10:50 p.m. // this is my reality \\
10:31 p.m. // this is my reality \\
8:46 p.m. // this is my reality \\
8:21 p.m. // this is my reality \\
8:42 p.m. // this is my reality \\
3:44 p.m. // this is my reality \\
1:51 p.m. // this is my reality \\
12:03 p.m. // this is my reality \\
10:38 a.m. // this is my reality \\
[edit] Wee! :::Crimson Ink::: update! The three poems from somewhere down there, and my holiday card. :P
8:47 p.m. // this is my reality \\
7:28 p.m. // this is my reality \\
4:46 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Went to the mall today, not sure why. We had lunch, and I saw Mok, with some friends. Then I was in Best Buy, and saw James, who's nice to me, because he gives me candy. ^_^ Saw Mok in Best Buy too, and then James again, after I thought he had left. Yeah. There was this nice shirt @ Jacob Annexe. Can't wait to go boxing day shopping. Always so much fun.
Drew, and am cg'ing a picture. Long time since. But hey, occasions call.
3:18 p.m. // this is my reality \\
2:11 p.m. // this is my reality \\
12:33 p.m. // this is my reality \\
11:54 a.m. // this is my reality \\
5:32 p.m. // this is my reality \\
everything that you think you know is a lie
the day you learn that
everything you thought you knew
was a lie
is the day that everything falls apart
and needs to be rebuilt again
with a better knowledge and a steadier hand
3:57 p.m. // this is my reality \\
"And I won't 'mean any harm' when I strangle him with his own braid!" Wufei snarled.
9:32 a.m. // this is my reality \\
9:22 a.m. // this is my reality \\
unto my face
and my eyes lay closed
life stands still
and watches me
my silent reprieve in the cold
innocent is the way she lives
blind to the world we know
white and black and flashes of light
she sees only what her mind perceives
perhaps tis better a way to live
hidden from the bitter truths
but tis naught the way I'd live my life
I'll see all the shades of shadow
to love is a bitter task
to fail an easy road
to make a promise
so hard to keep
it is a trial I'm told
but for it's hardships
and painful mark
the tears that're shed at night
I'd risk the fall into dispair
to love someone a time
7:54 p.m. // this is my reality \\
standing under the stars and blue sky alike
where love is freely born and recieved
the garden glows tonight for me
[in response to Den's usnm of 'where can you find the midnight sun?']
[edit] have finally stopped listening to all the things she said. is still running through my head though. ^_^ Will talk to people now. And do some reading later.
7:36 p.m. // this is my reality \\
6:30 p.m. // this is my reality \\
all the things she said
all the things she said
running through my head
running through my head
running through my head
all the things she said
all the things she said
running through my head
running through my head
all the things she said
this is not enough
5:17 p.m. // this is my reality \\
4:23 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Friday went shopping with Iris and Lisa for my parents. All our parents, and Secret Santas and stuff like that. Ended up spending almost 70 on my parents. :P Stupid pushy salesmen in Tip Top. *glare* Oh well. Will wrap them on Thursday, when my parents are at my brother's Christmas concert.
Today I have a Christmas party to attend, and a Science project to start, and finish. -_-;; Will get on it. *sigh* Finished Pillars. I actually thought it was pretty good, even though a lot of people don't like it, or so I hear. I read it all last night. Don't remember how late I was up. Started Kushiel's Dart (again :P). Good book, ne?
12:23 p.m. // this is my reality \\
7:36 p.m. // this is my reality \\
[edit] - this precarious balance is bound to tip and when I fall there'll be no one to catch me
6:06 p.m. // this is my reality \\
So common dammit sing me something that I know
I wanna always feel like part of this was mine
I wanna fall in love tonight
I wanna fall in love tonight
I wanna always feel like part of this was mine
I wanna fall in love tonight
I wanna fall in love tonight
I wanna fall in love tonight - A Praise Chorus . Jimmy Eat World
5:44 p.m. // this is my reality \\
5:24 p.m. // this is my reality \\
but even if you cry, even if you hurt
this force of attraction
is too powerful to resist - from this Gravi website
8:54 p.m. // this is my reality \\
8:03 p.m. // this is my reality \\
[edit] Finally finished my stupid English note. Took me the entire page, @ size 8 Verdana. -_-;;
Damn you Kenny!! I still have ink on my fingers!!
