set a clock ahead or behind the actual time? no
123.What do you think about when you first wake up in the morning? i think about what time it is.
124.Which browser do you use? IE
125.Do you bite your nails? no
126.Would you ever leave little notes to your gf/bf? yes
127.Ever been to a farm? yes
128.Tell me about your dream last night. something about.... damn. i can't remember.
129.Ever seen a shooting star? no
130.Say one thing about yourself you've never told anyone. um...
131.Do your days fly by or seem to last forever? pretty quick
132.Have you ever stayed in a fancy high class rich hotel? no
133.Have you ever stayed in a rent-by-the-hour motel? no
134.What in your opinion is the best advertising slogan out there? em...
135.When they start sending rockets to the moon for us civilians, will you be on the list to go? maybe
136.How are you feeling right now?pretty good
137.Have you ever written anything on your skin? yeah
138.If so what? tons of stuff. tangerine minion. lol
139.Which website do you frequent most often? my blog editer. mail. my sites. tangerine. MT. BMB. MH
140.What color is most of your clothes? blue, black, red.
141.Do you own any plants? no
142.Are things as bad as they seem? sometimes
143.Descibe the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you. made me feel good
144.Ever looked directly at the sun? yeah
145.Have you ever made a pin hole camera to watch the eclipse? no
146.What's your favorite cereal? ciniman toast crunch
147.Who do you miss? iris
148.Name something you just can't forget no matter how hard you try. him. and i should.
149.Describe the worst fight you've ever been in whether physical or verbal. ...
150.Say something else about yourself you've never told anyone before. didn't we answer this before?
9:25 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Sora Kagiha: Fox of the Cast Iron Stomach. ^^;thefoxmanreturns: that and secretly sticking signs on the back of dressup characters.
Sora Kagiha: You did not.... ::giggles::
thefoxmanreturns: truth. the last one i did was putting a sign on the back of mickey that said 'i fuck dogs' when he was out walking with pluto.
Sora Kagiha: ROFLMAO!!
thefoxmanreturns: minnie wouldn't talk to him after that.
thefoxmanreturns: and snow white turned pale-er.
I spent like, a full minute laughing after this. Hahahah.
9:08 p.m. // this is my reality \\
[have i done this one already?]I WANT: certain people
I REGRET: everything
I WISH: i could get a rose
I LOVE: slash
I HATE: closed minds
I MISS: being touched
I SEE: my beautiful computer
I HEAR: the hum of said computer
I SEARCH: for the perfect guy/girl
I WONDER: why it's never easy
I KNOW: nothing's perfect
SMILED? hmm? reading megatokyo
DANCED? a couple hours 'go, in my room
HUGGED SOMEONE? lunch. jelena's good for hugs.
HAD A NIGHTMARE? i don't remember
HAVE A CRUSH? several
HAVE ANY TATTOOS? would like to
HATE YOURSELF? sometimes
LIKE SARCASM? fuck yes
8:51 p.m. // this is my reality \\
5 things you are wearing*1. black sweat pants
2. grey t-shirt i've had since forever
3. blue comfy comfy fleece zipper sweater thing
4. my ever present glasses
5. em... and a hair tie :/
*5 things you can see*
1. my beautiful compu
2. pencil case
3. remote control (should watch fastlane)
4. my horrible, horrible french sculpture
5. my everpresent vaseline
*5 things you are doing right now*
1. playing with my 'tainer
2. typing
3. still typing
4. bleh
5. typing once more
*5 things you ate in the last 24 hours*
1. dinner
2. peanut butter cookies (yum)
3. fries
4. lunch
5. breakfast (muffin, mmmm)
*5 things you did so far today*
1. got beat on my english mark by yvonne :P
2. finished the geo logo
3. was bored out of mind in english
4. was also horny during english -_-;
5. baked peanut butter cookies
8:41 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Brought to you by Faytrial
8:33 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Maa, made peanut butter cookies today. So oily. :P Am in a sap mood; have BSB and Westlife playing. ^_^ Doin' Geo, cause I've got to finish by Sunday. *sigh* Got the logo done, at least. I've scanned two new piccies. Wee! This weekend's gonna be work loaded. With no sleep, cause I gotta get some headway on Lain and Kenshin. *sigh* Boo.Ooh, and I've been meaning to link this for a while now. Socks!
