layout image

I am going to *die* of boredom soon. Or rather, of a lack of something meaningful to do. Nobody's come online, who I'm willing to place my story in their hands. And I don't want to read anymore. My eyes are going to *die*. I want to save them up for tonight, and more reading. And then sleep. Because sleep is good. And I need to work on the FS report. I really really should. And study too. Jeez. I'm such a loser.

9:01 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Just had dinner, waiting for someone to come online so I can make them read the story, and ask their opinion on a title. Though, I'm leaning more and more towards Bitter Truths. Finished A Scrap Of Humanity. 'Was good. Off to go find sequel.

7:26 p.m. // this is my reality \\


What's YOUR Writing Style?

brought to you by Quizilla
Which Weiss Boy Would You Marry?

brought to you by Quizilla

6:44 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Still needing a title... something insightful and intriguing. Once? An Unravelling Of Illusions, Tumbling Down, Shattered, And The Castle Walls Come Tumbling Down, A Bitter Road, A Bitter Truth, (hmm... liking the bitter line of thought), A Bitter Truth To Swallow, Bitter Truths

we see what we want, and keep seeing it until something happens to make us see what *is*
realizing that 'gone' did not mean, as it always had, 'forever.'

6:18 p.m. // this is my reality \\


'There's always a time when you find everything you thought was true about yourself is, at best, half-truth,' [from A Scrap Of Humanity; an HP fic]

6:14 p.m. // this is my reality \\


*sigh* That was depressing and hopeless. Actually, this story, I started Febuary of this year, but stopped writing because I couldn't get past this one scene. I knew how it was all going to end though, so today, I was somewhat bored, and decided to pick it back up. And now it's done. Needs a title, was named 'Once upon a time, unhappily ever after', but I find that incredibly lame now. So I'm thinking about what to name it...

5:56 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Once upon a time, there was a princess. But her story was a little different from the others, for there was no noble prince to save her from desolate towers, evil sorceresses, or enchanted slumbers.

The princess was the elder of the two crown children, her brother to be heir. She spent her days in her tower chamber, reading stories of adventure and romance. And for that, she detested her own life, which was bereft of both. She left her room only for meals and lessons, both of which she scorned. She had no great love for the daily family gatherings, where her father would go on about the news of the kingdom, her shy, frail mother would sit and sift through her foods, and her brother would gloat at the king's side, hanging on to his every word. Her lessons were tiresome and tedious. Day in, day out, she worked by her mother's side on embroidery or hemming; else she spent hot afternoons learning intricate, useless dance steps and etiquette. She longed for her brother's riding lessons, his daily lectures of history, sparring with the castle guards. But she despised the young boy himself. She hated that her father loved him best, because he was to be ruler, and she, she was only to be sent off, married to some old, ugly count for his allegiance to her father's kingdom. How the princess wished to go off on an adventure, and meet a wonderful prince, and fall in love. She minded not the hardships of the novels, for the end always justified the means, or so she thought.

On the day of her sixteenth birthday, her betrothal to a lord of a large township was announced, the wedding date planned for three months after. That night, the princess made up her mind to leave the comforts of her home and go off onto her romantic adventure. She packed up her most treasured belongings and headed off into the night. But she soon found it harder than the novels portrayed.

As she spent her days in 'freedom' she began to wish for the comforts of her own bed, castle and kingdom. She walked most of the day, unsure of where she was going, for she had no landmarks in the everlasting forest that stretched all around her father's kingdom. She had brought little to eat, and scavenging for food was harder than the stories told. She had to sleep on the hard, wet ground every night, and she began to tire of this adventurous life. She had still not found a wonderful prince from a far off country, who would take her away to his kingdom. The princess despaired, wishing she had never left her home. Many times she thought to turn back, but she was too proud to leave her quest yet. She thought of the heroines that conquered hunger and danger to be saved by a charming prince.

Though she did not know it, the princess was wondering farther and farther away from her kingdom, and heading towards the sea. There sat upon a cliff, a dark, gloomy castle, where a cruel, selfish king lived. But the princess knew none of this, though as she neared the ocean, she could smell the salty air wafting towards her. One day, hungry and forlorn, wishing for food and warmth, she stumbled past the forest and onto the sandy dunes of the ocean side. Crying aloud, she pranced happily in the sands, glad for some change in scenery. The princess even forgot momentarily about the pains that ailed her body.

When dusk fell, the princess collapsed down in the soft sands. But now her stomach protested, for she had not eaten for many hours since. But though she scoured the land, there was nothing edible in the barren terrain, only bunches of salty seaweed, that though she tried to eat, could not force down. The princess was tired, and decided that she would sleep, and perhaps in the morning she would find food. So she lay down by the sea, ignorant of the dangers, and fell into a fitful slumber.

As she slept, a blood-red Viking ship rode the waves. Enemies of the king on the cliff, they had planned to land in the deep of night and set fire to the gloomy castle. But when they anchored down, the first of the Vikings found the princess, lying in the sands asleep, and they decided to take her on board. It was only after the kidnapping that the Vikings set out to flame the castle. But alas, the cruel king had set guard to watch for the ship, and when their men snuck up the cliff, the king's soldiers surrounded both the Vikings and their ship. The king took them all hostage, even the princess.

When the princess awoke, she found herself lying on a soft cot. For some moments she revelled in the feeling of a soft bed, before she realized that she should not be there. Sitting up, she found herself alone in a small dark room. She wondered where she was, but did not have to look far for the answer, for at that moment, the door opened, and the king entered. He was darkly handsome, with raven black hair, and eyes the colour of cold blue midnight. The king sat by the princess's bed, and she backed away, but the king only laughed. He did not recognise that she was the princess of the great kingdom to his east; he was so detached from others that he had not heard of the frantic search for her. The evil king told the young woman of whom he was, and that she should feel honoured to be in his house. And that he should honour her host. The princess did not understand at first, but at the lustful look in the king's eyes, she realized what he wanted, and backed away in fear, clutching at her sheets. The king advanced, crawling onto the satin sheets, telling her not to be afraid. And though the princess resisted, pounding her tiny fists against the older man, she could not win, and when he was done, the king left her, bleeding and broken on the satin sheets, and locked her in the little windowless room.