I've actually been readin' through Pillars. It's pretty good so far. But all of the 'Wizard's First Rule' books are so hard to get through. Long and descriptive and sometimes slow moving. Fantasy novels are like that a lot. I love reading AB:VH novels because they move quickly and are always totally fun to read. You never get bored; you'll get through them fast. I mean, first couple 'Wizard's First Rule' books you can get through, but after a while, it's so tiring. Although, Kushiel's Dart and the sequel Kushiel's Chosen (?) were pretty long, but incredibly good to read through. It's because they have a great plot. Personally, I've never read anything like them. It's a great, great plot and wonderful content. Although, the romantic interest bits get a bit tiresome. The theme of it all is great, and the underlying (or not so underlying) sexual overtures... :P I have an interest in those, a touch of sadism too. Actually, I wanna ask Jenn to borrow them again to re-read them. After I finish Pillars. :P
7:07 p.m. // this is my reality \\
5:36 p.m. // this is my reality \\
de profundis - out of the depths ; sed non satiata - and yet not satisfied
This was all from Cassandra Claire's A Season In Hell. Jeez. Damn you Cassandra! I didn't think it would be this good!! *glare* Why'd you do that to Draco?!
burn up and die says yvonne
7:36 p.m. // this is my reality \\
I think the world of you; all of my heart I do
all of my heart I do; bleed through my veins for you; you alone
bleed through my veins for you; you alone have all of me
7:20 p.m. // this is my reality \\
I want to read this later.
This is amusing :
"Oh, but I like looking at you," says Harry. "You're beautiful."
Draco perks up. "That's certainly true."
"Can I have my throat back now?" says Harry.
"So you're going to go? You're really going to do it?"
Harry nods. "I think it's time."
Hermione's lip trembles. "If I have sex with you will you stay?" she says.
"I couldn't do that," says Harry, "I don't hate you."
Hermione blinks at him. "You are one seriously fucked-up boy, Harry Potter," she says.
"Yeah," says Harry again. "I know."
7:15 p.m. // this is my reality \\
a writer
a poet
an artist
a webmistress
a semi-colon junkie
against paragraphs
never indenting
addicted to symbols
a layout whore
always online
all for notepad
HTML literate
[gundam wing; gravitation; weiss kreuz; sailor moon]
[duo; zechs; wufei; heero; shuichi; yuki; omi; ken]
[smallville; buffy; angel; alias; fastlane]
[michael rosenbaum; michael vartan; elijah wood]
[sarah michelle gellar; eliza deshku; charisma carpenter]
[anita blake; andrej; black jewels; kushiel; in death]
[fanworks: shounen ai; yaoi; yuri; slash; het; alternate pairings; three+somes] fan
hopelessly romantic
completely clueless
too melodramatic
too imaginative
never speaking out; up
too easy to disappoint; too hard to please
incredibly moody
practically bipolar
a perfectionist
living day by day
almost content
out of excuses
not good enough
proud of myself - sometimes
never the same
nowhere near perfect
always changing
always learning
realising my faults and failures
continuing to grow
craving attention; love; recognition
5:22 p.m. // this is my reality \\
because you weren't there
when I was scared;
I was so alone - [losing grip - avril lavigne]
there must be a thousand things you would die for...
9:20 p.m. // this is my reality \\
7:08 p.m. // this is my reality \\
11:03 p.m. // this is my reality \\
11:02 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Disclaimer : Neither Smallville, the Talon, nor Lana belong to me. Besides, I'd rather have Lex. Lana's pretty, but not my type. Twenty year old Chris is mine, although, obviously, he's based on my friend Chris M, fellow Smallville lover. I make no money, period. And that ends my disclaimer.
10:26 p.m. // this is my reality \\
"Um... excuse me, are you still open?" a voice asked somewhat timidly. Lana started, and realised she hadn't heard the doors chime again. She turned to the voice, and saw a young man standing in the doorway uncertainly. She realised that he had been in the rain; his jacket was thoroughly wet. Water slid from his dark blond hair into his eyes, and he brushed it away absentmindedly.
"Oh, come in!" Lana hadn't even noticed the rain outside, she had been so busy with the Talon. She hopped off the bar stool and hurried over, taking his jacket. "I'm so sorry, do you want something warm to drink? You must be freezing!" she noted, hanging the jacket over a seat.
The young man smiled thankfully and nodded. "I'm sorry to intrude, I'm sure you're closing soon. I'll be leaving as soon as I dry off some," he said with a rueful smile, wiping the rain off his face.
"Oh, don't worry at all. It's no trouble. My name's Lana by the way, are you new in town? I haven't seen you around before..." Lana blushed, turning to pour a drink for her visitor. "I don't mean to be rude..."
He shook his head, and said, "No, you're not. I'm not from around here." He smiled his thanks as Lana passed him the apple cider, sighing appreciatively at the warmth as he clutched the cup. "My name's Chris. I'm just here to visit some family."
Lana leaned over the bar curiously. "That doesn't explain what you're doing out in the rain."
Chris blushed, putting down the cup. "Right... well you see, I, well, I didn't actually tell my relatives that I was visiting." Chris looked incredibly sheepish; Lana thought it was kind of cute. "I was, well, planning on dropping in, a surprise visit, you know? Don't laugh! I know, it was stupid of me..."
"Hey, I wasn't going to laugh," Lana reassured him. "It was just a mistake."