7:18 p.m. // this is my reality \\
6.2.03 eww, my ear's doing that pus thing again. damn piercing. always does this. swear, there's something wrong with my left ear piercing hole. should probly stop picking at it. *wince* ouch. it hurts.9:53 p.m. // this is my reality \\
9:34 p.m. // this is my reality \\
[from yesterday:] there is a serious difference between loving not being a guy, and loving being a girl. right now, i so love not being a guy.And now back to the present. Need to do Family Studies and Geo. Everything else takes backseat. Gonna be busy this weekend. *sigh* Again. Finally watched this week's Buffy/Angel. Am I the only one who remember that Kennedy is 14? I mean, *I* don't have a problem with it, but it kinda pisses me off, cause people complain about the Lex/Clark age difference, or the underage Draco/Harry. Hello?! Willow's what, 22, 23? And Kennedy's 14, 15? It's age difference *and* underageness, *all* at the same time. And it's not even, barely underage, like Clark's 15 turning on 16. Jeez. -_-;; Whatever.
7:02 p.m. // this is my reality \\
5.2.03 harbor < cutest Fox/Collin fanfic ever. ^_^ All the stuff by Averice is nice.[edit] And I officially claim this to be the hottest, yummiest lemon I've read in far too long. Remind me to get this out whenever I'm feeling down. Dear god! ^_^
7:40 p.m. // this is my reality \\
7:33 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Ack! Finger covered with ink. Really upset. I opened a new packet of colour ink, and it exploded on my fingers. So now I've got pink blotches. :P On the plus side, got much work done for Geo. Am happy. Need to work on FS though. :PThis makes me laugh :
F*ck a Duck,
Screw a kangaroo,
69 a porcupine,
Orgy at the zoo!!!
7:05 p.m. // this is my reality \\
4.2.03 Did one of the FS writing things. Three more to go. Yay. Just watched Smallville. Was... it was a good episode. Clark and Lana... one step forward, two steps back you know? Ano... I truly don't mind. All the more room for Lex/Clark. ^_^8:57 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Well, I did finish my math. And the first three chapters of the Hobbit. Aaand wwfr is up and running. ^_^ Now we just need people to come visit. Perhaps will add to site directories.7:41 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Ack. So much that I should be doing. Actually, I should be writing FS, and studying Sci. Will do so, soon I promise, soon!On another note, how's this for the opening blurb for WWFR : The splash page pretty much says it all, doesn't it?
Web Whores For Rent (or more affectionately, wwfr) is all about making layouts for other people to use.
6:34 p.m. // this is my reality \\
3.2.03 http://www.digitalcandy.net/~shibby/index2.htmlLet me add, my BMB OTP : either Cy/Skids, or even better, Collin/Fox
8:55 p.m. // this is my reality \\
my OTP's (one true pairings) :harry potter : harry/draco
gundam wing : [damn... difficult] (1x)2x5
smallville : [duh] lex/clark
weiss kreuz : ken/omi
lotr : aragorn/legolas
gravi : [like there's any other] yuki/shuichi [although I do enjoy a good hiro/shu fic once in a while]
anita blake : anita/edward [common! soul-mates!]
And I believe those are all my fanfictions. Right now, I'm waist deep in HP, and I haven't left SV yet. I've been on the GW decline, and the others, I haven't read in a while. Well, no, LotR I was reading. Am going to start Rhysenn's Alias slash. It's not syd/vaughn/will, but it's syd/vaughn and vaughn/will, which is good enough for me. ^_^ I love rhysenn. love love love. even though IP is so depressing, and there *really is* gonna be an IP 15. Jeez. IP 14 was so... final. Get me all worked up. If they end up together in the end, swear I'm gunna cry. I mean, IP 14, I totally thought that was the ending. There was no other notice! Then Diana told me there would be more. And I was just like O.O. OMG. Ah. Now I can't wait. :p Jeez.