And the princess wept, for this was not the wonderful romantic story of her books. It was not at all like the passionate scenes of love described in her novels; it was pain and horror, dishonour and disgrace. The princess wept for all that she had lost, her innocence and her childhood. But not only that, she wept for her family, whom she had never appreciated. She wanted so much to be held in her mother's arms, wanted her father and her brother to promise to protect her. She wept alone in that tiny room until finally, exhausted, she fell into a dreamless sleep.

Many days were spent alone in that room, and nightly when she slept, servants would bring food to her. One time she tried staying up; perhaps she could use the servants to escape. But that night, as she sat wide eyed on the soft bed, no one came. And she spent that day foodless. She soon realized that she would have no food if she would not cooperate. The princess believed that the king had forgotten about her; she had not seen him since that first night. And for that she was glad; she never wanted to see his face again. She was content with staying in this desolate room if it meant at least that he would not be there.

But alas, her hopes were dashed, as one night as the princess lay in bed waiting for sleep, the door opened to the king. At first she believed it a servant thinking her asleep, but when she looked up and saw his tall frame, she knew it wasn't over. The princess pretended to sleep, but whether he believed her or not, the king grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her violently. She cried for him to stop, and he leered at her, pinning her to the bed. And no matter how she screamed, no one came to her aid.

This time when the king was done, he stayed in the room, tucking the princess back into her sheets almost gently. But she shrank away from his touch, crying bitterly. The king shook his head at the girl, telling her that she would soon get
used to it, and left the room.

When the princess finally stopped weeping, she did not lay dormant in her bed. She got up and stalked around the room in anger and despair. She would not live for this. If there was no way for her to leave, then she would escape this horror. She picked up a cutting knife from her dinner, ready to use it upon her wrists when two servants burst into the room, grabbing her and wrenching the knife away from her. Though she beat her captives and cried, they only left her to her bed, gathering all the tools and utensils in the room. Soon the room was bare except for the bed and the chair that the king often sat in. The princess wept bitterly now, soaking her down-filled pillows. She realised then that she was forever watched by the servants of the king, and they could be of no use to her. They would not help her escape; for who could watch the cruelties of the evil king, and not try to help?

Days, months passed, and the princess had lost all hope. She no longer fought the king when he had his way with her, and over time, the king led her out of her desolate dungeon and gave her a room of her own in the castle. He knew that she was broken, and would not try to escape. It was true, the princess had nothing left in her to resist. She had long given up on rescue, and spend countless days wishing she had not been so ignorant. The routine never changed; the princess would spend days alone in her room, coming out only for meals with the king, and at night, he would come into her bed. Her body was used to the hardship, and truthfully, he was not so rough with her than she believed. The king had come to care for the princess, in his own, twisted way. Days went on like this, with no change, until one day, sitting alone in her room, the princess watched as a parade of horses and men entered the gates of the castle. She was curious as to who the visitors were; she knew they would have to be allies of the king himself, and would be of no help to her situation. But still, some part of her, buried deep where it could hide from the pain of reality was the tiniest glimmer of hope, that this new change could benefit her.

It was at dinner time, when she was sent for by the king, that the princess learned of the visitor. It was the king's very own son, come to pay tribute to his father. The prince was more handsome than his father, with chocolate skin and eyes the colour of the sea. He was courteous to the princess, and reminded her of her past, where whole courts would greet her as princess of a great kingdom. She sat across from the dark prince through dinner, eating listlessly, until dismissed to her room by the king. For once, her spirits were lifted; she was not be to used tonight, the king was too busy with his son for her. She gave a silent thanks to the young prince, for he had given her a short reprieve. She spent most of the night thinking of the prince, and her illusions of fantasy came back to her. Perhaps this prince would be the one to save her from the evil king's clutches. She would do anything to leave this retched castle. That night, she got her wish. As she was getting ready for bed, the door opened. She shuddered, thinking it was the king, come for her, but when she turned to face the door, the prince stood in its archway. He was gentle and quiet, asking if he was bothering her. He came in, and told her that he knew of his father's ways, and condemned them. The princess was enthralled by the prince, and pleaded for his help. She told her that he would be rewarded greatly if he could bring her back to her kingdom. For surely, her father had been searching for her. Little did she know, that her father had died, leaving her brother in reign, and that he had pronounced her dead, calling off the royal search. Her brother had grown selfish and arrogant, and now, with the power of the kingdom behind him, he could do as he liked. He cared little for his blood sister. But the princess knew of none of this, and so made her promises to the dark prince. But the prince knew of her kingdom, and her brother, he had plans of his own, that would not yet be revealed. And so, he swore that he would help her escape, and take her back to her kingdom. But to do so, he would have to defeat his father. The princess readily agreed to this, for she had spend countless months under his control, and would be glad to see him fall. When the prince told her what she had to do, she had doubts only for a moment.

The next night, the princess waited patiently for the king to come, for the prince had assured her he would. She was not afraid, she had little left to be afraid for. When he came, she lay back and let him do to her what he willed, but when he was finished, she pulled the prince's dagger from under her sheets and plunged it deep into this back. The king looked at her in shock before he fell heavy against her. His dead weight pinned her against the bed, and the princess began to panic. But she resolved herself, and with a great might, pushed the king off of her. She dressed in a frenzy, and met the prince outside the gates where they had planned. She was ecstatic; she was to be free and she was to go home!

But alas, her hopes were ill placed. For when the dark prince brought her back to her palace home, she realised that everything had changed. She couldn't comprehend it. It was only when she was brought before the king that she realised. It was her brother sitting on the throne; her father had died. She still had hope, for surely her brother would take her in; he would see that she was his sister. But her hopes were dashed, when her brother the king refused to admit she was the long-lost sister. He proclaimed that his sister had died long ago, and that she was just an imposter. When the princess looked to her mother for help, she was faced with a hollow, lost woman. Her mother had faced too much grief in her life. The princess didn't know what to, she turned to the dark prince for his aid once again, thinking that he was all she had left. And so the prince struck a deal with the new king, he would take the girl as his wife, and so free the royal family of this burden. When the princess heard this, she was shocked. This was not what she wanted! But her brother, seeing the benefits of this bargain, agreed to the dark prince's wishes, and they became allies over the union. The princess cried and pleaded with the dark prince, but he only laughed at her, telling her she would have been better off with his father, for he was old, and would have died soon. Now the princess would have to contend with him, and he was not so gentle as his father. His true allegiance was exposed; he had never had anyone's interests in mind but his own. He was only using the princess as a tool to get to her kingdom, and into the king's graces. And it was all lost for the princess. She finally realised that she had fled one hopeless situation, only to fall into another. And this time, there would be no prince to save her. She was once again a prisoner, forced to live the will of another.

