Hehe, I made Jeff and K do part of this really long quiz that was a Harry Potter fanfic. Amusing.
9:28 p.m.
// this
reality \\

You know, I've already destroyed two of the same watch. The first I dropped on the floor, cracking the glass, the second... well, the second was *bad*. The second came in contact with a speeding pool ball *Iris*, and the glass shattered in the pool table. It was this little puddle of glass sand. Kind of neat, very depressing. I now have a new one, which I'm afraid of wearing, in fear I will destroy it too. I feel so bad, they're such nice watches. *sigh*
8:33 p.m.
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reality \\

OUR LADY PEACE TOMORROW!!!!!! We're gonna go over to Chris's house and have dinner there, then his dad's gonna drive us. Did I talk about the two girls who sat in front of us in line for the tickets? Yeah, they've become our OLP buddies. -_-;;; We don't know their names, but that's alright. We'll be sitting behind them @ the concert, throwing pop-corn. *grin*
8:27 p.m.
// this
reality \\

If you haven't heard of them yet, go read
Gundam Legends, a collection of Halloween fics, new one every year. They're really creepy, let me assure you. *twitch* Though Yoiko has some really funny ones. But some of them are creepy, like Yoiko's new, Miroir, Miroir, or just erie, like Office Romance.
8:18 p.m.
// this
reality \\

BYOB means bring your own beer, for everybody who read today's BMB and couldn't figure it out btw.
7:17 p.m.
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reality \\

you're not friends, you'll never be friends; you'll be in love, til it kills you both
6:57 p.m.
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reality \\

Oooh. Birds of Prey tonight!! Wee!
5:41 p.m.
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reality \\

Wee! Two more days til Friday!! Wee! So much stuff for this weekend though. Damnit. A math test, math journal, and a geo quiz next Tuesday, Family Studies due Monday, as well as Gym test on Friday. Bleh. Stupid journal. I don't like math journals. Jeez. Oh well. Right now, I just want to read more Lex/Clark.
4:54 p.m.
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reality \\

Dammit. Jesus, my dad's pissing me off. He keeps telling me my writing sucks, and I just want to tell him to fuck *off*. Jesus. I don't *care*.
9:25 p.m.
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reality \\

Arg. I forgot to set the time on my tv, so now it's taping Haunted because the times are off. Dammmmmit.
9:10 p.m.
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reality \\

I gots my Buffy tape, but it might be old. Cause a lot of the tv shows have been old this week. Which is like, bleh. At least Smallville was new. Yeah. This one's old. Gonna tape Angel though. See if it's new.
9:07 p.m.
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reality \\

'every young man wants to have a relationship with his grandpa', the hell? what? yeah, right. :P
And what the hell is with Lana's outfit? She looks like, she's about to go to a high class rave!
8:49 p.m.
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reality \\

Eeeeww. That's gross. Crissy. She's all... *twitch*. Old, but... young. *twitchy*
8:47 p.m.
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reality \\

Awwwww... cute little lexy looking under his lashes, awww. So sexy.
8:38 p.m.
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reality \\

*what* the hell?! How does Lex know
*every*thing!!!!!!! The thing with Lana I sort of got, but the essay?! *HOW* the hell did Lex *know*?! Jeez! Lex has such bad lines/plot/dialogue/other shit in this show; it's all so rushed. He's always coming in, and walking out, with no real reason. He's like, just there to have conversations with others. I like him better when it's him, at home. He has better lineage there.
8:31 p.m.
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reality \\

Who is the hottest hottie, Clark or Lex?
WB Diva: Hello? Whose name rhymes with sex? Have you looked at the TV lately? Lex is BY FAR the hottest hottie around! Smoldering stare, soft lips, a rockin' bod - and he has more style than LutherCorp has money.
Ehehe. You can find the rest
here. Wee! It's so *incredibly* true. SOOOO HOT... Lex...
More from the site :
There's just something about a guy who could *talk* your clothes off.
8:20 p.m.
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reality \\

Ahhhh, Lex, sooooooooooo sexy. Mm-mmmm.
8:13 p.m.
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reality \\

7:58 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Just updated CI with some poems I put here a while ago, but forgot to put up. Actually, I should probly send my story snipets to my harddrive collection. :P Yeah.
7:28 p.m.
// this
reality \\

what do you want?
[it's not about want,
not about love,
not about anything ]
don't understand
[it's all about need;
needing you
needing me ]
it all comes down to
[you, by my side,
in my arms
in my mind... ]
it all comes down to need
I don't understand it. When I'm with you, I feel like I've never felt before. My skin burns whenever we touch; I can't seem to breath. I can't seem to think at all. I don't understand. All I feel is an unerring need; a need for you. Everything else is circumstance. I need to be near you. And when you turn away, it's like I've lost something, something I've never had. When you turn away, everything becomes cold. I need the heat back. I need you back. I don't understand this need; but I need to sate it. It all boils down to my incomprehensive need. But, I don't think I want to understand it. I only want to fulfill it.
6:18 p.m.
// this
reality \\

There. Thus
linked. Yay.
6:14 p.m.
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reality \\

Also, going to create a link to my old versions of semblance [version, but that's alright]. Gonna be in the link to the archives (which, if you've never come across, is at the bottom, the link named 'don't look back'). Yes. And yay! Buffy, Smallville, and Angel tonight! Grr... Lisa! You still have my Buffy tape!! Feel my wrath!! Now I'll have to use my little brother's pokemon tape again!! *glare*
6:05 p.m.
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reality \\

Wee, finished my math! Now onto my Science. Which I don't really get. But that's ok. :P
5:52 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Arrrgg. So much math homework that needs to be done. On the other hand, fam.studs. proj has been moved to due on Monday. So, that's good. On the *other* hand, we failed our cooking task. We burned our cookies. -_- They were still good though. Arg.
pockets in my hands!
but it's my job to frolick!
4:50 p.m.
// this
reality \\

9:37 p.m.
// this
reality \\

It is now almost 9.30 and I just read another Draco/Harry (pre) fic. Or, series. Long. But short. Not as long as other stuff. Like that gigantic Daiken fic. That was *long*. Jeez.
9:30 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Ok, finished one more part. All I need to do it the background part. Bleh. Oh well.
8:43 p.m.
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reality \\

Ahahah! I remember what Chris B's email is about now!! It was *so* long ago. :P [the email's snakeyes@ihumpmypillow.com] It was last year, when we were talkin' bout the Quebec trip, and rooming, and bed arrangements, and the guys were all like 'eww, i don't want to share a bed with a *gasp* boy!' (ok, no, they weren't like that, but you get the point). Yeah. Well, Chris (D?) was like, what if I, hypothetically, hump my pillow in my sleep? Would I get my own bed? *grin* So yeah... *smirk*
Pie?! Pie my ass!! Heh.
8:05 p.m.
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reality \\

Aha! Title pg done. Ah, crap. Wait, I need a table of contents. [7 min later] : Ok. Table of Contents done. Now I just need to finish the last two parts. Bleh. I hate autobiography shit.
7:19 p.m.
// this
reality \\