8:39 p.m. // this is my reality \\
http://rhysenn.morethanart.org/alias/8:15 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Eeep! Evil!Francie's a pervert. But, awww. Sydney/Vaughn action. ^_^ *gasp* Could it be Will?! Ahhh!!6:51 p.m. // this is my reality \\
a flight of thunderbolts6:33 p.m. // this is my reality \\
http://www.fanfiction.net/read.php?storyid=3178266:22 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Aww, Alias. Sydney/Vaughn action. ^_^Aaah! Evil (blanks) um... Sydney's friend.
6:15 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Arg! I uploaded the new GT layout, but it's a touch small. Some of the text doesn't fit properly, like the titles of ppls sites, which skip down to the next line. This will piss me off greatly. Dammit. But, at least it's Michael Vartan. ^_^5:58 p.m. // this is my reality \\
iya... school starts. :P I totally forgot 'bout the geo, so I need to do that, as well as my family studies, and I need to read the first three chapters of the hobbit. Not too difficult. I've read it before. Although, I must confess, I liked the two LotR movies better. And that's saying something. I disliked the HP movie greatly. I saw it again tonight, and was upset, as much of the Draco scenes were totally cut out from the movie. -_-;; But, I take it back, Oliver Wood is damn hot. It takes some time for it to sink in. But yeah, and with the turtleneck too. ^_^ Anyways, on to Geo research. And a new MacHall!4:07 p.m. // this is my reality \\
2.2.03 http://www.schnoogle.com/authors/maya/UL02.html6:40 p.m. // this is my reality \\
AAAAHH!! That can't be it!! There must be more! Ahh! And yes, the sequel *is* good. Jeez!6:02 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Arg. I can wait for HP 5 to come out. Sure I can. *arg*5:53 p.m. // this is my reality \\
The Eleventh Doorkeeper, by the Lady of Shalott. Amazing. It is, so, so incredible. Of course, it's prequel and sequel must be read as well. The prequel's not as good, and I'm reading the sequel now.5:34 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Well, Chris's yesterday was fun. ^_^ We watched the first two eps. of Smallville. Was much fun. *grin* I like Smallville. Lex is so hot. Heh. And today I saw X-Man, cool movie. *And*, I just watched my long overdue tapes. Turns out Buffy was old, but Angel however, was not. And wow, that was some episode. Whew. I hate when they do these long drawn out delusions. :P Angelus is ba~ack. And I saw Alias. I just wanna say, shit! Way to go all plot twisty on us! Jesus! Whole new plot extension! Whew. And, aww, Syd and Vaughn. So sweet. Hehe, and Weiss. But, way, way good episodes. Wow. I can't wait for tonight's. I'm so hooked. :P But I still haven't watched any kenshin. Which is upsetting. Was too tired last two nights. Going out and having a life makes that happen. :P Maybe wil colour more fredart. Or read Lady Of Shalott's stuff. Yeah, that sounds good. ^_^;;4:33 p.m. // this is my reality \\
1.2.03Take theWhat Fanfic Draco are YOU? test and find out!
Sob. Cry. Sniffle. You lead an awful existence, tortured by those such as your father, your House, Harry, Voldemort, Snape, and the list goes on. Often going hand in hand with Slashy!Draco, you are usually paired up with either Harry or (ew) Lucius. Sometimes suicidal, sometimes just very fond of how blood looks on your pale skin, you bitch and whine throughout the whole story. How depressing.
Find out which Draco you are.
4:37 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Weather Of The Hearthttp://home.nyu.edu/~amw243/fiction/writers/shalott.html
4:26 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Well, got up yesterday @ 7, made cookies, went over to Lisa's, watched three eps. of lain (very cool), then went over to jenn and katie's, watched a couple more eps. of buffy, went home, and had new year's eve dinner. Was good. Happy Chinese New Year! Today we went to the Civic Center, and it was neat, and I bought curried fish balls, and then we went to First Markham, and I bought pocky, and dear god, these things are addictive! I want more pocky! :P Oh well. Rented X-Man. Gonna watch it tomorrow or something. Goin' over to Chris M's @ 5. I have to much to do.Finish LotR III, Winter Rose, watch Buffy, Angel, and two eps. of Alias, as well as eps. 36-60 of kenshin; and don't forget the ever present fanfiction. *sigh* So much to do. So little time.