And that is my story, for better or for worse; for not all stories end in happily ever after, not all chances are taken when given, and not all princesses live to find their perfect prince.

1:26 p.m. // this is my reality \\


That was brought from listening to 'Hello Again' by Hoobastank. The quote's just a line from the lyrics.

12:32 p.m. // this is my reality \\


'I'm so afraid that if I wait to long you'll never look in my eyes again'

I'm watching you, through the crowd, making your every move a memory. I think of all the things I want to say, all the things you'll say back to me. I'm moving towards you, pushing through the crowd in a daze. I have eyes only for you. My mind sets up the scene, what'll happen, how it'll play out, as I stumble towards you. You don't notice me. You never notice; with your dark tinted glasses and fast moving pace. Always headed somewhere, always someplace to go, something to do. But I'll keep up. You're almost within touching distance, and I reach out. Brush against your shoulder. You turn, and I catch your eye. Suddenly, there's no one else, despite the fact that the streets are swarming, all I see is you and me. The noise is tuned out, everything's silent. 'I'm sorry, do I know you?' you ask, tilting your head curiously. I have every answer, every story. I can tell you everything. But I don't say anything at all. I stare and you start to look uncomfortable. 'Hello,' I stutter. You smile a little, but move away. 'Wait!' I call, before you turn away. You look back, but now you're weary. 'I, just wanted to say hello... again.' 'What?' You don't understand. You can't remember. You never do. But I remember. And one day, I'll tell you. I'll know the words to say, to make you remember. But now I'm running away, and you're watching me go, incomprehending. Maybe next time... I'll tell you how much I love you, and you'll remember how much you love me...

12:30 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Had a bad dream last night. Need some time on my own, told my parents to go out on their own. Still sick.

11:45 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Ack ack ack. Cyberpixel hosting prices are most probably in American. Which means that our previously assumed 32.32 would probably be more around 40-50. Dammit all. *sigh* Hmm... the one @ 200 mb and 200sd would be about 25 dollars per person @ 3 people, which would probably be around 30-40 dollars Canadian. :P What's the conversion rate right now?
[edit : ] At a conversion rate of about 1.6, it would mean 40 dollars per person. Ack. Jeez. Damn Americans.

1:08 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Have editted the next Gutter Trash splash image to be animated. ^_^ S'time I did one again.

Need to do a splash image for the Aya layout. Will go looking for one now.
[edit:] Oh! I already have one made. Wow... suprising. I thought I had made a mistake when I was reading the prev. posts saying I had one made. Didn't remember this. :P Just need to put the required/best viewed stuff on it, and it's ready to go.

11:59 a.m. // this is my reality \\


Hydrogen - H
Helium - He
Lithium - Li
Beryllium - Be
Boron - B
Carbon - C
Nitrogen - N
Oxygen - O
Flourine - F
Neon - Ne
Sodium - Na
Magnesium - Mg
Aluminium - Al
Silicon - Si
Phosphorus - P
Sulphur - S
Chlorine - Cl
Argon - Ar
Potassium - K
Calcium - Ca

The first twenty elements and their symbol, memorized in an hour. Yes, I am a loser, but yes, I am *good*. ^_^

11:08 a.m. // this is my reality \\


Me and Lisa are seriously contemplating buying and sharing a domain. It would be *very* cool. 32.32 a year. Not bad. Not bad at all.

12:04 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Hehe, Jeff, my true friend turned mock boyfriend. ^_^;;;;

7:12 p.m. // this is my reality \\


*sigh* Stupid Family Studies.

6:58 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Aaarrg. Today was a bad day. *glare* School sucks. I'm so glad there's no school tommorrow.

5:20 p.m. // this is my reality \\



I need/am planning to make an anniversary layout for GT. It's been around for almost 8 months!! *grin* Very cool. And at 63 members, which isn't bad at all. ^_^ March will make it a year.

8:20 p.m. // this is my reality \\


This is sad. I mean, the level of organisation I put into my favourites folder... I have subfolders for practically *everything*. -_- The GW folder probly has the biggest number of links; that of the cliques folder. I should clear that one out...

6:43 p.m. // this is my reality \\


We are young...
Heartache to heartache...
We stand.
No Promises...
No Demands.
Love is a Battlefield
[from Love Is A Battlefield]

6:32 p.m. // this is my reality \\


I need to watch Buffy

6:18 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Damn Geo!!! Got a lousy 10/14 on the stupid visual! That's 71%!!! *glare* Better get perfect on the song/descript. *sigh*

5:33 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Damn health...

8:55 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Wee; good and evil. Clark and Lex. *grin*

8:19 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Ooh!! Lex! And water bottle. *grin* Oook... Lionol... stroking Lex? *twitch*

8:17 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Sexy Clark. *grin* [booming voice]Could he be the prophesied one?[/booming voice]

Hey, mutual dislike of Luthor! :P *sigh* No Lex yet; still waiting. Kyla's hitting on Clark though; and vice versa. :P Bleh. Damn you romantic interests. *glare* What's Lex supposed to do against all these female romantic interests poping up?!

Eww, Lionol in skin tight t-shirt. *twitch, twitch*

8:16 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Go dirt bikes. ^_^;

8:08 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Feeling a lot better today. Am very glad. Finished Geo project, and working on French. I need to study for the stupid Health test. Damn that test.

6:20 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Little angel, lost your wing,
fell from Heaven up above.
Now you know, silly thing,
nothing hurts as much as love.

Poem on this site.

5:55 p.m. // this is my reality \\



'A friend is someone you can always turn to, and someone who won't let go just because you've turned away.'

A friend will wait forever if you ask them to, but is willing to move on if you love them enough to let them go.