OUR LADY PEACE TICKETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *massive grin* I waited, four hours and 15 min. in the cold for these tickets!!! Woo!! And to think, I wasn't even gonna line up for them. See, it was like this. My dad called me, and told me there was a giant line up at best buy, like, 300 people. And there were only 150 OLP tickets right? So I called Lisa up, and told her, and we decided not to go. So, my family decides to go out, and my dad's like, I'll drive you around to show you the line up. And I see it, and I'm like, holy shit. Then, I realise it's moving. Obviously, if the tickets came out @ 4, they wouldn't be moving. Turns out, it was the line up to go *IN* best buy, cause it was some giant sale. There were about 30 people lining up for OLP. So obviously, I call Lisa up, tell her to get her ass over here, and I waited with my mom for her, and for my dad to go home and bring me my winter jacket, and chairs, and gloves and stuff (I only had a sweater on). So, me and Lisa were there forever. Jenn and Katie and John, and some other ppls were there @ 1, but the lady told us, no cut ins, or none of us would get tickets. So, we told them to go (I was kinda bitchy about it too -_-; have got to control that temper), but Jenn was talking to us when the lady went around and gave us numbers, so we ended up with three numbers (50-53), but Jenn didn't want to stay til 4, so John took her place, and we waited til 4, and finally got tickets. Row 11, seat 19. I'm so thrilled. Lisa has 21 and 22, John has 23 and 24. I have (obviously) 20 as well. 6 tickets. Me and Lisa are definitely going (4 hours in the *cold*!), John probly is, Chris M wanted to come... and we'll see. I'm so happy. *grin* And warm, in my house. Aaahh. ^_^
[I would've posted that yesterday, but Blogger was on the friz] But, still, yay!! Me and Lisa, John and Katie, Chris M and his dad are going. Wee. I need to do my Family Studies. Need to finish. Is due Thursday. We're supposed to work on it tomorrow in class. Bleh. Fool. Damn. I need to make a title page. Arg. Arg this all. Oh well.
5:10 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Weeeee!!! I found an amazing HP slash archive; and it's Harry/Draco section's great. *grin*
Gramarye. Anyone up for hours of slash? *grin*
pretty when you cry [title of a fanfic]
4:37 p.m.
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reality \\

"I made a promise. I intend to keep it."
"You're an idiot."
"I'm in love with you."
"Angry glare. "I don't want your love."
"You need it."
"Don't touch me!"
A pause. "A promise is a promise. I'll wait for you."
"Keep on dreaming."
Softly, "Only of you."
Walking away. Angry pause. "Why are you doing this? What do you want?"
"Nothing." Rueful smile. "What do I need? Just you."
Explosive sigh. "You need therapy."
"Because I love you? I don't think so." Little laugh.
"I'll never love you."
"That's what your brain says, but what about your heart?"
Softly, "I have no heart."
Quiet. "You're wrong. It's there. Just hidden away."
Scoffs. "And you're the one to bring it out?"
"No. But I could help you find it again."
"You're delusional."
A whispered, "If this were a delusion, you'd be kissing me."
Quick strides. "You mean..." A touch; a taste. "Like this?"
Breathlessly, "Yes."
"I don't love you. I won't love you." Pause. "But maybe..."
"I might just need you..."
"I'll take what I can get... for now."
A bond, created by need, fueled by love.
3:06 p.m.
// this
reality \\

I really want OLP tickets. Devin's friend got them, off the radio. :P I want tickets.
1:58 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Life is nice. *smiles* I've finished practically all of pt. 3 of my Family Studies proj, which is the biggest part. I just need to do pt. 1 and 2, and the title page, and the table of contents. ... alright, I don't have much done at all. So sue me! :P Actually, don't. -_- I'm off to Chris M's tonight, and I'm busy tomorrow, so all hw must be done today. Yay. -_- I need music. I have pictures. Baby pictures. *twitch* And I wanna change my desktop. I think I will. Something... girly? I dunno.
1:53 p.m.
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reality \\

Gonna go to sleep now, cause ffn harry/draco sux. :P
11:09 p.m.
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reality \\

Disclaimers: If they belonged to me, I'd make them give me the car.
Hehehe. Funniest disclaimer I've read in a while. It's to
High Corn Drifter by Te again.
9:51 p.m.
// this
reality \\

“Ahh, I see. So what *are* the kids doing these days?”
“Making it with multi-jazillionaires. All of ‘em.”
“Unfortunately, I’m now forced to picture Bill Gates having sex with Whitney.”
Clark makes an utterly untranslatable noise that manages to express shock, disgust, amusement, and still more disgust with a great deal of success. “Oh, *man*... that’s... that’s *wrong*, Lex!”
“It’s because I’m a criminal mastermind, Clark.”
Hahahah. *grin* That's from
The Project, VII by Te. Neat series. That's funny.
9:34 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Waah, weekend! Yay. Today was a good day. Chocolate in gym, vocal movie, which was kinda interesting, 29/30 on Math quiz, all good. And I already finished my math hw, so I have all weekend to do my Family Studies. I'm goin' over to Chris M's on sat. from 6-10, for some party of his, me and Lisa are off to Best Buy to try to get OLP concert tickets on sunday. Full weekend. BMB was funny today. I'm off to read more slashy goodness.
8:54 p.m.
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reality \\

Math quiz tomorrow. Bleh.
9:33 p.m.
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reality \\

I finished my French proj. site. *grin* Yeah, didn't take me that long, already had layout and setup done, as well as the pieces of writing, I just needed to code and insert them. So, yeah. It's done. But I'm not gonna link it, cause it has every personal peice of intel you could need to stalk me. -_- No thank you.
9:20 p.m.
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reality \\

Ooh. It's old. Yay.
7:53 p.m.
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reality \\

Damn. Friends!
7:52 p.m.
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reality \\

Jeez. Just spent, like, an hour, dwlding stuff for XP. Bleh. Such a waste of time. I read.
6:44 p.m.
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reality \\

Ooh, also, heard this on The Bachelor, but I doubt she made it up:
Work like you don't need the money,
Love like you've never been hurt,
And dance as if nobody's watching. (I follow this one *grin*)
It's just, a motto for life. Also, this one:
If you don't live for today, you'll never reach tomorrow.
5:51 p.m.
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reality \\

Just got Faith of the Fallen today. Yearbook meeting was *so* long, :P And we have to meet *every* Thursday. Bleh. Oh well. French due 31st, same as FS, and I *need* to work on that. Jeez. :P Dammit. I could finish the French today, so, no prob. I need to colour the graph for Geo apparently. :P Oh well. I can't wait til Friday. *sigh* Regular day tomorrow. Sort of. Well... day 2 tomorrow. Yeah. Ooh! New desktop, of sexy lexy and clark. Lex/Clark!! ^_^
5:49 p.m.
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reality \\

I need to read Spoils Of War. Or, the new parts. But now now, because there's Buffy. Yay, Buffy!
9:48 p.m.
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reality \\

Eww~www!!! Icky Spider demon thiney!! *twitch* E~www. Icky, ick! *twitch*
9:39 p.m.
// this
reality \\