"Yeah, well, this mistake left me searching in the rain for someplace to crash, seeing as my relatives weren't home. I really didn't think this one through," Chris said with a laugh. "My car's still sitting in their driveway, out of gas. And I still need to get to Metropolis tomorrow!"
Lana smiled sympathetically. "Hey, no problem. I'm sure your relatives will be back soon. And you can fill your car up tomorrow. Who were you visiting?"
"My aunt and her son. Alanna and James Martin?" Chris told her.
The brunette winced. "I'm sorry Chris. They just left town yesterday, for some trip or another. They won't be back til next week."
Chris laughed, hitting his head. "I'm such an idiot! That'll teach me to try and do the surprise thing." He stood up, draining his apple cider. "Well, thanks for the drink Lana; and for cluing me in. I might as well get the car filled up and drive to Metropolis now. No reason for me to stay." He reached into his pocket to grab his wallet, but Lana stopped him, putting a hand on his arm.
"Hey, it's on the house. And don't go yet... I mean, you'll have to walk all the way back to the Martins's house, and the rain's gotten heavier," she told him, pointing out to the window. True enough, the storm had intensified, and flashes of lightening lit the sky.
Chris looked worried. "Where can I go though?" he asked, staring at the rain.
"Well," Lana looked thoughtful. "You can probably come home with me." Chris looked at her in surprise, and she blushed. "I mean, just for the night, until the rain passes. And then you can go to Metropolis in the morning."
"I wouldn't want to intrude. I mean, I'm sure I'll be fine. At least, if you lend me an umbrella, I won't be walking in the rain," Chris suggested.
"Ahh, well, I don't actually have an umbrella here," Lana admitted sheepishly. Chris laughed, then covered his mouth.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to laugh. Only, how were you expecting you to walk home?" Lana shrugged, conceding that she hadn't thought about it. Chris, still smiling, had an idea. "Well, how about this. I know that it seems kind of weird, and you don't know me at all, but we could stay here. For the night I mean. That way, neither of us would have to walk through the rain."
"Well, I suppose we could," Lana said thoughtfully. "I mean, I don't really want to have to run through the rain to get home..."
"That settles it then," Chris announced, flopping back into a padded chair. He shifted around comically, looking for a comfortable position. Lana laughed, and settled herself against a nearby sofa. "This is nice," Chris commented. "It was worth getting soaked in the rain to meet you Lana."
Lana blushed, but felt a warm feeling inside. She had never been so comfortable with a stranger before, but Chris made her feel at ease. She hadn't felt so happy since she and Whitney were still together. At that thought, she became more melancholy. Chris noticed this, and asked,
"I'm sorry, have I upset you?"
"Oh no," Lana assured him. "I was just thinking about something else." She smiled at the blond, noticing his lovely blue eyes. They were silent for a moment, both thinking their own thoughts, until Lana asked, "So, why're you going to Metropolis?"
"Oh, I'm going to school at Metropolis University. Studying languages. Ancient civilizations and such," Chris explained, warming to the subject.
"Wow, that must be great," Lana replied. She hadn't realised Chris was old enough to be going to University. She felt a little bit disappointed. Someone like Chris probably already had sophisticated, city girlfriend. But then, it wasn't like she was interested or anything, Lana told herself. No, she had too much on her plate. With Clark and all the troubles that came with that. She didn't even want to think about it. And Whitney. She didn't really know what was going on there. He hadn't replied to a single one of her letters. She was starting to get worried.
Lana started, and realised that Chris was crouching beside her, staring intently at her face. "I, I'm sorry, I must have zoned out," she explained, a little unnerved by Chris's proximity.
Chris smiled. "Don't worry, I do that all the time. I was just worried, you looked a little
Lana didn't feel very pale. In fact, she felt unnaturally warm. Chris was still extremely close to her, and neither of them were moving. "I'm fine..." she said quietly, her voice more breathy than normal. Chris's eyes were so intense, she couldn't seem to look away.
"I'm not usually like this," Chris started, staring at Lana. "But you're different. I've never met anyone else like you," he admitted. "Can I kiss you?"
Lana's eyes widened. She had never been asked before. It seemed so sweet. Lana nodded her head, and closed her eyes as Chris came closer. He was hesitant, kissing her gently, chastely, but Lana wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him back. Chris buried one hand in her lush hair, relishing in the soft texture. He had never met anyone so beautiful. It looked like he hadn't wasted his time in Smallville after all.
10:21 p.m. // this is my reality \\
6:05 p.m. // this is my reality \\
This is amusing as hell.
Stupid math sheet. Is evil. I swear. I need to do my English hw.