Friendship is determined by the strength of the bond; not what you're willing to do, but what you'll gladly do for another.

9:03 p.m. // this is my reality \\


I *HATE* being sick. I am NEVER sick. Why am I SICK? All last night, I could NOT sleep, because it was so hard to breath. It was like, breath, breath, cough, hack, swallow, paaain, breath, all through the night. -_- And then I had to sing today. Damn sick. Weekend was all homeworky. At least, Saterday. Sunday, I went shopping; I got underwear and lipstick. ^_^ Jacob has awesome underwear. ^_^ It's just *so* much fun. And yes, I had severe issues. And the lipstick tastes like mocha. I put it on, and it smelled so good; it was great. But I am *still* sick. And I *HATE* it. Because I have homework. And school. So I can't just collapse into bed; which is what I'm really, really wanting right now. -_- Or read. Just sit in bed and read. I finished Betrayal In Death; I have to start the Pillars Of Creation. But jesus; my entire body aches right now. *ache ache*

7:38 p.m. // this is my reality \\



I love you Lisa! ^_^

9:14 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Oh god, this is too funny : 'Of or relating to the cult of the phallus as an embodiment of generative power: phallic worship.'

Jesus. That is too funny. Was looking up phallic (don't ask me why, was after looking up anal) and this turned up.

8:25 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Done. Finished the stupid song. Abso-fucking-lutely horrible, but it's done. -_-;;

8:02 p.m. // this is my reality \\


I *cannot* do this. Writing a song about Canadian population *distribution* and cultural identity is insane!! Dammit. Makes me wish I'd done a book instead. But I've gotten this far. It sounds so bad. The rhythm is so bad. I have way too many syllables. Damn you syllables... why does monosyllabic have so many syllables? Makes no sense.

4:07 p.m. // this is my reality \\


I for one, like the new MSN. So there. :P

3:40 p.m. // this is my reality \\


let time pass by
come old from new
and friend turn foe
I need just you

I'll walk away
from all I knew
turn from the past
to be with you

and if I ever
doubt what to do
I'll always know
the choice is you

3:16 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Not goin' to Ottawa. So glad. Can do Geo homework. Or... should be. :P Well, I got the math and the english done. ^_^ And I have the new GT layout done, and coded. Just need to wait 'til December. Actually, I probly should have picked something Christmas oriented. :P Oh well. Too bad. The Aya one will wait til January. It's a nice picture. I have a new desktop up too. Very blue, very sexy. New GT banners too. ^_^ See, lots of work done! (just not geo :P)

Did the volunteering last night. Of the 24 people who I knew at the mall, *one* came and bought a ticket. How sad is that? And Julie stole candy canes from us too! Fools. James only bought one ticket. It's really sad. But, we did sell over 100 $ in raffle tickets, so, oh well. Me and Iris were both there. Tiring, because we didn't sit. Probly could have, but didn't. :P

2:45 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Well, I was going to rant and be angry very much today. My day didn't start out well, and didn't unfold well either. But, it, and I, have gotten better. Am less upset. I really do have issues. I wish... hormones suck. -_- I don't understand it. Too sensitive. But, I'm much better really. And I have a 94% average this term! ^_^ I had the worst dream last night though. I dreampt that there was a club/meeting for Christians against homosexuality, and some friends and I were there, to figure out what was going on and stuff. For some reason, my old Music/Homeroom teacher was leading, and we were all afraid we'd be found out. We started singing, and I really don't know why. But they kicked us out, something about boys and girls... all I really remember is walking out, past a wooden shelf, with crosses and other religious things, and writing too. But... the worst part about the dream was after I woke up. I'm not a religious person, I don't believe in God, haven't for a while. I'd consider myself atheist. But... this dream brought up fears. Fears of... regection I guess. Almost as if someone was trying to tell me something... I don't know. It's silly.

On another note, Yugi's totally cute. His new clothes, from the new episodes are really, really cute. *grin* Was trying to watch Buffy, but Yugi's captivated me. *grin*

7:29 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Theatre was fun today. My Fair Lady's a great story. Very cute. Bus ride back was bleh for me. Bus rides make me sleepy. And non-talkative. Yeah. I have issues. Taping Birds Of Prey, because I have no time. At all. It's really bad. Won't have time for homework *at* all. I have volunteering til 9 on Friday, then my dad's taking us to Ottawa for a business thing all this weekend. My geo project. Dammit. Gonna have to work on it Thursday. And Monday and Tuesday. *sigh* Oh jeez. What can I do...

8:24 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Clark snorted. He couldn't help it, even though it earned him a glare. Lex counted his shoes every morning. "Sorry," Clark said, but he wasn't, and it showed.
"Don't start with me, Clark," Lex warned. "Someone was in here messing with my shoes."
"And you'd know, because you count them."
"Every morning, too."
"Just in case they get up and walk away."

*grin* This is from below. Henry Jones Jr. Obessions. So funny. ^_^

Clark blinked behind closed eyelids - anybody else see the wrongness of this sentence?

6:24 p.m. // this is my reality \\


This is the cutest fanfic ever. It's such a sweet, so very Lex fanfic. *grin* I love it! In fact, here are all Henry Jones Jr.'s fics. I'm hoping they're all this good.

6:18 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Michael Rosenbaum (Lex) is one of the headlining guests at the 2003 MegaCon convention at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida.

I want to go!!!

6:09 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Finished all my homework, and off to Stratford tomorrow! Excellent. Also, volunteering @ the mall for the Lung Assos. Friday night. Everyone, come out and buy ballots! Outside Dynamite @ Markville. ^_^ Got Hoobastank from Lisa, good CD.

5:45 p.m. // this is my reality \\



and i try
to draw the line
but it ends up running down the middle of me
most of the time

neat song lyrics. out of range, ani difranco. Not that I know who or what that is. But neat.

8:58 p.m. // this is my reality \\


My hair. It smells really strong. And I finished Divergence and its off shoots. Again. As well as read and re-read some of Hope's stuff. Good stuff she has. I love Stick Shift. It's like sex. *grin* So much fun.