I'm reading
Bridlewood again. Last ep. so far,
ep. 62 I think. BMB was amusing today. I'm revisiting a lot of old fic sites, and stuff. New parts to Reunion (from '
death and the dragon')
9:25 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Arg. This was a bad episode. First it looks for all the world like Lex is hitting on Lana, and then Clark and Lana have their weekly heart to heart. :P I want more Clark/Lex. :P At least there was possesive/protective!Lex today. *sigh* And there was Lex in sexy sweater too! One of those sexy fitted ones, not the baggy ones people wear all the time. Although, I'm biased, cause I like slim guys. I've always thought a tight sweater looked better than a baggy one, guy or girl, though, I guess you would have to have the figure for it. And Lex definately does. *grin* It was a sexy sweater. ^_^
8:55 p.m.
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reality \\

Holy crap! It's Byron the reverse vampire! Jeez. Scary thing.
8:32 p.m.
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reality \\

Woo! Math, and Geo, all done. Now, I should work on my FS. :P Smallville, Buffy, and Angel tonight. Yay!
6:42 p.m.
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reality \\

Arg. Math homework... so tedious. Arg. At least I finished my Geo. I've got a French quiz and an English test tomorrow, and I have *so* got to start my Family Studies proj. Dammit. I need to scan a ton of stuff in. I came back from my volunteer interview w/ the Lung Assos. ppls. Not too bad, interviews. I'm a bit more comfortable. Em... there's volun. stuff in Nov. that I'm doing. Yay. But right now, homework needs to be done, cause I got an Ortho. appoint. tomorrow, and a Yearbook meeting Thurs. Jeez, so much shit. :P
5:39 p.m.
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reality \\

Girls Club is over. It was neat. ^_^
9:57 p.m.
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reality \\

Girls Club is kinda neat. Cool. I'm drawing. She has no face yet. :P But a cool outfit, so, yay.
9:18 p.m.
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reality \\

Oooh, GWA Angst Contest is over. I'm gonna read the winners later. Yay.
9:02 p.m.
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reality \\

Oooh. It *wasn't* oekaki. It was a premade picture, coloured. Still amazingly CG'd, for the first time, but hey! It wasn't oekaki, which would have depressed me. ^_^
8:04 p.m.
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reality \\

*aaaarrrrgggghhh*! Stupid Joe. In the process of awe and hate right now. First time oekaki'ing, and it's utterly amazing. It depresses me, because of my complete lack of artistic talent. -_- And yet, I will not let it bring me down, because it's Joe, and he's amazing. *twitches in attempt not to fall into depressive slump*
Everwood's on next, and then the Girls Club premiere. Yay. Arg. :P Homework done at least. I get better marks than him. :P So there. -_-
7:59 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Clark's hand clutches at Lex's elbow, and the touch would normally cause him to gloat, but it harbors his doom, so Lex tries to shake it off
*giggle* Doom!! *smirk* Today sucked. Crappy day. :P Science sucked and English was boring. Oh well. Only good part is that I get to keep my pants. They're fine for Vocal. They're such cool pants. I have so much shit. I've got a FS proj. that I totally forgot 'bout, a French quiz and an English test on Wedensday, as well as icky lab stuff in Science on Thursday. *sigh* Must read more Lex/Clark.
5:53 p.m.
// this
reality \\

dance with me...
we just want to ... dance forever
3:04 p.m.
// this
reality \\

where the wind meets the water, I will be waiting for you [from a wallpaper]
you think i'd leave your side baby? you know me better than that.
you think i'd leave you down when you're down on your knees? i wouldn't do that.
i'll tell you you're right when you want and if only you could see into me...
oh when you're cold?
i'll be there...
hold you tight to me.
when you're on the outside baby and you can't get in?
i will show you you're so much better than you know.
when you're lost and you're alone and you can't get back again?
i will find you darling and i will bring you home.
and if you want to cry?
i am here to dry your eyes.
and in no time...
you'll be fine.
That was from a wallpaper too. God. I don't know whether or not it's original; if it's a song, could somebody please tell me what it is? If you want to see the wallpaper, it's at
www.ochiba.cjb.net/ It's so sad, so sweet. The wallpaper link is
2:55 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Ooh! I got new pants BTW. They're for vocal, hoping that they're black enough. They're just a pair of plain black pants, except for the black overlace where pockets would be, and around the back. From Dynamite. They're really cool. And only 15 bucks too. I'm hoping the lace will be ok for vocal, cause other wise I'd have to exchange them, and those were my favourite pair of the pants there. We have a shirt too, a black short sleeved button up blouse. It costs 35$. :S It's so expensive eh? :P
2:27 p.m.
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reality \\

*giggles* McDull is funny. *giggle* It's a Hong Kong made anime, about the life of the pig, named McDull, living in Hong Kong. It's a funny cartoon, but it was also made to represent HK ppls and their lives. It's really cute though. I justed watched a bit of the beginning. *giggle* It's fun. I wanna see Princess Mononoke. Does anyone own it? Cause I wanna see it. Cause Spirited Away was good, and they're by the same director person. I wanna borrow it from someone. I saw the CD cover at a store, and it looks cool. I've still got to finish my Geo and my Math. Arg. Math is easy, if tedius, but Geo, bleh. Oh well. :P
1:41 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Whoa. Finished '
The Cat'. Creepy. I've gotta get off the net now.
6:31 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Oh... head hurts so much... need Tylonel... will take after dinner...
6:22 p.m.
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reality \\

Arg. My computer just froze, and I had to restart. I haven't had that happen in so long.
4:24 p.m.
// this
reality \\

*grin* I was in a bad mood yesterday, cause @ the dance, someone got Pepsi Blue all over my hair (the name is so stupid by the way), but I'm in a good mood today. 'Cause I had a blast at lunch. Jenn payed Chris W and Doug a dollar a second to kiss (up to five). It was great. Hey, two totally cute guys, I've got *no* problem here. *smirk* I wouldn't have payed for it though. Not money. Though I would have kissed them both afterwards if they would've done it without money... though, that's more just me wanting to kiss two cute guys. ^_^;; This is why I don't link Semblance to anywhere my RL friends can read it. ^_^;;;; Ye~ah. But it was amusing. *smirk* I had a good time this lunch, and we will *never* forget this. I even changed my desktop to suit the mood.
4:01 p.m.
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reality \\

Arg. So many people have my books. And I want them back. Lisa has two of my Anita Blake books, which she still haven't finished *glare*, and Katherine has two too, but she's finished, she just keeps forgetting to bring them to me. Devin has my 'King Of Shadows', which I don't know what he's done with. :P I want my books people!
5:23 p.m.
// this
reality \\

the faith of the fallen
That's a cool phrase. It's also the title to the next Richard Goodkind novel, in the 'Sword Of Truth' series. But it's the best title so far. Although,
blood of the fold was a pretty good phrase too.
5:18 p.m.
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reality \\