4:27 p.m. // this is my reality \\
1. What brand of toothpaste? Crest? I think... Colgate?
2. Shampoo Conditioner in one or separate? seperate
3. What Brands? Garnier Fructis
4. What flavor dental floss? ...I don't use any...
5. Do you roll your socks or pull them up? pull them up I guess... 'less it's gym...
6. Toilet paper: wad or fold? fold
7. Do you know Donald Ducks middle name? no...
8. Favorite color? blue? purple? red? black? :P
9. Summer footwear: sandals or nothing? sandals
10. Apples, oranges, or bananas? apples
11. Lefty or righty? righty
12. Glass is half-empty or half-full? I can ever answer this one...
13. Bleh or blah? bleh
14. What do you like about yourself? my hair
15. Would you ever wear Taz boxers? no...
16. Do you sing in the shower? yeah
17. Do you talk to your pet? don't have one *sniff*
18. Do you talk to yourself? all the time
19. Do you have a secret crush on your dentist? no! his daughter's practically my age!
20. Do you know your mailman/woman's name? no...
21. Do you give your mailman/woman a gift on Xmas? again, no...
22. Do you have 11 toes? no... but I think my great grandmother did...
23. What is the lamest pick up line you've ever used? I don't...
24. Would you ever buy/use a pink pen? sure
25. Would you ever buy ANYTHING pink? why not?
26. Mickey Mouse or Bugs Bunny? the mouse, duh
27. Do you think Daffy Duck is hot? no...
28. Would you ever recite poetry to a girl? sure, why not?
29. What color nail polish/lipstick would you wear? um... reds, purples, clears, glitters/red, purple, brown tones, glitters
30. Do you bite your lip when you're nervous? no
31. Would you skip school if you had a huge zit between your eyes on picture day? no
32. Do tight jeans make guys look gay? naw... tight jeans are sexy ^_^
33. How do you take mascara off? with make up remover (Lisa!)
34. Would a girl wearing blue/green mascara turn you on? only if she was pretty too
35. Do you know HOW to figure out bra size? yeah...
36. Would you ever wear lip gloss? I do
37. What's better: gummi sweettarts or sweettart gum? um... never had either but... gummi
38. M&MS or Skittles? M&M's
39. Do you go to public places with your mom, and actually TALK to her? yeah, my mom's cool
40. What is 1+1? heheh... Heero... ^_^ - 2
41. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas or my birthday probly
42. Pick one: RuPaul or Dennis Rodman: I don't know who these people are...
43. How old are you? 1*
44. How old do you WANT to be? 24? 21?
45. Where do you want to live? in a condo; near Lex
46. Where do you want to go? Disneyworld! With Lex!!
47. Who do you want to meet? LEX!
49. Does pine-sol smell good? never smelt it...
50. What are your favorite pizza toppings? pepperoni, cheese, pinapple, three meats
51. Do you like toast? yeah
52. Do you still carve pumpkins? no
53. Do you still leave cookies & milk out for Santa? never did
54. Have you lost all your (baby) teeth? yeah
55. Have your wisdom teeth seen light yet? no
56. Clear or colored? coloured?
57. When your dentist asked, what flavor fluoride did you pick? I never got a choice!
58. Where is your hand right NOW? keyboard
59. What is better: your right ear or left pinky? uh... both?
60. Okay or O'tay? okay. who says o'tay?
61. French poodle or french kiss? french kiss
62. Are 2 x 4s really 2 inches by 4 inches? I never measured...
64. Do you have a 2 x 4 or a 1 x 2? heheh, I like 1x2...
65. Do you know your parents' birthdays/ages? yup
66. Do you know your siblings birthdays/ages? yup
67. Does your grandma tell you she is 29? lol... my mom used to...
68. Have you ever used colored white-out? no...
69. What do you think of Smurfette? I dunno...
70. What is your favorite book? hmm... 'Kushiel's' series, 'Black Jewels' series, 'AB:VH' series...
71. How does a cabin far, far away, with a fire, candles, and the one you love sound? damn... *sigh*
72. Salmon or Cod? neither?
73. Crab or Lobster? both
74. What sounds better: up or down? up
75. What sounds better: sideways or sidewards? sideways
76. Ok, NOW where is your hand? mouse
77. Describe the best day of your life. um...I wouldn't know... I can't really think of one... a day from the Quebec trip?