8:14 p.m. // this is my reality \\


there was more meaning than words

7:27 p.m. // this is my reality \\


GT has a member count of 60! Woo! Means I need to make a new page. Or condense my members pages. Will look into it. *smiles* Myth wasn't due today, fools. But it's done anyways, as well as my Sci. poem, which has been chopped from 216 words to 148. Not bad, as she wanted it around 100. Chopping. :P I'm sadly getting better at that. Edited Joe's myth to help him with more chopping. Trip to Stratford Wed. Much fun. ^_^

5:47 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Jeez. Finished my English myth, because everyone was all bleh, and saying it was due tomorrow, even though I'm almost positive Ms. Corry said Friday. Oh well, good that it's done anyways. 568 words. I'm pretty happy with it. Anyways, it's supposed to be rough copy. So, yeah. I ended up taping Alias, will watch it tomorrow. I hope to god Vaughn's gonna be ok...

10:51 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Oh god. Jesus. Vaughn. Please, be ok. *cries*

9:03 p.m. // this is my reality \\



From the Irish root meaning "Crooked"

Juliana is a pathological liar.
Juliana would not be a good candidate to babysit your children.
Juliana likes animals-- perhaps too much.
Juliana is deceptively warm and endearing.
Juliana tends to get others down.
Juliana is often violently flatulent.
Juliana can be apathetic to a fault.
Juliana has a god complex.

It's somewhat sad how much of this is true. And it's just supposed to be a joke. -_- It's from this site btw.

8:08 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Find out your inner-Our Lady Peace song!

brought to you by Quizilla

8:05 p.m. // this is my reality \\


I have the strong urge to read Divergence, all over again. ^_^

7:46 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Ooh! New part to Divergence. Very good. Very sweet. ^_^

7:21 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Well, the dying job's done. Results : non-visible. -_- *sigh* Oh well. Not that big a deal. And on the plus side, hair all soft and shiny! ^_^;;

6:40 p.m. // this is my reality \\


S'been snowing non-stop since last nice. Everything's covered in snow. This kind of weather is stay at home weather. Don't wanna go out, you know?

Was up late last night. Late-ish. Dying my hair tonight. But school tomorrow, which sucks. :P I need to work on my myth. *sigh*
Will go do so now.

4:03 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Think I'm sinking. Sinking into despair. The quiet's overwhelming, and I want to hide away.

But enough of the melodrama. :P Buffy was cool. Think it also contributed to this mood of mine. Gonna go read some GW, no more jenn for a while; only gonna pull me under. :P

11:10 p.m. // this is my reality \\


jenn just writes the best Lex/Clark. I love it, a lot. When I'm looking for something with good plot, good lines, and a differenciated charaterisation, it's where I go. I mean, if I want fluff and pwp's, I know where to go too, but I don't read jenn for that. Her stuff is simply amasing. Three Impossible Things; that one section, one line, made me realise how much I wish my life worked the way I wanted it to. To have someone... like that. It must be amazing. And then there was A Handful Of Dust, which, well, it *was* scary. It was a sort of AU that is so out there, but at the same time, *so* believable, it's frightening.

6:27 p.m. // this is my reality \\


I went and bought fabric for the pj's I'm gonna be making in Family Studies today. Lavender, with darker pink swirl things and glow in the dark stars and moons, all on flannel. *grin* It amuses me to no end. So soft. Flannel. Heh. Clark. ^_^ It's gonna be fun. It's actually kinda scary how much my mom knows about sewing and stuff. She took classes in high school. Was good at it too. ^_^

6:19 p.m. // this is my reality \\


perfection. it isn't about making things fit, making it work, walling everything in glass. perfection is taking all the doubts, the fears, the flaws and the cracks, and understanding that they exist. and being able to love, despite them. because of them. moving through them, with them. perfection isn't something you create. it's something you embrace. because it's real. and it's there. you just need to see past the tinted glass to find the sun in all its glory. and embrace the light. because whether you see it or not, it's there, shining the way. and it's your choice, whether or not to follow the light. come with me.

1:38 a.m. // this is my reality \\


'You're not his.'
'I've never been anyone else's.'

Three Impossible Things
by jenn. It's... not perfect. It's not the perfect that you'd read in so many fics. When they just *fit*. Because they don't. Clark pushes, Lex freezes... but, there's never been anyone else.

1:26 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Two Paths by Jenn is beautiful. I'm not joking. It's the sweetest pre-slash Clark/Lex I've read in... forever. It's so sweet. I really do hope it's continued.

9:13 p.m. // this is my reality \\


On another note, let's talk about my embaressments in Vocal class. First, Wedensday. Listening to Hoobastank with Lisa; headphones. Really cute in-call teacher walks in, and you know how you talk a lot louder with headphones on than normal? Well, I go 'he's cute', and then realise, that sounded loud, even to me, and Lisa and Iris are like, looking at me, laughing, and I'm just :P Yeah. Today, we're singing, we've just been told to be loud, so I am right? 'Cept I sang when there was supposed to be a rest, at what was probly the top of my lungs, and everybody just *looks* at me. -_-;; I'm such a fool.

8:31 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Finally. Friday. Got so much freaking homework, not to mention stupid projects. Finished my math, doing Sci. study notes for the test next week. Got a geo and a health due Tuesday, and that stupid poem in Sci. due Friday. Quiz in French friday too. Good thing is, 'goin to Stratford nxt wed, which will be fun. My Fair Lady. And dying my hair Sunday, though I doubt it'll show. Oh well. My mom's dying, and she has short hair, so I get the excess. ^_^ Yeah. Look at this :

out in the universe,
black void of space.
a star dies
before our eyes,
but we don't take notice.
too far away;
too small to care.
another star dies,
while we live.
but we don't all live,
for we all die too.
as days fly by,
another will fall victim to
the fate of the star.

That. Because of an hour + of Sci. notes. :P It's so bad. Arg. What can I do. I've got Rockets. *grin* Yeha. And a stash of more Halloween candy, but that's not the point. :) Math is tedious. And hard to remember. Science... well, you'd be surprised at the things that you retain from gr. 8 Sci.

Characteristics of Living Things (8)

metabolism (ingestion > digestion > excretion)

Sad isn't it? -_-;;;

8:13 p.m. // this is my reality \\



School today was neat, I guess. Spent lunch talking with some of the older grade. Yearbook too. Saw last year's by the way, really nice, being distributed last week of Nov. We're goin' to Stratford next week, gonna be fun. Wee! Em... yeah. Had the most fun with Den today, painted his face in English. Was great. We have pictures. Yearbook, I did *nothing* today, cause they had finished the page 'ready, so yeah. I sat and talked with peoples. Ah well.