You know, a couple days ago, we watched this movie on Mars in Science, and they were talking about how there were marks on the planet that looked like water marks, and how maybe long ago there had been water. Well, it got me thinking, kind of like Lasha Lee's And I Have Touched The Sky. What if Mars used to be just like Earth, populated by humanoid species? But over time, the orbits stretched out. You know how they're like ovals now? What if they used to be properly round? And Mars had a livable atmosphere and environment and etc. But over time, the orbit shifted, and Mars became colder and colder, and humans started to die out. And so in a last chance, Mars sent out a spaceship, and human race landed on Earth. Where at the time, the climate was starting to change, to become livable, and, like, not hot and stuff anymore? But over time, the people lost their memories of the fact, and it's like Lasha's theory about racial memory. We think we're inventing things, but we're only remember memories of the past. Yeah, and more of my theories, I think that maybe, the Ice Age was because of the fluxuation of the orbits. Of course, I'm probably incredibly wrong, and off scientifically, and things don't work like that. If it did, we should still be fluxuating or something, and Mars would have remenants of things, human things. Unless something happened, and they all went poof. Well, that's my badly thought out theory. :P I have an overactive imagination.
5:08 p.m.
// this
reality \\

I almost forgot. :P Dance tonight, 7 to 11. Fun. Kinda weird, cause, it's like, first dance, but, still. Cool.
4:10 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Ahh. Excellent. Blogger's working, once again. I'm so glad. It's werid, but I love having Blogger around, to write stuff down. It's been a long couple of days. Smallville was kinda weird Tuesday, I didn't really like the red kryptonite Clark. Although later on, he did have good clothes. *smirk* Even Lex noticed. I haven't watched Angel cause, ah crap it, I forgot to get the tape back from Lisa, *again*. Dammit all. Buffy was neat though.
She's not like you think. She has powers!... of... healing... -_-;; The lecture @ U of T was interesting, about the Genesis of Aphrodite, but a lot of it, I just didn't have the background info for me to really understand it. And I had thought it would the the Genesis of Aphrodite in relation to Greek mythology, which it wasn't. But that's alright, cause the ice-cream was great. Coffee Toffee. Coffee flavoured ice-cream with chunks of chocolate covered toffee. *And* the guy sitting next to me, like, University age guy, was really good looking. *grin* I can recite everything he was wearing, which is pretty sad. Grey, fitted-type sweater with a black shirt underneath, faded grey-blue (or tinged green), jeans (pre-faded), red sneaker boot things, glasses like Jelena's, which are the new styled plastic ones that used to look so dorky, and a leather jacket that he wasn't wearing, but it was sitting under his stuff. He had, like a beard, but not one of those stupid looking long ones, just, like... yeah. Ok. But, yeah. He was cool. :P But it was bad, cause, we got home so late, and my mom had been waiting for like, an hour @ school. :P I watched Gilmore Girls after, and they were playing 'Sedated', that song that I only recognised from BMB and later Lisa. BMB!! OMG! I haven't read that in forever! Ok. I just went and read it. I had only missed two days. We went to the ROM today. It was ... interesting. Ok, no. It wasn't that much. I mean, the stuff was neat, but it's a museum. There's not much shit there. So, meh. Although, it *was* funny, when we dressed up Dennis in the chainmail headpiece and the helmet and the chestplate. It was extremely amusing. I've realised that I notice clothes, a *lot*. I mean, let me list a couple of examples. I noticed Kenny's new shoes, Jon S's new sweater (I think), Jeff's new sweater (which everyone noticed), and Doug and Devin's new jeans, which is kinda scary. I mean, Doug's were because they were so unfaded, but Devin's, it was just like a sense. Like, I haven't seen them before, the look new, even though they were faded. (Prefaded, part of how I knew). Yeah, I'm something of a freak. :P Ah well. I'm so glad Blogger's back.
4:09 p.m.
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reality \\

6:45 p.m.
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reality \\

6:45 p.m.
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reality \\

6:45 p.m.
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6:45 p.m.
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6:45 p.m.
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reality \\

Nothing's working. My blog's fucked up. I can't see my posts. I'm sorry. I don't know what to do.
6:45 p.m.
// this
reality \\

You are an extremely talented person and you are also brilliant. You are mature, charming, straight-forward and you worry about your friends when they're in trouble. You give great advice and you're probably one of the best friends someone can ever have.
Which Gravitation Character Are YOU? Take the quiz at Dare to Dream |
6:37 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Allen's a cool name. Not 'Alan', but Allen. K's named Allen. Well... nobody calls him K but me... I'm not sure why, cause K is cool. I mean, look at gun-toting K from Gravi! LoL. K's my short form for KFP, which is also short for Kentucky Fried Pidgey. LoL. You can tell this is one of Lisa's online friends. I like her online friends; mostly because I have none of my own. *sniff*
6:25 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Arg. Have headache. Am putting off taking Tylonel. Arg. *in pain*
6:20 p.m.
// this
reality \\

To know her is to love her
Sweet surrender
spirits break
bitter irony
6:02 p.m.
// this
reality \\

*grin* And a site in the same theme as below,
Everything I Ever Learned, I Learned From Anime which is equally as amusing. *smirk*
Music foreshadows plot &
Snow means love &
A show without sexual tension isn't worth watching (ahh, so true, so true, *grin*)
5:29 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Always send a boy to do a man's job. He'll get it done in half the time and twice the angst.
Ahahah. More Anime Laws. So funny. Teenage anime angst will occur in
every anime. *grin* It's great.
5:23 p.m.
// this
reality \\

One of the many rules of anime: No matter how odd or apparently view-obscuring a character's hair is, it does not impede their vision.
*grin* It's
so true. I mean, look at Trowa. How the hell did he pilot HeavyArms with that uni-bang? I mean, could he even
see from that eye? *rolls eyes* Although, speaking from experience, the amount of hair it seems that you're looking out from yourself is less than other people see. The hair looks different/thiner/sparser on the inside than on the outside. And yes, this is all from experience. And yes, I used to have bangs, but no, that's not the reason; or rather, it was my layered hair that couldn't be tucked behind my hair that taught me this. *smirk* Yeah. Ahahah. I just found this site :
Anime Laws. *smirk* Amusing.
4:51 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Dude. I didn't know you could use vaseline as mascara! Wow, the wonders of vaseline. I'm such an addict. :D
4:20 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Aarg. I just lost my post, cause Norton restarted my computer. Stupid Norton.
Well, I've got practically no homework, which is way good. Iris
finally brought me Britney, so, yay. On to burning ('cept that it's an enhanced CD, which will therefore piss me off). Smallville, Buffy, and Angel are tonight, which is great. I'm off to U of T tomorrow, then the ROM on Thursday. I actually need to check the announcement board, to see if the yearbook meeting is after school. I had a good day today, cause I got 45/46 on my Family Studies test, and 40/41 in Science. *grin* Go good marks. Although, I have a new project in FS, which kinda sucks. :P Ah well.
Word of the day (from Claire) : efforted. :P And, the SEXY constellation. *grin* English is amusing.
4:15 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Got back from the
10 hour Buffy marathon. It was actually really good. *grin* There are a
lot less eps. in a season than I thought. It's kind of sad. :P The 1st season ones I've pretty much either watched, or read. But it was fun. We sang along to the theme song a lot. *grin* It was amusing. But, *twitch*, the episode with the ventrilquist dummy. Jeez! It was so disturbing. But I wanna watch third season Buffy, with Faith. Or did she come in second season? I don't remember. Ah well. And Angel! Jenn has turned to a Buffy/Angel shipper. *smirk* I was always. I hate that they have that thing going on between Angel and Cordy on the tv show Angel. Arg. Ooh! I need to watch my Alias. Which hopefully taped out right. *grin*
And just so you know, I'm allowed to slack off, cause I just finished my English. Just need to do a bit of fluffing. Liz and Lisa are comin' over @ 3.30, for the vocal thing. I need to wash my hair. And then tape my own. I'm hoping to get all this done before they come, but you never know. :P Ah well.
I love long weekends. It's Tuesday tomorrow. Buffy, Angel, and,
Smallville *grin* Excellent... *smirk* But this time I must remember not to rewind the Buffy tape after watching it, so that Angel tapes on properly. Yes. :P
1:39 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Just changed my bg. Needed something a little simpler. That NGE one seemed so cluttered. So many ppls in it, you know? I like simple backgrounds.
4:10 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Just finished Chiaro. It was good. *smiles*
And now I need to pack for Lisa's. :P Arg. Packing. Clothes. I'm probly just gonna wear the same clothes in the morning as at night. I'm too lazy to bring a change of clothes. Bah.
4:05 p.m.
// this
reality \\