78. Broom or mop? mop
79. What is your favorite word? sexy? LEX! shaggable *grin*
80. Free! ... nothing is free...
81. What is your full name? Juliana Y***
82. What do you wish your name was? um... Chloe, Alexia, Christin...
83. Describe your kinkiest fantasy. ...or not...
84. What is the weirdest middle name you've ever heard? Angel; for a guy
85. Are your feet the same size? not really...
86. Cassettes or CDs? cd's
87. Is watching "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" a tradition in your home? no...
88. What are your Christmas traditions? I don't really have any...
89. How do you open your envelopes: tear or cut? both
90. 10 more to go, are you bored? naw
91. Do you like onions? no
92. What would you name your band, if you had one? Perspective... Pixelated...
93. Have you ever worn a dress? yeah
94. Did you know that if you talk into a vent, someone in a nearby room will hear you? lol
95. Frogs or toads? neither :P
96. Do you believe in making a wish at 11:11? no....
97. 8 or 3? 8
98. How long can you hula-hoop for? not very :P
99. Did you know Dave is AWESOME? ...sure...
100. You made it. Do you love me now? Only a 100 more to go... wee
101. Did you ever eat crayons when you were little? no...
102. On your last birthday, what did you wish for? I don't think I did...
103. Do you know all the words to the National Anthem? yeah
104. Is watching the Superbowl a party in your house? no
105. Are you going to name your son Elvis? no
106. If not, what? Tyler, Calvin, Alex
107. What about your daughter? Chloe, Alexandra, Faith, Taylor
108. Describe your most embarrassing moment. um... forgetting to wear a bra to school on a gym day... -_-;;
109. Do you read tabloids? no
110. Did you ever find Bugs Bunny attractive when he put on a dress and played? no...
111. Do you like cotton candy? yeah
112. Do you suffer from cramps? rarely
113. Do you have that not-so-fresh feeling? ...no...
114. Favorite food? ice-cream!
115. What would be the first thing you would do if you won the lottery? put some money in the bank; put some more away for school.. pay off debts...
116. Ribbed or plain? *blink* plain
117. "Lala" or "Skittle de bop du wop"? lol... skittle de bop du wop
118. Apple pie or cherry pie? apple
119. Pepsi or Coke? coke
120. Strawberry or Vanilla? strawberry
121. Favorite movie? I honestly don't know
122. Favorite Actor? Michael Rosenbaum, Michael Vartan
123. Favorite Actress? hmm... Eliza Deshku, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Angelina Jolie
124. Cheerios or corn flakes? cheerios
125. Panty hose or thigh-highs? lol, both
126. Do you shave your legs? yeah
127. Midnight or mid-day? ...midnight
128. Hope or Billy? *blink* Billy?
129. Cottonball or Q-tip? q-tip
130. Dry or lubricated? lubricated
131. Fast or slow? fast
132. Hard or soft? soft
133. Yogurt or ice-cream? ice-cream!
134. Spoon or fork? fork
135. Are you crying right now? no
136. Fling or flick? flick
137. Look at your middle finger, on your right hand, what do you see? *blink* my finger...
138. Look to your left, what do you see? the rest of the desk, a tv....
139. Look to your right, what do you see? my printer and my calander
140. Who is at your house right now? my parents and my brother
141. Are your legs crossed right now? yeah; twice
142. Do a few twirls, are you dizzy now? little bit
143. Favorite song? SEDATED!
144. Boxers or briefs? panties...
145. Tootsie pops or blowpops? *blink*
146. Big Red, Juicy Fruit, or Doublemint? none
147. Do you like to fish? no
148. Is your grandpa cool? uh...
149. Does your grandpa bore you with long stories? not really
150. Do you snore? i dunno
151. Describe how your breath smells right now. :P
152. If you were a girl, would you rather be "Matilda" or "Alexis." Alexis
153. Does it taste good? *blink* no
154. Do you lick your envelopes or use a sponge? lick
155. Do you chew on pens/pencils? no
156. What is your favorite comic (like in the paper!) Heart Of The City
157. Acting class or class act? umm...
158. Upside-down or downside-up? upside-down
159. What's up? eeeeewww
160. What does "GROWL TIGER" make you think of? Lisa's pick up line
161. What does this -> .dm,'fglkserhngjkqb; make you think of? keyboard pounding
162. Blondes or brunettes? both
163. Push or pull? push
164. If a door says pull, do you automatically push? no...
165. Do you even read those door things? sometimes
166. Do spiders scare you? YES
167. What does? any bug or insect of any type, fire...
168. Did you know I was scared of FROGS when I was a baby? *blink* That's interesting...
169. What was your first word? i dunno
170. What was your first phrase? no clue
171. What can you not pronounce? um... masochist
172. Did you know my phone just rang? wow...
173. Is your phone ringing? no
174. What's your phone number? psht
175. Do you eat your toe-nails? eww! no
176. Are you in drag right now? yes -_-;;
177. WalMart or Kmart? walmart
178. Jim Carrey or Mariah Carey? mariah
179. How many REAL push-ups can you do? :P very few
180. How many fake push-ups can you do? over 50
181. Go run a mile. You have ten minutes. Are you tired now? *pant* *wheeze* *die*
182. Does your bike have 2 wheels? yeah
183. Are they flat? no
184. Can you do a hand-stand? no
185. Front or back? umm...
186. Walk backwards for 5 steps. Stop. Turn around. What time is it? can't see a clock
187. Are you on fire right now? no
188. If I give you a piece of paper, what are the odds of you not eating it? very high...
189. Sprite or 7-up? 7-up
190. Mug RootBeer or Dr. Pepper? neither :P
191. Bambi or Thumper? bambi
192. Do you think Flower is hot? *blink* no
193. If I told you to jump off a bridge, would you? no
194. Would you lick Prince's feet for $5? no
195. Do you know there are people who would do that for free? now I do
196. Umm. can you count how many questions are left? *blink* 4
197. Is your left pinky right-handed? ???? what?!
198. 5+7+8-1234569%555x3= -6653 approx.