8:36 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Ooh, Helena's angry @ Reese. Aww. And she's being violent. And lawless. :P Oh well.

8:31 p.m. // this is my reality \\


"I go online sometimes, but everyone's spelling is really bad. It's
depressing." Tara, _Buffy the Vampire Slayer_

Eheheh. That's funny. *giggle* From this. The links don't work until you delete the duplicated smallville/ in the invididual story urls. Very cute, very funny.

8:22 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Arg. Stupid ass health project. Much hate. But, have finished all of today's homework, 'cept for you know, the whole long term project due in a week thing. -_- *sigh* Oh well. Birds Of Prey tonight. And I had donuts earlier; though, my stomach's not feeling so good, so, might be a bad thing. Bleh. Gonna spend this time reading more Clark/Lex slash.

5:04 p.m. // this is my reality \\



It's over. Sad. So sad. Poor Ryan.

9:58 p.m. // this is my reality \\


More Lex/Clark... more Lex/Clark!!

8:44 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Save me~ee Clark! *grin* More Lex today. Good Lex. And Lex/Clark interaction too. *grin*

8:35 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Wee! Lex has better lines today!

8:19 p.m. // this is my reality \\


JESUS!! The inkblots in the Emode inblot test scare the fucking CRAP out of me! And I've got two minutes to get to the next room for smallville.

7:58 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Which fandom archetype are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

Why Will You Go To Hell?

brought to you by Quizilla

7:25 p.m. // this is my reality \\


procastination is bad.

7:08 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Ooh! Smallville/Buffy Angel tonight! Wee!

6:05 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Hmm.. nothing much interesting. School's up again. Long term projects. *sigh* Should be started on, but haven't been. *more sighing* Got an 88% on my English test, doing 91% in French. :P Iris is up mine for 95% and 92%. Bleh. Ah well. Have to do my English myth. I've got basic plot down, but I need a reason why Jupiter's angry at the Scorpion, and so far I've got nothing. Em... maybe Scorpion killed... one of his mistresses? :P Sure... ack. I also need more sybolism for my English mask. Which is super annoying by the way. -_- It looks bad. That's what I think. I'm gonna make a scorpion on the left side. And maybe a bow on the right. I need to do the fucking Science poem. It's so stupid. I should start that today. Or something. Finished Purity and Reunion in Death. Yay! Now I just have two more to read. Yeah. My life... :P

6:04 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Ooh, this is cool. So's this. And this is pretty hot.

9:10 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Eee!!! Vaughn has a tatoo!! *grin. Left arm. Oh no! Blood... from fingertips!! Ahh!! No!! They cannot do that to Vaughn! *cries* Vaughn!! And it was Vaughn in a sexy tank top too!!

8:57 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Wee!! Vaughn's out!! Wee!! *grin* So glad. :D I'm so so glad he's ok. Vaughn's so sweet. ^_^

Oh no... they're still gonna kill Syd's mom. Jeez.

Oh god. Sloan's wife isn't in the coffin. *twitch* Jeez. You know, they probly should have cliff hangered. And I missed everything just before. Bleh.

8:54 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Jack!! That's what his name is. Right.

8:44 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Aww. It's the bed scene. Noo!! She was gonna *tell* him something! Oh no... Vaughn... please, not Vaughn! Not... before everything! *cries*

8:43 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Aaah!! OMG!! Sloan's wife may be *a*live!! Eee! He's such a short man. *smirk* Dumdumdum. It's raining. Here. Thunderstorms and everything.

Oh no... the virus... shit. No! Not Vaughn! Nooooooo! Jesus! Not Vaughn, not Sydney! *gasp* Ah. That's where the bed scene is from. Containment cell. *twitch* Scary thought. Why's he dressed so down? Lookit the wrinkly T-shirt!

8:38 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Ooooh!! Will/Vaughn subtext!! Wee! *grin* Poor Will, poor Vaughn. All he wants is a job. *sigh* Heh heh. Owe you. *grin* Awww, Vaughn's so sweet. *grin*

Dumdumdum. Kidney transplant. Exciting. Arg. Can't for the life of me remember Sydney's dad's name. Eeew! That's gross. Poor person who knew Syd's mom. *twitch* Em...what the hell is his name?! Arg. *sigh*

8:20 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Watchin' Alias right now. Good show. Finished layout + splash image for Aya GT layout. Wee. Aya, Mireille, [actor/singer], Rinoa. Etc. Yes. Alias is cool.

Grasshopper. Heh. Sloan. *twitch* Eck. 'I don't trust *anything* you say. Was that in the last ep. too? Or no?

8:05 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Bleh. Have resorted to reading Dominion Road again, by Madam Hydra, cause I *know* she's good at it.

4:31 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Aarrg. Ok, about chapters in, and I've got to stop. Cause I'm not liking it. :P

4:05 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Alright. Armed with chips and chocolate, I'm ready to take on The Confessor Series by Annabell, @ GWA. Here we go; sorry eyes.

3:56 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Been systematically going through Nanashi and reading all the fics that I haven't read yet. Thus the eye hurting. One can only read for so long, before she's forced to do something else. Did finish the remaining parts to Playing The Game, Living The Lie though. It's a WIP. Personally, I don't think it's as good as the archivist of PSA thinks it is, but hey, each to her own. Nobody's online at all, what a bore. I have no homework, unless I want to start Science. Which I should. But I can't. Because I'm a horrible procastinator. -_- I want to read more, but my eyes are against the idea. *sigh* Maybe I'll search around for some Rinoa pictures, see what I can do for GT.

2:48 p.m. // this is my reality \\


New layout to GT is (was) finished, and so is the splash image. I'm debating whether or not to use it, or to do something else first. Hmm... It's the layout with Mirielle (sp?) from Noir.

Maybe I'll do a GT layout with Rinoa. Hmm...

12:33 p.m. // this is my reality \\


GT Noir : ;

12:04 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Betrayal, Seduction, Purity.