“I need to go take a cold shower before I pass out.”
Ehehe. Chiaro.
3:41 p.m.
// this
reality \\

assuse. I was trying to type assure. -_- Almost as bad as Iris's asumpt.
3:38 p.m.
// this
reality \\

'Goin over to Lisa's tonight. Tired. I am *not* going to be able to stay up. :P Damn good fanfiction... make me stay up all night reading. :P I need to finish Chiaro. :P Arg. And lots of other stuff. Need to finish English. I've done pretty much all the questions 'cept for the last one. Workin' on it. :P
3:28 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Just read the next part to
Resolution, a Harry/Draco fic. Really quite good. I like it a lot. Can't wait for the next part. I'm gonna go sleep now. It's already 2.
1:57 a.m.
// this
reality \\

Click here if you wanna chat with me right now. Lisa and Nick are my only companions. *sniff* It's tomorrow already. Goin' to Lisa's tonight. *grin*
12:44 a.m.
// this
reality \\

I also need to finish my English and Family Studies hw, both of which are due Tuesday. Dammit.
10:50 a.m.
// this
reality \\

I wonder if I'm this bitchy when I wallow in depression. I'd like to think not, but I'd probably be wrong. Lisa was in a mood yesterday. Hoping that she's feeling better; there's a reason why nobody likes to talk to the bitchy lady who's feeling sorry for herself.
But hey, don't throw stones when you live in a glass house...
I'm such a hypocrite.
10:49 a.m.
// this
reality \\

It's almost 2. I just finished a great daiken fic. And it was good. I mean, it was conclusionary, but not depressy. So yay. Yeah.
1:59 a.m.
// this
reality \\

This was so sweet. *grin* Taimato, or Taito if you please.
9:36 p.m.
// this
reality \\

It's dangerous to cry too much. It's also dangerous not to cry at all.
Not mine. Whitecat's. I think. S'cool though. And for a funny quote :
Whoever they are can just deal with my walking, talking orange dinosaur.
From a digimon fanfic. YamaTai fic.
7:56 p.m.
// this
reality \\

This makes me sad. *sigh* It's so amazingly good. Jeez.
7:09 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Wee!! New pictures in the MA:ExFam gallery!
This is one of my favourites. Mei looks so cool. And I love how Carter and Kenny were drawn.
This, by another artist, is another fave. of mine. I love pics of the kids all grown up. Mei 'specially. I always loved Orbital Variations. It's @ GWA if you wanna go looking for it, under Bonne & Von, in the Mission Arcadia section.
7:05 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Aaah. I love long wknds. They're great. I actually had a great day today. Cause, what was happening this week was that all the music classes in my grade were participating in a food drive competition. There were 8 classes in all, 7 instramental, and I was in the vocal class, and it was a competition to see how many food items we could bring in for food drive. And it was great. We all got a free pizza lunch today for participating, and the winning class gets an ice-cream sundae. And guess who won?!
Vocal class!!! Woo!! Cause we rock. We brought in 289 items!! How cool is that? The second place class brought in 250-something. *grin* It was great. I had a ton of fun. And ooh! also, I might be in the newspaper, cause me and a couple students were getting our pictures taken to send for the paper, cause'a the drive. So yeah, it was a blast. And then, I got to watch Matt get pie-d in the face. It was amusing. Ooh, but the Math thing was stressful. We had to finish this math thing in class, and it was all, bleh. I hate having to finish things in-class. Like, written stuff. Arg. Oh well. I hope I did well. I don't know which should've been the independant variable, and vs. versa. Arg. I finished my Science, but I need to do my English, as well as my Family Studies. And I'm going over to Lisa's on Sunday @ 5. *grin* Buffy DVD-athon. Gonna be such a blast. What TV's on tonight? I can't remember if there's anything good. Ah well.
6:16 p.m.
// this
reality \\

I wanna see Tuck Everlasting. It has Alexis Bedel (sp) in it. I read the book when I was in gr. 5. I liked it. Don't remember what happened at the end, but I liked it. *grin* I also read the Rats of NIMH (NIMB?). That was cool. I read a lot of the NIMH books. Yeah. So, I wanna see the movie. Of Tuck. Sounds cool. Apperently, Alexis is like, 20. Kinda scary.
You know, it seems like I do that a lot. Read a book when I was younger, and remember the plot, but not the ending. :P It's bad. I dunno. We'll see. Yeah, I make sense. :\
7:56 p.m.
// this
reality \\

He used to have this recuring nightmare, that really freaked him out.
Really? What was it?
...that I was gonna eat him.
Ehehehe. Friends.
7:43 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Alright, finished my Math, and I'll look through my notes. Actually, all I need to do is fill in my volunteer appli. It kinda confuses me a bit. Kay, what's a 'community affiliation' or a 'police check'? Oh... wait... a police check.. is a background check.. yeah. -_- Now I feel dim. But still, it's kinda confusing. And I need references. And if I understand what a reference is, it means I have to put down people's names and numbers, as people they can call and ask about me. Yeah... so I just don't understand 'community affiliation'. Emm... yeah.
Friends is on. Friends is funny. Yeah. Also talking to Lisa. Lisa is fun.
7:36 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Ack. School was so boring today. I need to wash my hair. I'm waiting til my mom's done with the water. Got gym tomorrow, volleyball, which is fun. And fridays, which are always great. And, yay! cause Lisa has the first season of Buffy on DVD, and we're having a sleepover to watch it. This wknd. Sunday-Monday, cause it's Thanksgiving. Which I don't celebrate. But that's alright. It's a day off school. Yay. Buffy DVD-athon. *grin* Keanu DVD-athon. Heh. Yeah. Can't wait til the wknd.
Talking to Jon H right now. He moved to Texas. *sniff* Sad. His sister's back here actually. She came back to finish school, I think her last year in high. But Jon's still in Dallas. :P Fool. Moved. Ah well.
OMG. Today @ lunch was funny. Cause Dennis bought a lollipop right, and I kinda started this thing, cause I licked Dennis's lollipop, and then we all started sharing it, until it got kinda gross for me, cause it was like, me, Iris, Den and Chris Wong, who I don't know very well, which makes me kinda like *squick* so, I kinda stopped. And they ended up sharing like, three lollipops between like 8 people. And Iris gave her gum to Chris. Yeah. Slightly gross. But definately funny. One big high school memory. Sharing lollipops. *grin* We get a free pizza lunch tomorrow, cause of the music food drive. We better win!! GO vocal!! *grin* We get a free ice cream sunday if we win. *grin*
4:13 p.m.
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reality \\