199. If you had 5 dollars, went to the store to buy 1 apple for 50 cents, but they were out, how many apples would you have? none...
200. Do you know how many calories you burn when you do the wild thing? no
~~ Have You Ever.. ~~
1. Kissed your cousin: no
2. Ran away: from home? no
3. Pictured your crush naked: yes
4. Actually seen your crush naked: no *sigh*
5. Broken someone's heart: no
6. Been in love: no
7. Cried when someone died: I actually don't think so...
8. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: LEX
9. Broken a bone: nope
10. Drank alcohol: yeah
11. Lied: yeah
12. Cried in school: yes -_-
~~ Which is better.. ~~
13. Coke or Pepsi: coke
14. Sprite or 7-Up: 7-up
15. Girls or Guys: both *grin*
16. Flowers or Candy: candy, any day
17. Scruff or Clean Shaven: lol, depends
18. Quiet or Loud: quiet
19. Blondes or Brunettes: both
20. Nice or Playas: nice
21. Tall or Short: taller than me
22. Pants or Shorts: pants
~~ With The Opposite Sex.. ~~
23. What Do You Notice First: um... hair probly
24. Last Person You Slow Danced With: damn... I can't remember
25. Worst Question To Ask: um...
~~ The Last Time.. ~~
26. Showered: yesterday
27. Had Sex: *sigh*
28. Had A Great Time With The Opposite Sex: -_-;
~~ What Is.. ~~
29. Your Good Luck Charm: don't have one
30. Person You Hate Most: heh...
31. The Best Thing That Has Happened To You Today: today? I watched Kim Possible :P
32. Color: I dunno...
33. Movie: too many to choose...
34. Subject In School: english?
35. Juice: *blink*
36. Cars: Lex's cars ^_^
37. Ice Cream: almost any
38. Holiday: christmas
39. Season: spring? summer?
40. Breakfast Food: toast
41. Place To Go With Your Honey: anywhere
~~ Who.. ~~
43. Makes You Laugh The Most: Lisa ^_^
44. Makes You Smile: a lot of people
45. Gives You A Funny Feeling When You See Them: :P too many people... damn teenage hormones
46. Has A Crush On You: I wouldn't know
47. Do You Have A Crush On: not telling
48. Can Make You Feel Better No Matter What: um... probably Elizabeth, because you can't act bad around her
49. Easier To Talk To, Guys Or Girls: depends on the person
~~ Do You Ever.. ~~
50. Sit By The Phone Waiting For A Phone Call All Night: no
51. Save AOL Conversations: no
52. Save E-Mails: sometimes
53. Wish You Were Someone Else: yeah
54. Wish You Were A Member Of The Opposite Sex: no
55. Cried Because Of Someone's Mean Words: yeah
~~ Best.. ~~
56. Cologne: *shrug*
57. Perfume: Ralph Lauren stuff
58. Kiss: let's not get there
59. Romantic Memory: *sigh* refer to touch...
60. Most Recent Advice Given To You: um... grow some balls and ask him out? XP actually, that's not very recent... (let it go?)