11:38 a.m. // this is my reality \\


If homosexuality is a disease, let's all call in queer to work: "Hello. Can't work today, still queer." ~Robin Tyler

Ahh, this is excellent. *grin* Read it on a sig. It amused me.

And today's BMB was sweet. I want Collin and Fox to get together. ^_^ And Skids and Cy. Jeez. Takes so long. :P

11:16 a.m. // this is my reality \\


Was out all yesterday. Went to Ikea and bought stuff, then we went out to dinner, for my parents' anniversary at this Japanese restaurant. It was pretty good, foodwize and stuff. ^_^ Ooh! And I watched Cruel Intentions last night. It's an awesome movie. I missed the first half hour though. :( But yeah. Although, I've realised that I really don't like Selma Blair's acting. I didn't like her in Cruel Intentions, didn't like her in Legally Blonde either. I mean, her characters are never very believable to me. You can really tell that she's acting. With Sarah Michelle Gellar you could totally believe that she was really a manipulative bitch, but you get the same for Blair. Also, didn't know that Reese Witherspoon was in this movie, or Ryan Phillipe. There were a lot of up and coming stars in this movie. Sean Patrick Thomas, from Save The Last Dance was in this. Pretty cool. All in all, good movie. ^_^

11:07 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Aaarg. FTP'ing. Jeez. This FTP account's so fucked. Apparently, I've been typing the wrong FTP passward to this blog forever now, yet it still works. I have no clue. -_- Whatever. No homework whatsoever this weekend! Yay! 'Cept I should probably work on Science. Cause that's due in two weeks. :P *sigh* Went to the Science Center yesterday. Was cool. Heheh, Dennis, and the sneezing. That was funny. No plans for this weekend. Yeah. :P

10:36 a.m. // this is my reality \\



Wee!! New Gutter Trash layout! *grin* Took a while going, cause school and stuff. Alyson Hannigan and Charisma Carpenter on layout (Willow and Cordelia on Buffy, in case ya didn't know). I like this layout, cause it's a whole lot more creative, more original, less me slapping frames into an image. Yah. *grin*

9:31 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Eeeww. Connor has the hots for Cordy. That bothers me. *twitch* Mostly because of the age.

8:43 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Watchin' my Angel tape right now. Today at school was so-so. Buncha people aren't here, cause of the Music retreat that I didn't go to. I finished Faith Of The Fallen today. Good ending. Very. *smiles* Math test too; I know that I got at least one wrong. :P Eck, the prof.'s evil! You can tell. Looks like the evil principal from Buffy. Snider? I don't remember. Ahahah! There are whole forums on Angel. *grin* On the internet! *grin* See!! I told you!! It's the prof.! He's evil! Whoa. Fred's... upset. Yeah. Em.. mostly busy work today, in Music and Geo. Yearbook meeting this afternoon, pretty good. Heh, some gr. 10 (11?) named Mok has a crush on Iris. Some of the older layout ppls and me we talking about it. *grin* ... *sigh* Huh. Oh well.

8:38 p.m. // this is my reality \\



I'm on ch. 8 of Playing The Game, Living The Lie right now. Not gonna continue, cause I gotta watch Smallville in my parents' room. :P Then Buffy. Yeah. Plans.

7:48 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Smallville, Buffy and Angel tonight!! Wee! And no school tomorrow, though I still have to wake up early. :P Take Your Kids To Work Day. Fun. :P Ah well. No school, always a plus.

7:08 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Eck. My foot's fallen asleep. Been reading, non-stop. Need to read real books too. Jenn lent me Reunion In Death. Haven't read J.D. Robb in a while.

6:20 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Sometimes, you have to ask forgiveness, even when you know you don't deserve it.
Or maybe I liked being all Mr Dark-and-Broody Billowing-Coat-of-Pain too much for my own good.
He never could sleep deeply, not anymore. It required trust, and Draco felt empty and cold inside.
That was me non-thinking, having a non-thought that was not about Draco bloody Malfoy.
if the Malfoys ever started crying, they would not be able to stop
poison the waters and burn the sky
He could just imagine her looking at him in that level headed ‘I brook no opposition’ way and saying, ‘See this? This is my resolve face. It means I’m resolved.’

[various quotes from HP fanficcer Abbandon]

5:59 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Geo test today. *bleh* It was *bad*. Was supposed to be a quiz, but it was definitely more like a test. *sigh* Hope I did well. Math test was prosponed 'til Thursday. And no homework. All done, or... everything due is. It's great. I'm listening to Spiritual Machines right now. 'Sgood. Lisa's. Again. :P

4:51 p.m. // this is my reality \\



Oh dear *god*. I just finished A Vagabond's Smile. *twitch* So... depressing... and... disturbing. Jesus. Wow. *sigh* Need to study. Will do that now.

9:43 p.m. // this is my reality \\


*sigh* The entrance picture I want, I can use, but I have to link to the gallery. I never link things. I'll put the link under the image I guess. Where I had the thing up.

9:08 p.m. // this is my reality \\


I'm falling, won't you catch me?
I'm falling, down from here.
I'm falling, you can't help me;
You're still in the air.
I'm tumbling through the clouds,
Watching you watching me.
And you're still in the sky,
Falling away from me.

7:49 p.m. // this is my reality \\


You know, I never read this. Or rather, I might have started it, but I never finished. I should now.

7:39 p.m. // this is my reality \\


made me want to cry sometimes, let me down from your tower,
for i am afraid of heights, and you make me dizzy.

Neat except from a poem, winner of 2001 Nanashi contest.

7:28 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Ah god! My foot has spasms some times. They hurt! Right between the big toe and the second toe, when I haven't been moving them much. Ick.

6:27 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Wow... and what's her name [edit: Lila] the laywer thinks Angel's hot. *giggle* Then again, who doesn't. Awww, regected. The room's gonna blow. I bet. The soldier ppls left something in there. Don't know what.

5:51 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Ok, was Connor just *cupping* her?! *rewinds* Eww! He was! *twitch*

5:47 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Eep! Connor's hitting on Cordy!! *giggletwitch* Father, son.