The Huntress is cool. She's bitchy, but she's got attitude. It's cool. *grin*
8:35 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Wee!! Spirited Away was a good movie. But it was *sad*!! Cause we never find out if Hoku came back for Chihiru. *sniff* And yet, they were both like... under 10. Kinda young to find true love. But still. It was so sweet. *grin* I loved it.
ARRG. I just missed the beginning of 'Birds Of Prey'. Arg. Dammit. Stupid Dennis. Was telling him the plot of Spirited Away. *arg*
Ah well. The movie was good. And I had a good day today. Candy, volleyball, movie. *sigh, smile*
8:13 p.m.
// this
reality \\

fading to perfection
fading into darkness
falling into the shadows of doubt
the need for solace
exquisite pain
cresendos of madness
9:04 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Smallville's over. I'm waiting for Buffy to finish taping.
8:58 p.m.
// this
reality \\

stupid pete. serves him right. *glare* bitchy-pete's pissing me off. stupid teenage angst. stupid meanie lana. :P all i need it lex. le~ex.
8:36 p.m.
// this
reality \\

assumpt. Iris's new word. *grin*
8:15 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Dumdumdum. Quatre's cheating on Trow~a! LoL. Watching Smallville right now. Pete's gonna find o~ut!
8:05 p.m.
// this
reality \\

The world looks mighty good to me,
Cause Tootsie Rolls are all I see.
Whatever it is I think I see becomes a Tootsie Roll to me.
Tootsie Roll how I love your chocolatey chew.
Tootsie Roll I think I’m in love with you…
Whatever it is I think I see becomes a Tootsie Roll to me.
Hehehe, that's great. That was in Chiaro. The fic I'm reading that's name isn't actually Chiaro but is too long for me to replicate.
6:27 p.m.
// this
reality \\

art is without consequences
never fading perfection
6:23 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Mikael!! Run quick!! Before Tybalt seduces Harls (more than he already has -_-)!
6:12 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Arrg. Stupid Kareoke. I wanted to sing. *grr* It would've been fun. But nooo~ooo. :P Ah well. I called the Lung Assos. up, I've got a volunteering interview on the 22nd. I've actually got a lot of plans. I'm gonna go see 'Spirited Away' the anime movie tomorrow night @ school. And, it's subtitled, not dubbed, which is great. I'm goin to the lecture @ U of T on the 16th, and the dance is on the 17th. The Birds Of Prey premier is tomorrow as well, and I've got a math quiz tomorrow, a family studies test thursday, as well as the french quiz, which was postponed. :P Lots of things. And I wanted to sing. :P
6:11 p.m.
// this
reality \\

The girl in Everwood, Amy, she's so freaking perfect. You know, perfect skin, long blonde hair, perfect everything. The kind of girl, that's always popular, always has a ton of friends, ton of guys all over her. :P Damn Amy. *grr*
and touch his shoulders? ahaha
8:40 p.m.
// this
reality \\

I need a pop-tart
Eheheh. That's amusing. The little sister chickadee in Everwood is so cute.
8:19 p.m.
// this
reality \\

The new story I'm reading,
Chiaroscuro is actually really good. It's really neat. *grin* Gregory Smith is kinda cute in a scruffy kinda way. Heh. And the girl, don't remember her name. She's cute too. Eh. Stupid tests. French quiz.
jouer a + team sport
jouer de + instrument
faire de + individual sport/artistic activity
a le = au
a la = a la
a les = aux
de le = du
de la = le la
de les = des
Beauty :
Age :
Goodness :
Size :
Other :
8:09 p.m.
// this
reality \\

I finished my Geo hw, and my English was done from the weekend, so all I have to do is study. Study for French, for Math, and for Family Studies. :P Everwood's on tonight, @ 8.00. Probably gonna watch it.
6:59 p.m.
// this
reality \\

web whores for rent
My and Lisa's layout site. Where we can be called upon to make layouts for those who don't/can't.
6:21 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Aaaargh. I'm such a pathetic loser. I was so tired when I woke up this morning, I forgot to put on a bra.
That is incredibly sad. -_- And I swear, I wouldn't even have noticed if I hadn't had gym today, and needed to change. I would've gone through the entire day, oblivious. -_- God. Yeah, something of a problem. This has now become the most embarrasing moment of my life.
5:37 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Sydney Bristow has cool hair. *grin*
'I 'ope it tis a room witta view'
9:18 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Devin's being a jerk. -_-
8:40 p.m.
// this
reality \\

I'm half watching Alias right now. Half, cause I missed the first 15 minutes of it. I'll probly catch them again @ 9.
8:30 p.m.
// this
reality \\

*grin* Glittery pink. It should be a website name.
8:17 p.m.
// this
reality \\

'talkin to Iris right now. I went out and bought an eyelash curler. It's pink and glittery and matches my sharpener. *grin* It's so much fun being a girl. *grin* There's a soccer game tomorrow night, that I'm goin to go watch. I'm also talking to Jon H. Miss him.
7:49 p.m.
// this
reality \\

"He's never been around a lake before. He can't swim."
"It's three feet deep. Unless he can't walk either I don't think he's in any danger."
From Lasha Lee's 'And I Have Touched The Sky'. *grin*
12:49 p.m.
// this
reality \\

take out the pain, let it pool
bloodred in the shadows
tear out the heart, let it fall
hidden in the shadows
silent; watching
waiting; hoping
never to be seen
needing; taking
souls 'a breaking
ending short the dream
from the darkness
rise unbidden
death in all his glory;
driven by the bloodlust
reaper of the souls
he waits with utter patience.
for those who will belong to him
whether ready to go or not
he will take the breath
loose the spirit
and end the life of one.
simple is as simple comes
death has no other motive
live or die
he makes the choice
and you can naught but change it;
though pay a price
dear as life
and death may spare you for a day;
though whether or not
that day was worth
the price you payed to death;
is not for me to judge and say
for I am but a pawn in life
waiting for redemption
the taker of souls
12:09 p.m.
// this
reality \\