~~ Have You.. ~~
61. Fallen For Your Best Friend?: no... maybe...
62. Made Out W/ Just A Friend?: no
63. Been Rejected?: no
64. Been In Love?: no
65. Been In Lust?: yeah
66. Used Someone?: yeah
67. Been Used?: probably
69. Been Cheated On?: no
70. Been Kissed?: -_- again, no
71. Done Something You Regret?: always
~~ Who Was The Last Person.. ~~
72. You Touched?: doug? lisa?
73. You Talked To?: katie
74. You Hugged?: been a long time...
75. You Instant Messaged?: yesterday... lisa, and the gang, jon h
78. You Yelled At?: um... some guy I didn't know after English on wedensday
79. You Laughed With?: heh... lisa and doug
80. Who Broke Your Heart?: -_-;; not going there
81. Who Told You They Loved You?: *sigh*
~~ Do You.. ~~
82. Color Your Hair?: yeah
83. Have Tattoos?: no
84. Have Piercings?: yeah
85. Have A Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Both?: no
86. Own A Webcam?: yeah
87. Own A Thong?: no
88. Ever Get Off The Damn Computer?: lol, no
89. Sprechen Sie Deutsche?: *blink* no I don't speak dutch...
90. Habla Espanol?: or spanish
91. Quack?: or... duck....
~~ Have You/Do You/Are You.. ~~
92. Stolen Anything?: I think so
93. Smoke?: no, eww
94. Schizophrenic?: lol, maybe
95. Obsessive?: YES
96. Compulsive?:YES
98. Panic?: yes
99. Anxiety?: yes
100. Depressed?: sometimes
101. Suicidal?: no
102. Obsessed With Hate?: no
103. Dream Of Mutilated Bodies, Blood, Death, And Gore?: *twitch* no
105. If You Could Be Anywhere, Where Would You Be?: with Lex
106. Can You Do Anything Freakish With Your Body?: yeah *grin*
107. What Facial Feature Do You Find The Most Attractive On Others?: eyes
108. Would You Vote For A Woman Candidate For President?: don't live in the US, sorry
109. Would You Marry For Money?: maybe
110. Have You Had Braces?: yeah
111. Do You Pluck Your Eyebrows?: yeah
112. Do You Like Hairy Backs?: eww no
113. When Was The Last Time You Had A Hickey? never -_-
114. Could You Live Without A Computer?: no
115. Do You Use ICQ, AOL Buddy List Etc...?: MSN, yes
116. If So, How Many People Are On Your List(S)?: too many... (still blocking mok -_-)
118. Do You Wear White Socks?: yeah... well, only for gym...
119. Do You Wear Shoes In The House Or Take Them Off?: off
120. What Is Your Favorite Fruit?: canteloupes or pears
121. Do You Eat Wheat Bread Or White?: *blink* yes I eat bread...
122. What Is Your Favorite Place To Visit?: um... the mall
123. What Is The Last Movie You Saw?: Gladiator *sniff*
125. Are You Photogenic?: heh, no. -_-;;
126. Do You Dream In Color Or Black And White?: colour
127. Are You Wearing Fingernail Polish?: no
128. Is It Chipped Or Fresh?: n/a
129. Do You Have Any Dimples?: yeah
130. Do You Remember Being Born?: no
131. Why Do You Take Surveys?: because I am anal. and i have no life
132. Do You Drink Alcohol?: not regularily
133. Did You Like Or Do You Like High School?:i guess
134. What Is The Best Accent?: british
135. Who Do You Want To Kiss?: :P
136. Do You Like Sunrises Or Sunsets The Most?: sets
137. Do You Want To Live To Be 100?: maybe
138. Is A Flat Stomach Important To You?: yeah
139. Do You Or Have You Played With A Ouija Board?: yes :P Yvonne's house... Lisa's house... *Chris's* failure of a Ouija board
140. Are You Loyal?: maybe
141. Are You Tolerant Of Other Peoples Beliefs?: yes
142. When You Watch Movies At Home, Do You Like The Lights On Or Off?: off
143. Do You Have Nightmares Frequently?: no
144. Do You Like Your Nose?: no :P
145. Do You Think You Can Draw Well?: not really
146. At What Age Did You Find Out That Santa Claus Wasn't Real?: I don't remember... really young... I don't believe in much...