5:45 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Watchin' Angel right now. My tape. Cause my homework isn't due til Monday next week, and I didn't bring my french text home today anyways. I just gotsta study for math and geo. Class kinda sucked today. Sci was fine, but my English group *doesn't* work. *glare* *sigh* *I* did work. *sigh* Oh well. Sci. I got all the work done though. Aww, poor Cordy, she can't remember who she is. Maybe then she won't remember her *almost relationship* with Angel, and he can go back to moping over *Buffy*!! :P

5:19 p.m. // this is my reality \\


3.11.02 the MSN 8 ad is *lame* the one about parental control. Jeez. -_-

9:17 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Project Christmas!! *twitch* Poor, poor Sydney. She knows. She'll realise it was her dad her set up her mom.

Awww.. Vaughn, go comfort her.

8:54 p.m. // this is my reality \\


I *knew* it. It *WAS* her dad. I KNEW KNEW KNEW!! Poor girl. I don't like her dad anymore. *sniff* Poor Sydney. Poor girl.

8:52 p.m. // this is my reality \\


She *needs* to know. She's gonna get hypnotic stuff done. Eww... Sloan. Ewwwww. *twitch* Sloan is ... *bleh*. Oh no... what's with the wine? Sloan's wife... she's alive?!?!?!?

8:49 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Sydney's gonna find o~ut. Dumdumdumdumdum. And there we have it. She knows. Or at least, suspects greatly. *we* all know by now.

8:44 p.m. // this is my reality \\


*twitch, twitch* Ewww. It's that guy... from Alias. And he's not wearing any clothing... *twitch*

What is with this ep. and ugly old men without tops? Why can't we see Vaughn without a shirt? I'll even settle for Will without a shirt. Even Sydney's *dad*! would be better than the ugly old men.

8:40 p.m. // this is my reality \\


OMG. Sydney was one of *THOSE* kids. Her father knew she had been sent there. He might even have done it so that she would join SD-6. Jesus. Poor child.

8:36 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Oh my *god*. They're training children. To be the weapon. The children... they're being blind folded and forced to put together a hand gun. Jeez.

8:24 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Dumdumdum. Vaughn *kno~ows*!

8:23 p.m. // this is my reality \\


I've got a temper. Temper temper temper. :P I'm too emotional.

8:14 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Ooh, it's a party! And Sydney's mad at Vaughn. *sniff* Stupid Sydney's dad. :P Oh well. Ooh, it's Sydney and Will. *giggle* I'm still hoping for a threesome. :P

8:12 p.m. // this is my reality \\

divider is available. I want it. is available too. *giggle* Ahh!! Alias!

8:03 p.m. // this is my reality \\


cyberpixels seems to have nice hosting plans. So many sub-domains... so many ftp accounts... *giggle*

8:01 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Wee!! Printed out my FS, finished my English map, *and* did all my math homework. Just need to remember to print out the journal. Very proud of myself. *grin* Yeah. So, I'm glad. Cause, homework and stuff is all done. And I fixed it, so I'm not confused. And, I changed my desktop. Pretty neat. And I burned some songs from Lisa. 'Cept that the Angel theme and One Last Breath were scratched beyond listening/burning!! *grrr* I wanted the Angel theme. Oh well. Alias tonight. Hope it's new. *hopehope*

6:04 p.m. // this is my reality \\


I'm confused.

2:46 p.m. // this is my reality \\


You enjoy being stroked verbally and physically

O.O ... dear god... and yet... it's incredibly true...... O.O;;

1:21 p.m. // this is my reality \\


My name means :


You have a love of travel and adventure, and you enjoy sports. You also have a very strong sense of fair play and want justice. You are soft-hearted with a charitable nature. You have a diplomatic flair to your nature. Equality and fairness are important to you. You are relatively demonstrative in your affections. You enjoy being stroked verbally and physically. You have much enthusiasm with a driving attitude toward achievement in life. You can handle details well. You have a methodical mind. You have a need to be up front.


Financial gains and status are important elements in your life. You want to do things in your own way and on your own terms. You need to learn the meaning of true giving. You can be quite inventive and quite curious. You must learn to give 'wise' service and not be a martyr.

1:20 p.m. // this is my reality \\


Well, haven't blogged for two days. And it's been a long, frustrating, unforgettable two days. The Friday of, we waited afterschool with Chris M, and there was the whole thing with the triplets, and their mom hating me, and a whole shit-load of stuff. But it came to be that Devin and Yvonne came instead of Jenn/Katie and John. Which... well, let's just say, I wanted nothing to fuck up this concert, but I never get what I want. At least I wasn't totally depressed. As long as I knew the words to the songs, I didn't have to think, just sing. But really, it was a great concert. It was a ton of fun, and I'm glad we went, whatever happened. Heh.. and the day of actually, at lunch, 'screw you; screw me; later'. Heh. That was so funny. Anyways, our seats weren't great, but we heard the music fine. The first opening group, Noise Therapy, *sucked* in all of our opinions. Then was Treble Charger, which was good, and wee! Our Lady Peace. Most of the songs they played I knew, and could belt out along with them; and if I didn't, I just copied Lisa. *grin* Yeah. It was a ton of fun. The girls in front of us in line, Teresa and Melissa, we learned came like, during Treble Charger. Their friend Sam was interesting. :P Yeah, and I think it was Teresa that goes to Holy Trinity, which was where Joanna went. It's kinda neat, how we sort of know each other through mutual aquantances. Yeah. The concert went til like, 11 something, and I didn't get home til like, 12.30, after driving Devin and Lisa home too. We had fun actually. We (or rather, Lisa, Chris, Yvonne, and Chris's *dad*) stole Treble Charger posters off trees; it was amusing. 'Specially cause Chris M's dad was encouraging/helping. *smirk* It was fun. And then, yesterday, we went shopping for the triplets' b-day party (which I really didn't want to go to, because I kept seeing myself getting kicked out of their house). It ended up ok. The triplets aren't mad at me, just their mom. -_- Oh well. It was a good time. Yeah. Life is back to non depressive.

We have a new couch by the way. Which was why I didn't blog yesterday morning; we had a dentist appointment, and then we had to move the couch in. Two new leather couches for the living room. Very cool. And I've finished all homework due tomorrow, just need to print the FS stuff out. But I need to do my math as well. Which I will do soon.

1:11 p.m. // this is my reality \\