I'm a 'net junkie.
11:00 a.m.
// this
reality \\

Ahh, finally. I just finished Soul Of The Fire last night. That book, took me like, a month, I sware. Jeez.
Whoa. You know what?
Coolest thing just happened. 'Was checking my email for Gutter Trash members, and I've got feedback, and guess who it is? A friend 'a mine's from elementary school. Year older than me, name's Marcus. *grin* I mean, I bet he doesn't know I own the clique, and I wouldn't have known it was him, 'cept the site name tipped me off. I've
never had that happen before. Like, have someone join that I know in real life, without having me coerce them into joining? *grin* Dude. That's cool. 'Cept he's not on MSN right now, else I would've IM'd him and told him 'bout it. So I just left him a message in his gbook. *grin* I'm on something of a high cause'a this.
Here's his site, btw. Ehehehe. That's so cool. Aaand I'm a freak. ^_^;;;;
10:48 a.m.
// this
reality \\


what kind of junkie are you?

what color are you?
8:16 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Love doesn't make you blind. It only acts as a focus; keeps you looking in the same direction.
people like me don't go to heaven off a neat angel sanc. wallpaper
does it hurt when you die?
5:32 p.m.
// this
reality \\

I just finished a random layout. Remember what I was saying about purple skies and that it was a layout idea? Well, I made a layout with the phrase. Not the layout I have in my head, that one's staying where it is, but I made one with Kristin Kreuk and purple. Lotsa purple. *grin* And it rhymes with my other random layout! Purple Skies and Dark Demise. *grin* I'm such a freak.
5:02 p.m.
// this
reality \\

miracles have value only when we make them happen from Evangelion
true love is a miracle few achieve; even less are willing to work for it; but for the lucky ones who stumble upon this miracle; it is perfection
3:57 p.m.
// this
reality \\

I am the goddess of bored.
Back button my ass
Ok... so maybe not quite in the realm of the sane... more like... borderline... :\
3:42 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Ok, now that I'm back in the realm of the sane... Myriad Web is a cool font. ^_^
3:32 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Nick wears boxers, Joe wears briefs. Jeff won't tell us.
Ooh! There we are. Jeff wears briefs. And Yvonne and I have no lives. ^_^;; We're such losers.
11:40 p.m.
// this
reality \\

The fact that I'm explaining boxers and briefs to Yvonne is so funny, and so sad.
11:02 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Next time me and Yvonne go shopping, I'm gonna walk her past the boxers shelves/racks.
10:54 p.m.
// this
reality \\

There are some things, that you really can't discuss with anyone but another girl. *grins* Or an extremely, *extremely* close guy friend whom you would never think of romantically.
10:49 p.m.
// this
reality \\

You can't make footprints in the sand of time by sitting on your butt. And who wants to leave buttprints in the sands of time? says:
meh...u never no...having sex on da soccer field mite b fun...u should try
Shinigami no Mitsukai ~ the trick to getting what you want... is knowing when to ask ~ says:
Shinigami no Mitsukai ~ the trick to getting what you want... is knowing when to ask ~ says:
yeah, alright, but let me borrow devin
You can't make footprints in the sand of time by sitting on your butt. And who wants to leave buttprints in the sands of time? says:
You can't make footprints in the sand of time by sitting on your butt. And who wants to leave buttprints in the sands of time? says:
he mite not b into that type of thing
You can't make footprints in the sand of time by sitting on your butt. And who wants to leave buttprints in the sands of time? says:
on a soccer field...*snickers*
8:32 p.m.
// this
reality \\

You can't make footprints in the sand of time by sitting on your butt. And who wants to leave buttprints in the sands of time? says:
hey...itll b fun...stalking somebody...lol
You can't make footprints in the sand of time by sitting on your butt. And who wants to leave buttprints in the sands of time? says:
just not anytime soon though
Shinigami no Mitsukai ~ the trick to getting what you want... is knowing when to ask ~ says:
Shinigami no Mitsukai ~ the trick to getting what you want... is knowing when to ask ~ says:
Shinigami no Mitsukai ~ the trick to getting what you want... is knowing when to ask ~ says:
yeah, til you get arrested for harrasment
You can't make footprints in the sand of time by sitting on your butt. And who wants to leave buttprints in the sands of time? says:
You can't make footprints in the sand of time by sitting on your butt. And who wants to leave buttprints in the sands of time? says:
madison never got arrested
Shinigami no Mitsukai ~ the trick to getting what you want... is knowing when to ask ~ says:
Shinigami no Mitsukai ~ the trick to getting what you want... is knowing when to ask ~ says:
she also *died*
You can't make footprints in the sand of time by sitting on your butt. And who wants to leave buttprints in the sands of time? says:
shut up
Shinigami no Mitsukai ~ the trick to getting what you want... is knowing when to ask ~ says:
but having sex on a soccer field's no where as cool as in a pool
*grin* The reference was of Swimfan by the way. Madison was the scary stalker bitch. ^_^
8:30 p.m.
// this
reality \\

You can't make footprints in the sand of time by sitting on your butt. And who wants to leave buttprints in the sands of time? says:
u no devin better than i do
Shinigami no Mitsukai ~ the trick to getting what you want... is knowing when to ask ~ says:
You can't make footprints in the sand of time by sitting on your butt. And who wants to leave buttprints in the sands of time? says:
You can't make footprints in the sand of time by sitting on your butt. And who wants to leave buttprints in the sands of time? says:
r u stalking him?
Shinigami no Mitsukai ~ the trick to getting what you want... is knowing when to ask ~ says:
that's cause i sit beside him in classes
Shinigami no Mitsukai ~ the trick to getting what you want... is knowing when to ask ~ says:
oh yeah
Shinigami no Mitsukai ~ the trick to getting what you want... is knowing when to ask ~ says:
i have nothing better to do than stalk your boyfriend
Shinigami no Mitsukai ~ the trick to getting what you want... is knowing when to ask ~ says:
*rolls eyes*
Shinigami no Mitsukai ~ the trick to getting what you want... is knowing when to ask ~ says:
it's my purpose in life
You can't make footprints in the sand of time by sitting on your butt. And who wants to leave buttprints in the sands of time? says:
hey...i wanna stalk somebody in my lifetime
Shinigami no Mitsukai ~ the trick to getting what you want... is knowing when to ask ~ says:
Heh. Yvonne's such a weirdo. But, nonetheless, a weirdo with a boyfriend. -_- *sigh*
8:23 p.m.
// this
reality \\

and if I don't make it, know that / I loved you all along / just like sunny days that / we ignored because / we're all dumb and jaded / and I hope to god I figure out what's wrong
4 am - OLP I like it a lot.
7:47 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Ehehe. I made a link for MONKYZ (probably) before Lisa. Take that Lisa! ^_^;;; Ok, yes, I am a freak. I'm re-reading (again!) Boy Meets Boy. What can I say? I love them. *grin* Gonna print out the comics and stick them in my agenda. *smirk*
6:43 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Forgot to mention it til now. I have 'tangerine minion' and canteloupe written on my skin, my forearm and thumb respectively. *grin* And Lisa has + gutter trash + and asparagus written on hers. We were bored @ lunch. So we and Doug and Den are promoting me and Lisa's sites. *grin* Even though there are no URLs. :P Ah well. Maybe I'll take a picture.
6:27 p.m.
// this
reality \\