147. How Many Pairs Of Shoes Do Have In Your Closet?: none... my shoes aren't in my closet
148. Do You Like To Wear The Same Shoes Everyday Or Do You Like A Variety?: a variety... to match my pants..
149. Do You Write Poetry?: yeah
150. Do You Snore?: I don't know
151. Do You Sleep More On Your Back, Front, Or Sides?: back
152. Dog/Cat?: both
153. Do You Lick Stamps?: no.. they have the sticker stamps now!
154. Do You Use An Electric Can Opener?: no
155. Have You Ridden In A Hotair Balloon?: no
156. Which Hurts The Most, Physical Or Emotional Pain?: emotional
157. Favorite TV Show?: Smallville
158. Do You Know Anyone Who Is Clinically Depressed?: no
159. Do You Prefer A Piano Or A Violin?: both I guess; can't play either
160. Are You A Sex Addict?: no
161. Do You Know Someone Who Has Cancer?: did..
162. Do You Like To Argue?: depends
163. Do You Hunt?: no
164. Do You Like Fast Food Joints, Or Expensive Restaurants?: fast food
165. Would You Rather Visit A Zoo Or An Art Museum?: either way
167. Are You Basically A Happy Person?: umm... not really
168. Are You Tired?: little bit
169. Did You Drink Anything With Caffeine In It Today?: no
170. Have You Ever Met Anyone Off The Internet?: no
171. How Many Phones Do You Have In Your House?: 3
172. How Long Is Your Hair?: past the shoulder
173. Do You Get Along With Your Parents?: sure
174. What Color Of Eyes Do You Prefer?: blue? violet ^_^
175. Like Your Name?: kind of
176. Were You Named After Anyone?: yeah
177. Do You Wish On Stars?: no
178. Which Finger Is Your Favorite?: *blink* my pinky
179. When Did You Last Cry?: um... two weeks ago?
181. Do You Like Your Handwriting?: not really
182. Who Do You Admire?: *blink* no one really
183. What Is The #1 Priority In Your Life?: getting through the day
184. What Is Your Favorite Lunchmeat?: ?!
185. Any Bad Habits?: yeah, playing with my retainer
186. What Is Your Most Embarrassing CD?: spice girls
187. If You Were Another Person, who would you be : um...
188. Are You A Daredevil?: no
189. Have You Ever Told A Secret You Swore Not To Tell?: yes
190. Have You Ever Stolen Anything?: maybe
191. Do Looks Matter?: yeah
192. Have You Ever Misused A Word And It Sounded Absolutely Stupid?:all the time
193. Do You Think There Is A Pot Of Gold At The End Of The Rainbow?: no
194. Do Fish Have Feelings?: no
195. Are You Trendy?: yeah
196. How Do You Release Anger?: ranting raving and writing
197. Where Is Your Second Home?: *blink* the internet... or a bookstore/library
198. Do You Trust Others Easily?: no
199. What Was Your Favorite Toy As A Child?: I don't remember
200. What Class In School Do You Think Is Totally Useless?: *shrug*
201. Do You Like Sappy Love Songs?: yes :P
202. Have You Ever Been On Radio Or Television?: yeah...
203. Do You Have A Journal?: yes
204. Do You Use Sarcasm A Lot?: yes
205. Have You Ever Been In Another Country?: yes
206. What Do You Look For In A Guy/Girl?: nice personality, good friends, pretty face, funny, understanding
207. What Is Your Nickname?: *blink* Jules
208. Would You Bungee Jump?: no
209. Do You Untie Your Shoes Every Time You Take Them Off?: no
210. What Are You Worried About Right Now?: school
211. Do You Ever Wear Overalls?: no
212. Do You Think You Are Strong?: no -_- I am weak.
213. What's Your Least Favorite Thing In The World?: spiders?
214. How Many Wisdom Teeth Do You Have?: all of them
215. Do You Have Anything Pierced?: ears
216. Do You Have Any Tattoos?: no
217. What Would You Change About Yourself?: ...too many things to list...
218. Who Is Most Likely To Respond To This First?: nobody...
219. Who Are The People You Care Most About?: my friends
220. I See: my computer screen
222. I Find: life a trial
223. I Want: Lex
224. I Have: my friends and myself
225. I Wish: to be understood
226. I Love: to write
227. I Hate: homophobics
228. I Miss: Jon
229. I Fear: not doing well, not being successful, not having a job
230. I Feel: anxiety
231. I Hear: avril lavigne - anything but ordinary
232. I Smell: nothing
233. I Wonder: if my life will ever work out how I wish it would
234. I Regret: everything
9:06 p.m. // this is my reality \\
The first man jumps, and sure enough, he gets sucked back in the tenth floor. After returning to the roof, he said, "Okay, now it's your
turn." So, the second man jumped and fell to his death.
When the police arrived, they questioned the first man. "Now tell us what happened again, Superman?"
That made me laugh so hard. *grin*
8:18 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Baa baa ba ba ba baa baa ba ba, I wanna be sedated!! *grin* Was singing that all day today and yesterday evening, cause they were playing it on Fastlane, which is a cool show. I wouldn't even be so addicted to it, but it was mentioned in BMB and was on Gilmore Girls. I wanna be sedated!! *grin*
7:39 p.m. // this is my reality \\
I want Lex for Christmas!!
9:41 p.m. // this is my reality \\
9:36 p.m. // this is my reality \\
I'm so bored. Talking to people.
9:11 p.m. // this is my reality \\
Yup. Old. :P Smallville's the heat episode today. Hm... maybe I'll go read some Clark/Lex.
hmm... your son is lying to you, i'm *sorry*
hehehe, 8 Simple Rules For Dating My Teenage Daughter is hilarious. *grin*
8:02 p.m. // this is my reality \\

Notepad - is the best. Pagebuilders suck. I'm sorry, but we can all see the difference in the pages. Learn to use HTML, it's worth your time. On another note :
The WB's LotR's Special, hosted by !!!!! Michael Rosenbaum!! Lex!!! Lex = SEXY And on a side note, teen angst = rox ^_^
Also, have finished the anniversary layout of GT, featuring Christina Ricci. It's absolutely scary, the pictures up on the web of her. Twitch-worthy even. :P They are, I sware.
7:03 p.m. // this is my reality \\
J-Lo : www.jlzone.com/
8:44 p.m. // this is my reality \\
I hate English these days. Why, oh why did I choose to be in a group with these people?! Never choose cool over friends. -_- That is my advice to you. Not if you want good grades.
7:26 p.m. // this is my reality \\

How Much Do You Know About The Malfoys?
brought to you by Quizilla
Draco would be so much hotter without the slicked hair. That's why I love fanart. They're always so pretty. ^_^
8:32 p.m. // this is my reality \\
11:48 a.m. // this is my reality \\
11:23 a.m. // this is my reality \\