Lisa, if you're reading : TINY!
6:20 p.m.
// this
reality \\

falling into purple skies and dreaming of forever
I thought that up to use in a layout, though it'll never actually be made.
4:02 p.m.
// this
reality \\

You know, today we watched a video, in Sci class, 'bout the Solar System, and how we're so very small, and etc, etc, and we were talking about life on other planets, and it got me thinking about 'And I Have Touched The Sky', by Lasha Lee. It's an amazing story, and it doesn't matter if you're not interested in anime, or slash, or anything. The plotline, the concept is so incredibly interesting. I mean, even if slash bugs you, read like, the first 6 chapters, just to learn how the plotline revolves on how the Earth came to be. It's fasinating. It's hosted at GWA, which is what I'll have to link it as, because GWA doesn't allow direct linking to individual stories, and it's under Fanfiction, and Lasha Lee. It really is an amazing arc. Once you get to the third and fourth stories, it really isn't Gundam Wing any more, you don't think of it as that. What you think of, is that it's just another story universe, and it's totally original. I really wish that she would finish 'Street Of Dreams', but apparently, she's working on making this into an actual, publishable story, changing the stories, and characters a bit. It really is fancinating.
3:52 p.m.
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reality \\

Dammit! Will and Grace started!! And I missed the first 15 minutes!!
All they've had to do before is to jump out and go wee-hee!
When the stalkers leave, it's the first sign your career's slipping.
Dance Will dance!!
It's Grace Adler, from the lampost...
9:16 p.m.
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reality \\

There. It's up, and done with.
8:23 p.m.
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reality \\

Arg. Dammit. I keep having to resize my layout because not all the members lists are fitting into it. And that means changing codes. Arg.
8:04 p.m.
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reality \\

I realised, that all my Gutter Trash layouts so far have been guys, 'cept for that Nature one. :P I have the new layout up actually. It's of Dark, from DN Angel. The next one will be of Alyson Hannigan and Charisma Carpenter, from Buffy (and later Angel with Charisma). It'll be a layout less, me chopping up a picture into frames, and more working with images and manipulation. The next layout has to be an anime shoujo.
8:03 p.m.
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reality \\

crossing lines I shouldn't cross
giving away what's not mine
taking without asking
breaking all your rules
back up back up
keep your distance from me
I can see the fear on your face
let's keep it that way
5:58 p.m.
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reality \\

Lex with hair may not be sophisticated, but it's still damn sexy. Although, Lex does not do sweat-shirts. He is not a sweat-shirt man. He is a sexy mauve shirts man. Sweaters, yeah, sweat-shirts? With hoods and large-ass pockets that are warm and fuzzy? No. Lex is not a fuzzy man. He has no hair. Although, I could see him in a cashmere sweater. Those are fuzzy, but manly. Not fuzzy, just downy. Downy softness. Downy balls. *grin*
5:23 p.m.
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reality \\

Jeez. Stupid English hw. Stupid flag. :P Stupid procastination. Arg. Lisa and Katherine have had my books for like, 2 months. I want them back. :P Fools.
4:27 p.m.
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reality \\

Jeez. Studying.
9:48 p.m.
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reality \\

Shinigami no Mitsukai ~ the trick to getting what you want... is knowing when to ask ~ says:
because extropolation's a bitch
hum.. says:
hum.. says:
hum.. says:
whos extropolation
8:39 p.m.
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reality \\

Ahhhh. Chocolatey Caramel Rice Crispers are the food of gods. Sex-gods. Lex the sex-god. Sexy Lexy. Sexy Zechsy. Ahhh. Chocolate is sexy.
8:35 p.m.
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reality \\

I have 109 poems, from like, October the 19th or something. Kind of neat.
8:29 p.m.
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reality \\

That... was interesting. And extremely long.
8:18 p.m.
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reality \\

trust me...
to help you up
to hold your hand
to stand by you
to do what I can
To make it right
to keep you safe
to show you that I'm there for you
to guide you through your days
To listen and to give advice
to understand your fears
to join you in your sorrows
to shed with you my tears
To share with you the joys of life
to watch as times pass by
to live and love and learn to grow
to intertwine our lives
Trust me to be everything
that you could ever need
trust me just to love you
in that I surely will succeed.
8:17 p.m.
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reality \\

I've got to study. But Smallville's just so much more entertaining. :P Arg.
8:07 p.m.
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reality \\

I've never been good at letting go
I thought about staying away
I couldn't make it through the day
I've never been good at doing what I should
I should be moving on
But I can never go for long
I've never been good at anything
But you make me feel so right
And even though I try to fight
I just can't let you go.
Bleh. That was so cheesy. Sappy. Crappy. More -y words. -_- I tried to work something out of the line, 'he was never very good at letting go', from a Smallville fic. It turned this out. :P Sounds like a crappy song.
6:38 p.m.
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reality \\

that makes me sad is my new phrase. I use it all the time, mostly sarcastically. Never when I'm really depressed. Cause when I'm really depressed, you know about it. Everything I do will scream depressed at you. And I write. -_- Other wise, I just say that makes me sad. The premeire for the Bachelor's on tonight. Gonna watch it, just for kicks. :P
6:18 p.m.
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reality \\

I changed my desktop by the way. Had it changed a couple days ago, but I forgot to put it up. It's more cheerful than the other one. And I finished a picture or two, or something. We'll see. :P
5:52 p.m.
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reality \\

Science test was easy, and I just finished the non-colouring half of my English, so I have no homework, cept for the vocal quiz tomorrow, which I'll study for later. I need to burn some cds, and read some stuff. But it's a good day! My period's almost over, I have only a quiz left, and just, I'm all in all in a good mood!
4:38 p.m.
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reality \\

AAAAHH. Jesus. My mom just pissed me off, really bad. For god's sake. Ok, thing is, today, my little brother was in a bad mood, because the kid opposite to him kept talking, and when he told him to be quiet, he was seperated for talking. And my mom got all righteous, and procceeded to get me to write a letter to the teacher. Newsflash!! This happens all the time. Life isn't fair. You get accused for shit you don't do all the time. For god's sake. This is the kind of thing a kid's supposed to learn from, and grow. Not the kind of shit that you expect your mom to fix! It's part of growing. Just ignore the fucking kid. Or go talk to the teacher, maturely. Don't complain, don't whine. It won't get you shit. He's 8 now, he's growing the fuck up. If he lives his whole life dependant on his family, he'll never get through life. God, learn to be independant. I swear. I'm going to teach him to be independant, if I have to. -_- God.
And to add to the badmoodyness, I've got a Science test tomorrow, and I need to do my French hw. And I was about to start it, when my mom runs in screaming for justice. -_-
At least I've got Smallville to look forward to. I'm going to go read BMB, make me feel better. -_-
4:25 p.m.
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reality \\